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Thread: Full (well almost) BIden coruption timeline

  1. #31
    Join Date
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    CT Co-ordinator, Paintball Marshals

  2. #32
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  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nobody View Post
    Lol, for what ever reason, Jim uses a portal from MSN but isn't from MSN. Goes to show you that you only look at surface of an object, like someone telling you that they had an election stolen but have never produced 1 bit of evidence.
    Uh, yeah.. ok. I recall posting a **** ton of stuff and you wouldnt look at it because you didn't like the sources.

  4. #34
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigEvil View Post
    Uh, yeah.. ok. I recall posting a **** ton of stuff and you wouldnt look at it because you didn't like the sources.
    No, no you didn't. If you posted something, like what pirate jym posts up, half of them are heavily biased sites that have no clue what obj3ctive journalism is, and could only spell it with help of their spellchecker. So it is not about the number of sources but the quality of them. So searching multiple sites that can only back up your narrow agenda, only shows how you push only one narrative and how you only want to diminish and put down anything positive that the current administration is doing.

    He'll, the latest link from Jym shows exactly that. Why do you think that the current proposed impeachment has been scoffed at? Is it only liberal media bias, not entirely. It has more to do that articles like the link, only reinforce what you think without an actual objective bias, stating fact not biases. So they are writing exactly what you want to read/hear, and not telling any actual facts. Like complaining about Biden getting a few million, without putting the light on multiple GOP career politicians that made even more than the proposed money Biden made. I have no qualms if you wish to show politic graft on both sides, but when you turn a blind eye to your party, that is a problem, just like how Jared got 2 billion on a deal, enriching himself and family while holding office, but raking Hunter over the coals, for the same thing.

  5. #35
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  6. #36
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