Welcome to the Automags.Org Online Forums.
Paintball Talk is the main forum for Automags.org. Here is where we talk about the sport of paintball in general and make announcements relating to the forum and website.
This is the forum for trouble shooting your Airgun Designs products, including the Automag, RT, E-Mag, and WarpFeed. Also a great place to ask technical questions about non AGD products. An Airsmith's homeroom!
The AGD News and Discussion forum is a place to track announcements and news about the latest projects at AGD.
This is the place to go to post about events, AO get togethers, or just to find other players in your area. A great place to meet up for scenario games!
This forum is an archive of some of the more classic posts from Automags.org. A great place to find stored information.
Our off topic forum. (You mean there are things other than paintball??) Please keep your posts civil, and refrain from topics that are likely to start problems. (NOTE: Any thread may be closed for any reason.)
Show off your paintball guns & gear.
This forum will house pictures of the different AGD platforms. The threads will have pictures attached directly to the Automags.org database.
Named after the IBM super computer, Deep Blue is headed by Tom Kaye, president of AGD. This forum is open to the public, but only high end technical subjects are allowed. If your posts don't cut the mustard they will be moved.
Own a store or field? Want to advertise sales, special offers, or events? Then this is the place! Note: Please read the rules.
Find a good Automag deal on EBay or another forum? Post it here.
For Automags, Angels, pumps, or any other type of paintmarkers. You may list other items to form a package deal.
Sell your N2 HPA system, or CO2 tank and related accessories.
For WTB threads for Markers, parts, air systems. Anything paintball related
For all other paintball gear and other items not relating to the other categories.
Get paintball gear appraised here. BST questions. See if its a good deal.
Had a great transaction - or a not so great one - post your results here!
For anything else not paintball related
Please read our short list of rules (and obey them).
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