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Thread: Paintball Markers Through the Years

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Zayante, CA

    Paintball Markers Through the Years

    What were some of everyone’s first paintball guns they owned? My first gun was a Splatmaster, followed by a Line SI Bushmaster, F1 Illustrator, 68 Automag, Minimag, X-Mag, DM9, and another 68 Automag. I own and have owned others, but those were my main shooters. Just curious what everyone else has been shooting over the years.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    The Motor City
    Stingray, stbb (don’t recall which), tippmann 98, cocker, typhoon, shoebox shocker, ULE mag, painter, p68sc, Emag, scout, Tac one.... now I have multiple mags, blazer and typhoon, shocker sport, an ID Hornet cocker, and a 2k5 pro stock cocker, pmi1, proto slg.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Zayante, CA

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Inception Designs HQ
    1. BE Talon
    2. Tippmann ca4bine #4354 - which i wouod love to get back, but lost at an airsmith in Az
    3. Automag
    4+ af that, i can honestly no longer tell anyone in any order what i have collected or in which order:
    2x sovereigns(1x was a ultra rare Ecplise Sovereign*), another carbine*, tippmann pro am*, SL2, Eclipse Banzai Green Angel LED, Angel 03 LE*, 2x DM4s, Emag*, 06 Ego, 30+ ICD B2Ks of various bodies, including most PL and some of the rarist bodies(2x Vapors & 2x Thunderstruck team guns), FS8, 01 AKA Viking*, BE Talon Ghost*(which i sold for profit), Empire Axe, ID Ripper cocker, scratfh built hqlf block sniper, 6 more mags of various aftermarket parts and mods(VD bodiy, Magnus 90 frame, pumpman, egomag, - thanks BigEvil, KAM & Tuna), Macdev 06 Cyborg, single shot first strike capable PGP, fixed bore bushmaster*, Splatmaster Rapide Comp*, RT mag, and i am sure i am forgetting a few.

    * denotes sold/no longer have

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Zayante, CA
    Sweet! How do you like the Viking? I remember those being really fast!

  6. #6
    First gun i played with was a friends vector, he had some tippmans.
    after that a picked up a mech spyder, brick impulse and shoebox shocker, ion and couple mech cockers. i so miss that spyder and shoebox and cocker.
    Since i have picked up several classic mags, Xmags, micromags, tac one, sterling, Excalibur, Valhalla, EvilEhm, Ditto Deuce and have couple of Luke's projects i hope to have done soon.

    i am sure i have forgotten a few. Have not played in years but that will be changing very soon and will be bringing out some coworkers who will be playing for the first time.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Western Mass
    BE Stingray, VM 68, Autococker, Automag, Minicocker, SP Shocker, Angel LED, Angel LCD...

    After the LCD there has been so many guns that have come and gone. Quite a few that I wish I still had. For the past 10ish years my main gun has been a CCM S6.
    The user formally known as Lancecst.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Inception Designs HQ
    Quote Originally Posted by temilotzin View Post
    Sweet! How do you like the Viking? I remember those being really fast!
    Mine was blind, and though it shot well, it offered no difference to my Eclipse or even my B2ks. I never saw the great efficiency so trading it for my FS8, IMO, was the best move for me. Don't get me wrong, they are great guns, but the one i had didn't sing for me, and it was not for me. Which goes to show, that it is preference of what you like and what works for you, personally.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Avenger Technologies Shadow, a spyder clone machined very well. Built in my neighboring town of Thomaston, CT.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Nashville, TN
    Starting in '95, Tippmann ProLite, Tippmann 68 Carbine, Tippmann ProCarbine, Spyder Compact, two Tippmann A5's, Minimag, Automag, RT Classic, Tippmann ProCarbine, then another Minimag and about 12ish RT Classics, Etek 3, Tippmann A5, Gmek, Emek, two F4 Illustrators.

    My current modest stable is down to three RT Classics, one Minimag, one Automag, Emek, Tippmann ProCarbine, Tippmann A5, F4 Illustrator. I like mechs.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Fredericksburg, VA
    I feel like I need two lists.

    List #1 is markers I bought intending to be my main shooter, and it's pretty short.
    1. Spyder SE (the one with the green camo).
    2. Automag classic (changed configurations probably a dozen times)
    3. Automag ULE pneumag
    4. Automag RT
    5. various Tippmann 98s and EMEKs to use as loaners

    List #2 is markers that I bought literally because I found a great deal and was curious about how it shot. Usually I only kept these guns for less than a year...just long enough to play a game with them. Then I tried to sell them for the same price I bought them for, often to a local friend. Usually it worked out well enough that I only ended up losing shipping costs in the end.

    1. Trilogy Autococker
    2. Spyder RS
    3. Tippmann A5
    4. original Mini
    5. Valken Code
    6. ETHA
    7. '03 Viking
    8. old Impulse (don't remember what year)
    9. Bushmaster
    10. Ego 7
    11. EM Ripper Automag
    12. some kind of Piranha with a e-grip (but it would 10 bps full auto on CO2, so that was cool)
    12. PGP
    13. Evil omen
    14. Kingman Eraser
    15. Ion
    16. Enmey

    I'm sure there's more. Chances are that if it can be bought used for less than $200, I've owned it. But I still want to try out magfed sometime, and one of the higher end mech guns like the m170r.

  12. #12
    Piranha.... With some letters

    It was an e frame and not the gti

    Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Tapatalk

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    DeWitt, MI
    Pictures are worth a thousand words, so here we go...

    Summer 1999: Spyder SE - My original marker. Not my picture, but what it looked like before I later bastardized it.

    Winter 2001: Automag Classic. The addiction begins.

    Spring 2003: Spyder SE - Low pressure and fully upgraded. Hindsight being 20/20, I should have left my first marker stock.

    Summer 2003: Autococker - So glad I bought an Automag first. Autocockers are fun, but it was always the Automags that kept me in the game.

    Winter 2004: Bought an RT ULE Pro (I think, maybe, can't remember what they were called at the time). Robbed the parts I wanted to upgrade my original Automag. Sold the rest. Here is what I ended up with.

    Summer 2004: Put an E2 on my Autococker. Solved the short-stroking problem. Made Autocockers more fun for me. 1 of 2 electronic markers I've actually enjoyed.

    Winter 2005: Maverick. Hey guys, let's all buy pumps. Yeah, it'll be great. We can still have fun at a fraction of the paint cost. Only 3 of us bought pumps. It lasted one weekend. Glad I bought cheap and used.

    Fall 2006: Nerve. Let's try another electro. What a piece of crap. Sorry to those that like them. Wasn't for me.

    Spring 2013: X-Mag. Hadn't bought a marker in over 6 years. Can you guess when I got married, bought a house, and had my first kid? Wanted to own a piece of history (at least in my mind). The 2nd of 2 electronic markers I've ever liked.

    Fall 2015: Axe Pro. Let's try another electro. Nope.

    Fall 2015: Automag Classic. Let's go back to basics 1.

    Summer 2016: Autococker. Let's go back to basics 2.

    Summer 2017: Azodin KDII. Let's go back to basics 3.

    Summer 2017: Resurrection. Maybe this mechanical Autococker will be better.

    2018: ULE Mag. Swapped some parts with my previous Automag.

    2018: Sold all my gear. Thought I was done due to family and work time constraints, injury, frustrations with local field, etc.

    2021: Missed it too much. I'm back!

    Spring 2021: Resurrection. No, this time I really will like a mechanical Autococker. What can I say, I needed a barrel kit, and it was only $400 from

    Spring 2021: Emek. Wow! These things really are everything people say they are.

    Spring 2021: Azodin KDII. I started with a STBB, so I wanted a STBB in my arsenal. Too lazy to get a pic yet. Looks like the other one...

    ...still working on acquiring an Automag. Prices are hard to swallow right now.

    But what's really important:

    1999: The gang that started it all. I'm the over-zealous one in the middle. Played off of Salzburg road in Bay City, MI.

    2001-ish: The next group, after most of the first group petered out. Again, I'm the over-zealous one in the middle.

    2004-ish: The one and only time my wife (girlfriend at the time) came out to play. She tried to army crawl to a bunker. Got shot on top of the head. Packed up her car and drove off. I stayed to play the rest of the day.

    2005-ish: The company that fed most of my addiction in the early days. George, if you're out there, I hope to play with you again someday, my friend.

    2015-ish: Perhaps my firstborn will play someday.

    Honorable mention: Luke - Tell us the velocity fix. I ask every 3-4 years. Never owned one. Only tried to troubleshoot based on info from others.

    Disclaimer: Many of the pictures were taken well after the original purchase date of the marker. E.g., that's why you might see a Dye Rotor LT-R on a marker from the early 2000s.

    Fun fact: My pictures from the Spyder SE to the Nerve were taken with a disposable camera. Remember those? Remember film?

    Last of the Salzburg Clan

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Inception Designs HQ
    Funny thing about Kingmann Spyders, especially the SE and the Speedmaster.

    They were the same gun, in every part, colour and fit but the only difference was, the SE had slots in the thing over the barrel and the Speedmaster had holes. So literally one was like a minimag body and the other was like an original RT. But what is crazy is, i remember when those guns, or spyders in general were over $200, lol

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Zayante, CA
    Guns I owned but did not play with a bunch:
    68 Special
    Crossman 357 in 50 cal
    SL 68
    Tippman Pro Carbine
    Spyder SE
    Tippman 98 customs
    PT Professional
    PMI bolt over bolt semi

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    There is no Spoon
    I go clear back to the Splatmaster and 3357 Spotmarker. Between a friend and I we owned 2 of each. Got them back in 1985.

    My first "real" paint gun was the WGP Sniper pump gun. I had the barrel honed and glazed and it was scary accurate. Picked it up in 1989. Literally used it till the guts wore out...replaced them and played till they wore out...replaced them...decided it was time for a new gun...

    From there I moved directly into Automags. The vast number of Automags I have owned I cannot even hope to count at this point.

    I have owned a few Tippmans over the years including their FA.

    One Autococker that would shoot fine for about half a game then freeze up solid on me and not work for a few days.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Jeet yet ?
    So whats the prize in this contest, do I get some of the untold dollars I have spent on this sport trying to get that edge over the other guys ?

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