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Thread: Single Trigger EP frame How to

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    the country of california

    Single Trigger EP frame How to

    I still get lots of request for this mod but it is to time consuming and expensive to do one at a time and some of the parts are hard to find anymore. So I will post this how to here so it can be found in the searches.

    Parts so far.

    New AGD AM/MM rail
    Aluminum Single AGD trigger frame
    Universal T Board kit
    SMC Noid (S070C-SDG-32)
    MPA3 Ram
    PPS Micro Rock LPR
    Remote line adaptor

    The general layout I will make an aluminum sleeve for the LPR and put a bike grip on it so it will look oldschool.

    After some milling on the drill press and we are looking good.

    This is a shot of where the micro switch will go

    I had to shorten the trigger safety arm on the trigger so I could fit the switch in the frame and get room for the ram. This part of the trigger is what activates the switch. The second pic is what it looks like inside the marker.

    The dry fit and it all fits nicely.

    This is what I will use to do my soldering. A portasol Butane soldering unit.

    Now the layout with the lpr. I cant wait to see it with the bike grip on it.

    I am working on the wiring. It is slow going but it is looking clean. Noid, microswitch, and battery terminal is good, now all I need to do is the membrane pad and LED.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    the country of california
    The wires after separation. Also a shot of the wires I removed from the plug because I wont be using them. This way I can put them back in if I ever decide to do eyes.

    The micro-switch was soldered very close so I could cut off the extra length on the prongs. This way it fits where I want it without messing with the ram position.

    With the noid, switch and battery installed and no rats nest of wires:clapping: I make it look easy but it just takes time and experience to get things to look clean.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    the country of california
    The LED
    I will use paint on E tape to keep them apart.

    The test runs were a total success. HeHeHe

    Ready to go. The red LED burnt out when I was programming it. I will replace it later.

    Just waiting for the grips and the rest of the marker and we will have a test run, maybe by next thursday.
    I will cut a notch in the grips that the board will attach to, to hold it in place.
    Notice the small holes where the microswitch is. I decided to pin it instead of super glue.

    See I still have a square millimeter to spare. Plenty of room:ROTFL:

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    the country of california
    So there will be no question that it all fits, I have provided lots of pics.

    Final product and looks so innocent.

    But it is not.

    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

  5. #5
    Thats sweet dude. Noone will expext that at all.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Plymouth, WI
    I wanna do this and call it my "back-up" gun

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    %100 bad assed!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Gatineau, Que. Canada
    Now THAT is amazing right there!

  9. #9
    Thanks for the write-up. They're always appreciated.

  10. #10


    that is bad ass brooo, wish i could do that to my mag, how can i get all those materials?

  11. #11
    very rad

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