This topic will posted and updated periodically - please check this thread is you have questions about parts availability. I will try and keep it as updated as possible. Over time I will add more and more and break down assemblies and parts for more accuracy on availability. Please feel to ask about parts not listed. I will respond and append when I can. The website is typically up to date on what we have also. If you can order it we probably have it. There are exceptions but typically I will try and keep the website current. tough to sell what we don't have and I'm not a fan of taking backorders.
I'm also going to start listing parts that will probably never be made again that are limited in what we have left.
UPDATED 10/18/2019
X-Valves/Level 10 Kits:
Continue to have X Valves and level 10 kits available. Only in black. All carrier sizes are in stock.
Complete new gun builds:
Stock parts such as the Grip Frame, ULE Bodies and main rails are basically exhausted.
I do not have an ETA on when these parts will be back in stock for our basic ULE builds.
In the meantime I continue to use 3rd party parts from several manufacturers to build custom guns with the X-Valves.
If you have a request for a build please email me your preferred options and I will come up with a build.
Other RT ULE X-valve parts:
Most other parts we continue to have and are doing our best to hold items in stock.
Reg Pistons are in stock
Sear are in stock
On/off assemblies are in stock
Parts kits are in stock
Reg pins are in stock
All springs are in stock
all orings in stock
Classic Mag Parts:
Most valve parts are still available.
10/18/2019 regulator pistons - BACK IN STOCK!
10/18/2019 Classic Sears #000222 - fully stocked.
All parts kits and orings all in stock