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Thread: M86 classic

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Inception Designs HQ

    M86 classic

    got bored today at work, so i remembered to bring in some mag parts and i pulled apart my classic and put together this. got a little artsy with them. the morning/dawn sun over the ocean, on a day that wasn't raining or snowing...

    like i said, i literally pull the feedneck and detent off of my ULE so that the gun looks complete. this is not the final version. hell, i don't even have my own feedneck mod on this how can i hawk something, but not even use it myself

    but i wanted to get the first pics of the M86 in real life cause i is , but not cool. so far, the only problem with the frame is that the rear most grip screw heads stick out a little too much and cut into(not sharp edge that "i just sliced my hand open and now i'm bleeding to death"- more like i know its there "cut into" ) my bear paws i call hands. its extremely minor and if you just remove the screw( or put a set screw in if you want to close the hole), you won't even notice it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    central coast cali 805
    Those look great, I may just have to pick one up if there is a second run made.

  3. #3
    Cyco-Dude Guest
    bigger pics would be nice. seriously, what is it with photobucket and tiny thumbnails? the images you posted in this thread are 120x160. that may have been ok in 1990, but dude come can easily post 800x600 at *least* in a forum. furthermore, if i click on an image, i expect full resolution, not another tiny 120x160 thumbnail.

    i just thought i'd let you know, maybe it's got the wrong size saved or i'm dumb or something. either way, i only see a tiny thumbnail.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Inception Designs HQ
    Quote Originally Posted by Cyco-Dude View Post
    bigger pics would be nice. seriously, what is it with photobucket and tiny thumbnails? the images you posted in this thread are 120x160. that may have been ok in 1990, but dude come can easily post 800x600 at *least* in a forum. furthermore, if i click on an image, i expect full resolution, not another tiny 120x160 thumbnail.

    i just thought i'd let you know, maybe it's got the wrong size saved or i'm dumb or something. either way, i only see a tiny thumbnail.
    i took the pics with my crappy 4 year old dumb phone and emailed them to me. so that was the only image i could use, so photobucket could only do so much with it. i'll try to take better ones later on.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Somewhere out west.
    Hey Nobody's Perfect

  6. #6
    Cyco-Dude Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Swiss Cheeze View Post
    Hey Nobody's Perfect
    i don't want perfection, i'm just tired of seeing thumbnails. also, sometimes there are issues with the image displaying properly that the poster may not be aware of.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Inception Designs HQ
    hey, understandable. i too don't like thumbs, when full pics can show it off more. i'll try to get better pics, just won't be with the morning sun reflecting off the body, while over the ocean.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Somewhere out west.
    lol, i was referencing his name tag.

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