View Full Version : NEED help w/ new Chatt.,TN. field !

08-25-2003, 04:08 PM
As the subject says we are opening a new field in Chattanooga,Tennessee.We are trying to open by the end of September,and right now we are leaning to hyper-ball.I am really looking for netting info maybe even locations on sup-air.Any sights,suggestions,or info would be appreciated.


08-25-2003, 06:21 PM
Contact Paintball Inc in Greenville SC for your netting. They are in chapter 11 protection right now but still have the netting business going as far as I know. They are open for business I know that. But the netting place is a seperate company that PBinc owns. Cheapest deal out there. Even NPS buys from them and doesn't even seem to know it as its shipped direct from the company that that PBinc own under another name. I forget what it is. They are the Netting manufacturer for a Very good netting. And will be VERY competitive. They might even have a Super Air field they need to liquidate. Ya never know. Tell em I sent you.

Load SM5
08-25-2003, 06:34 PM
Hey cool! I'm from Chattanooga. It'll be nice to have a decent field to play on when I drive the 2 hours home. If you need help setting it up, or breaking it in, let me know.

08-25-2003, 07:52 PM
Just found this. Where is the field located? This is the first I have heard of a new field. Do you have a pro shop also? I am interested in all of the info, please pm me the details.


08-25-2003, 09:25 PM
Awesome, a real field, finally. I'll definately be down to play when u get it set up. Keep us updated.