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Thread: Welcome to the new AGD News and Discussion Forum Topic!

  1. #1

    Welcome to the new AGD News and Discussion Forum Topic!

    Hello Mag fans!
    Over the last few years I've been trying to keep more in touch with AGD customers. The forum has always been here but, despite this being an AGD forum, there was never really a place to post news and information specifically pertaining to AGD products and availability. I felt AGD needed a little space of it's own here on So Bunny set-up a nice space for AGD. I will now post news and information here first and follow up on Facebook. Once a post is made feel free to comment, ask questions, or make suggestions. This is not for technical advice. Please use the proper space already provided for that kind of support. Thanks for everyone's continued support of AGD.

    Last edited by Sandman; 07-23-2019 at 05:33 PM.
    AGD is in the house!
    Custom gun builds. All the parts. New Website. Factory Service available!

  2. #2
    I'll be keeping a close eye out right here then for that next run of colored X valves!
    >>WTB<< Sydarm w/ constant air__WarpedMephisto half-c/f body__Ac!d c/f trigger__TASO humpback frame__an Oh-Mag

  3. #3
    heck yeah good thread here.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Nice! I didn't want to overtake this forum over the main ones. I'm thinking of using the "announcements" button to show off some the news incase people overlook this forum. I have the ability to keep the news up for a few weeks automatically.

    Keep the news flowing. We got lots of automags being created this year.

    Btw, when are the Xvalves and Level 10 kits coming in?? lol

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Jeet yet ?
    Here and other forums people are posting on where to buy Xvalves...

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