View Full Version : Matrix LED/LCD Differences/Selling Points

08-29-2003, 12:56 AM
Hi everybody, I was hoping you could help me out. I am currently looking into getting a Matrix and I am fully aware that there is the LED for around $600 and the LCD for around $1200 and I know what an LCD is basically, but what I am interested in finding out is:

*What are the key differences between the two? What I mean is, will an LED be more likely to chop, shoot at fewer BPS, break down more often, or anything of that nature? What are the negatives of the LED and why would someone choose to invest the extra money into an LCD?

*Is the LED on the way to being discontinued? Is it really hard to get boards and other parts for it new?

*If smartparts manages to win their suit, would companies have to stop producing replacement parts so if something breaks later on, I'm out of luck?

Thanks for your help, and yes I did search for this information here and on sites focused for the Matrix. I appreciate the assistance.

08-29-2003, 01:09 AM
I know that No Skillz will chime in on this one soon enough but I'll try to give the most honest answers I can to the questions and he can just correct me if I'm wrong (which I probably will be in some respect)

LCD's have an LCD
LCD's have a more efficient bolt kit
LCD's come with an LPR to lower the pressure to help not chop paint (?)
Um...I can't think of anything else...

and you shouldn't pay anymore than $1k for an LCD. I've actually seen LCD's with ACE going for $1100 and an NYX like No SKillZ has is like $1295-1395.

are the LED's being discontinued...I don't know...I guess Im really the wrong one to answer that but with Dye not taking over their ownership of the Matrix till next week who knows..

and I would recommend checking out PBNation's Generation E forum....Matrixowner.com is nice but they can be a little harsh sometimes..

08-29-2003, 01:16 AM
Thank you for the response, quick question related to your response though:

I know all about bolt kits and LPR's like the Trinity, what I am more interested in is, if an LED and an LCD both are using the same bolt and same LPR in front, what would be the difference between the two besides the LCD functionality? Max BPS, air consistency, quicker malfunction, etc?