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08-28-2003, 05:31 AM
Here are a few action shots from the ShatnerBall Caravan.

This is Wyn's truck, shortly after crossing the NY border:

Here's Gunga showing off Wyn's custom milling job on his back right tire:

Here's Wyn arranging an alternate form of transportation:

08-28-2003, 05:47 AM
What's this? Gunga is actually wearing something other than blue? Halleluyah, praise the lord.

See you guys this evening!

08-28-2003, 05:59 AM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa
What's this? Gunga is actually wearing something other than blue? Halleluyah, praise the lord.

See you guys this evening!

Yeah, and look what happened, it broke the whole car!!!

08-28-2003, 06:02 AM
Nice hair Wyn!

You should have made gunga sit in the middle, not the back right corner....

Or you could just let him drive now... that ought to lift the rear wheel clear from the ground so you can keep going :D


Love to all.

Wish I was there :(

08-28-2003, 06:31 AM
Looks like everyone is starting off the right way :P

anyhow im about to get my shuttle ride to the airport... then meet magman007's madre @ el aeroporto. If the shuttle gets a flat on the way to the airport I promoce to take pics and share... as this would have to be karma or something

laters and happy trails

08-28-2003, 06:35 AM
Question: does anybody know how late the campsites will be open till? Because me and my crew will probably be showing up crazy late on Friday night.

08-28-2003, 06:37 AM
While we wait for the tow truck, here are a few more.

The caravan, in all of its glory:


The joy of cellular modems:

Creative Mayhem
08-28-2003, 10:00 AM
Originally posted by manike
Nice hair Wyn!

Simon... don't you mean nice head?

Hmmm too bad that you Dodge fell apart Rob ;) JK...

See you all there on Sat. Damn work... wouldn't give me Friday night off... :mad:

08-28-2003, 10:06 AM
Damn...I missed all the fun!!!!;) Well...I'll be on my way this evening. Seeing as I have not actually packed yet, I might not get on the road until about 8pm, so it looks like I might not get there until about 1am.

08-28-2003, 10:13 AM
Did the whole wheel fall off?

Why does it appear like Wyn tried to drive on the ROTOR?

Good job :)

08-28-2003, 10:34 AM
Originally posted by Thordic
Why does it appear like Wyn tried to drive on the ROTOR?

Good job :)

Of course he did! To a Cyborg that is nothing but a flesh wound! Fight on!

Damn I wish I was there... gonna go scan for last minute flights...

08-28-2003, 10:37 AM

see what happens when you dont ride with me

08-28-2003, 10:41 AM
Talked to Mayhem who talked to Wyn...

"sheered the studs off, ruined the drum, pads.. and "some other stuff"

"Gonna cost big coin."

But everybody's ok.

Manike- Better get hoppin' boy! We need your accent to confuse the enemies!

08-28-2003, 10:55 AM
Someone take a piece of paper or a napkin and write "python14" on it, so I can say I went.....er....I wish I went.

08-28-2003, 11:30 AM

Data- lets check that the lugnuts on your van are all on right before we leave tomorrow huh? ;)

What a way to start the weekend story thread!


08-28-2003, 12:19 PM
What's left of the caravan has finally arrived safely.

08-28-2003, 02:54 PM
Originally posted by Thordic
Did the whole wheel fall off?

Why does it appear like Wyn tried to drive on the ROTOR?

Good job :)

Because he did. Notice the white streak on the asphalt where the rotor drived over it.

Notice the lug bolts or lack there of...

Always use a cross bar to tighten lugnuts and not an impact wrench..

08-28-2003, 03:51 PM
Yeah, I can see what he did, jackass.

My point was that there's no reason why your tire should call off unless one of the three following is true: A) You are an idiot who can't work a tire iron, B) Your mechanic is an idiot who can't work an impact wrench, or C) Your car is a defective piece of crap.

08-28-2003, 04:09 PM
Originally posted by Thordic
no reason why your tire should call

quit giving cell phones to your tires too!!!

08-28-2003, 04:14 PM
OR bust!!!!!!!

08-28-2003, 06:43 PM
"Shatnerball 2k3 or Bust!"

That's just freakin' hilarious! :D

See you soon, guys! We should be arriving mid-afternoon Friday.

08-28-2003, 07:06 PM
Im sorry :(

08-28-2003, 07:32 PM
Leaving in 1/2 hour. Gonna drive through the night w/pballck,see you all in the AM. Got my custom AO Jersey in the mail today! Just in time! Cool.:cool:

08-28-2003, 07:50 PM
yup i am leaving at 5am, see you guys sat morning probably since i dont plan to get there around 8-9pm

08-28-2003, 07:53 PM
i had that happen to me only it was the driver front, its funny how you brain works, for the split second you see tire and the car has yet to hit the ground and send a 30ft shower of sparks to the people behind you as the nut of the ball joint grinds off, i just remember thinking, tire, thats not right.

08-28-2003, 10:58 PM
Our flight leaves at 7:30 tomorrow, so I will see you guys some time tomorrow. :cool:

08-28-2003, 11:11 PM
I'll see everyone on Saturday and Sunday :)

08-29-2003, 12:22 AM
It's 1:15 AM, and I'm posting form Ohio. Why? I don't know.

But I'll be at Shatnerball tomorrow afternoon, I'm hoping to get in some play before the night comes. But, we'll see what happens.

Ok, me sleep now. 7:30 comes too soon.


08-29-2003, 07:08 AM
8:07 am... waiting on Data to show up at my house... needless to say I'm pretty psyched to be up and ready this early...

(yes, this is EARLY for me...)


08-29-2003, 07:13 AM
Originally posted by Fred
8:07 am... waiting on Data to show up at my house... needless to say I'm pretty psyched to be up and ready this early...

(yes, this is EARLY for me...)


Bah students!!!

08-29-2003, 08:55 AM
haha man that's just funny wyn. Sorry to hear/see that. But that truck deserves it for slicing my wrist back at megameet! :p

08-29-2003, 05:53 PM
Well, it was a longer than expected drive, but I am here...have yet to see anyone but I'm sure that will change soon;)

It's cool...the hotel has free high speed internet acccess!!!;)

08-29-2003, 07:52 PM
Leaving bright and early in the morning see y'all there!

08-29-2003, 08:41 PM
So paid in full to play, but have a four-day-long orientation at my college.

Rob, sue someone and make some money!

08-29-2003, 11:26 PM
Well, here we are in the hotel. GOOD stuff is they have an ethernet line and I have a new Ethernet card. BAD Stuff is that tomorrow, it's VERY likely I won't be playing! Why not? Well, I need to wrestle down people and do interviews, video the Paintball Museum with the MAsseys, and do a lot of other stuff that may keep me from playing.

That being said, My guns are in teh car, My clothing is packed and ready to rock... If you see a guy in a WDR jersey say hello!


08-30-2003, 02:20 AM
Ok, first installment of what I expect to be many. I don't know if I will be able to upload at the field, but the room has high speed connection, so I will update at least nightly.


08-30-2003, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by Muzikman
Ok, first installment of what I expect to be many. I don't know if I will be able to upload at the field, but the room has high speed connection, so I will update at least nightly.


ya konw it just doesn't look quite right...... i know... ya need to put a bottle of black haus and a lobster in front of Jon..... then it will look right and be pretty comical to boot too.....

09-01-2003, 01:46 AM
Where the hecks all the game pics?!!?

09-01-2003, 01:49 AM
More pics are being uploaded as I type this.

I will say this, ShatnerBall (AKA: Spplat Attack) is becoming the must attend event of the year. Last year was great, this year was even better. Yes, Tom and Palmer's team did lose, but not by much and I think every one had a great time. Tom / Glenn's team did win the Shoot out at the O.K. Corral (speedball mission). It was Tom, Glenn, Creative_Mayhem, Dayspring, Doobie, SprayingMango, and one or two other people. This was a fun mission to watch (there are some pics up of it). Not only was money raised for Shatner's charities, but the paintball community did it again and raised some decent money for Kayleigh Wilkes (http://www.warpig.com/paintball/articles/pressreleases/automated/052003cancer.shtml). I am honored to have taken pictures of each and every person at this event as everyone played stand-up ball and besides some of the playing on I saw (on both sides) everyone was good mannered and I saw no problems. Now, some of the words spewing outta Man Cows mouth would have made a trucker blush, but other than that....I think a great time was had by all.

I would like to tank everyone. The AO community for showing up and showing support. JJ Brookshire and wife for making this happen. Blue and crew for organizing one kick *** field. The ref, as I always respect refs that do a good job, I think these guys did great. They were right on top of everything, they knew what was happening on the field, they stood in the middle of battles that made me cringe. Thanks Tom for being the great guy you always are. Thanks Glenn Palmer for not only giving me the Orange shirt (so I wouldn't get lit up), but showing that it's not always about the fire power (He was running a VL100 on his Blazer). I am sure I am missing more, but you guys get the idea.

Again, check out the pictures and check back often of the next week and I am sure I will be adding more.


09-01-2003, 09:38 AM
Awesome pics :)
I love the back of the cougar lol

09-01-2003, 10:19 AM
haha funny ... http://www.automags.org/~Muzikman/Events/Shatner03/Popup2466.jpg

sfl goodness :)

However I am still trying to work on that gut...

I just got home this morning at about 9am, took the 12 hour drive about 830 last night from shatnerball. I am totally beat, I have some pictures that I will post up soon as well...not a lot of them but enough I guess :) Definately nice meating you guys, sorry I had to leave that night but the east coast sucks :) Definately will be there next year, and for you ao'ers that go to Sams big games in wisc I will see ya there in oct!!!

09-01-2003, 11:17 AM
WOOT! Blonde on Tom! HOOAH!

That's what I'M talkin' 'bout:)

09-01-2003, 12:19 PM
haha. Havoc has a hot girl with her leg up in front of him and he's STILL teching a gun. aww


There are some great pictures Jason.

09-01-2003, 12:23 PM
Hmm, does Fred look like me? :confused:


09-01-2003, 12:24 PM
Yeah, who is that chick? I demand to know :)

09-01-2003, 12:34 PM
Havoc, you moron!

I don't know Thordic, she might be too young for us. She's fun to look at, though. :)

Spartan X
09-01-2003, 01:08 PM
How old is Tom's daughter?

09-01-2003, 01:16 PM
Originally posted by Riotz
haha. Havoc has a hot girl with her leg up in front of him and he's STILL teching a gun. aww

There are some great pictures Jason.

And notice Capo eyeballing him in the background ;)

Wc Keep
09-01-2003, 01:45 PM
she looks just the right age for me.

holy crap riotz has a twin in the ao community.

09-01-2003, 01:53 PM

Is it just me or does Gunga always find an excuse to get some good looking young thing to attack him. Need to find out his secret :D;)

09-01-2003, 03:55 PM
Originally posted by aaron_mag

Is it just me or does Gunga always find an excuse to get some good looking young thing to attack him. Need to find out his secret :D;)

It's easy. Just be very annoying. :p :D

09-01-2003, 04:11 PM
Her name is Tabby and she was the "booth babe" from Magnum boots.


And hey, dats me in the pic that Law posted! woohoo! I didn't know that was you with us Law.

09-01-2003, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by SprayingMango
Her name is Tabby and she was the "booth babe" from Magnum boots.


And hey, dats me in the pic that Law posted! woohoo! I didn't know that was you with us Law.

yeah thats ok :) my pictures should be up later....

09-01-2003, 04:31 PM
Originally posted by Riotz
Hmm, does Fred look like me? :confused:

You know what, that is freaky, yes he does...

09-01-2003, 04:31 PM
Here is a video of the aftergame festivities in regards to the Katybug tatoo's. Mancow and Shatner were raising money for the charity and paid to have shatner put one on his, well, you'll see! It was hilarious to watch. It's not a great quality video but its the best my digi cam will do.

Mancow and Shatner (http://mywebpages.comcast.net/jtrussell7/manboobs.MPG)

09-01-2003, 04:33 PM
Doobie and his wife Trina! Think he is happy to be home or what!? :D

09-01-2003, 04:35 PM
There he is!

09-01-2003, 04:43 PM
Edweirds' own marker, the polymer E-blade w/ reactive pump and trajectory calculating computer. It's effin sweet!


09-01-2003, 04:45 PM
Team Icky Forest! Ewwww.....

We are explorers, until things get Icky!

09-01-2003, 05:03 PM
Well, I must say I had a fantastic time at Shatnerball this year. It was a riot from the instant I rolled into the hotel Friday night. My quick list of thanx goes out to

Dayspring for getting in touch with me first thing Friday night so I could get stupid, although he wouldn't let me ask the cops why they were wearing "OJ" gloves :(

Wyn for organizing a raiding party to come pick me up Firday night.

Digital for getting me back in more or less one piece

Havoc and Shannon for getting me rolling with my new ULE and Warp

Creative for getting me out to the event first thing Sunday morning.

Doobie for getting me back in time to set up the party

Jon for keeping it all together despite his ailment Saturday afternoon

And of course: Capo, Magman, and Spraying Mango - Team Icky Forest. I had a great time with you guys the entire event. There's not too many stupid things I think we forgot to do during our explorations!

And for everyone I'm forgeting (I know there's a lot of you, but I killed the rest of the Smirnoff this morning to make the drive go by faster :)) Thanx for a great time!

09-01-2003, 05:17 PM
KB, someone and Albinonewt!

haha Angry Albino! lol!

I had a blast too. Team Icky Forest OWNS! I forget what our motto was too Albino.

09-01-2003, 05:20 PM
Originally posted by SprayingMango
KB, someone and Albinonewt!

haha Angry Albino! lol!

I had a blast too. Team Icky Forest OWNS! I forget what our motto was too Albino.

Yeah, I look cranky!

You drank too muchlast night hoss :)


09-01-2003, 05:49 PM
AGD Jon introduced me to Tom Kaye and Tom Introduced me to Glen Palmer. Who were all just about the most profesional, dedicated, people you ever met and they put good sportsmenship above all else. Rob was working and partying hard.

Tom took time out to listen to anything anybody had to say.

SOme of us were suffering a little altitude sickness. Glenn played with a back injury from lifting in the shop.

Glen Palmer put %150 into the game and everything. Tom put in %110. No wait, erm %140?

I was invited to a party but I enjoy socializing more than Partying and I was told a few people there felt the same way.

09-01-2003, 06:14 PM
It is picture time!






09-01-2003, 06:14 PM







09-01-2003, 06:16 PM


09-01-2003, 06:47 PM
I would also like to thank Kayle for replacing my sfl battery charger, it helped a lot! Also it was great meeting a lot of you for the first time.

09-01-2003, 06:54 PM
Thanks to Shannon for getting my valve the way it should be.
(and Havoc too.);)

Had a great time and got to meet some great people.

I hope you get plenty of rest away from the Pubcrawlers!
See ya soon!

09-01-2003, 07:12 PM
Jesus also made a special appearence to our party!

09-01-2003, 07:43 PM
"Your junks clear! Play on!"


09-01-2003, 07:57 PM
Originally posted by Riotz
Hmm, does Fred look like me? :confused:


Hmm... that's a toughy... lets check last years comparison photo...


No... you definitely look like me... or maybe I just have another reason to shave... :p

It was WAY better than last year, and running around as a Medic all day was a blast, especially with a Sydarm (or two for the final battle!)
I just might make it into the video this year since I was Tom's medic for half the game... :D (TK was noted on my cards more than a few times...)


09-01-2003, 08:02 PM
Shatner won :(

They got lucky! :)

It was fun. I was havin problems with my revvy all day tho. I think one of the wires in it got pinched when i was putting a new shell on it. Other then that it was sweet. Battling on the ridge line and into the woods was the most intresting part. I havnt played woods ball in almost 2 years. O man.

The last battle was awsome, 300 on 300. There were so many people that my own team was shooting at me when i was in a buidling.

09-01-2003, 08:13 PM
MAn i had a great time with you all, but especially, Team Icky Forrest. Clare,Jt, and Matt, thanks alot. The other teams Commincations were blasted to hell thanks to us!

and thank you guys for the group hugz in the heat of battle!


also, i gotta thank everyone!

Jon, thanks for being jon

Fred, thanks for the conversation, it was fun to get to know you, and thanks for healing me

Edwierd, thanks for being cool, hanging out with me, and being an overall good guy

Nick, thanks for the ride, even if your truck is periwinkle, and my mom agrees

Doobie and T. Thanks for having dinner with us, and for sharing your stories, I had a great time knowing you guys, and i hope to met up with you all again

Law, thanks for being you, the conversation was fun, and your wierd gun, well shouldnt exist!

Newt, as a side thanks, i gotta thank you for the laughs, not for a long time had i laughed so hard....

Muzikman, thanks for being my personal photographer ;) and for the fun we always have

Kb, thanks for being Kb

Rob, thanks for the on off pin, and the conversation

shannon, thanks for that jelly donut, and im sorry for not offering to share, i appoligize for my bad manners.

Spantol, it was nice to meet you

Kev Dupuis, im sory about your car! i hope it gets better!

Wyn, thanks for being cool as always, your fun to play with, and fun off the field as well, thanks for the ride

Datapimp, thanks for the ride, i hope everything is well, and im sad i did not get to formally say good bye.

Any one i missed, i appoligize, im still tired and sore!

09-01-2003, 08:13 PM
Originally posted by than205
Thanks to Shannon for getting my valve the way it should be.
(and Havoc too.);)

Had a great time and got to meet some great people.

I hope you get plenty of rest away from the Pubcrawlers!
See ya soon!

Yes Tom was talking to this power plant engineer... He drank 30 beers in one night. Its good to know that our nations power system is in the hands of 30 beers in 8 hours. I drank about 12 sodas and 12 waters in 3 days. (Sodas for a special treat)

Tom he partied with the Pub Crawlers. This guys partied till 2 on Friday Night. Than at 3 AM I was awakeened by Pub Crawlers Smashing beer bottles and something much much heavier than Metalica... I went to sleep in my car and the Pub Crawlers stoped at 4 AM.

Whatever Blue or the Cops said to the Pub Crawlers (No I didnt call, Was,nt mee I swear. SOmeone did though. Thanks Blue.)

(No Place of empty bottles. They filled a 30 gallon trash can to the top with broken beer bottles.)

Please if you have an Amazing Pub Cralers story Please please tell it. They had a spotlight out back and shined it on Target and weltmans camp.

AGD partiers hang your head in shame. 30 Gallons of beer bottles smashed in 8 hours and they played on Sunday...

Thanks pub cralwers had mercy on me Saturday and sunday night. God Bless.


Greets and shouts out to Canadian_Mayham and all the people that made this an incredibley fun event. Its been touted as the must goto Scenario event. Not by me but I had some fun there.

09-01-2003, 08:32 PM

Wang Force 3!

haha. I hope the TV crew got my nice bunker move on camera. I ran like 50 yards full speed to bunker a guy behind a little chicken shack.

09-01-2003, 08:45 PM
hey look at me.... can anyone spot the shiny sfl goodness? :)


magman- it was great meeting you too!

... I am not too great with names but to all those whom I talked to it was just great meeting all of you and I look forward to the next time!

09-01-2003, 09:02 PM
Thanks to everyone for making this a great event and as always, thanks to AGD!

I had a GREAT birthday, as well. Thank you so much, guys! :D

Team Icky Forest! Charge!!

09-01-2003, 09:07 PM
Deb and I arrived home at 8pm est.
Jon, sorry about not having a car bomb with the rest of you, but we had to meet with Chris and Jeff from Canadian Justice for a ride home in the morning. I am picking up the rest of our gear Tuesday from Striders friend Tony. Strider, thanks for bringing our gear back with you.
Wyn and Steve ( I forgot your nick, sorry) thanks for picking us up and and the tour to the dealership. ;)
Jon, I hope your ankle gets better quick, though I don't think you were feeling any pain Sunday night. I just don't think it looks right with CM and I having to carry you around at events :D ;) .
Special thanks to everyone for the rescue.
Here is a pic of the bottom of the engine in the van, there wasn't just a hole but a nice big tear behind it in the oilpan. We don't just blow up. We blow up good.


Here it is, just off the highway. We were trying to figure out where to tow it to.

09-01-2003, 09:09 PM
Jon for keeping it all together despite his ailment Saturday afternoon

Jon got sick AGAIN? :eek: <P>

I swear, next tournament he travels in a plastic bubble!


09-01-2003, 09:13 PM
No. We broke Jon.

Sprained his ankle on the field.

09-01-2003, 09:13 PM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa
Thanks to everyone for making this a great event and as always, thanks to AGD!

I had a GREAT birthday, as well. Thank you so much, guys! :D

Team Icky Forest! Charge!!

I didn't even know it was your birthday clare. Sorry I didn't wish you a happy birthday but better late than never I guess. I didn't really introduce myself either but ah well!! Glad everyone had a great time, it was just wonderful!

Jon - hope the ankle is feeling better! nice meeting you, just wasn't used to all the manlove....

09-01-2003, 09:21 PM
cool, i was running around with a flag yesterday too


09-01-2003, 09:26 PM
Yeah, we were on a mission, and Jon slipped going down a tricky slope... Tom, and the rest of us kinda just passed by to continue on, leaving Jon in the tender care of the Referees who called a cease fire and hauled him out in an Expedition...

then he got doted on by all the ladies in the tent... gee... that musta sucked... :rolleyes: :cool:

09-01-2003, 09:31 PM
I didn't even know it was your birthday clare. Sorry I didn't wish you a happy birthday but better late than never I guess. I didn't really introduce myself either but ah well!!

Not a problem, thanks! :) Am I just that weird that you didn't want to introduce yourself? :p

Sprayingmango, Dayspring's eye, and me

09-01-2003, 09:35 PM
Originally posted by SprayingMango
Jesus also made a special appearence to our party!

Egads, this cat looks like Chuck Manson!
PS a swastika on the forehead and a few more curls in the hair...

09-01-2003, 09:39 PM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa

Am I just that weird that you didn't want to introduce yourself? :p

haha not at all! I am sure I will see ya again! haha

I should probably get some sleep since I have not slept since saturday night!!! I was dozing off all the way through indiana and illinois! it sucked and I am still awake now....

09-01-2003, 09:40 PM
Albinonewt, Wyn, and Muzikman

09-01-2003, 09:56 PM

i seem to have missed that last moment, when was that? late last night after the tequila shots? :eek:

09-01-2003, 09:58 PM
once again i see man love was at an all time high level at yet another AO event, good one guys, hahah


09-01-2003, 09:59 PM
and I thought Jon slappin my butt a few times was a lot of manlove.... haha glad i drove home ;)

09-01-2003, 10:04 PM
i seem to have missed that last moment, when was that? late last night after the tequila shots?

that was on my bday, right before we left downtown..

We aren't good fake runners!

09-01-2003, 10:22 PM
Happy Birthday Capo!

I hope Shatnerball is at EMR again next year. I heard it might be in California next year :(. Booooooooooooo!

09-01-2003, 10:25 PM
Originally posted by Automaggin2
Happy Birthday Capo!

I hope Shatnerball is at EMR again next year. I heard it might be in California next year :(. Booooooooooooo!

Tom said that its not going to happen..... east coast or upper midwest for sure

09-01-2003, 10:28 PM
Jon in the back of the suv giving us a brave smile.:)


09-01-2003, 10:32 PM
Anyone shoot the Shatner? What marker he shoot this year?

09-01-2003, 10:36 PM
Originally posted by Star_Base_CGI

Yes Tom was talking to this power plant engineer... He drank 30 beers in one night. Its good to know that our nations power system is in the hands of 30 beers in 8 hours. I drank about 12 sodas and 12 waters in 3 days. (Sodas for a special treat)

Tom he partied with the Pub Crawlers. This guys partied till 2 on Friday Night. Than at 3 AM I was awakeened by Pub Crawlers Smashing beer bottles and something much much heavier than Metalica... I went to sleep in my car and the Pub Crawlers stoped at 4 AM.

Whatever Blue or the Cops said to the Pub Crawlers (No I didnt call, Was,nt mee I swear. SOmeone did though. Thanks Blue.)

(No Place of empty bottles. They filled a 30 gallon trash can to the top with broken beer bottles.)

Please if you have an Amazing Pub Cralers story Please please tell it. They had a spotlight out back and shined it on Target and weltmans camp.

AGD partiers hang your head in shame. 30 Gallons of beer bottles smashed in 8 hours and they played on Sunday...

Thanks pub cralwers had mercy on me Saturday and sunday night. God Bless.

you had to bunk with the pubcrawlers and you don't drink?!?
you poor poor soul
i didnt make it to shatner but i've been to the last 7 castle conquests in a row...those guys are always the hardest partiers...
we bunked next to them one year...at about 3am one night, everyone in the entire place was asleep...except us, cooking up some steaks in front of the bunkhouse.
i noticed something moving slightly... i sat quietly and watched it for a minute...thought it was some wildlife or something...
it was a pubcrawler passed out drunk on the front porch in a folding chair lol
i have evidence...:D

09-01-2003, 10:37 PM
Tom and Glen. I hope they reunite next year to really kick some booty.


09-01-2003, 10:50 PM
Melissa, Edweird, Dayspring, and Spraying Mango in front of the AGD tank

09-01-2003, 10:54 PM
ok why have i never heard mention or seen the AGD tank before...
that thing is awesome...
i love the warp fed twin emags....

09-01-2003, 10:58 PM
Here's Tyger.

09-02-2003, 12:01 AM
Here come my thanks-

Magman007 & mom- thanks for setting up the hotel room

Edweird- for not snoring ;) and for being my partner in crime all weekend

Doobie & Trina- You guys were awesome and I hope I get the chance to hang with you again soon

Kayle- for fixing my Emag safety & being a laugh a minute. BTW- you are SUCH a lucky man

Melissa- thanks for being you. :)

Evil Inc.- for being a great bunch of guys and running our team. See you at "Return of the King"!

Shannon- for being my wingman

Albinonewt- for being the party guy and for being the AO Commedian for the weekend

Sprayingmango, Doobie & Creative Mayhem- my OK Corral Brothers. I want a rematch! Come get some Shatner!

Sprayingmango- don't forget your bugspray! Best AO meet... EVER!

Clare- No biting! :D

Gunga & Kaiser Bob- thanks for the Sumo match at the hotel

Wickster & Mrs. Wickster- Met you guys almost 2 years ago and you found me. Thanks for coming out to hang with us!

Fred- glad you had a good time with the Sydarms

Jon- hope the ankle feels better

Datapimp- hope everything's ok man!

Havoc- you da man!

And to everybody else I missed- thank you for making this such a great event.

Some great quotes of the weekend-

"I want some of what she's on!" (Me)[Kayle proceeds to look at me & wave.]

"Magman, you look like a huge zit!" (KayleAGD)

"The Taliban is a dying breed." (JJ Brookshire)

"Bugspray! (Mango & Edweird)

I can't repeat anything that Mancow said, but there were some great quotes there too.

09-02-2003, 12:32 AM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa
Albinonewt, Wyn, and Muzikman

from the look on his face it's more than just a smooch. perhaps he's sucking out his brains...

09-02-2003, 01:26 AM
I got lucky when I took this shot durring the OLN film shoot. Poor Tom getting choked by Mancow.
Paintball.com is using most of my images. I'll sort though them and maybe post a few they didn't use.

09-02-2003, 01:43 AM
Hey Capo, look familiar?

Stupid friendly fire....:mad:

Anyways, I had SOOOOOOO much fun, and that final battle was insane. Me and Automaggin2 got a TON of kills, mine ranged from 5 to 6 dozen just in the final battle!

09-02-2003, 01:51 AM
I had a great time at the event, and I hope to make it again next year. Thanks to everyone who made the event possible, and to all that made the event fun. I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself to a lot of you, hopefully next time I'll be able to. Once I get my pictures developed, I'll see what I can post on here (I didn't get many pics of players on the field, but I think I've got a few). Some things I learned this year are:

bring more money for paint

that a 114/4500 psi tank may not be the best tank choice

whenever Jon says, "Timmee, your job is to guard the medic", I'll be taking a long walk back to the re-insertion point soon after.

not to let my roommate drive my truck on wet roads

Thanks again for everyone who made the event something I'll be at next year (if humanly possible). :D

09-02-2003, 03:04 AM
Trina and I just made it back to TN at 2:30AM Tues. The rain sucked! I'll post more later, but for now...AO and AGD are the greatest people in the world. This was the best return vacation anyone could hope for. I had per-ma-grin all weekend! You guys are the best!:D

09-02-2003, 06:00 AM
Originally posted by Dayspring
No. We broke Jon.

Sprained his ankle on the field.

That's the Sunday ailment, I was referring to the Saturday ailment

09-02-2003, 06:02 AM
Originally posted by MantisMag

from the look on his face it's more than just a smooch. perhaps he's sucking out his brains...

Since I don't remember that picture at all I'd say that was a good guess.

Since I was the last to show up at the bar I had some catching up to do, but since I didn't know how much everyone had put down at that point I energizer bunnied it, and kept going and going and going

09-02-2003, 06:33 AM
was wayne brady not there?

09-02-2003, 07:17 AM
Originally posted by dansim
was wayne brady not there?

no he had to back out a few weeks prior, it was known information :)

09-02-2003, 11:16 AM
Oh its thanks and stuff time again...

Magman007 and Madre de Loco: Thank you for the rides, the hospitality, and for setting up the hotels and such... I think that could not attended if not for you all, and well um thanks again.

Dayspring: Thanks for all the rides and the insane amounts of fun we had. Oh and for tolorating all the jokes that should of died at IAO but are still funny. I hope you enjoy the Non-Smoking hopper stickers for your refurbished Xmag. Remember "Magic Blue Smoke" is only magic for so long...

Kayle: For being especially cool with us... and remember "Dude... you da man!"

Melissa: You evil little bugger you... It was a riot meeting you and hopefully you and kayle can be at the next Ao-Meet that I attend.

Doobie and Trina: Welcome back again... I am glad that you made your post deployment trip with us and let us in with the fun. It was awesome meeting you kids, and I really want to see you guys again at future AO meets.

Clare and Cleatus :P : As always its terribly fun when I get to hang out with you all... Clare, I hope you enjoyed your birthday and the the crazyness that insued. My buddy Todd was so happy with the poster you hooked up for me thanks. Also we have to get another game of used paintball going next time. Curtis, thanks for being a good sport and helping out everyone so much. Oh and you told me to remind you that ya all owe me a dollar :P

Mango: You tee my BugSpay!?!?! Did you te my BugSpay? Dude it was fantasic finally meeting you. And well this cannot be the end of the insanity.

Mayhem: As always its great seeing you again bro... and may Captain Canuck be a special character next year!

Albinonewt: Damn man... you bring insane to a new level. As always its fun to see you again. May the forest be less icky next time.

Gunga: Good meeting you for the first time... I dont think that Magnum boot booth girl will ever be the same again. Oh and yeah I still got that severed $20 bill you "returned to me" :P

Evil INC: Thanks for making this uphill climb of a game insanly enjoyable. I hope that we get to work with you all again next year... And I will try and make the tuscon game comming up soon. Oh and I left that black binder in the CP... If ya all got it and feel up to sending it back to me drop me a PM. If not just hold on to it until that Tuscon game. Next year I think with some more talk and quardination and we can send pacman back to his IP licking his wounds.

Tom Kaye and Glen Palmer: Thanks for well doing everything you can to make this a awesome event... regardless of your current health and such. Oh and TK is "teh win" in that speedball game, way to flex them awesome skills!

RobAGD: Well man its always great to talk turkey with you again... and although I did not get to play directly with you the talks we had are always fun.

Datapimp: Sorry to hear you had to jet back home early. You were certainly missed. Oh and how is that knee? Next time I will pack the full med kit and might even be able to set some sutures if needed

Kaiser bob: Damn dude... well I gots to give ya props... cause damn. Hell I thought I was an eccentric bastard... I guess im wrong

Tyger: Good seeing you out there man... and who would of thought that "shoot the bottle" would be as cool as it was. And yes I did shoot the castle :P woot!

Refs... yes all of them: awesome! and sorry for putting some paint on you all during that hour long final battle.

09-02-2003, 11:20 AM
Hey Capo, look familiar?

ha! I was a lot more worried about the people behind me than the other team. I look back and see like 10 people behind one bunker all barely missing my legs and head!

09-02-2003, 11:29 AM
My memory of Kaiserbob.... Where can you find him during the last final battle? Sitting on a chair in the middle of the action, getting shot at and then moving over to his left a little.... :)

Creative Mayhem
09-02-2003, 12:04 PM
Well I made it home. The car didn't blow up, melt, fall apart, or dissapear into a black hole.:D I had THE best time playing paintball this weekend, and the fact that I had a chance to shaare it with my AO friends made it all the better.

SprayingMango - Thanks for the bed man, I really did appreciate it. BTW what do you think they did with the untouched cakes? :D

Muzikman - Thanks for hooking me up with the registration crap Not having a credit card sucks... I still have those cigars for you if you still want to come up here and claim them..:p

Jon - Captain Canuck's nemesis.. Bastard WANG LOL... the next meet is going to be Crazy

Tom - Of course you da man.. playing with that nasty bug and everything.

Wyn - for letting me use your tank all day I really need to get me one soon.. :D

Havoc - Thanks for the offer of letting me use your red mask for the Captain's costume.. even though i didnt use it

Clare - Thanks for the Birthday present.. dont worry about it being "inadaquate"(sp) I think it's awesome. You da wo-man :cool:

Albinonewt - Thanks for the room for the party, and for all the one liners... there were sooo many...:D

Kayle and Melissa - Kayle thanks for letting me borrow Melissa for a massage and a "taste test" ;)LOL BTW... you forgot to get me that field strip screw.. hehe

RobAGD - thanks for tha advice about the oring on the HPA check valve "there are esier things to put on... like a condom on an elephant.." lol

The OK Corral crew - Tom, Glenn, Mango, Dayspring, Doobie, and the still unnamed individual.. That game was KICKA$$ no question... You guys rock, and as I said to Tom after the game, "that was all warp baby!" AO rules over all.. even some guys from GZ:p

Kevdupuis - thanks for the hook up on the jersies. I aprreciate it.

Tyger - what can i say? You ROCK even though you are a sponsored AGD player now and betrayed Tom and the rest of AO buy going to Shatner's side... :p jk Thanks for the welt on my thumb..it was a lucky shot (maybe if i tell myself that enough i will belive it)

Strider - AKA "Long Banner Wang" you know what's coming next right...? NAME CHANGE!!! Strider is now known as "No party Fo me WANG" I was insulted that you would come and have some carbombs.

Gunga - Thanks for all the canuck bashing... its all good man...

Doobie and Trina - It was great to meet you guys as well as play with you. You are definately going to have to come out to some more AO meets.

Chris from Odyssey - it was cool to hang out with you at the WANG afterparty...

All the other AOer's - Dammed if i can remember anymore names... my mind is sooooo fried. Thanks for being there and making this event Classic AO fashion

09-02-2003, 12:15 PM
As always, it was fun seeing everyone again. I would have liked to play a bit more but oh well. Car bombs, bah - guess mine was a dud, never felt a thing.:)
For the record, Gunga has my "present" - anyone else notice how it never seemed to leave his side?:p Everyone was a riot, can't wait till the next one.

Since there are no picks of me playing, I'll post some of my better half.:D

09-02-2003, 12:18 PM
Clare leading the pack up in front!

09-02-2003, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by Army
WOOT! Blonde on Tom! HOOAH!

That's what I'M talkin' 'bout:)

But which blonde, Army? Answer carefully, the tall one is Mrs. Marchborne! :) :eek: :) I can't even begin to thank everybody, especially all the AO'ers. Let it simply be said that Alexandra and I had a great time, especially considering that this was her first big/scenario game. A large chunk of why it was such fun had to do with the AO crew.

Hey, if anybody has the space to host photos, and would be willing to host and/or re-size a few, Alex got some great shots of the closing speeches, butt-tattooing, etc. which I would be happy to send along (plus, a few more shots of the girls with Tom and Glenn, heh).

09-02-2003, 01:02 PM

I see somebody playing on. Care to guess who that is? ;)

I'll give you a clue. He touched Mancow's arse.

09-02-2003, 01:18 PM
some more man love

09-02-2003, 01:20 PM
Havoc trying to handcuff Gunga

09-02-2003, 01:25 PM
at some bar (Albinonewt looks befuddled)

09-02-2003, 01:27 PM
Remember when I said that I thought I shot him before I got hit...well here is the proof! :D

Originally posted by Dayspring

I see somebody playing on. Care to guess who that is? ;)

I'll give you a clue. He touched Mancow's arse.

09-02-2003, 02:31 PM
Doobie, you should have aimed a little higher and to the right about an 2 inches :D

09-02-2003, 02:55 PM
Hey guys!! That was the BEST!!! It was great to finally meet all the people that Doobie has been talking to--now I know why!! Was neat to see all the great minds and faces behind AGD and now after hearing nothing but Mags all weekend, I'm contemplating dumping the spyder... Thanks for making us feel welcome--we had loads of fun hanging out! Wish I could've been more fun at the party Sun, but my *** was beat, dehydrated, and too focused on the long drive ahead. I promise I'll make it up next time we meet, so be prepared! Had such a great day of play that despite the fact that I've only had two hours of sleep last night, I'm still running off of adrenaline at work...haven't gotten much done, but visions of paintball have been running mad through my head... :D Heheehe!

09-02-2003, 03:05 PM
Here's AO's "Official Bug Spot", picked up while being Wyn's taxi driver after his truck broke. We weren't sure if we hit this lil guy at the time...but it looks like we did. Mmmmm....deep fried sparrow. :p

09-02-2003, 03:07 PM
Assume the position!!

09-02-2003, 03:09 PM
Clare's partner, Kayle, frisks the suspect!

09-02-2003, 03:14 PM
The 'Good' end of Weltman's tank. :)

09-02-2003, 03:14 PM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa
at some bar (Albinonewt looks befuddled)

I do that a lot :)

I was doing my best to blend in, but I think people were able to notice my shirt.

09-02-2003, 03:15 PM
Nice guns, huh? :D

09-02-2003, 03:21 PM
Magnum Boots is going to be appearing at various scenario events. They've got a paintball specific boot in development. :) Lots of the players at Shatnerball use their boots and they had many people stopping by to tell them how comfy their boots were. One guy even came by and told them how he had shattered his ankle. According to the doctor, if his boots (Magnum's of course) weren't so supportive, he might've had to have his foot amputated. Eeek.

I tried out their boots and have a pair on order myself. :)

Oh...that's Tabby, the ***-kickin Magnum Boots babe. At least she tried to kick my *** (as seen in Muzikman's pics).

09-02-2003, 03:26 PM
General Kaye giving a midday interview about the ongoing battle and tatcical situation.

09-02-2003, 03:29 PM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa

ha! I was a lot more worried about the people behind me than the other team. I look back and see like 10 people behind one bunker all barely missing my legs and head!

In the game after that one, Tina (or Trina, can't remember her name, she was the one with the Spyder AMG) almost shot my head off. :p AutomagRT1483 said he saw the round bounce off the top of my mask!

09-02-2003, 03:31 PM
General Palmer in all his glory!

09-02-2003, 03:35 PM
Tyger showing off his shiny new paint thrower.

09-02-2003, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by Trina
Hey guys!! That was the BEST!!! It was great to finally meet all the people that Doobie has been talking to--now I know why!! Was neat to see all the great minds and faces behind AGD and now after hearing nothing but Mags all weekend, I'm contemplating dumping the spyder... Thanks for making us feel welcome--we had loads of fun hanging out! Wish I could've been more fun at the party Sun, but my *** was beat, dehydrated, and too focused on the long drive ahead. I promise I'll make it up next time we meet, so be prepared! Had such a great day of play that despite the fact that I've only had two hours of sleep last night, I'm still running off of adrenaline at work...haven't gotten much done, but visions of paintball have been running mad through my head... :D Heheehe!

It was nice meeting both you and Doobie and welcome to AO.

09-02-2003, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by automagfreek

In the game after that one, Tina (or Trina, can't remember her name, she was the one with the Spyder AMG) almost shot my head off. :p AutomagRT1483 said he saw the round bounce off the top of my mask!

Dude...I was firing over your head--not my fault you moved at the last minute :) No, seriously, I don't remember ever hitting one of my own players this weekend, but if I did, MANY apologies!:D Haven't played in a while, wouldn't be surprised if it was just in the heat of the moment! :D

09-02-2003, 04:01 PM
Originally posted by Trina

Dude...I was firing over your head--not my fault you moved at the last minute :) No, seriously, I don't remember ever hitting one of my own players this weekend, but if I did, MANY apologies!:D Haven't played in a while, wouldn't be surprised if it was just in the heat of the moment! :D

That's alright! I too was caught up in the moment, hence why I kinda jumped in your line of fire. :cool: It was alot of fun playing with you and Capo, and hopefully I'll get the chance to do so again next year.

09-02-2003, 04:55 PM

Tom was in the chat today so:

{Tom_Kaye} YES i absoulutely bunkerd that guy! First move of the day!!

{Tom_Kaye}glad they caught it

Thought that was kind of funny :) Maybe somebody could make an OWNED!! caption.

09-02-2003, 04:57 PM
Hehe, that's such an owned moment :)

09-02-2003, 05:57 PM
WOOHOO!!! They got a picture of me on the field. I'm the tall one near the left bunker (with my silver 1st gen. BM2K in my left hand). :D

09-02-2003, 06:23 PM
Albinonewt and myself doing the infamous Icky Dance! :D

At least Newt was awsome enough to do it with me! ALL QUIT NO GO!!!!

Icky Dance (http://mywebpages.comcast.net/jtrussell7/ickydance.MPG)

09-02-2003, 06:38 PM
Originally posted by Havoc_online
Clare leading the pack up in front!

Hey Havoc, thats me dead center. Running to the front by Mango.:D :D

09-02-2003, 06:42 PM
Thanks to all the AOers this weekend. Everyone really made us feel welcome. Mrs. Wickster and I had a great time all weekend, especially finally meeting the people we read about on AO.

We especially want to thank AGD Jon for introducing us around and inviting us the the evening activities.

Albinonewt- Thanks again for the shower it felt really gooooooood! (Mrs. Wickster made me write that). That $20 you spent on the field was money well spent, and thanks for the great stories.

Fred- Mrs. Wickster says thanks for the constant healing on the field. She thinks you are a better medic than Albinonewt!

Dayspring- Thanks for the invites to the parties and helping me with my mag. I'll bring more "paint" to the next AO party we come to.

To all the other AOers, thanks again. It was nice to meet you all and we had a great time. We will really try to get to another AO meet soon.:)

09-02-2003, 06:44 PM
Originally posted by SprayingMango
Albinonewt and myself doing the infamous Icky Dance! :D

At least Newt was awsome enough to do it with me! ALL QUIT NO GO!!!!

Icky Dance (http://mywebpages.comcast.net/jtrussell7/ickydance.MPG)

oh... my... GOD!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! that was hilarious. CHECK HIS JUNK! CHECK HIS JUNK!

09-02-2003, 06:46 PM
Thats me dead center in this one. Leading the charge with Capo just to my left.

09-02-2003, 06:56 PM
She thinks you are a better medic than Albinonewt!

haha! To quote the great medic, "Did you hear something?"

09-02-2003, 06:59 PM
Hey Geoff!


AutomagRT1483 (left) and Automagfreek (right)

09-02-2003, 07:07 PM
My gun looks like a tank compaired to yours Chris.:D

09-02-2003, 07:44 PM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa

haha! To quote the great medic, "Did you hear something?"

Well, it was noisy and I was having trouble hearing folks :)

I healed Tom though (twice). And I healed Mango right before taking a nap

09-02-2003, 07:46 PM
:cool: :D

09-02-2003, 07:56 PM
Originally posted by Albinonewt

And I healed Mango right before taking a nap

Yo that was such a nice little nap. My first Paintball nap! Must have been all the partying :rolleyes: . Perfect little sunny spot to just relax you know. Thats ok Capo defended us while we enjoyed the warm sunshine! :D hahahah

09-02-2003, 08:55 PM

"Yeah, I'm just a ray of FREAKIN'Sunshine, aren't I?"

09-02-2003, 09:05 PM
Hey guys, Had a great time meeting you all. Thanks for making me feel like a part of the family.. Hope to see you soon.. Oh and Nick don't think you could handle what I'm on..


09-02-2003, 09:26 PM
Gunga giving Trina a lift...har,har. Edwierd stealing Claire while Havoc is teching another gun.:D

09-02-2003, 09:33 PM
O.K. I had the backlight turned on for this...sorry.

09-02-2003, 09:34 PM
brain trust...

09-02-2003, 10:39 PM
Hey guys, I'm pretty much finished posting all the good pictures I took here Spplat Attack 2 (http://www.armoredfistpaintball.com/spplat_attack_2.htm)

Tom was fantastic, he's a riot on stage, here's a few from the above page.



I posted this one in a thread over in the meet and greet section but it's pretty funny. O.K. so Bill actually signed and tattoo'd Mancow's rear but Tom certainly seemed interested in the proceedure :eek:


I didn't know Tom also knew roping techniques

09-03-2003, 12:21 AM
Doobie got Shatner and I got Mancow during the "Shootout at the OK Corral" mission. :D

Originally posted by WARPED1
Anyone shoot the Shatner? What marker he shoot this year?

09-03-2003, 12:33 AM
I can vouch for that, I saw it happen. Good Job guys. :D

09-03-2003, 12:48 AM
Tom, you're a crack up!


09-03-2003, 01:44 AM
Clare again! :D

09-03-2003, 07:08 AM
Leg hits don't count for generals? :p



09-03-2003, 07:09 AM
Hey Mango, what kinda camera do you have?

09-03-2003, 07:54 AM
He has the same one you do, Jeff, just the latest model.

09-03-2003, 08:04 AM
Originally posted by Thordic
He has the same one you do, Jeff, just the latest model.

Ah sweet, that's what I thought. :)

09-03-2003, 09:04 AM
Just getting to the point that I am getting back online. Nice to meet everyone. I even got shot out by Tyger. :D

My first move of the day was to pin down a guy at an air bunker I rushed him, cut the corner and had the angle, but before I take the shot the ref said, "dude, you are out of bounds!"....Oops. And then this old guy in a cowboy hat runs by a minute later and bunkers that same guy.

09-03-2003, 09:33 AM
Originally posted by SprayingMango
Albinonewt and myself doing the infamous Icky Dance! :D


No chance for a political career now :)

09-03-2003, 10:26 AM
LOL! I couldnt resist!!!


Creative Mayhem
09-03-2003, 10:42 AM
Originally posted by PrettyKitty
Hey guys, Had a great time meeting you all. Thanks for making me feel like a part of the family.. Hope to see you soon.. Oh and Nick don't think you could handle what I'm on..


Hey I can handle what you're on... :D Unless of course its Kayle... :( that would just be wrong....

Welcome to AO Melissa!!


09-03-2003, 11:05 AM
Originally posted by SprayingMango
LOL! I couldnt resist!!!


Drat, You're onto me!

Oh well pinky, back to the drawing board

09-03-2003, 11:09 AM
:D OMG! I almost choked on my mini-wheats! Too funny!

Originally posted by SprayingMango
LOL! I couldnt resist!!!


09-03-2003, 11:48 AM
Originally posted by Doobie
:D OMG! I almost choked on my mini-wheats! Too funny!

Kayle will thank me later. Those were my growth beams!

09-03-2003, 11:55 AM
Originally posted by SprayingMango

Yo that was such a nice little nap. My first Paintball nap! Must have been all the partying :rolleyes: . Perfect little sunny spot to just relax you know. Thats ok Capo defended us while we enjoyed the warm sunshine! :D hahahah

Yeah, thanx Capo. You're the best. But, would you mind switching to something quieter? You were making quite a lot of racket while Mango and I were trying to sleep :)

09-03-2003, 12:01 PM
sorry guys, next time I'll use my silencer..

09-03-2003, 01:27 PM
many thanks to be posted
lets see in no specific order

spantol: for breaking out the AAA and hauling my broke *** truck to get fixed and hauling around half my equipment all weekend
muz: for driving 6 hours with me to get my truck
JJ: for carting me around like a lost orphan all weekend, getting us a good look at tabby's backside, and catching a small snack with the van
newt: for the party room (and many much needed laughs)
jon: for letting me crash in your room on thurs night, being his general crazy self and the caravan that broke my truck
capo: for giving us an excuse to stop at the adult outlet (even if I am mean)
cleatus: can't think of anything specific, just wanted to call you cleatus again
melissa: for being way kinder to me than I ever truely deserved
kayle: mostly for bring melissa along, but also for proving again that AGD techs are some of the funnest guys to hang around
mango: for getting caught by kayle
data: for getting us a place to stay within walking distance of the party room, maybe next year you'll get to play
mayhem: for finally giving me some competition at car bombs (and bringing some SARS)

I'll think of more later, but that's it for now

Jack & Coke
09-03-2003, 01:33 PM

09-03-2003, 01:38 PM
Originally posted by Jack &amp; Coke

how cheap...:rolleyes:

Edit: 7th Page OWNED! :p

09-03-2003, 01:44 PM
in case anyone missed it there was one more shatner vehicle issue
post is here (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=100462)
and no that's not mine

09-03-2003, 02:18 PM
wyn, way to change your number before you left, I tried to call you guys

09-03-2003, 02:20 PM
So Mango , you think that was funny .... Well look what I found in the U.S. Air attache' magazine..... It's your future...

09-03-2003, 02:26 PM
Originally posted by ntn4502
wyn, way to change your number before you left, I tried to call you guys
day ran into the same problem
sorry about that, guess I should have hit a pm to my buddy list here too

09-03-2003, 07:20 PM
Originally posted by PrettyKitty
So Mango , you think that was funny .... Well look what I found in the U.S. Air attache' magazine..... It's your future...

no comment!:p

09-03-2003, 07:39 PM
Well....150 more pics up...300 in all...enjoy...


09-03-2003, 08:07 PM
does everyone just get those jerseys or is it covered in entry fee? what is the entry fee?

09-03-2003, 08:42 PM
Covered as part of entry.

Entry was $100. Covered several days of play and the jersey.

09-03-2003, 08:45 PM
Originally posted by wyn1370
in case anyone missed it there was one more shatner vehicle issue
post is here (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=100462)
and no that's not mine

I can't help but think that truck looks somewhat familiar. ;)

09-03-2003, 09:09 PM
the $100 covered the jersey, the 3 days of play, and all air and co2 fills for the 3 days too.

09-03-2003, 09:35 PM
Ah, here's what I was lookin for...

Adventures of Tom and his personal Medic, Fred! :D


Again, Great pics Muz!


09-03-2003, 11:33 PM
OK, I missed 02 and 03 due to my duty station in japan. I'm going to be in guam for 04, I might even miss 05 due to my deployment to rota spain. I hope all the cool old people are still alive when I can finally make it. (I'm only 20 so most people I know are older than me)

09-04-2003, 12:26 PM
Originally posted by Albinonewt

Kayle will thank me later. Those were my growth beams!


Well, thank God for lunch and high speed connections at work.

I had a great time. I do apologize for calling a halt to the game due to some stretched ligaments when I fell during Shatnerball.

Those are some awesome pics. I just wish I could get mine up but Spantol has my card reader *hint hint* LOL

Time to thank:

Tom for allowing us to play this event as well as get my nip shot shirt signed by Shatner and also for being a great general.

Shatner for signing my shirt

Mancow for coming out

Glen for making a great general

Eric for helping us get setup as well as a tour of the fields, plus, helping me out with my ankle issue

Wickster and Mrs Wickster for the "extra paint" LOL, showing up, and introducing yourselves (even though it was a little after and I noticed you guys hanging around but didn't know who you are) :-)

Kevdupuis and Debra for showing up in awesome spirits despite van issues (is there anything that upsets you guys LOL) and for the Newcastle

Tyger for making me laugh with his tiger mask while trying to thank me LOL

Dayspring for being his usual cheery self as well as setting up a base perimeter for us during the TK - Shatner meeting

Curtis and Clare for helping run the booth and making it a success

Kayle and Rob for being the awesome techs that they always are

Kayle's GF Melissa for getting our lunches

AlbinoNewt for getting an extra room and hosting the Wang Party

Wynn for providing the mixes for car bombs

magman007 for making the 100 yard run (or was it 50) and then getting shot up pretty good afterwards (stories are great when told by others)

EdWierd for making the trek out from AZ

Spraying Mango for being the funny guy he constantly is every year at Shatnerball and any event for that matter), oh and for checking Albino's JUNK!!!

Spantol for being part of the caravan, driving me around in the Hyundai (it really is a nice little car) keeping me awake during the ride back, and being my sidekick for a little while, and providing internet access while Wynn's truck was down. Especially being witness to me shooting ~35 shots at some poor guy's head. It was really great!!!

Captain Canuck for being himself (he is totally awesome). Bastard Wang will be there to fight your goodness!!!

Muzik for the pics and my coworkers sticker (he really likes it and appreciates it)

Paintball Daddy for showing up, and buying drinks

Thordic, Load, and Tunaman for answering their phones LOL

Data for showing up (what happened again???)

Fred for being our medic

Timmee for defending the medic and dying while defending

Starbase for letting us shoot you (great meeting you bro)

Jeff-can-con for showing up

Doobie and Trina for showing up and making Shatnerball more fun with your antics LOL

automaggin2 for showing up

Geoff for being there and making me feel special :) (I tried calling you guys at about 12:00, I didn't get an answer, what happened?)

Law for providing me with company while I was out of commission and for carrying the Wang force banner in the final game

Strider for showing up and helping out Kevin and Debra.

Evil Inc. for being great leaders and allowing us to play besides you guys

Mayberry Marauders for helping us

The Assassin's Guild for trying to get the plan together and helping to try and cooridinate it as best as possible

Weltman and his tank crew

The staff (including JJ Brookshire and Toni) at EMR Paintball. Great bunch of people!!!

If I forget anyone else, please let me know!!!

09-04-2003, 12:59 PM
Holy wow.

I think AGDJon had it nailed there... but there were just too many people to say hey to, to thank, to shout out to... Wow.

I know I'll forget people, for that I'll appologise now...

Tom Kaye, and all the AGD folks : First of all, thank you! The E-Mag worked flawlessly all day, and thank you for the tech help at the beginning of the day (Or, simply, "What's a spacer?")

SuperFred : YO! See you at CC16! And this time I'll really play!

Darkstorm : You're still a dirty dog, but I can't be mad at you! :D And never, NEVER make "Bast" mad, she will bite you in the behind. (Never pull Tyger's tail!)

Ed : Well, I'm learning how to od party tricks. Think we can make "shot the bottle" a standard at the field now?

Mayhem : It wa a lucky shot. Really. I wouldn't know how to shoot one ball to hit someone if I tried. :)

Cappo : SHE LIKES MY EARS!!!!! WOOO HOOO!!!! **ahem** Good to meet you! And a pleasure to meet you again some time!

Muzic : I like the pics on the site! All cool!

wow... so many people... I'm sorry, I gotta get off the phone line here... So to everyone else I didn't mention, we'll hook up agian in the future! WAY wicked cool to meet you all, and to face off against the best, even if it was an "Almost shootout" that didn't happen. :)

All told, the E-Mag claims I shot almost 2500 balls (OLD SCHOOL CASE!!!!), I cleaned the 'mag yesterday, and had no spare parts (always a good thing...) And I'm reeady for the next outing.

And to everyone, next year I'm thinking of playing with Tom. I really think that with the "Kitty Kat Karma" going for ya, next year we could really do it. Plus the bad guys have the better jerseys, anyone else notice that? They're WAY wicked cooler than the blueshirts. :)

Castle 16 in a month, and Paintball Sam's big game after it. See you all there!


09-04-2003, 02:59 PM
Tom Kaye: I wouldn't have been there if not for you and AGD

Jon: thanks for being a great guy

Spraying Mango: for picking us up and dropping us off at the airport, donating paint for sat., and being a lot of fun . Can't forget my "chick-fill-uh" shirt. Chiggers! T.I.F 4 life

Albinonewt: for making me laugh, you need your own show on comedy central. Thanks also for providing the party room and for loading me up with paint before the last battle. Team Icky Forest rules!

Curtis: for working really hard behind the booth when you were scheduled to play.

Edweird:for all the fun we had during the used paintball war, for comparing me to a bomb, and getting me some bday Krispy kreme donuts

Gunga: for giving me a reason to say "creepy hover", for looking over my gun, and for entertaining me by tumbling off the bed after I punched your arm

Magman007: for being a part of Team Icky Forest.. Ahh! Paintballs!

Spantol: for giving us a ride back from the field

Creative Mayhem: for my bday gifts and cake (eventhough I didn't get to eat a piece of it)

Dayspring: for donating paint on Saturday so that I could go out and play some more, giving us a ride back on my bday, and letting me use his heater when I was freezing

Doobie: for my signed Iraqi bill and for drinking that car bomb with me

Trina: for being all-around cool and getting to play with you

Wyn & all those involved in the purchase of my "gifts": It was definitely funny but Wyn is still a "meanie"

Kayle: for driving us to the field

Shannon: for driving us to the field when everyone ditched us back at the hotel (how long till you all noticed that we weren't there!?) :p

I know I'm missing some people so I'll be sure to add some more later...

09-04-2003, 03:13 PM
ok who's got the picks from capos present opening and the madness that insued afterwards. I'm actually kind of afriad, yet I still feel the need to see how they turned out.

09-04-2003, 03:16 PM
I've got lots of pics from that but I wasn't sure if they could be posted :p

09-04-2003, 03:19 PM
Wyn , sounds like someone is missing ewe... I mean you..

09-04-2003, 03:23 PM
I'm looking forward to the pics from the castle on Saturday. ;)

09-04-2003, 03:23 PM
capo- you've got a whole forum over on BC

kayle- you're thinking of cleatus

09-04-2003, 03:34 PM
uggh here goes...

Clare: Thank you for playing all my silly games with me and discussing the aerodynamicy of objects with me. "1..2...3..GO!", dude...DUDE! You are the BESTEST! *huggles* :)

Curtis: I wish we had more time to play together on the field. I'm sure AGD appreciates all your hardwork back at the booth. You worked your butt off! Thanks for the MickyD's too!!

Albinonewt: Yes you do need a comedy show or a radio show or something. You can definetly keep us laughing! Thanks for letting me check your junk, it is an honor that few share with me. Oh and thanks for shooting out that nad-nicker!


Magman007: "WHOOOOO HOOOOOO!!!!! NYX BABY!!!! WAHHHHHH!!!!" Thanks for doing the NYX scream with me and for hanging out with us! T.I.F. RULES!

Dayspring: I'm still grinning whenever I think of the OK carrol! Thanks for hanging with us.

Wyn: Carbombs are yummmy! mmmmm hahah oh and thanks for not dieing and stuff when your FRIGGEN WHEEL FELL OFFF!

Spantol: Thanks for the ride to the field and for the CaboWabo!

Doobie: Thanks for coming! It was great meeting you and your awsome wife Trina! Sorry we didn't get more time to hangout.

Muz: Thanks for being AO's official/unofficial photographer! How much is that camera? Fifteen thousand!?!?! LOL

RobAGD: Thanks for teching the cocker and putting up with my hammer lugs (whaterver they are) haha. Friggen lugs...

Kayle and Melissa: You two are just funny...what can I say.... :cool: :D

And for everyone that I forgot...FREE HUMPLES!

09-04-2003, 03:44 PM
Best AO meet EVER!


09-04-2003, 04:17 PM
hahahahahaha! :D

09-04-2003, 06:00 PM
Thanks to AGD for the E-Mags! They worked flawlessly in the Tank! Our tank was on the field all day and was in part of the E-Mags in the turret. We shot over 10 cases of paint in the 6-7 hours we were on the field.

Co Captain Joint Fury / Assassins Guild

09-04-2003, 06:08 PM
Hey Jon, my cell battery went dead on Sunday Night. I got stupid and left it on when I was playing during the final battle. Glad I made you feel special. Least I could do for an Idol of mine;) I sent ya an e-mail bout the status of my x-mag on Tuesday night, but I re-sent it to the tech@airgun.com Just a heads up.


People I'd like to thank

AGD - Just an all around thanks for making such a nice product for me to use out there.
AGDJon - MY IDOL!!:D Wang Force buddy, thanks for showing me the best weekend of my life.
SprayingMango - I got to play front with you during the castle games on Saturday Night.
automagfreek - That ride home was the craziest thing ever!!
Capo - Thanks for the poster!!! Great working with ya out there.
Havoc_Online - My Y-Frame hook-ups ;) That final battle was awesome.
KayleAGD - Thanks for the bumper o-rings I needed.
Trina - Nice workin with ya on many occasions out there.

Theres more coming, my memory is racing all over the place still from the game.

09-04-2003, 07:22 PM
I enjoyed meeting Jon, Rob, Tom, Glenn, Capo and all the other people there. I especially enjoyed meeting all the cavalry people.

09-04-2003, 07:28 PM
Anyone get action pics?
Pretty positive I'm going next year. Hope it's at EMR again, I used to like going there from massachusetts.

09-04-2003, 07:30 PM
Originally posted by WARPED1
Anyone get action pics?
Pretty positive I'm going next year. Hope it's at EMR again, I used to like going there from massachusetts.

I had some crappy ones posted..... as well as all the pictures muzik had I think he had some action???

09-04-2003, 07:39 PM
I saw Muziks, they were cool, I was thinking of like big pushes, 100 vs 100 or whatever.:D

09-04-2003, 10:40 PM
Mangies: Damn man that was a riot. I say we throwdown the melee paintball again next time (TeXball?)

well I got to scram as they lifted the lightning within 5 saftey call here at work.

I made this in the mean time:

P.S. page8 ownt!

09-04-2003, 11:12 PM
Pics of me

09-04-2003, 11:16 PM
#2, with the red and silver camelback on in the center on the run.

09-04-2003, 11:20 PM
#3, again in the center on the run with the red and silver camelback

09-04-2003, 11:50 PM
Here is my round trip milage report :)

0 - leave home, Reston Va
22 - 2pk cup cakes 2 redbulls, Leesburge Va
45 - life savers,
90 - obits gum diet coke walk, Gettysburge
214 - gas walk 3qts oil, BF USA
233 -toll .35
247 - toll .35
290 - 300 cuss garmin and shops without addres numbers, Find Hotel 6:15am Saturday morring. Up 24hrs 15minutes
Wake up to Wyn saying "Hoover ?"
332 - arrive @ field
363 - arrive @ hotel
- Dinner @ Cracker Barrel, Enjoy sight of Magman007's head about to explode
394 - arrive @ field
425 - arriver @ hotel
- Snag a ride with Doobie and Trina to Dinner. to quote Dobbie " Well we thought it was cooked properlly" And he never finsihed the story :)
435 - gas and Geocaching With Kayle, Mo and Shannon
455 - jersey bound
491 - munchies red bull chedder fries & diet coke Field Exit
523 - check map
535 - 537 dead stop on 81s 1040pm to 1110pm
598 - sleep @ reststop 12:15-8:30 am Wee bit chilly in Jeep
610 - gas, food McD's Sausage McGriddle and Hashies
759 - Gas, Food NJ Choak & Puke, Yumm Cinnabon Pecan Carmel
- NJ Turnpike Toll 3.10
833 - md toll 3.00 - bridge
847 - de toll 2.00
958 - home

So the Jeep kick much but this trip, Remember to pack a blanket for those cold Mt morrings ! After getting 7 mpg last week and having it die on me after getting it out of the shop I was quite impress with 2 stops of over 22mpg.

Now when I can get the palm to spit outthe rest of my fuel info Ill post that for some giggles but its looking like 5 fills about $85 in gas and about 18mpg avgerage.


09-05-2003, 01:20 PM
Originally posted by AutomagRT1483

automagfreek - That ride home was the craziest thing ever!!

No kidding! That's not something I'll soon forget, that's for sure.

For those of you that don't know, it was about 15 hours of pranking eachother...ah...good times!

09-05-2003, 01:31 PM
Well, time to do my thanks:

AutomagRT1483: Thanks for making this trip a reality for me.
Tom Kaye: A pleasure to serve under you again!
Dayspring: Great to play with you, I hope to do so again.
Capo: Awesome meeting you! Hopefully I won't get friendly fired again! ;)
SprayingMango: I'm glad I got to meet the Great Mango! You're an awesome 'baller.
Automaggin2: We ROCKED that final battle something fierce!
KayleAGD: Thanks for fixing my warp, that saved my whole weekend.
LaW: Nice meeting you, I'll see you around campus. That flag waving in the final battle was awesome!
AGDJon: Wang 5 baby! That sucked when you screwed up your ankle, I was about 6 steps behind you when it happened.

And to magman007, Strider, Havoc_Online, Tyger, Trina and the TONS of other AOers I ran into on the field, great meeting you all, and I'll see you at next year's event.

09-05-2003, 02:10 PM
Automagfreak, we had the whole left side on lock down. I shot 4 pods sitting in that one spot. I cant even count how many people i naield :)

09-05-2003, 03:17 PM
Who was the kid (remember I'm an old guy) that was sitting in the hole at the top of the hill, in hte edge of the woods, right next to the huge pipe in the late morning? He was wailling on his trigger so fast the gun sounded like it was on full auto. Further, he ducked so much incoming fire the whole area behind him was littered with paintballs.

I of course was the big guy in the red at the other end of the pipe.

09-05-2003, 03:24 PM
Originally posted by Darkstorm
Who was the kid (remember I'm an old guy) that was sitting in the hole at the top of the hill, in hte edge of the woods, right next to the huge pipe in the late morning? He was wailling on his trigger so fast the gun sounded like it was on full auto. Further, he ducked so much incoming fire the whole area behind him was littered with paintballs.

I of course was the big guy in the red at the other end of the pipe.

Do you mean these kids? http://www.automags.org/~Muzikman/Events/Shatner03/Popup2482.jpg

09-05-2003, 06:52 PM
I wanna say epterry was the youngin with the really really twitchy trigger finger.. but he was shooting an Emag or RTPro...

09-05-2003, 08:37 PM
Originally posted by automagfreek
Well, time to do my thanks:

AutomagRT1483: Thanks for making this trip a reality for me.

Aww, shucks.:D

09-05-2003, 09:03 PM
It was not these kids in this picture, this kid was at the other end of the pipe shooting into the woods. There is a HUGE pipe above the ground there.

And yes, I think it was a black Emag he was railing the paint through. Kid was way cool.

09-05-2003, 09:46 PM
Well, late as ever, but I guess I'll throw some words up.

There, I'm done eh! :D Just kidding.

I'm sorry I didn't get to hang out more with the AO crew over the weekend, but I wanted to make sure my teammates had a good time. But it was good seeing you all again! Even if my Wang name TEMPORARILY has been changed. http://www.pc342.com/smile/protest.gif Thanks to AGD for bringing it, and helping to run such a great event!

I should have some photos up soon. I'm just recovering from a system reinstall. ;) Heres one of a pair of Canucks!

09-05-2003, 11:00 PM
o no! The Canadian Duo! EVERYONE RUN!

09-06-2003, 02:01 AM
Well, I just got my pics, here's the best of them.


Pre-game stuff. Hey, isn't that SUPER-FRED!?!?!? :)


I'm not sure who this would be, if anyone, but it was a cool pic.


A few moments later, but I liked this one more. :)


09-06-2003, 02:09 AM

I've got about 3-4 diffrent 'captions' for this, I'm avoiding them all.... :D :p :D


Hey! I see WANG! That's WANG FORCE!!!! WOO!!!!


Shatner explaining to Mancow about Poker. "It's not about the cards. It's about the BETTING!"

(TBC again...)

09-06-2003, 02:19 AM
Ok, last set, for now. :)


Mancow and me, you guess who's who. :)


Me and Blue


And FINALLY, the HOTTEST ITEM in the vendors area! Didn't you get yours? Huh? Didn'tcha!?!?!?!?!?!?


09-06-2003, 02:38 AM
Nice pics, but, I'd be kinda pissed off at the guy painted up like a cat getting in your pictures.

09-06-2003, 05:08 AM
sweet pics tyger...

btw what events you planning on attending the rest of the year/early next year? I got a couple scenarios (1 MXS one in Tuscon and one wayne game in Florida) and possibly world cup, up my sleeve as a cap of this year... then I intend on hitting TeXball hosted by my fav texans, Curtis and Clare. It would be fun to see more of my AO-Wi brethren out and about, cause you guys are always a riot.

09-06-2003, 11:39 AM
Sorry it took so long to post- I had to have a firend photoshop them to a smaller size.

AGDJon and me

09-06-2003, 11:40 AM
Mrs. Wickster and another Cyborg.

09-06-2003, 11:42 AM
Dayspring, me, AGD Jon at the AO party after the game.

09-06-2003, 11:43 AM
AO party again- too many to name!

09-06-2003, 11:44 AM
AO party other side.

09-06-2003, 11:47 AM
I also have one of the official AO party "paint" that I'm not sure is appropriate.

09-06-2003, 09:13 PM
Well bacause starbase is on "vacation" I will take over,
People having fun?!?! FOR SHAME!!!!! YOU GIVE PAINTBALL A BAD NAME!!:rolleyes: :D :D

09-07-2003, 05:18 AM
Originally posted by RenagadeOfFunkRTPcf
all those great pics make me hate myself more for not going... THANKS GUYS!!!

NO problem, next on the agenda, SELF DOUBT

09-07-2003, 01:04 PM
Those pictures are awsome!!! That was definately the most fun I've had in a long time!!! Great paintball, great friends, yes starbase, great partying too!! What more could one ask for???!! You all are the bomb! :D


09-08-2003, 03:22 AM
Originally posted by edweird
sweet pics tyger...

btw what events you planning on attending the rest of the year/early next year?

Well, not sure really. I'm gonna hit up Castle 16, as a DEFENDER! WOOO!!! Then the week after is the Sam's big game. It's on the way home, so I'll be hitting that up. We're gonnahave to start planning on a few things for the upcoming months. WE'll see how things go.

But the "Cat Masterson" mask MAY be retired now, becasue, well, It's not so easy to remove it. I don't know. But it WAS fun to wear. :)

Skyball again, sure. I'm game. Hell, love to play pump or with the 'Mag. It doesn't matter, it's a game. But, right now, I'm dealing with life one minor disaster at a time. Speaking of which, I need to et my e-bay stuff up there to get money for CC16. :)


09-08-2003, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by Albinonewt

NO problem, next on the agenda, SELF DOUBT

LOL agreed!!!

It would not have been an AWESOME Wang Party without everyone attending, especially without the help of Albinonewt and Wynn

09-08-2003, 11:11 PM
Who was??????
Who was the kid (remember I'm an old guy) that was sitting in the hole at the top of the hill, in hte edge of the woods, right next to the huge pipe in the late morning? He was wailling on his trigger so fast the gun sounded like it was on full auto. Further, he ducked so much incoming fire the whole area behind him was littered with paintballs.

I of course was the big guy in the red at the other end of the pipe.

That was me using a friend's e-mag. I think, my new nick name will have to be "The Little AOer". :cool:

09-09-2003, 05:18 AM
Originally posted by AGDJon

LOL agreed!!!

It would not have been an AWESOME Wang Party without everyone attending, especially without the help of Albinonewt and Wynn


Thanxs Jon, I know I had a great time.

Did we leave you enough spare beer in the morning?

09-09-2003, 05:48 AM
Originally posted by epterry
That was me using a friend's e-mag. I think, my new nick name will have to be "The Little AOer". :cool:

You were rocking and rolling down in that hole, You were hitting that trigger so hard, I don't know if you noticed but part of the reason the ref came over was to make sure you weren't on full auto.

I could see everyone you could but it seemed like from the amount of paint about 4 or 5 good guns were shooting at you.

Just after they got you we had some help come in from the left. I got my hopper clipped though.

Great job and make sure to play with us at Spplat-III.


09-09-2003, 08:52 AM
Originally posted by Albinonewt


Thanxs Jon, I know I had a great time.

Did we leave you enough spare beer in the morning?

LOL actually, Wynn took his cooler, full of beer, back with him LOL :-)

09-09-2003, 08:58 AM
Originally posted by AGDJon

LOL actually, Wynn took his cooler, full of beer, back with him LOL :-)
now who's gonna turn down a fully loaded cooler???

09-09-2003, 08:59 AM
I can think of ONE person. ;)

Originally posted by wyn1370

now who's gonna turn down a fully loaded cooler???

09-09-2003, 09:03 AM
Originally posted by Dayspring
I can think of ONE person. ;)

Hehe, I know who you're thinking of :)

09-09-2003, 09:06 AM
I think I have become intimate with this person as of late!

09-09-2003, 09:28 AM
Originally posted by Albinonewt

Did we leave you enough spare beer in the morning?

I've still got quite a bit in my fridge too... the cooler you left was so overflowing we spread it out to my cooler too! :D


09-09-2003, 09:30 AM
Didn't think he was really your type. ;)

BTW- I have one of those gunslinger tshirts w/ "Lady" Liberty on the back. (I say it in quotes b/c of a certain gesture she's giving) Really cool shirt.

Originally posted by Mutilus
I think I have become intimate with this person as of late!

09-09-2003, 12:02 PM
Originally posted by Fred

I've still got quite a bit in my fridge too... the cooler you left was so overflowing we spread it out to my cooler too! :D



So my buddy and I lugged all that stuff down to Jon's room early in the morning, and then went upstairs to get one or two more things and came back down and everything was MISSING.

We had only been gone less then a minute, so we couldn't figure out what happened. So we knocked on Jon's door to see if he grabbed it already and he answered it rubbing his eyes like he just woke up.

We were so confused.

Then he confessed to hearing us set it down and grabbing it all really quickly.

09-09-2003, 12:09 PM
I had thought you guys where gone. I'm not quite clear on how we ended up with it or where the transfer took place. The part I do remember was that Jon had my cooler, it was full of beer, so he gave it back fully loaded.