View Full Version : How to make the Level 10 softer

08-24-2003, 10:43 PM
I just bought the X valve. I think I got it setup right, but i need to know how to know to get the bolt to pinch softer?

08-24-2003, 11:02 PM
Keep increasing the carrier size using the SAME o-ring until it leaks then go back one-half size. Shoot it a bunch to break in the o-ring, keep it well oiled.

The springs are your primary adjustment for the bolt force, but if you don't get the o-ring setup properly, it will give you headaches. The middle size spring, probably a red spring if you just bought your X-Valve, is the softest/most reliable spring to use. The longer spring is extremely soft, but has reliability issues if your o-ring fit isn't perfect and it's only good around 280-300fps.

I run the gold springs in all of my guns and have very low friction carrier o-ring fits on all of them to reduce the operating pressure and I don't have any issues with chopping/breaking paint. With Level 10, I believe it's best to use the shortest spring possible. I shoot 0-1 bounce paint in the winter on my E-Mag with an 18V warp and LX setup with the gold spring and never break paint. Take that for what it's worth.

08-25-2003, 12:25 AM
So basically go up on the carrier size until it leaks then go down a size. As for the shims. I seems like it's working with the 2 shims I have in there right now. I did try up to 4 shims then it started leaking then I went down to 3 and seemed to work fine. So I decided just to stay at 2! As for bolt stick (when I stick my finger in the breech) - Let me know if it's supposed to do this ok - When I fire the marker the bolt stops on my finger(depending on how much room I let the bolt to travel) then for a split second recocks or resets then allows me to fire again. Does this all mean that everything is correct!! Thnx for all the help =) AGD is the best

08-25-2003, 03:23 AM
Oh sorry about the confusion - Bunkerking is my lil bro. We are just trying to figure out if bunkerking's marker is running correctly or if it has bolt stick. But the sounds of it - seems like everything is kool!!

08-25-2003, 02:26 PM
You got it figured out. :)

I really don't like shims because you can install a few and it won't leak and then you develop a slight leak overtime and people think that it's a carrier issue. As long as you can put your finger right up against the bolt and hold a bit of pressure on it, fire the gun and feel it push on your finger, retract and be ready to fire again, it's working fine.

The longer the spring you use, the softer the bolt impact will be. You will have to turn up the velocity more to get it to fire with the longer springs.

08-27-2003, 03:44 AM
Thnx for the help - you are the best hehe!