Even I have to say menace has the best sleeper mag.
Scott ptp body ...
Did you find it ...i need menace too make me a sleeper mag to wreck people with ..just to see the dumb look on there faces.
Sshh, sshh,
Nothing to see here, folks. Nothing to see here.![]()
Well it looks like not only are we going to TB8 but it sounds like the wife might also be playing ? She has been asking me allot about paintball here lately ( what have we done ). She said if I "teach her ?" how to play she will...so we will be hitting the local field a few times before we come. And I will let her use the precious that the mail man delivered back to me today...wait for it...
What a tease. I want that eye candy to fill up the picture.
Wait, we are having Tunaball again? Oh yeah I almost forgot!!!
Patrick, that is all around some of the best news I have heard since the last time my wife said "The steak is ready"
I am in! May 2nd for the next TB???? Hells to the yes!!!! I will need 3 spots in a cabin. All Men. Outlaw5
COL Jerry Perkins
SF, De Oppresso Liber
Poster added![]()
We alreasy have the Breaking Bad looka like. Don't want to cuffuse the people too much.
Actually we have another one also. My friend Gary is a dead ringer
Someone would probably have to promise Halford that they would toss his salad or similar... I don't think anyone here would be willing to take that one for the team. Too bad the PBL guys aren't around any more![]()
What is the cabin status?
I'm in for one.
Stay Classy, AO...BEO: RIP / Topgun Paintball: RIP / Old MCB: RIP
I need to coordinate with Jai... We should have the three locked up who we have contact info for the owners of. I will need to see if we can secure more if needed.
Next time I am in the area I will stop by and see what the story is. Then we can start plotting cabin spots. I think will will need at least a 4th.
I'm still hoping to be there! Can't wait![]()
Only 7 months till Tunaball starts. Time to start packing![]()
I already moved to be closer for this!
Stay Classy, AO...BEO: RIP / Topgun Paintball: RIP / Old MCB: RIP
I'll be flying out for this. Not going to do the 12 hour one-way drive.