View Full Version : Help Me PLEASE!!!!!!!

08-27-2003, 04:01 AM
Ok, here's the deal. I've had my classic mag setup for a while now, and am now looking to upgrade to an electro setup.

Hmm, what gun to get.... duh, X-Mag!

Only one problem, I've never fired ANY electro mag, so I am wary of buying one, and last weekend I borrowed my friend's Timmy for a game and did extremely well with it (not sure if it was luck or the gun :rolleyes: ).

Anyway, I want to know if there's anyone in California in the East Bay Area that would be willing to meet me at a local field so I can be brought back to light light that is the 'Mag (In other words, lemme try playing with your gun for a game, E-Mag or X-Mag).

Edit: Oh yeah, and part of the reason I also did better is that my gun (setup in my sig) weighs so frigging much that playing with the timmy (which had a 47 ci tank) was like playing with a paintball-shooting-feather.

08-27-2003, 07:03 AM
if your worried about weight
emag's are heavy. but hey go lift some weights
conatct tunaman he can build a a ule emag, lighter than an xmag

08-27-2003, 07:31 AM
My EMag isn't heavy. In fact it's slightly lighter than an XMag. That's the deal with all ULE parts.

More accuratly, some EMags are heavy. However, you can address the problems with some upgrades.

08-27-2003, 10:05 AM
I think theres still a couple of new X-mags in the dealers forums too, if you don't want to wait for months to get it.

08-27-2003, 11:41 AM
Its not so much the weight I'm worried about (or, the wait, for that matter :D ).

Like I said, I've never even tried an E-Mag or X-Mag, so I wouldn't feel very confortable just buying one because a classic was the gun I've had before. I've never even played with a magnetic trigger before, either.

08-27-2003, 04:04 PM
I was worried when I was switcing from my rt to my emag. But the emag is very easy to get use to. I like the trigger on the emag it is very easy to adjust and you can adjust to the way that feels good for you. My advise would be if you can try a emag out that would be great but if you cant do like I did and by a used 1 at a good price and try it if you dont like it you could sell it for what you paid.