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Thread: So...How's it going?

  1. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    Wow, what a video. Not only is sleepy Joe in charge of a mafi-esque crime family, while being totally incompetent towards being able to even dress himself or other dementia related tasks, but he has become a ventriloquist at his age.

    But if little badly edited videos like this keep you warm inside, so be it. Just as long as you stand aside and let the democrats and other people actually do the job of running the government, is fine by me. But do me a favor and compare these types of poorly spurious vids to everything the people that are in the GOP have said, openly, without edits on any legitimate news source. One side needs to make up scandalous vids, while the other is creating them at a near daily pace.

  2. #92
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    Seems this vidio has been out there for a while ,,, and none of the Famous Fact Checkers have condemed it yet , but I digress, after all you are the expert in all things ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  3. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by maniacmechanic View Post
    Seems this vidio has been out there for a while ,,, and none of the Famous Fact Checkers have condemed it yet , but I digress, after all you are the expert in all things ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
    Out for a while? PM Modi, just came to the US this week. So not for that long. It certainly wasn't out for as long as trump has been indicted, lol...

    But actually, I was wrong. Biden did say that. I had wrongly assumed that the bad video(poor quality and poor presentation), and suspect word or phrase choice was the earmark of the far right, trying to prove that Biden is as criminal as trump is. But context is the main culprit here. I did notice that the vid cut right off after he said that, which is suspect, like I said, but the cut off was hiding that very context, as there was someone that was late in attendance to that very meeting and when that person arrived, Biden, glibly said that statement, which I will assume got a raucous laugh, which the edit did hide very well.

    So, to your point Hank, you do not need to fact check something when you have the context of statement. Laugh a little, it was a very funny joke when you know it is a joke.

    So there you go. I was wrong, yet I was still right in proving that your views of the obfuscation and horrible political choices only show your naivete.

  4. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nobody View Post
    Out for a while? PM Modi, just came to the US this week. So not for that long. It certainly wasn't out for as long as trump has been indicted, lol...

    But actually, I was wrong. Biden did say that. I had wrongly assumed that the bad video(poor quality and poor presentation), and suspect word or phrase choice was the earmark of the far right, trying to prove that Biden is as criminal as trump is. But context is the main culprit here. I did notice that the vid cut right off after he said that, which is suspect, like I said, but the cut off was hiding that very context, as there was someone that was late in attendance to that very meeting and when that person arrived, Biden, glibly said that statement, which I will assume got a raucous laugh, which the edit did hide very well.

    So, to your point Hank, you do not need to fact check something when you have the context of statement. Laugh a little, it was a very funny joke when you know it is a joke.

    So there you go. I was wrong, yet I was still right in proving that your views of the obfuscation and horrible political choices only show your naivete.
    and he said today that Putin is losing in Iraq. Got an answer for that one? Another slip of the tongue? Keep believing what Joy Behar tells you to believe. BAAAAAAA!
    Email me for low prices on ALL AGD Products and more.

  5. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tunaman View Post
    and he said today that Putin is losing in Iraq. Got an answer for that one? Another slip of the tongue? Keep believing what Joy Behar tells you to believe. BAAAAAAA!
    No clue, cause where is it? Where is the context?

    I have no problem with someone who might misspeak but gets things right, versus someone who misspeaks and gets everything wrong. How many indictments have been charged to Biden? How many lawsuits has been issued against Biden? Or who has a booming economy? Who has created more jobs in a 50 years? Who is crying that they lost an election and is trying to get back into power?

    So yeah, Biden will never be a great orator. I don't hold that against him. He might make me cringe a bit when he goes off script, but when you see the results of what he is doing, making the lives and the country BETTER than when he got. The results speak for themselves. Besides, Dark Brandon will fix all

  6. #96
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  7. #97
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  8. #98
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    So? Other than the notion of "it's not fair to me, cause I had to pay", what is wrong with it? Is it that the president said it was "unconstitutional"? I know that the GOP feels that that is their words, and only they can use it. The biggest difference is that instead of taking an issue and changing the constitution, the dems will change the matter to fit the constitution.

  9. #99
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    “Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before pigs, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces." Matthew 7:6

    Seems relevant for this thread.

  10. #100
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  11. #101
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  12. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    Hate to tell you but it doesn't matter who shows up at the rallys. In fact it is rather dubious, as the rallys are already preaching to the choir. In an election, you do not have to win over yoir base, you have to win over those people that are NOT your base. Plus, normal people don't care about rallys. Rallys like that do nothing to put forth your policies and .essages to garner new and wider support as it just becomes an ego filler and continuing echo chamber, always talking about what has already happened and never what they will do(albeit other than destroying the constitution, dismantling the government, and jailing all those that oppose him. Huh, reminds me of a time and place in the 30s, somewhere in Europe).

    So basically, who gives a rat's turd? It matters nothing to me, my beliefs and my ears. But go forth and indulge. Surround yourself in the misery.

  13. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nobody View Post
    Hate to tell you but it doesn't matter who shows up at the rallys. In fact it is rather dubious, as the rallys are already preaching to the choir. In an election, you do not have to win over yoir base, you have to win over those people that are NOT your base. Plus, normal people don't care about rallys. Rallys like that do nothing to put forth your policies and .essages to garner new and wider support as it just becomes an ego filler and continuing echo chamber, always talking about what has already happened and never what they will do(albeit other than destroying the constitution, dismantling the government, and jailing all those that oppose him. Huh, reminds me of a time and place in the 30s, somewhere in Europe).

    So basically, who gives a rat's turd? It matters nothing to me, my beliefs and my ears. But go forth and indulge. Surround yourself in the misery.
    LMAO ,, One day ,,,,,,,

  14. #104
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    Now the commie dems are trying to block the suns rays. Only a moron would back this pathetic party.

  15. #105
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  16. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    Tsk tsk... don't you know it's sacrosanct to watch foxnews? They are the biggest lamestream media. You can't believe anything that they put on.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tunaman View Post
    Now the commie dems are trying to block the suns rays. Only a moron would back this pathetic party.
    Why would the dems want to eliminate one of there alternative power sources, solar? Time to check your script for your medical Mary Jane, that you also got becaus3 of democrats.

  17. #107
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  18. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    Let's see, we cannot make better policies, we cannot make better sense with the hypocrisy that we follow, we cannot even be bothered to govern; so we just have to make fun of them, cause if we are not putting down people we have nothing to say. You can't be a politician without belittling anyone, the marginalized those that are citizens, that are the people you represent. Kudos

  19. #109
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  20. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    So what is the matter? What is the issue that you want to talk about? Cherrypicking all these subjects and then never expanding upon what they are about, only shows that your values are only hot topics with no real base. They are hollow. They are only there to get people enflamed but you have no solution to any of this. Hunter Biden? Who cares that he is a crackhead? Who cares that he used his name to get influence. None of that has any bearing onto the real issues that effect anyone except Hunter Biden. You are exactly what foxnews has made you. Throw out a lot of different subjects in a wide net to try and find something that will get all it's viewers enraged. Because when you're enraged, you miss the real subject, thr real problems. You are the mark to a poor street magicians who makes you look at the one hand, the ball, when you miss what the the other is doing. So this barrage of links, only shows that you have no real solution to any of your questions.

  21. #111
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  25. #115
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    Do not confuse an opinion piece with fact. There is no evidence of what was said in that "hit piece" of than what the author thinks is happening versus to what is actually happening. While you may agree with what is said, others will see the difference of how the economy is booming with not only job creation but also record low unemployment. One may say that an economy that is booming, only leads to profits, so you can't have one without the other. Biden's economic plan is just to build up the base like a foundation of a house. So far in my estimation, is pretty good. Much better than the last guy.

  26. #116
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  27. #117
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    Oh yes, and to further illustrate how not everyone has to make profits, that altruistic deeds can and do help society get better. I will mention but 2 names.

    Jonas Salk. While he did live in the grey area of some of his experiments, he also created the polio vaccine(ikr? Vaccines, oh the irony), which eradicated polio.

    Tom Kaye. Which had he only choosen profits, the HPA tank, alone would have made him millions, but instead saw the betterment of the sport overall.

  28. #118
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    Really? Going to swamp to dig up yet another opinion piece? I thought you were all about not needing any DC lame-sream media. And doesn't conservative politics runs against what Maga politics is all about? Next you'll site foxnews, which we can all agree on will only argue that grass isn't green because that is what liberals say it is.

  29. #119
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nobody View Post
    Tom Kaye. Which had he only choosen profits, the HPA tank, alone would have made him millions, but instead saw the betterment of the sport overall.

    ..and that's one of the reasons why Bud is retired living on the beach and TK is not.

  30. #120
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