I played back in the 90's (as i'm guessing many here also probably did) and reconnected with a few friends who wanted to start playing again!

I've forgotten everything of the old ways of our people and would appreciate some help getting started again. I picked up a very-new Tac-One last week and will probably need to gut all the rings before it will fire.

My question!

What bottle and hopper are recommended? Do I need to worry about anti-chop eyes anymore or is that something built into hoppers these days? Is that even a real question with a level 10 installed or am I overthinking this?

My goal is to have a high BPS fire rate chainsaw like the Automags of the 90's, but minimize chopping best as possible. I'd also like to get my trigger reset to very short, light stroke.

Any advice no matter how obvious is very appreciated, I cannot overstate how much i'm out of the loop on this sport currently.