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Thread: OFFICIAL Fantasy Emag Contest Q&A!!!!!

  1. #61
    shartley Guest
    Yes, it is a compromise that works.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Southeast MO
    Next week... hmmm... i might lose/accientally delete it by then. better make backups!

    Everybody look at how many people have posted question. Now times that number by about 2. Theres not gonna by 2000 poeple enter this thing... we all actually have a good chance to win something.

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    St. Louis, Missouri
    i have another question,

    i have a kodak software program that can crop images etc. Do you know anywhere i can get some info on it. the instruction manual is lost
    Tough Times Wont Last Forever...
    Tough People Will ~ Darryl Kile R.I.P. 2002

  4. #64
    shartley Guest
    Did you try contacting the manufacturer? They should know what software package comes with each camera. Then they can either send you the manual, or you can find one online.

    Hope this helps.

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Beer Country
    I will not keep this issue going(though I do have a lot of thoughts about it), I just wanted to thank shartley again for trying very hard to interpret the rules correctly. He made some worthy points.
    Eeking another contest out of Tom is great, but I was still mostly interested in how my drawings would have stacked up against the other stuff when it came to voting.
    I guess we won't get to find out.
    Oh well, we need to remember that Tom doesn't have to do any contests if he doesn't want to.
    Bickering about the rules is not the AO way and as seen from the creator of the contest's standpoint, I would find it rather annoying and counterproductive to go on and on and on.
    That's why I'll keep my trap shut now,

  6. #66
    shartley Guest
    Thank you for your post.

    There is often more to what goes on than gets posted in the Forums. And so people understand a bit better about one of those things, I would like to post a line from an e-mail sent to Tom by myself, while we were determining where we would take this issue...
    And you could even run a hand drawn contest after as well...
    See, you were not forgotten, or overlooked.

    I just wanted to thank shartley again for trying very hard to interpret the rules correctly.
    Thank you again. This is actually not too hard to do, since I was the one to draft the rules in the first place. It is having to explain them, and enforce them, that can be the tricky part.

    I thank you all for your understanding.

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    detroit, mi
    is their a rule regarding multiple contest wins?

    i.e would it be possible for the same person to win this contest as well as the naming contest that is coming up.
    or does winning a contest exclude you from a future trip to the winner's circle for XX days/months?

  8. #68
    shartley Guest
    That is a good question, and I have thought about it in passing, but not focused on it. I will see what Tom thinks. I think that there should indeed be a Win Limit, but what it should be will have to be thought about carefully.

    I will get back to you on that one.

  9. #69
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    St. Louis, Missouri

    its kodak camera, the problem is i cant get any info because it is an industrial type camera for labs. Since my dad is a sales rep., we just happened to get it free w/ the several hundred dollar lab software which is complicated

  10. #70
    shartley Guest
    Okay.... open the program and go to its HELP and then ABOUT section. Let me know what it says and I will see what I can dig up for you. The more information you can provide the better. Just don't expect me to get the info right back to you 5 minutes after you let me know it... LOL

  11. #71
    Join Date
    Oct 2000

    First I wanted to make everyone aware of a great program we have started using here that has most of the functionallity of Photoshop at a fraction of the price. It's called Paint Shop Pro and goes for about 90 bucks. That should be within the reach of most people. It does layering, background subtraction, effects the whole works. Check it out!

    For right now we will allow multiple wins by the same person. If it happens then we will look into modifying the rules.


  12. #72
    shartley Guest
    Thanks Tom, I am sure Paint Shop Pro will help some of the folks out. It is not a bad program. In fact I am sure it will actually be easier to use for many members.

    That being said, it ain't Photoshop either. There are reasons why they cost so much different, and it is not simply the name.

    Let's reverse the situation for a bit.....

    You are at a Paintball Event, and a Well known and respected Graphic Artist runs up to your group and shouts.. "Hey, to play paintball all you need is to shoot paintballs right? Well, I started using this BE Marker and it is working GREAT! And it costs a fraction of what EMags do. Check it out!"

    Well....... I guess that would be correct, right? Not exactly. Sure they do some of the same things when looking at the basic functions, but they are not close to being the same.

    I do however believe in the following rule....

    It is better to use a lower end application to your abilities and produce decent results, than to try to use a higher end application and not produce anything. So, I am NOT slamming Paint Shop Pro. It is a great application for what it does, and where it fits into the scale of graphics software. I just don't want any misconceptions as to how it actually stacks up when compared directly against Photoshop.

    Again... it ain't Photoshop. But then again, I have said time and again, Photoshop ALONE will not make you a great Graphic Artist. But it will never be the part that keeps you from being one.

    I think people should use what they will be comfortable with. And that may very well be Paint Shop Pro. But I have a sneaking suspicion that the cost issue isn't really an issue for most members.... how many of the members getting their hands on Photoshop do you think are actually PAYING for it? This makes it an issue of ease of use, not which is actually the BETTER software.

  13. 11-14-2001, 04:55 PM

  14. #73
    shartley Guest
    When Tom tells me, I will post it in the Official Rules.

    There is still over 2 weeks left, so it should not be that big of a deal yet.

    Thank you for your understanding.

  15. #74
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Ottawa, Ontario



    I'm new here and I read through most of the posts here the nite before and saw something about names with submitions.

    Will our names show with our submistions? ( I wasn't around for the Box comp.) The factor of favourtism comes in when you know who made the design and the actual Design/Concept/Idea might not get 'judged' by the judges, and people would vote simply for who they liked best.

    Sorry if I come off as a prude ... just wondering.

  16. #75
    shartley Guest
    That is a good point. However you mention a couple issues at the same time... let me please address them for you.

    1) All names must be submitted with the entries so that we can keep track of who submitted what.

    2) The file names must reflect the member name of the person submitting the file so that it is easier for us to match entries with the actual member.

    3) Okay, for the sake of argument, let's say we DON'T put the member's name with the gallery picture... You do a right click and see the file name. You now have the member's name. And even if we change the file name, do you think people will not post someplace else which design is theirs? It happened with the Package Design Contest. I know you said you were not here for it, that is why I am telling you this.

    So, yes, this has already been thought out. If we worry about each and every little detail, the contests will become so difficult to run that they will more than likely STOP being run. We try to take care of the major issues in a way that allows the contest to be run smoothly and still get the desired end results, both for the contestants AND for AGD.

    I am sure you would agree that it is better this way and allow the members the chance to WIN great AGD Prizes, than to get so nitpicky that noone gets that chance. I hope this answered your question.

  17. #76
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Ottawa, Ontario
    Heh ok sounds fine, see your point.

    Just one guy on another forum(wont say) was posting about selling his vote to the highest bidder ... even if it was a joke, which I hope it was .. still rasies the issue.

  18. #77
    shartley Guest
    I can understand your concern. But think of it like this.. if someone BUYS votes, what is the point? They might as well skip the middle-man and buy the Marker.

    Also, in the last contest like this, some “games” were tried, and they were quickly discovered and corrected. So you can rest assured that things will be fair.

    I think most everyone will see the contest in its true spirit, and have a great time (as most did with the last one).

  19. #78
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Southeast MO
    Shartley, may I make a suggestion....

    when you release the adress to send the pics.. would you mind posting it in a new topic? It semms as though it might be hard to find amoungst all this commotion on this topic.

  20. #79
    shartley Guest
    Great idea. I will make sure a new Thread is posted so that it is right in the open. I will than also make sure it is added to the Official Rules Thread and this one as well.

  21. #80
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    St. Louis, Missouri

    How to save your design w/ the photoshop demo

    Here Is A Temp. Fix For Not Bein Able To Save If U Hvae The Demo

    While Photoshop is open, and your pictuer is in full view, press ALT/PrtScrn. That will give you a screen shot. Then go to your programs and open Paint (should be in your accessories). Go to edit, paste. then just crop all the other stuff out, and save it as a JPG.

    if u have any problems please PM me, as i may be able to help

  22. #81
    Paintchucker Guest

    How many entries so far?

    Just out of curiousity, how many entries have you recieved so far?

  23. #82
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    detroit, mi
    hopefully none, i have yet to see the email address to which we are sending our entries.

  24. #83
    I read in the rules that we could send in our stuff between somthing like the 15 and the 30th of this month. Well it is the 20th and I still have not seen an address to send it to. Am I just missing it or is it not out yet?

    --- A concernded Mag owner who really wants to win a RT Pro --

    I think I should add that the gun that orginaly got me interested in paintball was the RT (this is no joke). I saw a picture of a RT in a magazine when I was in highschool and I said to myself I have got to get one of those. Of course I didn't but that is what orginaly got me interested in paintball. Anyway, I hope the e-mail address gets posted soon, I am getting a little anxious . I can't wait to see what everyone else has designed and I hope I win the RT Pro, good luck to everyone who is entering.

  25. #84
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Southeast MO
    Yes I really want that mag.. if I dont in it, it will beyears before I get a new gun (own a Tippmann 98, no feilds around to play at, no reason to upgrade guns)

    Its getting awful close shartley. Im afraid that some poeple will not find the address this week, and then forget or get disinterested, and whe the 30th comes around they wont have it submitted.

  26. #85
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Southeast MO
    nother question:

    It says in the rules that you cannot put a name of the gun on the marker anywhere. Does this mean it cant even say "E-MAG" on it? cuase i kinda already have E-Mag extruded on the back of the gun... looks neat.. and after all.. it is an emag.. just dotn wanna DQ myself.

  27. #86
    shartley Guest
    No entries thus far. As was pointed out by another, no entry e-mail address has been announced.

    polorboy / Vegeta
    There was a delay in announcing an E-Mail Address for entries. This should not be a problem. Please keep in mind that Tom gets quite busy with running the actual business as well as other things. When he lets me know the exact E-Mail Address, I will post it quite BOLDLY for all the world to see.

    The rule about naming the Marker was to prevent people from coming up with an actual NAME for their marker. EMag if seen like standard EMags on body parts should be fine. An example of naming the EMag would be like the SFL EMag. See the difference?

    This also allows us to have the "Name the Marker Contest". We don't want to ruin any chances for additional contests and prizes do we?

  28. #87
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    detroit, mi
    just to play devil's advocate, i know tom and the entire AGD crew is busy, but can we expect atleast 36-48 hours to submit our entries? i don't think it matters much if this forces the deadline to be pushed back, i think everyone just wants a fair shot at entering the contest.

    i don't really care when the email address is released as long as there is a reasonable amount of time for us to send in submissions.

    am i wholey off base with this request?

  29. #88
    shartley Guest
    No, you are not off base... at all.

    Unfortunately, I can not post something I do not have conformation on. I CAN however, assure you and the other members,that as soon as I get it, I will make it known in its own Thread, as well as on the Official Rules Thread, AND this one.

    Thank you for your understanding.

  30. #89
    shartley Guest
    Contest e-mail address for your entries!!!!!!

    [email protected]

  31. #90
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    St. Louis, Missouri
    i have two diff. styles of an e-mag, diff. colors etc., can i put them on the same entry??

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