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Thread: Tiberius Sniper Rounds, Info from TK

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Left Coast Currently
    They should produce them in BRIGHT COLORS so that those that actually are broke and do use them can at least find a few that they shoot once in awhile and reuse them.

    That's if they'd be "reloadable"

    Interesting idea and all, and I'm curious for the video/testing/proof.


  2. #32
    My main thought is that although they have greater range and accuracy; will the FS actually break when it hits its target, after all it is still traveling at the same speed as a regular paintball.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    ct usa
    id use this with my lb LOL

  4. #34
    Join Date
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    Houston, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by Bruteforce
    My main thought is that although they have greater range and accuracy; will the FS actually break when it hits its target, after all it is still traveling at the same speed as a regular paintball.
    If they have greater range at a muzzle velocity of 280 fps, they must be retaining more energy downrange with less drag. I expect that is why they claim a practical range of 150 ft instead of some huge number. It should work like an accurate flatline barrel.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Calgary, Alberta
    Quote Originally Posted by AGD
    They can be loaded backwards down the barrel if you want to use them in a regular marker.
    Id carry some around. turn the hopper off, muzzle load one and turn on the red dot on my tac. But wouldnt it change flight path slightly when the fins flip it around?
    It has the same spiral as the hammerhead barrels. I wonder if they will be even more accurate through rifled barrels because they will already be spinning. or get spun up to speed faster.....

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Any chance we could get a "re-ball" version for accuracy testing and sighting in?

    Hey Hitech your starting to sound like me! - AGD
    Hitech is the man.... - Blennidae
    The only Hitech Lubricant

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    ct usa
    good call on the reball one LOL

  8. #38
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Elgin, IL USA
    I'd like to have a E-Tac with a laucher and scope attached. The magazine could drop down vertically with the battery pack. Imagine a kit where you add your own mag valve and then slide it onto your Tac 1. I'm intrested! Lets go out to the woods!
    Tom- is the fin stabilized design your invention?

  9. #39
    wow. those are really cool. I wonder if I'll see anybody using those this summer.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Houston, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by jade_monkey07
    But wouldnt it change flight path slightly when the fins flip it around?

    I had the same thought at first. He means muzzle loaded, pushed backwards down the barrel.

    I would think the fins would shred if it was actually loaded backwards.

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Oct 2000

    The design is way more aerodynamic so it holds velocity much longer. It will break on a long range target where a normal ball will not. Concerning the price, you need to think accuracy vs volume. If your average paintball is 3 cents, and it takes 30 shots to take the guy out, its cheaper to use the sniper round once. Hey, shooting is fun and the more the merrier but it would be fun after 20 years of playing this game to scope a guy and take him out with one shot.

    Imagine your radio linked sniper team hidden in place surrounding a fort. The ambush team is waiting for for your call to charge the wall. You wait until the guys in the fort feel comfortable with no visible enemy outside and are exposed in the windows. On radio command, all snipers shoot one round simultaneously and suddenly there is no one defending the fort for a minute while the ambush team rushes in.

    Unfortunately all of you have played the one "speedball" game of paintball for so long you can't conceive of other ways to do this and hence any new ideas seem stupid. This is the first truly new product to come out in paintball in a decade. Turn it down and there may never be another as paintball fades into the sunset. Every single major paintball company today is loosing money. Only the players can turn that around.


  12. #42
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Calgary, Alberta
    I really think it is a good idea, im just thinking about if it will take off or not. i hope to see them for purchase soon I cant wait to try them out

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Don't know, I am lost.
    Quote Originally Posted by billmi
    There's a video interview of him talking about the new projectiles in the Paintball Extravaganza episode of PigTV at

    Um ecuuuuse me did you all miss this interview with Mr. Gibson from P.C.P.??

    It starts at 13min and 36sec. in.

    Areodynamic fin stabilized projectile.

    Maintains spin over its entire flight.

    No need for a rifiled barrel.

    More areodynamic efficient then a ball.

    Holds velocity longer because of less drag then a sphere.

    Effective range more then double.

    In the range of 25x better accuracy.

    Not affected by temp and humidity.

    Its a Paradigm Shift thing. Like hopper off the top and force feed loarders. Hey you cant use the warpfeed. Why not? Because its a force feed and we dont allow that.

    Any more questions?

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    i think these things are pretty awesome.

    I sure hope the cost comes down a bit though.....

    I'd love to try them

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Houston, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by Beemer
    Not affected by temp and humidity.
    That alone is worth some consideration.

  16. #46

    Simple math...

    If the hype is true, here is why I will be buying a scenario marker with these in it.

    if they are 20x more accurate I can go on the field with 20 rounds instead of 400! Or hopefully 2 clips of twenty!

    And if some folks deploy these on the filed, those that are without will be seriously outgunned. (At twice the range they could stand in the open eliminating you at thier leisure!)

    Less weight means I can carry more loot! Ever try to roll a barrel of hooch while carrying 1000 rounds of paint and a marker/tank/hopper? I'de feel way more comfortable slinging a rifle (With air inside the marker,clip fed, ie more useable.) over my shoulder than a marker/hopper/tank. Especially if there wasn't a pack full of paint back there.

    Ever wonder why real weapons are shaped / function the way they do? Well it sure isn't to look cool. There form is a direct result of their need to function. A big old tub of paint on top of a weapon seemed ungainly and ugly to me.

    I see this going a long way for scenario games. (And as some people think tourney ball is dying...)

  17. #47
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Don' ask questions. It is considered "trolling" in some locations.

    I find this very intersting

    The theory of having a paintball marker that can shoot 200ft with dead on accuracy is nice, but is it better than what we have? I would dare to say that most good paintball players (myself included )can shoot 5bps (mech or elec), and hit a 12X12 target from 80'. Most fields that I have played on dont have 80+' open areas that need "sniping" woodsball or speedball. There are trees/branches/leaves/something in the way.

    I will probally pick up a tac8. if for nothing else the ability to have a handgun for kicks and giggles. I had one at one time, and it was fun. Just impractical for paintball use.

    edit: I would dare to say that certain member here could out shoot one of these. He probally wont admit it, but I would be willing to bet my xmag that he could. Those who have played with him at Tunaball & AO south know exactly who I am talking about.

  18. #48
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    West Michigan
    It would be nice to see a company producing a product that allowed sustainable profitability without having to sell several thousand to each player every weekend....

    This is intriguing
    "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. Its not" - Dr Suess

  19. #49
    What about the damage to the barrel? I realize plastic is softer than steel and aluminum, but if you rub it long enough, it's bound to do something... right?

  20. #50
    can shoot 5bps (mech or elec), and hit a 12X12 target from 80'.
    Of course if you can hit a foot from 80' feet in one or two shots you are at a definite advantage. I can see this affecting even speedball. Supressive fire will always have a place, but there is no reason for there not to be a place for increased accuracy. I can't even count the number of times that I have had a wide open shot on a player only to watch my paintballs part in front of him like the red sea. Or missed a head by a quarter inch and he pops back into cover. The ability to make a posted shot count would be wonderful.

    Paintball's funny in that we are a sport primarily played by young players but we hate change more then an 80 year old republican.

  21. #51
    How does the bolt interact with the fins? Would it crush them if dropped in the breach of a normal blow forward?

    A new breach for X-mags to take clips of these would be cool.

  22. #52
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    ct usa
    idEA breach for the micromag 2009 for clip fed !

  23. #53
    Join Date
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    West Michigan
    Air consumption.

    If I can carry 1/20th of the paint I can carry a far smaller air tank. If I am not firing quickly (accuracy by volume) and they are not affected by temperature and humidity the old nemesis CO2 comes back into question. If I need far less air, the 12 gram comes back into consideration. If I am using a 12 gram (or a very small internally located tank) marker design becomes more interesting.

    Give me a "bolt action" single shot, I'll load them one at a time.

  24. #54
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    ct usa
    i was thinking the same thing ill use these in my longbow if i can be cool to use them with the micro to though muhahahhaha

  25. #55
    What would be sweet would be for AGD to make a run of single shot, break breech, snipers with on board 8ci 3000psi HPA in the butt stock

    The Automag Quigley

    heck, it could undermount a Metadyne havoc and you could snipe & demo

    aim small, miss small

  26. #56
    Does this also change the optimal length of barrels? Does it change the sound signature of the marker?

  27. #57
    I would definitely be interested in using these in a game or at least testing them. As far as setups go, I would want to have a magazine fed automag, or a pump of some kind. I also have questions about the fins' durability. The mag would be my preferred setup, but if the bolt hits the projectile too hard, I would be fine with a pump simply because the closed bolt action would be gentler.

    I like the idea of making a breech for the x mag that can accept these paintballs, but since I don't have an x mag I would prefer if we could get ULE bodies milled for it (or I guess I would have to buy an x mag. Sigh)

    I will definitely be checking back on this thread. Hopefully someone on this forum will soon get to shoot some of these and can tell us their impression of it.

  28. #58
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Don' ask questions. It is considered "trolling" in some locations.
    I can't even count the number of times that I have had a wide open shot on a player only to watch my paintballs part in front of him like the red sea. Or missed a head by a quarter inch and he pops back into cover. The ability to make a posted shot count would be wonderful.

    That happens with everything. I missed shooting the deer by an inch or two. I missed the basket by an inch or two.

    People IMO are not going to be able to aim that well. The masses are still going to have problems.

    I hope this idea works out...if for nothing else to see tom make some money. I just dont think the practicality of it is up to par yet. Maybe if it catches on they will improve on it.

  29. #59
    Quote Originally Posted by MANN
    People IMO are not going to be able to aim that well. The masses are still going to have problems.

    I hope this idea works out...if for nothing else to see tom make some money. I just dont think the practicality of it is up to par yet. Maybe if it catches on they will improve on it.
    If these really are 25x more accurate than a normal paintball, they may allow for actually useful sighting devices (maybe not super sniper scopes [alliteration suppp], but a red dot or ACOG-type sight). With that, provided the user properly zeroes them, this could actually be more useful.

    That said, it's funny that TK posts a thread with "Info from TK" in the subject.

  30. #60
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    West Michigan
    Quote Originally Posted by teufelhunden
    If these really are 25x more accurate than a normal paintball, they may allow for actually useful sighting devices (maybe not super sniper scopes [alliteration suppp], but a red dot or ACOG-type sight). With that, provided the user properly zeroes them, this could actually be more useful.

    That said, it's funny that TK posts a thread with "Info from TK" in the subject.

    Leupold will make scopes with ballistic markings to the points you want them (Granted its normally yards, but they will do it), other companies make muzzleloader specific scopes with the markes in the right spots.

    This is a consistant projectile that htey can put a consistant velocity on, its a good candidate for a well marked scope IMO

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