I finished polishing my mag last night and believe me, it was more than worth it. To get it shined I did the following:

* 320, 400, 600, 800, 1500 grit emery sandpaper (Hopefully I'll get some 2000 or 3000 grit over the weekend to finish it up, although it really does not need it)
* Mother Mag

Start with the 320 and work your way to the 1500 grit making sure it is done evenly and that you get the entire body. I highly recommend doing the sanding under the faucet (it makes a big difference as you are washing away all the particles you just sanded off). After I finished doing all the sanding, I polished the body with Mother Mag and the shine was unbelievable. All together it took approximately 6 hours over a two-day period.

I would not use a drill or dremel to do any of the sanding. Doing by hand makes it look a lot better.

If you want a chromed/polished body, go ahead and do it!! It is very easy to do.

[This message has been edited by ralicea (edited 12-08-2000).]