Customers are welcome to share pictures of your builds, even updated/new pictures are welcome.
Customers are welcome to share pictures of your builds, even updated/new pictures are welcome.
Last edited by luke; 10-17-2022 at 02:00 PM.
I’m interested and willing to do a pre-order. Count me in
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I replied on Facebook when asked, but figured I'd say on the forum as well I'm in for one. On a side note, Luke when are you gonna make a freak/freak xl compatible barrel? You make feed cups and rings, body, rail, grip frame, front grip, sidekick asa. All that remains is a barrel and we can purchase a complete LC kit. Maybe a future project as a possibility?
Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk
Just placed order. Thanks for this. I was one of the ppl asking for the armada.
Mine is placed also
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Fresh Armada bodies hot off the mill.
Armada Body 2021 e.JPG
Armada Body 2021 c.JPG
Armada Body 2021 b.JPG
Armada Body 2021 f.JPG
Looking great, can't wait to get my hands on it.
Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk
Pizzas Monger's Brown Acid Wash Armada T-Rex Pneumag
Pizza Monger AO.jpg
Armada CHLs Brown Acid Wash.jpg
Last edited by luke; 10-17-2022 at 10:48 AM.
Ramiro's Armada
Ramiros Armada 7.jpg
Ramiros Armada 6.jpg
Armageddons Armada Build
Armageddons Armada Build.jpg
Paul Hilmars Armada build
Paul Hilmar Armada.jpg
Peter Ihrie's Armada Build
Peter Ihire Build 2.jpg
Peter Ihire Build 1.jpg
Evan Orcutt's Armada build
Evan Orcutts Armada.jpg
Evan Orcutts Armada 1.jpg
Gerry K's Armada
Gerry K Armada Build.jpg
Gerry K Armada Build b.jpg
Gerry K Armada Build c.jpg
Ric Gal's Armada Build
Ric Gal Armada Build.jpg
Gundam_V's Armada Build
Hilmar Pauls Black White Acid Wash Purple Splash Armada.jpg