The minigun mag.
The original build. This thing made me feel sooo good to empty a case of paint without a single chop over and over again. Just mechanical perfection with the rotor and mag.
I want to use two warp feeds and a back pack hopper with hoses to feed a gun more like the real thing. The original was crude and made with basic hand tools and a drill press. The point was to have endless ammo. Now days I have money and am not always broke I think this will be the project I re-visit. It is true I have moved on to bigger projects like little red. That’s a 2022 f450 regular cab dully, super singled on comercial 44s. Lockers…. It’s a monster truck that can handle 4 tons payload and a 40k lb trailer. I digress.
I still have a Luke customs remote EP block. He does not make these annymore. Also I have a full shop these days. The last time I did this was all hand tools and junk I had around the house.
Hope all are doing good and remember, try it. You never know it might work.
Btw this is little red. The start of the build.