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Thread: Do's and Dont's of Clutch Dropping

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Northern Virginia

    Do's and Dont's of Clutch Dropping

    I know at least some of you all know a bit about manual, so I have a question. What are the do's and dont's of clutch dropping (popping?) I just got a manual bronco II, and I know at some point im going to be doing that but I really dont want to mess up my truck in the process. Oh, and im practicing for my friend's manual RX7 which I will eventually be able to drive

    So please, tell me how not to screw up my transmission (more importantly, my friend's transmission... that would result in a painful death for me)
    AIM: FalconGuy016

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Link idea = Ghey...

    Whats clutch dropping?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Northern Virginia
    Originally posted by FiRe
    Link idea = Ghey...

    Whats clutch dropping?
    Woops, that was a ghey idea I forgot to take out

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    B a y A r e a
    well when you drop the clutch going mmmmm... lets say 4000 rpm you'll car will make that screeching noise, also known as "peeling out". it is pretty tough on your clutch so i wouldnt do it too much, but every so often is ok

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  5. #5
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    That where u put it in neutral and rev it then switch to drive?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    or in a manual transmission you just pull your foot off the clutch.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Northern Virginia
    Originally posted by FiRe
    That where u put it in neutral and rev it then switch to drive?

    Cheeta... yes, but there is so much more to it. And im sure you could screw it up somehow so thats why im asking

    Its funny, I dont even have a tachometer

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    B a y A r e a
    ok, i see more explanation is needed, it is with a manual transmission, you are in 1st gear with your foot on the clutch and while giving it a lot of gas, then you just "pop" out the clutch

  9. #9
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    Northern Virginia
    Originally posted by sps16
    ok, i see more explanation is needed, it is with a manual transmission, you are in 1st gear with your foot on the clutch and while giving it a lot of gas, then you just "pop" out the clutch
    I knew that much but thanks, its good to have it reinforced by somebody. I just wanna know if you can do it wrong, im sure you can

  10. #10
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    May 2003


    well im not to sure about breaking your clutch but if your driving a rear wheel drive truck u canbreak your rear end if you do it alot i tink im not to sure

  11. #11
    There isn't much too it. Rev it up and sidestep the clutch. It is very rough on the drive train. There's no way around that. You can do clutch damage, tranny damage, engine damage, rearend damage, suspension damage (do I make myself clear yet?). If you launch correctly the tires should just chirp but not spin. If they spin you're revving too high first and if they don't chirp you're not launching as fast as you could. With a little practice you can launch almost as fast (I loose less than .03 seconds vs. sidesteping) with a controled clutch release. Just practice a fast smooth release.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Northern Virginia
    Thank you shiney guy
    I think im just going to gradually build my clutch speed until I get it to a point I like. Thanks

    But what is sidestepping?

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    heh, silly (but quite pimpin!!) bronco...

    You should get some pics in this thread jeff, to demonstrate the complete redness.
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  14. #14
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    Originally posted by FalconGuy016
    But what is sidestepping?
    I believe it is using one foot on two pedal sat the same time (i.e. gas and brake with your right foot, clutch left foot).

    I tried to learn to do this while was I stopped downshifting

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Las Vegas
    Restola, thats heal toe... great techneque for those who love the corners. This way you match revs for your down shift and get a nice smooth transition from breaking to acceleration at the apex.

    Sidestep is just like it sounds you move your foot to the side of the clutch and let it slap up rather than just jerking your foot back.

    Sounds to me though that this is stuff you proly shouldnt be messin with quite yet.... a car is one of those things like a gun where if you disrespect its power it will hurt or kill you no questions asked.

    What I recomend is getting with your buddy with the RX and finding out where your local SCCA does Solo II events.. .take the school they offer every year... and then participate in the events. You both can run the same car. You will learn alot about what your car can do in a safe environment as well as have a boat load of fun at the same time.
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  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Originally posted by FiRe
    That where u put it in neutral and rev it then switch to drive?
    no, thats a neutral drop.

    no comments on dropping the clutch, "popping" it as it is commonly refered to around here. does do damage to the tranny, and the rest of the drivetrain if you arent careful.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    When we last had this discussion ref heel toe, the dropping of the clutch was mentioned too, you will destroy the clutch and the transmission and the drive shaft and the differential and the wheel bearings (this applies to rear or front wheel drive) it occasionally and you will be fine. You want to show what else you got for christmas at the lights? A high rev and a slow release and riding the clutch will result in wheel spin, a high rev and a quick release will result in a thump and in a lot of cases a quick getaway...both "can" be called dumping the clutch, both make you look silly and rich as you must be able to afford the replacement parts. Yes, they do do it in the Grand Prix, but then they only have to start the car from a standing position at most 4 ish times (American Grand Prix aside) and they (the teams) expect to replace the clutch afterwards. The same applys to all racing teams of whatever flavour.
    Last edited by MarkM; 10-05-2003 at 10:02 AM.

  18. #18
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    Las Vegas
    I dono... sure there is more wear and tear than usual..but my formula has 58,000 miles on the current drivetrain and I dono how many PCSA evnets and other Drag race events that it has run.... at least 5 sets of BFG Drag Radials worth though..

    And we arnt talking pop the clutch a little here ether... we are talking 1st put the car in second, rev to 4-5k dump clutch and break stand it for 10-15 seconds to get nice warm tires... then roll to the line.. rev to 2500-3k and and when the 3rd light comes down let that beast loose (Or on a pro tree sit there and look dumbfounded at the green light for a half second and wonder why my reaction time is so bad.. he he he )

    Its definantly time for a new clutch... but 58k on one clutch seems pretty normal to me. Then again the formula wasnt meant with economy in mind ether...

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Is your car a race car (a purpose built straight line drag car)? NO! So don't do it. Don't even do it to the RX7 unless it is purpose built. Why? Because it will wear the clutch plate, splines and everything else into paper thin pieces. Clutches in cars and even most sports cars today are not designed for that kind of abuse. Drag cars have thier clutch plates replaced after just about every 10 runs down the track. Because even the strongest clutches cannot withstand being instantly hit with that much force.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    you have a bronco II, dont do it.

    main reason, the "engineers" at ford thought it would be a good idea to use a composite rear driveshaft, that doesnt contain any metal. they have been known to grenade. that, and its a bronco II. as it has been stated, it is not a race car. do you have 4wd? cause if so, that BW transfer case will also not hold up very long. just dont do it.
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  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Like others have said, just don't do it. Not to mention you'll definately get laughed at not only for having a bronco II but also for trying to spin your tires in it,heheh . Just playn', have had many fun occasions messn' around in my step-cousin's in the snow.
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  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Originally posted by RetroEclipseMan
    Like others have said, just don't do it.

    Alright... I'll listen to AO

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Redsox Nation
    Originally posted by FalconGuy016

    Alright... I'll listen to AO [/B]
    haha, no you wont.. you'll go out and do this first chance just to see what happens

    <- would do it

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    Hayabusa!!,New York
    Originally posted by joez
    you have a bronco II, dont do it.

    main reason, the "engineers" at ford thought it would be a good idea to use a composite rear driveshaft, that doesnt contain any metal. they have been known to grenade. that, and its a bronco II. as it has been stated, it is not a race car. do you have 4wd? cause if so, that BW transfer case will also not hold up very long. just dont do it.

    I 2nd that!! Bronco II's are definately not made for any abuse.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Midcoast Maine
    well everyone else has siad what I was gonna say, but I have a few things to add, Broncos being rwd, if you even managed to get the tires spinning keep in mind that the assend doesn't always like to stay in the rear and you could easily hit something or someone (trust me, been there) also broncos have a high center of gravity so they will roll easily, it doesn't take much(been there too) but the biggest reason I can think of not to is that every bronco II i've seen will burn it's clutch before it burns it's tires, anyone who's ever toasted a clutch before will vouch for me that the smell is unmistakable and even more so horrid, save yourself the embarrassment.
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