if we get in on Thursday. meet at the field?
This is why the North won...
You do realize it's Confederate History Month
Collards are a winter crop they shouldn't need to be canned.
When trolls run scared. Mrs E, " Doug I will effin cut you!"
What's this winter you speak of ?
Forget the green stuff. That is only to walk on or what feeds real food, pork & beef.
I know others offer these kits,
but ill be bringing them if anyone at the field wants to buy any.
ill have other stuff too, grab me if you need anything.
Let's not forget about Vintage Gun Day Sunday...
My first TUnaball, Is there a pre register for that?
I'll be there
"You dont need to be so shallow, turn your head prepare to follow"-CKY
Memories from last year... Warpless mags unite!
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Stay Classy, AO...BEO: RIP / Topgun Paintball: RIP / Old MCB: RIP