The MaximMag
11/10/01 Amy "AIM" Schreier - yep, she's a badass. She's on the novice team Femmes Fatales, and as good as they look, they play even better! Jan shot this picture of Amy on Manchebo beach in Aruba - that lucky dog. Amy is holding the new Airgun Designs/Shocktech "MaximMag" SFL, aka the E-Mag Xtreme. Amy and the "MaximMag" will be in the February 2002 issue of Maxim Magazine due to hit news stands and mailboxes in the middle of January. There'll be more on both of them on at the beginning of February.
Excerpt from the Maxim Magazine Interview:
Interview with Amy Schreier of the Femmes Fatales
TM: Hi
Amy: Hi
TM: Can we interview you for our crappy website?
Amy: Yeah
TM: What are you wearing...uh...How's it feel to be in Maxim?
Amy: Um, I don't know, I haven't seen it yet (refering to the fact that we promised to send her a bunch of copies and then didn't), but from the slews of emails that Im getting I think it's pretty °°°°in' cool.
TM: If you were a cheese, what kind would you be and why?
Amy: I would be swiss cheese cause it tastes good and there's no mistaking swiss cheese.
TM: When did you start playing?
Amy: With myself?
TM: Paintball
Amy: About a year ago
TM: What position do you play?
Amy: Mid back. Mid, but I can play every position really well.
TM: Beer or liquor?
Amy: Beer
TM: Is it true that hot chics don't pass gas?
Amy: No that's not true at all, we're the worst
TM: I heard that nothing could be finer than to be in Carolina in the morning, is that true?
Amy: no
TM: What's the worst pickup line you've every heard?
Amy: I must have a mirror in my pocket, cause I can see you in my pants.
TM: How often do you floss?
Amy: Everyday
TM: Really?
Amy: Of course
TM: Happy Birthday by the way
Amy: It's my birthday?
TM: Guess not...
TM: Have you every been "Happy Birthday'ed" by Team Strange?
Amy: No
TM: What's the best cinematic cat fight ever?
Amy: It was in some °°°° film, Chics in Jail or something
TM: What's your favorite cuss word?
Amy: Um, °°°°er
TM: Spell "subcutaneous"
Amy: Yeah right! Really? Ok. S-U-B (we hear typing)
TM: Don't cheat (She cheated)
TM: Would you ever consider marrying a ... Canadian?
Amy: Oh sure
TM: What color roses should a guy send you after a great second date?
Amy: Yellow
TM: What color paintballs should a guy buy you after you've bunkered his ***?
Amy: Pink
TM: Can you pee your name in the snow?
Amy: Yep (We didn't ask...)
TM: If we had had one good question to ask you, what should it have been?
Amy: When can you see me next...
TM: Hi
Amy: Hi
TM: Can we interview you for our crappy website?
Amy: Yeah
TM: What are you wearing...uh...How's it feel to be in Maxim?
Amy: Um, I don't know, I haven't seen it yet (refering to the fact that we promised to send her a bunch of copies and then didn't), but from the slews of emails that Im getting I think it's pretty °°°°in' cool.
TM: If you were a cheese, what kind would you be and why?
Amy: I would be swiss cheese cause it tastes good and there's no mistaking swiss cheese.
TM: When did you start playing?
Amy: With myself?
TM: Paintball
Amy: About a year ago
TM: What position do you play?
Amy: Mid back. Mid, but I can play every position really well.
TM: Beer or liquor?
Amy: Beer
TM: Is it true that hot chics don't pass gas?
Amy: No that's not true at all, we're the worst
TM: I heard that nothing could be finer than to be in Carolina in the morning, is that true?
Amy: no
TM: What's the worst pickup line you've every heard?
Amy: I must have a mirror in my pocket, cause I can see you in my pants.
TM: How often do you floss?
Amy: Everyday
TM: Really?
Amy: Of course
TM: Happy Birthday by the way
Amy: It's my birthday?
TM: Guess not...
TM: Have you every been "Happy Birthday'ed" by Team Strange?
Amy: No
TM: What's the best cinematic cat fight ever?
Amy: It was in some °°°° film, Chics in Jail or something
TM: What's your favorite cuss word?
Amy: Um, °°°°er
TM: Spell "subcutaneous"
Amy: Yeah right! Really? Ok. S-U-B (we hear typing)
TM: Don't cheat (She cheated)
TM: Would you ever consider marrying a ... Canadian?
Amy: Oh sure
TM: What color roses should a guy send you after a great second date?
Amy: Yellow
TM: What color paintballs should a guy buy you after you've bunkered his ***?
Amy: Pink
TM: Can you pee your name in the snow?
Amy: Yep (We didn't ask...)
TM: If we had had one good question to ask you, what should it have been?
Amy: When can you see me next...