View Full Version : rt or rtp??

08-25-2003, 05:34 PM
hey im lookin for a mag to buy but im not sure if i should get an rt or spend the extra bucks and go pro. any opinions will be appreciated, thanx

08-25-2003, 05:43 PM
Well if you planning on buying new, you can ONLY get an RT-pro, but used you can find the old RT's for cheap.

I'd go with an RT-Pro simply because they can accept upgrades that the old RT can't. If you get an old RT, you can't get an Xvalve, ULE body, or ULE Trigger pull kit. The old RT is essentially a "dead" marker. AGD will be offering a trade in kit though, if you send in an old RT body and Valve, along with $350, they give you an X-valve and ULE body (along with the shims needed to get those to work on the old RT rail).

Did any of that make sense? I hope so :D ;)

08-25-2003, 06:14 PM
Don't get an RT classic, it isn't worth it anymore. Most of the time it misses out on all the new cosmetic and weight mods. No new rails, no new bodies, etc.

08-25-2003, 06:23 PM
Originally posted by FooTemps
Don't get an RT classic, it isn't worth it anymore. Most of the time it misses out on all the new cosmetic and weight mods. No new rails, no new bodies, etc.

But aside from the ULT (and some RT-Pro's can't get this...), thats ALL it misses out on. Functionally the old RT and RT-Pro will be the EXACT same. The RT-Pro just has the ability to get the cosmetic mods. Besides, the RT classic isn't a Brick. The weight savinges aren't THAT much... heck, an X-Valve only weighs 3 oz less then the RetRo... and seriously, 3 oz? thats not much to complain about.

Oh, the other thing is that the RT PRo comes STOCK with an Intelliframe, while the Old RT's came with a carbon fiber one... most people have upgraded to a different frame for the RT's now... AGD still sells old RT Intelli's too.

08-25-2003, 07:06 PM
Well, as an RT/Pro owner, I'd have to agree with who ever said that the RT is essenrtially a discontinued marker. You'd be better off with a Pro. After all they are making upgrades for it, and just think you could get the ULE Body, a ULE rail from Rogue, and a ULE trigger and have an --- kicking Mag. Just make sure that the RTP has an X valve and LX kit installed in it...

08-25-2003, 09:35 PM
thanks alot for all the info, keep it commin

08-25-2003, 10:12 PM
I'd go with the old RT. They have the best looking bodies anyway. ULE this, and ULE that, all it does is save weight. Tell anyone I've bunkered, or anyone I've waxed with my old RT that it was an out-dated gun, and I'm sure they won't care. It did the job. One of the best functioing markers I've ever owned was an old skool RT. I'll stand by them no matter what. I'd just say forget all the ULE junk, and the x-valve, and go with the old RT. Built like a rock, and it will do it's job. I personally don't really care too much if my gun is "pretty" or not. as long as it hits the target, I'm happy.

08-26-2003, 01:32 AM
I am a proud owner of an rt. I will admit that the rtp has more options but what it's missing is the uniqueness a rt has. If your planning on getting (eventually) a spiffy looking light weight gun with al the newest upgrades get an rtp. But consider this. With an intelliframe and a level 10 an rt can sling paint with the best of them. Also you can bet that 9:10 times no one else at the feild will have one :).

08-26-2003, 08:04 AM
If they both function essentially the same, you'd have to be ignorant to purchase the gun that a company has discontinued. Don't buy a gun because its different and rare. Its fine that people like their old school RT, but they own them already. Buy an RTpro, and whether or not you care ubout upgrades, you know its still fully supported by AGD. Dont put yourself at a disadvantage by buying a gun that has no suport. Trade in doesn't = support.

If some how AGD comes out with some unbelievable upgrade, that you find yourself really wanting, you may be screwed with an older discontinued gun.

Dont be swayed by someone's passion and love for THEIR gun. Make a smart decision based on whats going to help you in the future.

08-26-2003, 09:47 AM
it would be stupid to buy a rt cus it has nothing to offer that the rtp doesn't, but with the rtp u can get many more upgrades, only thing a rt has over a rtp is rareness cus most likely no one on the field will have one but if u look at it that way y not bring a brass eagle talon, i bet u no one else will have that on the feild

08-26-2003, 10:24 AM
you can't do this with a regular RT, only with the RT Pro...

08-26-2003, 01:35 PM
hey I was just stating my opinion no need to flame me. And I'm pretty sure the only thing you can't get on a rt that you have on that rtp is a vertical feed

08-27-2003, 06:19 PM
great info, feel free to show ur mags, dont be scurred to rep ur guns. KEEP THE POSTS COMMIN!

08-27-2003, 06:38 PM
You cant do much with the rt.
And i dont really like the extended mainbody for the rt.

08-28-2003, 01:12 AM
Originally posted by JEDI
Dont be swayed by someone's passion and love for THEIR gun. Make a smart decision based on whats going to help you in the future.

Jedi you pretty much sumed it up. Cant say anything else, well said.

08-28-2003, 12:43 PM
what is a+'s website?

08-28-2003, 05:26 PM
hey, not to change the topic, but i have a pretty good deal on a classic mag, should i spend less money on that and upgrade, or go full out with the rtp?

08-28-2003, 08:11 PM
you could alwayse shorten the mainbody on an rt with a hacksaw:)

08-28-2003, 09:00 PM
ok man dont get ur panties in a twist, i just have limited money right now i dont really feel like waitin for all the money i need for an rtp, and classic mags are'nt too bad

08-29-2003, 08:18 AM
Then why did you waste all of our time with an RT/RTpro thread? :rolleyes:

08-29-2003, 09:41 AM
get a rtpro, better yet get a ule/lx/rtpro.

what more can you ask for.

pic is backwards

08-29-2003, 12:10 PM
Originally posted by fastpitch321
you can't do this with a regular RT, only with the RT Pro...

they'll start making RT Y-grips just like they did with the intelliframes and z-grips :p

08-29-2003, 12:31 PM
i heard they are going to start putting x-valves stock on the rtpr's too but if they don't you can still put one on it and tons of other great stuff too.

08-29-2003, 12:49 PM
Originally posted by UltimatePaintballer
i heard they are going to start putting x-valves stock on the rtpr's too but if they don't you can still put one on it and tons of other great stuff too.

tom is already putting x-valves on RTP's... next comes stock ULE bodies :cool:

08-29-2003, 02:13 PM
This may be complete information, but ForceofNature.com claims that you can put the ULE trigger kit on an older RT:

"Owners of older valves/markers, such as the Automag RT, RT Pros with the half steel/half aluminum valves, and ReTro Valves are not out of luck. While these valves are not compatible as they now exist, they can be milled in order to make them compatible with the ULE Trigger Pull Kit. Brad Nestle, an Authorized AGD Factory Technician, can mill out your older valve for a minimal charge. Brad can be contacted at Paintball Maxx (http://www.paintballmaxx.com) in Houston, Texas. "

However: I would recommend that whatever you buy, definately consider your budget and upgrade options. Just because something is cheaper to start, you may end up spending so much on upgrades, you may just as well have bought the more expensive one to begin with.

08-30-2003, 10:45 PM
whel heres mine
And I can get a ult for my rt?

09-12-2003, 02:31 PM
hey wassup,

Yea I wish AGD offered more upgrades but still love my classic. Needs a little more custom work and it will be ready. Was debating to send it to BradAGD to convert the body into low rise centerfeed and getting the body powder coated, but decided to wait. Also since the gas thru was changed my drop zone dont fit anymore (anybody need a kapp drop zone and asa?) As for performance of my mag, love it no more ball choppage because of the halo and lvl 10 kit. Wouldnt mine a intelliframe blade trigger, but thats about it. Payce Out


09-12-2003, 02:51 PM
Originally posted by TheAmazingJelloMag
can get a ult for my rt?

it depends... pull your valve out and yank the On-off assy out. if it has 2 orings laying flat on top (one inside the other) then you can get a ULT.

If it only has one... you cant install it unless you find someone to drill out the peice of metal that sits where the outer oring would normally be in newer mag valves

09-12-2003, 03:16 PM
I like my original RT. Yes you can not get a ULE body or Xvalve, but that is it. The ULT fits, the IntelliFrame fits. The Y Frame can be made to fit very easilly and I am sure that if you ask AGD when you order that they would drill it out. So, if the price is right, why not get an original RT, the performance is identical.


09-14-2003, 04:52 AM
If you are going for the lightest and something way more fancy get the Pro but my self have shot both and perfer my classic. If you just out playing pick up games for fun with friends it will be way more gun then you need and i have no problem keeping up shooting with my 2 teamates with E-Mags. they both shoot warp feed and i havent had anyproblems in the backyard or on the speed ball field. it just depends on how fancy you want to get with your gun. I play in St. Paul, MN and went to Adventure Zone 2 weeks ago and everyone was kinda a afriad of me becasue i carry about a 1000 rounds with my Classic RT. I'll take anyone one anywhere and ill give you just as good as a fight with my classic as i can with a Pro. but hey its all on what you like or feel more comfortable with better.

10-16-2003, 11:52 AM
alright thanks for all the great info