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Thread: quick question on slang

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    quick question on slang

    why in the HELL(pardon the language mods) ... but why the he HELL are all these folks startin to call markers "gats" ? its pissing me off, it's making me feel like they're tryin to make paintball like an act of violence or something, like they're out to kill someone...a gat? i think it makes a bad outlook on the sport and i dont like it, all the young whippasnappaz need to learn what a MARKER is and stop with the crap man! jesus, what is up with it all though, someone care to enlighten me?
    Its grubby yall, whazzup?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Newport News VA
    lol, the only person I've seen actually use gat in reference to a paintball marker is FragTek, and I think the only reason he carries that on is because of people like you who get worked up over it.
    Calling all Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, and other east coast AOers...

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    Let us know what dates and locations work for you!!

  3. #3
    Lopy-slopy Guest
    Gat's a cool word, I never use it, but it's still cool. markers are for pussy's real men use gat's.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Phoenix, AZ
    there was a thread about this a while back. got locked due to it having become a troll magnet.
    POG Member #919
    CPPA Member #1334
    Proud Member: Team Tactical Markers
    "SP - All your electro belong to us make your time" ~darwin
    "Most Paintball players go through the transition from Novice to Pro before they get a clue and move back down to amateur." ~ Glenn Palmer

  5. #5
    p8ntball1016 Guest
    I gotta buy a ule and a y grip for my gat

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Waconia, Minnesota
    gats about as bad as gun isn't it ????? Everybody uses the word paintball gun
    Email: [email protected]
    Aim: Halo4840

  7. #7
    Lopy-slopy Guest
    What if I call my gunn my paintball weapon of mass destruction, What would you say to that?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    I be killin suckas wit my gat fo sho dawg! Keep it real!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Originally posted by Lopy-slopy
    What if I call my gunn my paintball weapon of mass destruction, What would you say to that?
    I would squeal like a little schoolgirl.

  10. #10
    Lopy-slopy Guest
    Is that a picture of you?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Waconia, Minnesota
    Originally posted by Lopy-slopy
    What if I call my gunn my paintball weapon of mass destruction, What would you say to that?
    people would think you're a paintball terrorist, and shoot u down.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    man, you know, i hope no kid(who's tryin to get into the sport) ... i hope their parents dont read this thread and go off thinkin bad things! lol...geez u people are disturbed! its a marker cmon..."yeahhh ima pull my tek9 on that mofo" u sound like a wigger on crack so stop it!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Waconia, Minnesota
    "man, you know, i hope no kid(who's tryin to get into the sport) ... i hope their parents dont read this thread and go off thinkin bad things! lol...geez u people are disturbed! its a marker cmon..."yeahhh ima pull my tek9 on that mofo" u sound like a wigger on crack so stop it!" said by Grupps.

    me! a wigger. naaa... but everyone who i talk to call it a paintball gun, and when a parent looks at it no matter what they see a gun, not a marker. When you say marker it doesn't take the vision of someone bunkering someone, or anything like that. There is no difference between a paintball marker and a paintball gun, i hope kids parents can see that they are the same, because if they can't they are very stupid parents.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    i aint bein rude or nothin bro i'm just sayin...i dont get it...gats? new slang, i just think it stupid lol

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Waconia, Minnesota
    ya, i dont understand why they call it gats, but its not that big of a deal. Do your parents care??? I know my parents hardly even know i play paintball. If parents do care, then there kids should just not use the word. I understand where your comming from, and u really do not give a damn about the word gat, but i didn't understand if u dont care why u posted it U might have been pwing it up, but lets pw some useless info instead of info that might get debated against

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    lol my parents are like...they wont accept the fact that their fat son who use to be all smart n stuff, gave up school to get a job and have fun lol, so they totally reject that i play paintball and refuse to loan me money or help me out so i do it all alone, thast life tho eh? haha

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Waconia, Minnesota
    that sucks. My parents pay for all my stuff (i am 14,though) i get $20 a week for doing the dishes everyday, and sometimes i don't even do them! They still give me $20 because they know i need it for paintball. I'm so spoiled, and i love it!

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    dude im spoiled too, i get 20 bucks aw eek for food at lunch and i dont even eat lunch at school cuz it tastes like cow crap but tahts aight, im 17 and i just got fired and well...lies not goin as it was so funds are limited and now no one feels like buying my friggin rt mag and im giong insane BLAh! lol ...we have too much time on our hands, we should go out ballin

  19. #19
    p8ntball1016 Guest
    Originally posted by illshowumyramrod

    people would think you're a paintball terrorist, and shoot u down.
    I don't have weapons of mass destruction

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Oneonta NY & Long Island (Glen Cove) :)
    "gat" definatly ranks in the top 5 of stupid slang words ive heard.

  21. #21
    p8ntball1016 Guest
    Originally posted by PyRo
    "gat" definatly ranks in the top 5 of stupid slang words ive heard.
    gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat gat

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Phoenix, AZ
    it's gangsta talk, and totally unnecessary in paintball. people will see a gun, but if they hear gat, they'll think lower of US, the players, thinking we consider our paintball guns/markers like they're mac-10's and such, and they begin to think paintball player = punk kid. That's a mental connection we DO NOT want to encourage.

    Use paintball marker or paintball gun, people will understand and not care. When you start using ignorant language , that's when problems start. And 'gat' is definately a word that began out of ignorance and has it's roots in gangster speech, and it's still primarilly used there. Don't adopt gangster's language. It, unlike the use of the word 'gun', DOES hinder the growth of our sport.

  23. #23
    p8ntball1016 Guest
    What about the gangstas in the paintball community?

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Oneonta NY & Long Island (Glen Cove) :)
    Just shut up.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Originally posted by p8ntball1016
    What about the gangstas in the paintball community?
    YEAH!? What about us!?

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Abington, Mass
    idk, get a life

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    It's a good thing I've been in the paintball world for about a year and was at AOSE or I'd be freaking out about my son wanting to play paintball after reading some of the things on this site.


  28. #28
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    My supah gat will eat you for breakfast foo!

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Oneonta NY & Long Island (Glen Cove) :)
    God, I think we should build a giant wall around Brooklyn and take everyone who has used the word gat and dump them there

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Gat, Gun, Marker... Call them whatever. Truth be told, they are guns. They have a trigger that, when activated, propels a projectile. The fact that many refer to them as 'markers' has a very minimal positive effect on the general public. They've already formed their opinions about paintball (those who have heard about it) and its up to us as players to either strengthen their positive opinions, or enlighten their negative opinions. How do we do this? Well, I offer the immortal words of William Shakespeare:
    "What's in a name? That which we call a rose
    By any other word would smell as sweet."
    No matter what you call it, people (for the most part) aren't going to respond to how ballers refer to their gats, but rather how we use them. It's not that we call them "gats" or "guns", it's that we shoot street signs and little old ladies on the side walk that gives us the negative conotation.

    Team Sandbaggers.
    -We own j00 all.-

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