Just to throw a wrench in this carefully laid plan... I have two more people coming with me. Jen, my girlfriend, and her daughter, Athena (8 years old)
What are the chances of someone finding it in their heart to help me out?
Just to throw a wrench in this carefully laid plan... I have two more people coming with me. Jen, my girlfriend, and her daughter, Athena (8 years old)
What are the chances of someone finding it in their heart to help me out?
Proud Owner of the SFL Emag, Chimera
There is a very good chance that i will also be bringing my 8 yr old daughter, and 11 yr old son along with the wife and i.
Currently, I have no idea what the hell I am doing...
If the rate is $169 per night, I will simply need a cabin for two adults and one child. Of course this may make absolutely no sense, as I am currently trying to work, and figure out car and paintball stuff, simultaneously. :/
Proud Owner of the SFL Emag, Chimera
I thought I had already signed up for this a long time ago, but put me in cabin #3 with the other cool kids.
I believe Jai took care of you Ty. If you haven't please follow up with him.
We are just waiting on payment instructions.
Let me know what Mag79 and I have to do.
Stay Classy, AO...BEO: RIP / Topgun Paintball: RIP / Old MCB: RIP
Jai is still working on getting the cabin for me, Jen, Athena, cfos00, and Paul N.
Proud Owner of the SFL Emag, Chimera
The cabin people are problematic. I would book the hotel near Topgun just in case. You can always cancel. It's only a mile or two down the road. We supposedly have 4 reserved (and possibly filled) but haven't been able to get in touch with them again.
Same sh*t every year with these guys. It has always worked out so lets keep our fingers crossed. I will talk to Jai this weekend.
I have received the cabin invoice.
Our balance for 4 cabins is $1932.24
Broken down -
Cabin rate per night 179.00
179.00 times 2 = 358.00
100.00 deposit (returned if unit is clean and damage free)
358.00 plus 100.00 = 458.00
NJ TAX = 100.24 (for 4 cabins)
100.24 divided by 4 = 25.06
458.00 plus 25.06 = $483.06
This amount of $483.06 is due as soon as possible. I will take payment from ONE PERSON IN THE CABIN ONLY!!! They know who they are already. Those of you that are staying in cabins, your amount owes to the "cabin leaders" will depend on your personal arrangement with those in your cabin.
IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS: email me - [email protected]
Please add your AO User name in the email and a phone number so that I may call you if required.
THOSE OF YOU WANTING A CABIN TO BOOK. Please email me so I can give you the new managers number. The park has new rules and we are in the middle of those changes. I have already spoke to the manager. She knows we are a yearly deal, we pay up front, and we will continue to use the location if the park will work with us. Book it like a hotel, and you will have no issues.
Between this, Emag boards, and some ass clowns calling BOMB threats im my daughter's school district,.... I'm on a short leash guys. Sorry,....
Looks like you need this
I bought a new Springfield 1911 .45 with a speed vault for my house and car....... I took care of my therapy and daughters safety all in one purchase
Jai, you have Mag79 and I in cabin 4 instead of Bunny, right?
Stay Classy, AO...BEO: RIP / Topgun Paintball: RIP / Old MCB: RIP
Received payment of $485 from BigEvil for cabin
Paid. Thanks so much Jai for being the front man on this.
I forgot about the 50 dollar deposit we all did for the 4 cabins before. I called the manager to get a new total. That 50 should be taken off the 100 for the deposit..... I will get it sorted out
Just paid back Bunny for his deposit. Cabin #4 is mag79 and me. Will send you the balance soon.
Stay Classy, AO...BEO: RIP / Topgun Paintball: RIP / Old MCB: RIP
Is the list on the front page up to date?
I need to know if there's space available for just me.
Warp Feed Evangelist
My Feedback
Balance sent for Cabin #4.
Stay Classy, AO...BEO: RIP / Topgun Paintball: RIP / Old MCB: RIP
Jai, many thanks to you for getting me in touch with the folks about a cabin. I have mine all sorted out with them.
As of right now, I have the following people confirmed for my cabin:
Athena? (She may be staying home with a friend)
Paul N
ChplnStone's son
Scott R ?
Keith ?
I have two more possibles, but they need to confirm. At which point I will know if there is available space.
Thank you once again for doing all the work to make this happen.
Last edited by tymcneer; 03-14-2015 at 11:32 PM. Reason: additional information
Proud Owner of the SFL Emag, Chimera
Okay, after hearing back from Syko and NU_METAL, Cabin #4 will consist of:
1. Mag79
2. Fred
3. Zondo
4. Syko89
5. Boltaction
Stay Classy, AO...BEO: RIP / Topgun Paintball: RIP / Old MCB: RIP
Dumb question
But im trying to plan this correctly .
Are the cabins only for Saturday night ? or are they booked for the whole weekend ?
I was wanting to get on the road Friday afternoon / night , and didn't want to "assume" that i could crash there Friday night
I re-read all the reply's and posts and didn't see anything on Friday night unless i missed it ?
Cabins are for Friday and Saturday night.