Hey AGD fans. Still having the typical issues of getting all parts available all the time. However I have unearthed a few special products I've put on the site just in time for Christmas! I am selling a limited amount of foregrips that actually have a gloss finish (I know right?) and they are paired with a choice of Custom 3D Printed colored grip covers with AGD on right them. These are extremely limited in what I have to sell as far as the gloss goes. In the future I may be able to make the grip covers more available. I'm also adding a very limited run of clear acrylic covers for the EMAG / Xmag grip frames. Show off your paint job under the grip panels. Only works for the AGD E-framed 3 screw panels. Next I added some classic Lukes customs products that have been closed out for a long time. Foregrip extenders for the classic Automag and Minimag. Short versions with forward or rearward angles. Sorry no straight 90's. Also two versions of WarpFeed Custom mounts. Forward mounts and Rearward mounts. These are also very limited availability. Especially the forward mounts. Take advantage of grabbing some of these limited availability items for the Holidays.
Extender front
Extender Rear
Clear Panels
Warp Front
Warp Rear