That is a loaded statement, but so where, no what caused AGD to loose marketshare or the masses. As we all know, a well tuned L10 will not chop paint unless the paint is horrible. In the speed game, the RT and subsequent ReTro/Emag/Xvalave all can achieve that same level of performance. So that is not a problem in comparison to other comparable guns of the era.

If you look at the history from the start of AGD to about 2000, basically after wide acceptance of electros on the top levels of professional play and then filtering down to the everyday players, AGD really began to loose people, loose marketshare and loose out on nearly everything. Yet by 2000, you had AGD mags not chopping paint, an electro versions and maybe other innovations that we all know. Yet, there was a decline in use and visibility. Yes, a lot of that has to do with the fickle nature of paintballers and the disposable cash era, which some companies were issuing guns/models every 2-3 years.

So i really want to know what the community thinks. I have my own ideas, but i do need more sources than myself. This is also not an admonishing of AGD, more so trying figure out the point where it happened. So please, indulge me in this. I do want to see what everyone thinks.