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Thread: Someone has to say it

  1. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    So. Where are we?
    Are all the results in by now some six weeks later, or is there still conflict in Az?
    There is always conflict when members of the GOP(or is just those MAGA individuals?) seem to never believe the results of an election when I goes against them. Something about not being able to smell the BS they are shoveling, but I digress. Suffice to say the red wave, hurricane, blood letting was but a pink mist, regardless of what everyone on whatever political news channel was touting.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    Last tallies I've seen give the House 221 Republican over 214 Democrat.
    The Senate is 49 Republican, 47 Democrat and 3 Independent. Because the independents caucus with the Dems, they somehow maintain a majority status.
    So you don't like how individuals make their own decisions? Not very supporting of an individuals rights in how they wish to caucus. I am sure in history there have been independents that caucuses with whatever other party including the republicans.

    I know, if you don't like how the rules are written, you can hold a vote for it. But alas, you won't seem to believe the results when they go against your preconceived results.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    Let me reply with another quote:

    That was by former FBI agent Dan Smoot back in (I think) 1953 during the Joe McCarthy hearings.
    Tail-gunner Joe. Yes, let us not forget that McCarthy(a republican) was so set to find those boogeyman that where plotting to do nefarious things, i.e. naming a c4ime and finding people who fit in that box.

    As for the notion, yes it is technically correct that we are not a democracy and are a democratic republic. So is it just the bad use of the word, democracy or do you wish to to hold to the exact definition of the word? I can see if you wish to go to that exacting notion, be used directly against those people who are talking about bad things like coups and murder of people.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    Intelligent people know this. Have known it, not just 70 years ago from the quote, not when the founding fathers crafted the constitution to avoid it, all the way back to ancient Greece when Plato published his dialogues. Probably prior to that, so you're talking a couple thousand years.
    I will blame the media for it. The need to get that sound bite, to push the biggest narrative with the least amount of words. And while every child in America who says the pledge of allegiance, they are not also taught what exactly that means. The GOP rails against material not taught in school, but they care not for what exactly IS taught in school. We say we a democracy, but live in a republic. So should we just keep the accepted narrative of our democratic name or always be so precise to be "That guy"?

    To me it is more of the practice versus the actual governmental form. We in a democracy have rights and vote on them. That is the simplest way to describe the practice.

  2. #122
    I thought I was a retard but holy crap. You keep saying democracy when we are Republic and two you're still sitting here about election denial when all the stuff involving the Twitter files is coming out proving all of the election fraud and censorship going on. Like the FBI paying 3 and 1/2 million dollars to censor stories. But keep drinking that nacho cheese flavored Kool-Aid, luckily you did the smart thing and didn't breed.
    Last edited by pimped mag 01; 12-20-2022 at 01:17 PM.

  3. #123
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nobody View Post
    And while every child in America who says the pledge of allegiance, they are not also taught what exactly that means. The GOP rails against material not taught in school, but they care not for what exactly IS taught in school. We say we a democracy, but live in a republic. So should we just keep the accepted narrative of our democratic name or always be so precise to be "That guy"?

    To me it is more of the practice versus the actual governmental form. We in a democracy have rights and vote on them. That is the simplest way to describe the practice.
    Interesting you bring in the pledge of allegiance. When was the last time you recited it?
    It means exactly what it says. "I pledge allegiance to flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands."
    The word "democracy" is not in the pledge. (Unless you're "that other guy")
    Here in Va. our newly elected (R)Governor ran on the issue of what schools are teaching our kids. He has this idea that math, history and vocabulary are somehow a higher priority for seven year olds than is critical race theory or gender studies taught by drag queens. Voted in to represent the will of the majority of those who voted. Our Representative. (Represent the public ~ Republic...get it?)
    These are the ones who vote to decide what rights are or are not allowed. It isn't folks like you or I. We don't get to vote on policy decisions made by representatives. All we can do is hope they vote according to our own personal preference, or at least keep campaign promises.

    In a true democracy, everyone would be equal. Meaning that You, Me, everyone reading this, Nancy Pelosi, George Soros and Elon Musk would all have the same bank account balance.
    I don't see that in real life, so it's not really a democracy, is it?
    Accept reality as it is, not as you wish it to be.
    CT Co-ordinator, Paintball Marshals

  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    Interesting you bring in the pledge of allegiance. When was the last time you recited it?
    It was in the before time, at my last Union meeting. So 2019? When was the last time you did it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    It means exactly what it says. "I pledge allegiance to flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands."
    Yes, and my point is, that in schools, we said those words, but we were not taught what they mean. He certainly why we are under the notion of democracy but live in a democratic republic. You can say the same towards England. They have a King, but they are a constitutional monarchy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    IThe word "democracy" is not in the pledge. (Unless you're "that other guy")
    Never said it was. Merely using it to show that we know the word but are not taught what it means. Please reread what I wrote. You seem to mistake what you think I wrote with what I exactly wrote.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    IHere in Va. our newly elected (R)Governor ran on the issue of what schools are teaching our kids. He has this idea that math, history and vocabulary are somehow a higher priority for seven year olds than is critical race theory or gender studies taught by drag queens.
    Except for the fact that CRT was not taught in any school districts in Va or the USA. It was merely a thought experiment and not part of the curriculum. Andis a drag queen has the necessary teaching certs and is vetted by the board of teachers, why couldn't that person teach gender studies? Are you against the government telling a person what they can or can't do? Where is the personal freedom to do what they like on their own time?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    Voted in to represent the will of the majority of those who voted. Our Representative. (Represent the public ~ Republic...get it?)
    That is a stretch, IMO. But Va from what I understand does not like repeat governors, and what's his face did not run a better thought out campaign. But it's funny that you say to preserve rights but only some of those rights.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    These are the ones who vote to decide what rights are or are not allowed. It isn't folks like you or I. We don't get to vote on policy decisions made by representatives. All we can do is hope they vote according to our own personal preference, or at least keep campaign promises.
    It's not me, cause I don't live there. But you are wrong, you as, and I am assuming, live in that state and through your voting do get to decide what policies are or not inacted. It is a challenge, sure enough, but through private citizen means you can effect, if enough people agree with you, to put laws into action. You yourself, can even start at the local government levels are work your way up, or like some people, go right to the top, like the next governor or senator or representative. The only thing stopping you, is you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    In a true democracy, everyone would be equal. Meaning that You, Me, everyone reading this, Nancy Pelosi, George Soros and Elon Musk would all have the same bank account balance.
    Equal rights does not equal equal bank accounts. That is a very communistic idea. Maybe you should stop listening to the people using all these trigger words and look up what they mean.

    Besides a re free market economy means that anyone can make their fortune. It is when they monopolize a commodity, is where the government should come in a set things straight.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    I don't see that in real life, so it's not really a democracy, is it?
    Well, you are putting your trust in a fraud who uses all those trigger words about what you should hate, but yet turning you to exactly the point of everything that is wrong. 1 party and 1 leader is as fascist as it was in Italy in the 20s and Germany in the 30s and look at what happened to them.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    IAccept reality as it is, not as you wish it to be.
    What do you think I am doing? I am trying to show, not that I am right and you are wrong, but the truth of the matter. Not that my vision is clearer or my preferred shade of blue is better than yoir shade, but the fact that your eyes and your speech are two different things. A man who believes in democracy(even in electing representatives) does not say he would throw away the constitution, or even think, regardless of the evidence that if he looses it he was cheated but if he wins it is the will of the people.

    So till you get up to even understanding the basics of what has happened, beyond the spindoctoring, beyond the warping of reality, that you and all the people here that can not accept what is the truth, that you will forever be blind to anything that is of your own reality.

  5. #125
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    Jeet yet ?
    "the truth of the matter" has been given the light of day now that the twitter files have been released.

    The unelected various government agencies (DOJ FBI CIA etc) chose the last president by rigging the election.

    Rigged voting machines hooked to the internet, midnight roadside drop box ballot stuffing and "finding" hundreds of thousands of votes, changing the voter roles county by county, then changing them back after election day.....

    Biden's bandanna republic.....

    There is no way you can convince anyone otherwise now that this has all been made public, no matter how many paragraphs you post trying to dispute the proven facts.

    People have seen the truth, its too late now.

  6. #126
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    That is an interning narrative that you write. It almost sounds credible. It almost sounds like you have all your little duckies in a row, except for the proof. You can spin an elaborate story, linking all these things to each point that you wish to make, but where is that proof that it is true?

    I wasn't going to, yet again tear apart your fable but so much to unpack, it only does justice to pick apart like a holiday turkey.

    Quote Originally Posted by going_home View Post
    "the truth of the matter" has been given the light of day now that the twitter files have been released.
    And it has been weeks since Musk released the files showing Hunter Biden naked(so many manly republicans all wish to see another man's genitals it is rather strange, but whatever floats your boat), which was going against twitters rules, hence why they pulled them and for what? Where is the proof,where is the super secrets that were revealed?

    Quote Originally Posted by going_home View Post
    The unelected various government agencies (DOJ FBI CIA etc) chose the last president by rigging the election.
    So in 2020 ,those agencies that were unaffected Der the tru.p administration, that were controlled by the trump government all conspired against the sitting president to not only loose their jobs, mostly, but to install a new administration that they were not apart of it? So all those administrations, in violation if their orders and jobs went to every election board, in the US to change the results, instead of doing their current jobs?

    But I thought it was the work of Dominion election services? Or is it Hugo Chavez working with the Italians to flip every single vote?

    Quote Originally Posted by going_home View Post
    Rigged voting machines hooked to the internet, midnight roadside drop box ballot stuffing and "finding" hundreds of thousands of votes, changing the voter roles county by county, then changing them back after election day.....
    So, is it the trump admin that was rigging the election or is it this theory? I literally cannot keep up and it is even worse that by your own words, you can't even keep these stories straight.

    If by any one thing that you say there is a mountain of evidence for, and since the republicans have all the only, why by God's good graces has not one person come forth to any sort of court, even a super majority SCOTUS, and brought forth this proponderous evidence proving to me and the rest of the world that you and your side is correct?

    No, that will never happen. Because you are so brainwashed to believe that whatever they, foxnews, trump, your beliefs that no matter what the actual truth is, that if you do not get your way, it has to be a conspiracy and not the truth. You can never believe anything that does not or will not fit inside this tiny box and that is why you are laughed at.

    Quote Originally Posted by going_home View Post
    Biden's bandanna republic.....
    Opinion, so whatever.

    Quote Originally Posted by going_home View Post
    There is no way you can convince anyone otherwise now that this has all been made public, no matter how many paragraphs you post trying to dispute the proven facts.
    Nope, not going to try. My job is to prove you wrong with each and every ludicrous statement, like this one. You go off the rails in between sentences.

    Quote Originally Posted by going_home View Post
    People have seen the truth, its too late now.
    Yes, trump found a base of people who he could manipulate into whatever he wants, that looks not at what is behind him, but salivate at everything he lays down. So the real truth is not anything I believe in or stand for, but the mere fact that you are so gullible and pilant to whatever a con artist wants you to think.

  7. #127
    Bro the proof is all there. The fact that you refuse to see it just shows how bad your TDS is. There's nothing worse than people like you who think they're intellectuals but are barely capable of anything more than a menial government job. The fact that you think the government is a good and honest thing shows how truly retarded you are. Also please stop projecting your homosexual fantasies on all of us. We know how you're all about drag queen story time and sexualizing kids.

  8. #128
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    Jeet yet ?
    Quote Originally Posted by Nobody View Post
    That is an interning narrative that you write. It almost sounds credible. It almost sounds like you have all your little duckies in a row, except for the proof. You can spin an elaborate story, linking all these things to each point that you wish to make, but where is that proof that it is true?
    I wasn't going to, yet again tear apart your fable but so much to unpack, it only does justice to pick apart like a holiday turkey.
    And it has been weeks since Musk released the files showing Hunter Biden naked(so many manly republicans all wish to see another man's genitals it is rather strange, but whatever floats your boat), which was going against twitters rules, hence why they pulled them and for what? Where is the proof,where is the super secrets that were revealed?
    So in 2020 ,those agencies that were unaffected Der the tru.p administration, that were controlled by the trump government all conspired against the sitting president to not only loose their jobs, mostly, but to install a new administration that they were not apart of it? So all those administrations, in violation if their orders and jobs went to every election board, in the US to change the results, instead of doing their current jobs?
    But I thought it was the work of Dominion election services? Or is it Hugo Chavez working with the Italians to flip every single vote?
    So, is it the trump admin that was rigging the election or is it this theory? I literally cannot keep up and it is even worse that by your own words, you can't even keep these stories straight.
    If by any one thing that you say there is a mountain of evidence for, and since the republicans have all the only, why by God's good graces has not one person come forth to any sort of court, even a super majority SCOTUS, and brought forth this proponderous evidence proving to me and the rest of the world that you and your side is correct?
    No, that will never happen. Because you are so brainwashed to believe that whatever they, foxnews, trump, your beliefs that no matter what the actual truth is, that if you do not get your way, it has to be a conspiracy and not the truth. You can never believe anything that does not or will not fit inside this tiny box and that is why you are laughed at.
    Opinion, so whatever.
    Nope, not going to try. My job is to prove you wrong with each and every ludicrous statement, like this one. You go off the rails in between sentences.
    Yes, trump found a base of people who he could manipulate into whatever he wants, that looks not at what is behind him, but salivate at everything he lays down. So the real truth is not anything I believe in or stand for, but the mere fact that you are so gullible and pilant to whatever a con artist wants you to think.

  9. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by pimped mag 01 View Post
    Bro the proof is all there. The fact that you refuse to see it just shows how bad your TDS is. There's nothing worse than people like you who think they're intellectuals but are barely capable of anything more than a menial government job. The fact that you think the government is a good and honest thing shows how truly retarded you are. Also please stop projecting your homosexual fantasies on all of us. We know how you're all about drag queen story time and sexualizing kids.
    Wait, the govt is NOT A GOOD THING?!?! OH MY LAWDY!!!!!

    BTW, in case someone missed it, the Trump admin was in NO WAY in control of the FBI, or the DOJ . This much has already been proven. Again, you cant see it with your head up your own ass, but nonetheless, doesn't make it any less true.

    Moderators, can we please make a new rule against allowing Nobody to project his homosexual fantasies on us?

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigEvil View Post
    Wait, the govt is NOT A GOOD THING?!?! OH MY LAWDY!!!!!

    BTW, in case someone missed it, the Trump admin was in NO WAY in control of the FBI, or the DOJ . This much has already been proven. Again, you cant see it with your head up your own ass, but nonetheless, doesn't make it any less true.

    Moderators, can we please make a new rule against allowing Nobody to project his homosexual fantasies on us?
    Oh ya, you're right. I totally forgot the rules on if it is good for you, it was yours. But when it isn't, it is the other guy's fault.

    Win an election, you are good. Loose an election, the other guy's cheated.
    Economy good, policy win. Economy bad, you were sabotaged.
    Foreign policy works, you're smart. Foreign policy bad, the other people let you down.

    Yes, thank you for the reminder. Any wonder why and hopefully the walls are closing in on this criminal behavior.

  11. #131
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    Merry Christmas, One and all!

  12. #132
    Name:  Screenshot_20221222-083147.jpg
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    Cope harder Captain cheeseburger. PS, Merry Christmas belated Jim
    68 Automag Classic, ReTro valve, Lvl. 10, 16" Dye Boomstick, AGD chrome Intelliframe, Shocktech black cradle, Air America Armegeddon 114/4500, Smartparts gadget grip

    A.N.S. GX-3 Autococker,Eclipse swing frame, Air America Messiah Reg.

    AO Feedback:

  13. #133
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  14. #134
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    I see a lot of would haves and possible in that hit piece from foxnews. And I do love how it said that he crushed the oil companies dreams for a woke energy agenda, which is kinda exactly what he said he would do, push alternatives to energy going away from oil.

    So it never changed anything, but yet those on the right, buoyed by Big Oil have failed to understand the simplest of ideas, in that a pipeline only moves a liquid, like oil from point A to point B. It never talks about where that oil would go to, or why the pipeline was wanted/needed. It wouldn't have helped with any of the petrol problems from earlier this year, as how I read it, it would open up in 2023.

    Besides, isn't petrol prices back down to where they were before inflation? Haven't seen anyone crying about the price of go-go juice lately.

  15. #135
    Fuel prices are nowhere near what they were before the Biden inflation you retarded cheeseburger

  16. #136
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nobody View Post
    isn't petrol prices back down to where they were before inflation? Haven't seen anyone crying about the price of go-go juice lately.
    gas was $1.89 under trump

  17. #137
    Quote Originally Posted by luke View Post
    gas was $1.89 under trump
    All of those years of working for the bridge commission and huffing those vehicle fumes have really taken their toll on his last two brain cells. It's why have a hard time taking anything he says seriously.

  18. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by luke View Post
    gas was $1.89 under trump
    That was the lowest price but not the average cost(it actually reached $1.78 in January 2016 and $2.88 in April of 2019) as per US Energy Information Agency, an independent reporting group.

    Also, I stated before inflation, not the all time lowest. Since you want to cherry pick wild guess, I would rather bring back the Clintons and their $1.00 average in Jan 94.

  19. #139
    Quote Originally Posted by Nobody View Post
    That was the lowest price but not the average cost(it actually reached $1.78 in January 2016 and $2.88 in April of 2019) as per US Energy Information Agency, an independent reporting group.

    Also, I stated before inflation, not the all time lowest. Since you want to cherry pick wild guess, I would rather bring back the Clintons and their $1.00 average in Jan 94.
    No wonder all you can do is make change on a bridge, you mention inflation then have no idea how it works. And if you're going to "cherry pick" why wouldn't you go back when gas was 30 cents? How strong was the dollar then versus now? Also diesel is still 4.79 retard, must be using that same math they used to count votes in our "democracy"

  20. #140
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    Quote Originally Posted by luke View Post
    gas was $1.89 under trump
    It was $1.69 when I moved to God's great land of Texas in Oct of 20. It briefly dropped to approx $1.55. It is $2.89 here today.

  21. #141
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    time to make a slurpee!
    Quote Originally Posted by BigEvil View Post
    It was $1.69 when I moved to God's great land of Texas in Oct of 20. It briefly dropped to approx $1.55. It is $2.89 here today.
    Still AVERAGE $4+ Here in Commiefornia....

    I know Doug, not your problem because it doesn't directly affect you!

    F&$%king ASS-HAT
    ......You know you want one!!

  22. #142
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    Quote Originally Posted by pimped mag 01 View Post
    No wonder all you can do is make change on a bridge, you mention inflation then have no idea how it works. don't need to make change, not with ez passAnd if you're going to "cherry pick" why wouldn't you go back when gas was 30 cents? because my point was to show that luke was wrong on his assumption How strong was the dollar then versus now? not the point, as i was not quoting the global market, merely the exact average of gas cost, per this questionAlso diesel is still 4.79 retard, must be using that same math they used to count votes in our "democracy" the average cost, which i assume is for both diesel and gasoline, though i could be wrong is the average price. If you wanted an exact breakdown of diesel, high tedt, mid grade, E70 and all the different fuels, then ask it. Would take some digging but i guess your math class in your remedial classes, the ones with the stubby scissors, didn't go over averages.

    Quote Originally Posted by Loguzzzzzz View Post
    Still AVERAGE $4+ Here in Commiefornia....

    I know Doug, not your problem because it doesn't directly affect you!

    F&$%king ASS-HAT
    Nope, doesn't effect me in the least. Guess you have to pay extra for living in the utopia of the left coast. Maybe you can get an electric car, or maybe hold out for some of the newer hydrogen based vehicles. That would mean you would have to give up the notion of drilling for more oil gives you energy independence, when true independence means you don't need that which is being taxed. Silly me

  23. #143
    Quote Originally Posted by Nobody View Post
    Nope, doesn't effect me in the least. Guess you have to pay extra for living in the utopia of the left coast. Maybe you can get an electric car, or maybe hold out for some of the newer hydrogen based vehicles. That would mean you would have to give up the notion of drilling for more oil gives you energy independence, when true independence means you don't need that which is being taxed. Silly me

    Utopia of the left coast?? I knew you were into pedophilia, then again not surprised from someone who thinks electric vehicles are the future

  24. #144
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    Quote Originally Posted by pimped mag 01 View Post
    Utopia of the left coast?? I knew you were into pedophilia, then again not surprised from someone who thinks electric vehicles are the future
    What da hell? I am not Christian and not a tree jumper. How you can equate my sarcasm at calling California a utopia to anything is a huge stretch, but I guess if I use big words that you don't understand anything can happen. Like it or not, more car companies are making more models of cars. While I do not agree that they are the best step, they are the future.

    Scrappy doo, do not drink the bong water. It is not good for you.

  25. #145
    Quote Originally Posted by Nobody View Post
    What da hell? I am not Christian and not a tree jumper. How you can equate my sarcasm at calling California a utopia to anything is a huge stretch, but I guess if I use big words that you don't understand anything can happen. Like it or not, more car companies are making more models of cars. While I do not agree that they are the best step, they are the future.

    Scrappy doo, do not drink the bong water. It is not good for you.
    Please don't try to be funny it's extra cringy from what you normally are. I mean you've already admitted your job is so menial that you could be replaced by robots, which you basically have and you can't figure out that energy independence means independence from other countries and not tax. But being a lifelong government employee you never set your sites really high for achievement. And judging by the **** you're into I say California is an absolute mecca for someone like you. I'm just happy you had slow swimmers and couldn't reproduce because if your bloodline kept going on it would be scary. I'm trying to figure out why you're even on this forum. Considering AGD is a small business and you're all about the big guy I figured you'd just stick on pbnation

  26. #146
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    Quote Originally Posted by pimped mag 01 View Post
    Please don't try to be funny it's extra cringy from what you normally are. I mean you've already admitted your job is so menial that you could be replaced by robots, which you basically have and you can't figure out that energy independence means independence from other countries and not tax. But being a lifelong government employee you never set your sites really high for achievement. And judging by the **** you're into I say California is an absolute mecca for someone like you. I'm just happy you had slow swimmers and couldn't reproduce because if your bloodline kept going on it would be scary. I'm trying to figure out why you're even on this forum. Considering AGD is a small business and you're all about the big guy I figured you'd just stick on pbnation
    Call from Topgun used to tell Doug all the time he could be replaced by a bucket. Hence, the name "Mr. Bucket" was coined. Just an FYI.

    damn I miss Topgun

    ...and waking up to a dozen mean tweats crapping all over the lefties....

    ...and filling my gas tank for $19.......

    ....and a dozen eggs for $1.99.....

    ...and mothers being able to buy baby formula....

    ....and being able to get children's Advil and Tylenol ...

  27. #147
    Quote Originally Posted by BigEvil View Post
    Call from Topgun used to tell Doug all the time he could be replaced by a bucket. Hence, the name "Mr. Bucket" was coined. Just an FYI.

    damn I miss Topgun

    ...and waking up to a dozen mean tweats crapping all over the lefties....

    ...and filling my gas tank for $19.......

    ....and a dozen eggs for $1.99.....

    ...and mothers being able to buy baby formula....

    ....and being able to get children's Advil and Tylenol ...
    Mr bucket oh I love you guys hahaha

  28. #148
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigEvil View Post
    Miss paying
    ....and a dozen eggs for $1.99
    I paid $16 for two dozen eggs last night.

  29. #149
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    Oct 2003
    Don't know, I am lost.
    ^^^^Where you at? $5.00 dozen here. Chicago burbs

  30. #150
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    Cottonwood, Az.

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