CT Co-ordinator, Paintball Marshals
Another election, same issues.
The excuse? "We can't scan your ballot because the internet is down".
Why can't we do as good a job as India? They recently held elections. One day in person voting with I.D., votes hand counted in front of witnesses, results by the end of the night. 620 million votes.
In the good old USA? Weeks of mail-in or drop-off ballots with no verification, using voting machines easily hacked, another month of arguments, and vote tallies higher than the number of registered voters.
Oh, We're in for a fun year.
So who is the a-hole? The idiot who revives a dead topic just to start poop or the idiot that replies to them?
I would blame the GOP. Since this is a GOP primary election, most of the problems can be attributed too republican interference, from lack of investment in infrastructure to actual election interference to voting restrictions. If you wanted free and fair elections, then you should let the adults handle those elections
Oh, so now your an expert on Indian elections? So tell me, how does their elections differ from those in the US?
Maybe they didn't have a sore looser who lost his last election, who then threw a monkey wrench into the election machine, without any true, viable and actual evide ce to support his claims, and when the people spoke with their votes, they agreed to what those votes had said.
Are you talking about the racist USA, in the time when laws were made to disenfranchise certain people from not having the right to vote? The past was the worst.
Multiple states have different criteria for when they count votes. All believe their method is the best to insure the best results.
Every vote goes through verification, since all those lawsuits proved that the states did exactly the opposite of what you are saying. You can say anything but where is the proof?
While any machine theoretically can be hacked, yet there is again, no proof of that.
Who is really arguing? The people who believe the truth, or the people who don't want to believe the truth?
Now, this is a new one. More votes than registered voters. Would be easily provable if you discount the dozens of trump supporters who voted early and often.
No, ot was more like I was bored and my parents always taught me to play down to the slow kids in school. You need to be nice to them.
and again someone proves themselves an idiot ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
So the system works?
But that is all nice and all, but what I really want to know is, will Haley out last all the indictments of the ex-president to win the nomination or not? Come on, you have on going federal indictments running against state GOP moves to remove the ex-president off the ballot and then is the state indictments, all culminating with the ex-president draining every coffer he can to pay legal bills, which only will hurt other republican nominees in their elections.
This is a tornado, inside a hurricane, during an earthquake topped with a volcano going off. What disaster is goingto start, or end first?
Your Parents must be so proud of you.
Expert? Far from it, Although I did read Siddhartha back in grade school.
Fortunately for you, if you care to pay attention, you'll be able to see it in action this year ~ as soon as they set the date. Projections are late March/ early April.
That's one difference for you. India has no set calendar date for elections.
But it's mostly the similarities that I observe. Current President Modi is running for his third five-year term (another difference) as a proclaimed "Democrat" and is facing charges of corruption, as well as denouncing the internet as "misinformation" demanding opposing views be censored. Sound a little close to home?
A little older, but more in-depth:
From what I see, the process of politics is equal to it's problems whether in India or the US.
Keep in mind India has the highest population of any Country at 1.6 billion, higher than China at 1.4 billion. (compared to the measly 375 million in the US)
It's a Nuclear armed country, it recently placed a lander on the Moon and has already selected four astronauts for their manned orbital program.
I don't need to be some expert to know India is a country to keep an eye on, one that shouldn't be ignored.
But you go ahead, make fun of anything outside your ken. Convince yourself that you're talking down to the "slow kids".
Yes my parents are/were. It's never hard to do the right thing, all it takes is being better than you were the day before.
Well, from history, East Germany went under the name of GDR, the German Democratic Republic. It was neither democratic nor a republic. So to a point, attaching a name means nothing. I know very little to the political situation of Modi and India, so any parallels that you may draw are going to be quite nefarious and lacking any real substance, only because you are not even a learned neophyte on modern day India.
Not really. Now this is only surface level scratching but we do not have massive religious problems that India faces(Hindu and Muslim). The US is a none religious state. So unless and until one side wishes and succeeds to push a state religion down the throats of the citizenry, we are not like India in those regards.
Now what I see is that you have the big kids at the table and India is getting all it's ducks in a row to become a major global nation. The programs like their space program are there not not only enrich their country but to also kick in the door to the conference to say that they demand a seat at the table and not be told what to do.
The thing is, you wrote all that out without saying anything. You laid out a bunch of "stats" but there is no meaning behind them. Where is the why? Where is the reasons behind any of this? Hell, you could have given an opinion on why India was buying up russian oil at low prices, in defiance to western sanctions, and what that meant?
Here is another one. You could have had a passing thought on the troubles with India's failures at domestic arms manufacturing and the reasons why it is important for India to make it work. There is an interesting topic.
Or, you could have brought up the past 10 years of border conflict of India and Pakistan and why, in these past years of simmering aggression, that this on-going conflict could and probably will erupt again in 5 maybe 10 years.
So please talk about how Modi and his party misuse a name to make yourself think you are smart and how that matters, towards you conception of politics.
The simple fact is that JOE BIDEN let in 10 million illegal immigrants without vetting any of them. Now they are trying to give them assylum and let them vote. You will be having foreign nationals voting and deciding who gets elected. This is treasonous. Period. The census will include these illegal people in the count giving more house seats to the Communist Democrats. I hope you asswipes that voted for JOE Biden are happy. You have turned this country into a shytehole in 3 years. MAGA muhukker!
You are so correct. If only there was a law, a bill that congress could have made then put into practice to stop this from happening...
Oh wait, there was and it was exactly what you are talking about and it was torpedoed from the very people who asked for it. Blame the GOP. You and them are the people that scream at what's wrong but cower when actually trying to do something. Run away
Not really. This is what's left of a paintball forum, so this kind of talk does nothing but drive people away. So by looking at the lack of posting, there aren't many people left.
Germany was an example of misuse of a name. I don't really care what the party(s) call themselves. And while I could go crude with the jokes, it means nothing. I am not Indian, I am not interested in their politics, and I really don't care for the implication of having to know everything while not being able to have an opinion. You brought up India as some sort of parallel case, which isn't to prove a point that they can do 3l3ctions better and quicker, in some sort of false equivalency to begin the prepping of excuses when yoir choice looses another election. And that's not Biden...
Funny, "in go we trust", is younger than the Chevy Corvette. Eisenhower in a move to consolidate the differences of the US people with them godless commies, put that phrase on money. Before 1957, I believe all money didn't have that.
But don't confuse separation of Church and State with freedom of speech. While I do not agree with those peaceably protesting what they view, it is totally different to chant genocidal rhetoric. So no, you dont get it.
By your standard, native American have the world beat, or Australian Aborigines. But in today's global market, no. That "2,500" years is of not one continuous country, or people, not states of fractured and waring states. The global market, the global big powers want to keep things the same, no change. And the table that you say India made, it was off the backs of the Indian people with wood from the rest of the world. While your attitude for inclusion is very liberal, I know you really don't think that.
Having nukes is but one level or petal in what makes India work. It is a multicultural area, and people, and if you had any clue to the ramifications of my simple questions, then you would have your answer.
Not talking about history, I am talking about the future. Big difference.
This country was founded upon principles and ideas. Those cited papers, only give credence(and not talking about Clearwater revival) to those ideals and just establish those ideals to the rest of the world. Kinda hard to stand behind those very papers, but then support someone who wishes to tear them up when they loose an election.
Just you and me and a few others, I guess. You can't deny it's the most active portion of the forum. This thread alone is almost a year old with 15 pages and still active.
(Kind of a personal record for me to be amused so long, but I can't help it. You're almost as funny as Nancy Pelosi tearing up the SOTU address. )
I'd bet you'll love this one.
Of course you've heard of the 9-0 ruling by SCOTUS that States like Colorado cannot keep a candidate (Trump) off the ballot.
Yet, within hours of that announcement Dems are pushing the same narrative into Congress.
Somehow, I don't think their mouthpiece calling members of the Supreme Court "political whores" is going to help their case.
Over what? Where's the endgame? "Get rid of Trump" and then what? Tough to lay odds. The front runners are...Best kept to myself.
After all, I wouldn't want to say anything that might be misconstrued.![]()
Really? If anything in that movie/piece of propaganda was the truth, then where was the results of that truth, i.e. the lawsuits and overturning of voting results stemming from that piece of "evidence"?
You believe that movie as you are a good little sheep. Your foxnews says all the right words to inflame you, to entice you to indoctrinate you to only listen to what they want to say. So when someone listens and gives them the results of that, i.e. a piece of meat that is easily digested like a movie that supports THEIR NARATIVE, then it will say exactly what you want to hear.
That my friend is called an echo chamber. You are exactly who and what they want. You do not think for yourself, and only repeat what they say. You aren't a sheep, you are a lemming, the Disney version, who is ready to jump off the cliff.
This post is garbage and the other ones to. But this post totally encapsulates the GOP agenda. Work your way into power, take control. Then as a topic(per this forum) comes up, break the rules, go against popular views, and be in command of a sinking ship, because of power.
This place should be a bastion of knowledge and a betterment for the sport and product. Now look at it. And you Jym, you are obtuse to that cause all you see is a long running post. BFD... and I am embarrassed to continue this farce.
There are 2 ways to look at that. One that the court agrees that they see passing the buck more important than actually taking a stand. By inaction, they leave the question unanswered, so there is no right answer.
And as for the link, so what? How is that any difference than the GOP writing bills that removes mail in ballots for their or all states?
And by saying what you do, you do nothing but flame those same fires. By trying to be flippant, you want to be the one that is on the outside looking in, trying to be part of the Statler and Waldorf crowd, but you are in the chorus of this Muppet show.
And if you don't get the endgame, you really have no clue as to how, even today's politics are played. Talk about being niave...
So you know how i feel? Then you should be doubly embarrassed for this. Every couple of days, when there are no new posts to this pig slop of a topic, I feel wonderful. Maybe, just maybe we can move on and the forum can either get back to paintball or die like so many other forums on the net.
But I continue this only to stop the idiocy and the ignorant claims that you all put up about politics. Which if we remember the forums rules is a forbidden topic. You wish to push an agenda that does not belong here and I fight against that.
No it's sad that you continue down this road no matter how wrong you are.
How quick you are to get off the migrant issue, when proven wrong. Oh it's Biden's fault. No it was the GOP and the ex-president who killed the bill to do exactly what you asked for. So now you have to try and make yourself feel better and above anyone who looks different than you. If you wish to come out as a bigot, be my guest. I will hang out with all the colored hair people, discussing our piercings having a good time.
This thread started 03-09-2023 at 8:15 PM. It could end with one calendar year. Then what?
You have made 141 posts so far in this thread alone during the past year. More than you have on all other topics in the forum. You know, paintball topics. (mea culpa)
Funny that you call it pig slop when you're neck deep in it.