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Thread: OFFICIAL SE AO Day II Thread

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    South Joisey
    Originally posted by Tobe2be
    forgot to mention WIPING MANGO..... its great when paintball are thrown from the sideline right mango.
    LOL! *Shakes his fist at you guys* That was so funny though, you guys rule.

  2. #62
    u know u guys dont need to spit alcohol to do that. theres always this stuff called AXE, seee! Even the kiddies cna partake in this some way!!!11 (only reason why axe works is that one of the ingredients is butane!!! )

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Woodstock, GA


    Thanks to Cphilip & Gold Dragon & AGD & TAG & NPS for the event!

    This was awesome and it was great to play this year since I reffed last time.

    A HUGE thanks to Simon "Manike" Stevens and Jeff "Load_SM5" Waldorf for playing w/ me on team "Norfolk & Chance". We had a great time and it was an experience to be on the field with two awesome players.

    Thanks for all the people who did play and came out, for Tom & Jon for travelling all the way down from Chi-Town to come out.

    This was an awesome AO day, we had Simon & Greg from NPS, Bob, Dee, Scott & crew from tag, and the whole AO kingdom along with the Clemson University Team reffing. I'm glad I could be there.

    --- OH>>> BTW!

    IT was freaking AWESOME that MUZIKMAN & JOSHUA D. SILVERMAN were out there snapping picks!

    You guys take awesome shots and nothing makes it easier to look back on an event like this than pulling up a webpage or the biggest magazine in paintball and seeing all our faces in it.

    You guys all rock

    -rob long aka ezrunner aka ez-wang aka cf

    TAG Factory

    Powered by: (Largest Paintball Field in Northern GA)

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Originally posted by 1stdeadeye

    GA Devil....You got a real pretty mouth!!

    SQUEEL BOY! yeah was great meeting you and everyone else. Glad you all made it home safe. I reckon ill be seein yall at that there next AO thingy magig if yaunto..aight?

    When true evil smacks you in the face you never forget it.

    Official DevilMAG Thread
    Devil's Den Paintball
    The Aggressive Generation

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Dalton, Georgia
    Originally posted by GA Devil

    SQUEEL BOY! yeah was great meeting you and everyone else. Glad you all made it home safe. I reckon ill be seein yall at that there next AO thingy magig if yaunto..aight?

    OMG!!! someone help me!!! I'm living w/ deliverance and I think he's got a thing for 1stdeadeye!SAVE ME


  6. #66
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Originally posted by JT2002

    did u hav eto be over 18 to partake in this mystical fireball activity?
    Yep, you definately had to be over 18.................and of couse you had to be over 21 since that was Everclear.(I wonder if they can feel their lips yet?)

    Of course the law says you have to be 21 to drink it, not to spit it...............
    Last edited by headcase; 11-23-2003 at 11:40 PM.

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    methinks Wyn might be getting a new nickname when I pass copies of the fireball thing around..

    looks like you guys had a great time, I gotta get out to more of these events...


  8. #68
    That was great. I brought a friend and now he is so happy with his first paintball experience that he's going to get all his old friends to try it. Cant WAIT 'till next year. no family like mag family. thanks all.

    BTW, i just took my car to get washed today and amazingly it all came off and there's only like 10 noticible dents. 1000 dings but only a few real dents. other than no tail lights and all it was great. thanks guys.

    oh, and it wouldnt let me post on my old sn.. wierd. I was the one in the red and blue jester hat.
    OMG MY CAR!!!

  9. #69
    wait, that paint covered thing was your car?
    lmao what did they say when u brought it there

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    New Jersey
    Well, I just got in and I can say that I am a complete mess. My wife helped me count the bruises / welts (after some explaining) and the total stands at 96. My right pectoral (who am I kidding, it's a man boob) is completely black and blue, there's not even a flesh color anymore. I had a fatastic time and look foward to the next one.

    My thanks:

    Phil for hosting an awesome event. I had a great time.

    Druken Fury (Wyn, Creative, Jon) for being the best team in the tournament. It's not our fault the rules don't play to our paticular strengths.

    Dayspring, Deadeye, Tuna, Mango for the great caravan down to the event. What a blast.

    Dead Eye, Data Pimp, Creative, Jon, Day Spring for playing swords vs. guns with me. That was a blast (96 of them to be more accurate).

    Dead Eye for volunteering me to eat paintballs

    Tom for hanging out till the wee hours last night and letting me expound on my theory of going with your strenghts.

    And the generic thanks to everyone else that attended. I had a great time seeing some people for the first time and getting to see others again. A great event to be sure.

    Mango, where's my fire spitting video?

  11. #71
    I basically pressure washed it. sooo many dings. great fun though, i pimped it out on the way home- mega chick mobile

  12. #72
    man u must of had some true multicolor water flowin down ur sreet rofl.
    Albinonewt i think this calls for some pics!!!!

  13. #73
    Originally posted by SprayingMango
    P.S.: 2 ARROWED!!1
    You know it Mango. You, me, and Clare were arrowing people all day long.

  14. #74
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Clemson SC
    I would have to say I did have a good time, although I wish I could have seen more of the event. Since I was reffing the 5-man field, I missed a bunch of the action, but oh well, it was still fun. And I did manage to bum some paint to play on the hill a couple of times (Phil, thank Caleb for me again, I'll try and get him back when i can).

    I would have to say that everyone made reffing really easy. Most of the time before I even had a chance to say anything, people would call themselves out. Thanks for saving me from getting more hits everyone, you all were definately a great bunch of people to be around.
    Last edited by speeddemon; 11-23-2003 at 11:26 PM.
    Sadly the mag is gone, moved on to an LCD Trix

    Originally posted by Nachos

    I don't care if you need a special plastic that comes from a tribe in the amazons that can only be crafted by Willy Wonkas Oompa Loompas in his chocolate factory.

  15. #75
    Join Date
    May 2001
    IN -- USA
    I will say that Pito had the best bunker move all day. Ran right up behind the kid, put his barrel in his back and says...

    "You're out."

  16. #76
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Originally posted by Dayspring
    I will say that Pito had the best bunker move all day. Ran right up behind the kid, put his barrel in his back and says...

    "You're out."
    Not only the best bunker move, but the classiest move of the day. I have no doubt that at least one person their would have lit the kid up.

  17. #77
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Clemson SC
    Hah, as that kid was walking away from the field he was complaining to the refs because he thought that physical contact was against the rules. Seriously, would he rather have just gotten shot from point blank? Personally I thought it was a nice thing to do, I wouldn't have given a second thought to just popping him.

  18. #78
    Thanks for the compliments guys. I wouldn't want someone to shoot me that close, so I didn't shoot him that close. He had no idea I was there either. Stealth Bunker.

    It was great meeting everyone.


  19. #79
    Team Teen Girl Squad. Arrowing people all day long.

    Sorry about the quality, I had to bump it down a lot to conserve space.

  20. #80



  21. #81
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Albino! You are the bomb! hahaha. But, I had a wonderful time and I look forwards to the next one. You guys are all cool as hell.

    [3-7-04][[18:58] [Fred-O] Dizzo and I stripped yesterday... a lot of anno off some parts of mine that is...

  22. #82
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Cleveland, OH
    i just recovered from the trip home. tomorrow i will start to edit the footage i shot. i will try to have some sample clips up soon. the full dvd should be ready in a few weeks.
    "whoever did that in the bathroom needs to start eating right and go see a doctor" - Tunaman, AOSC 2

    "back in the day of pumps this would have taken all @!#$ing afternoon" - Albinonewt , "Treatise On Welts"; chapter 2: The Electro Revolution

  23. #83
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    At the bar, having a beer eh?
    Well, it's 3:54AM, I just got home about 20 mins ago... I'm beat. I just wanted to thank everyone for the great time. It's too bad I was overcome with a bad migrane sat night, looks like you had a blast(except for the limey not knowing to spray the everclear AWAY from the hand ) It's too late to remember all that went on this weekend, so I will look at the pics to refresh my memory and then I will complete my thank you's.

  24. #84
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    AutoMag Country
    Well first off I would like to say I am sorry for being so damn late getting to the event. Things got a bit screwed up at work before I left and well I didnt even get on the road until after midnight after getting up at 7:30am to get into work early to TRY and get out early... no such luck. Ended up crashing 30 minutes south of Stanton Va. My little 2 hr power nap turned into a 6hr full sleep. DOH

    Oh yea I left my Emag batteries on the top of my Jeep when I left Fairfax, heard a funny bumping noise when I pulled into the lot to sleep. Got out and there they are on the roof rack !! almost 3hrs @ 80mph and still there....

    So instead of getting there 9-10am I get there 4pm and everything is kinda wrapping up. Talk shop with TK a little break out the gun and sunk in a few games. Thanks Trina, KB, Mango, Pito189 ( I think thats right ) Clare, DaySpring ? and the kid on my team who I didnt know. Hopper ball is not where I shine but it was fun, too bad no lights. Tater a BIG thanks for the tubes of paint !

    I had a blast just chilling and meeting people and had a great time. I am shocked that the poor serven' wenches had any fingers left after dropping off those plates of food.

    AO you guys need some manners !! and more food !!

    If I can swing it with work I will make the next one. All you that didn't make it missed out on all the fun. If you dont have the $$ start saving now !! Hell I ended up with about $80 in gas reciptes !!

    Funny stats :

    Highets Point Traveled : 2800 ft just inside the VA/NC boarder neat the Weather center.
    Cans of Red Bull Consumed : 13 total I see funny things after 6
    Miles covered - 1240 round trip
    Shortest Pit stop - 9 minutes - 12 gallons of gas, potty break AND munchies
    Longest Pit Stop - 25 minutes - 9 gallons of slow as hell gas, potty break, and McD's
    Pack of Orbits gun consumed : 7
    2 lts of Diet coke : 3
    Highest speed attained - Return Trip : 81mph Speeds were kept down to a min because of a ticket I got coming home from Shatner Ball 1 and an accident last Jan
    Time for return trip : 5pm-3am ( 4 stops )
    Pucker Factor Moments : 2 - First was a Cop in Va second was a Semi on the way back the bounced off the Jersey Baracade
    NUmber of time JonC said "Check his Junk !" - 123,987,299,001

    So all said and done people DONT FREAKING MISS IT AGAIN !!


  25. #85
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    caught in a mosh
    Next year, I will be there. I have missed BOTH of them because of deployments. Next year, I will be a civilian, and shall be attending every meet I can. I cant believe I missed the fun!!!
    X-mag #10. Nuff said.

    my feedback

  26. #86
    Join Date
    Dec 2000


    Man. What a great time I had. I would like to extend some love to all that had anything to do with making this event one of the most memorable I have every been to. You guys(and Gals) are the most wholesome and awesome people I have ever met. Thanks for all your support present and past. To my Farting Tripmates, all I can say is we will have THAT contest AGAIN!
    TK...what can I say. You are the greatest dude I ever met. Luv ya man. Thanks so much..AGAIN!
    Jon...checkin' ya big time Bro. Luv Ya man.
    Cphilip and June...finest people on earth. You done real good this time. Smootches to ya.
    Jack and Gold Dragon Paintball...Best of luck to y' will go FAR with that place! A real class act.
    Simon...a real pleasure to meet you.
    LoadSM5...thanks man.
    Doobie...see ya soon Bro. Hurry Back.
    Capo and the bring excitement for sure.
    Adam Shannon...for lugging that stuff around all day and using my quote in your sig. Mad props to you Bro. Great Job!
    Muzik...thanks for the pics man...Good stuff.
    DataPimp...finally bro! You rock man!
    TAG..You sure know how to bring it. Great job man.
    Mel...not without you Bro. Thanks!
    To anyone I may have forgot, thank you too.
    Office Gals had lots to do with this too so thank you.
    LONG LIVE AGD! The GREATEST company in the world!
    I hope to see you all again real soon.
    Tunaman :o
    Last edited by Tunaman; 11-24-2003 at 03:40 PM.
    Email me for low prices on ALL AGD Products and more.

  27. #87
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    I had a really great time. Everything turned out better than I expected. I don't have much time now, but would like to thank EVERYONE! I didn't really know anyone (I'd only met Tom in person before), but Everyone made me feel welcome, even Dayspring after I apologized for overshooting him. Sorry about that! Everyone should try to make one of these if they can.

    And I am now SOMEBODY. I got the drunken phone call. At the airport waiting for the plane on my way to SE AO II. CPhil is funny after he has had a few.

    More later, family stuff you know...

    Hey Hitech your starting to sound like me! - AGD
    Hitech is the man.... - Blennidae
    The only Hitech Lubricant

  28. #88
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Decatur, AL USA
    This was the best AO meet to date. It was like a paintball vacation, fun and stress free. I guess that's why everyone was so horrified when that non-AO'er tool threw his gun.

    Tom-Thanks for bringing this whole thing together that allows me the opportunities to make and meet friends from all over the world. I did'nt shoot you this year, the curse is broken!

    CPhil and June- See my first comments. You guys did a fantastic job this year, completely outdid yourselves. We needed a bigger place for for the dinner anyway. This thing seemed to have doubled in size froma last year. June, we know your the brains behind this gig. Phil lost his powers of clear thinking with the hair.

    Tuna- Damn glad to have finally met you in person. Your a helluva nice guy and not a bad Sydarm player for an old man

    Jon- Good times as usual, but if I hear you say "Check his junk" one more time I'm going to put my foot in yours. Love ya bro.

    Manike- Well worth the drive to see you again. Thanks for being a great teamate and helping with the timmy tech support and secret tricks. In honour of your help I'll write 'limey' on the arse of my first victim when I get to stitch someone with it. Hope the hand heals soon. Remember, fire burns.

    EZrunner- Awesome time Rob. You're a great player and it felt so nice to see our little throw together team gel up at the last few games and blow some people up. Look forward to playing with you a good deal in the future. Thanks for the couch.

    Mayhem- Nice times eh? Thanks for the poster, the tasty Canadian road food and going with me to pick up Simon. Your snoring helped keep me awake and alert.

    Jonesie- thanks for talking to me and keeping me awake despite Mayhem's constant snoring. Glad your car was'nt towed.

    Clare- Thanks for coming out and representing. The girl loving was nice to watch too.

    Havoc- Thanks for letting Clare come out and play! See you at Texball.

    Rob- Thanks for showing up at last.

    Tater and Dayspring- For all the gun help.

    Doobie- Nice to meet you at last and thanks for all your doing for our country. Keep your head down.

    Mango, Wyn, Pito, Frausty and all the others I got to hang out with again or meet for the first time. Thanks for all the good times and many beers. Wyn get some good stuff next time though. Natty Light...blagh.

    I know I owe some money to someone for some batteries. Let me know so I can get that taken care of.

    Trina- Thanks for letting Doob come spend some time with us. Hope you make it to Texball.


    If you read this, thank a teacher.
    If you read this in English, thank a soldier.

  29. #89
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Yeah I think the guy that threw his gun thought they were going to come in a sweep us low level AO'ers.....lmao. Our team beat them awful fast in the finals and I think thats what did it. O well it was the only problem I saw the whole day or weekend for that matter. Thanks again to Tuna for getting back up and running, Load for my teams stickers, phil for putting it on, Tom and Jon for being there and to the rest of you that I made friends with. You all are great people and Im glad I was able to be a part of such a fun event. Thanks to all.

  30. #90
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Chattanooga, TN
    I believe Load was right, this year seemed so much bigger, and better than last year. No stress and great times!

    Big thanks goes to Phil and June for putting this together and making it happen.

    Thanks to Ramada for not booting us all for the noise.

    I met so many new AOers this trip. Capo, Mango, 1stDeadeye, Albinonewt, Creative Mayhem, Dayspring, Tunaman, RobAGD, KaiserBob, Pito189, Trina, Hitech, GADevil and his wife, Adam Shannon, and many others that are escaping me now.

    Loved the shade of pink the car ended up after the 'repainting' we gave it.

    The pile o' mags was really nice too. The AO spirit of family really came together there and later at explorers when everyone came togethere and made new frieds and hopefully lasting friendships with fellow AOers.

    Tunaman, glad to finally meet you, and thanks for stomping my foot racing to the TAG tent! LOL

    RobAGD, Thanks for the help with my tank. I'll test it this weekend.

    Mango, you take way too many bounces, even your head bounces! Good times.

    Clare, nice job weaving paint through those trees on the woods field. Saw the paint about 10' away, no chance to dodge it then.

    Tater, thanks for flashing my emag so late! It was very sweet the next am when I got to shot out Creative Mayhem!

    Creative Mayhem, Beauty 'eh? Great to meet ya, and shooting at ya, 'eh? Sorry about not having those purple ball detents. I'll keep my eyes open.

    Newt, you really need some help! It was interesting watching you take on 3 guns with a squeegie, 1 emag and 2 xmags and get 2 of the 3 eliminated! Cool!

    I am sure I have missed some people. I hope to see you all back there next year and meet some more at texball if I can make it there.

    The AO family is #1. Looking forward to meeting more of the family soon!


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