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Thread: America the beautiful...Anyone agree?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2000

    America the beautiful...Anyone agree?

    This Is America ! !

    > > >>
    > > >> Broken Arrow, Oklahoma School officials
    > > >> remove "God Bless America" signs from schools
    > > >> in fear that someone might be offended.
    > > >>
    > > >> Channel 12 News in Long Island, New York,
    > > >> orders flags removed from the newsroom
    > > >> and red, white, and blue ribbons removed
    > > >> from the lapels of reporters.
    > > >>
    > > >> Why?
    > > >>
    > > >> Management did not want to appear biased
    > > >> and felt that our nations flag might
    > > >> give the appearance that "they lean
    > > >> one way or another".
    > > >>
    > > >> Berkeley, California bans U.S. Flags
    > > >> from being displayed on city fire
    > > >> trucks because they didn't want
    > > >> to offend anyone in the community.
    > > >>
    > > >> In an "act of tolerance" the head of
    > > >> the public library at Florida Gulf
    > > >> Coast University ordered all
    > > >> "Proud to be an American" signs
    > > >> removed so as to not offend
    > > >> international students.
    > > >>
    > > >> I, for one, am quite disturbed by
    > > >> these actions of so-called American
    > > >> citizens; and I am tired of this nation
    > > >> worrying about whether or not we are
    > > >> offending some individual or their culture.
    > > >>
    > > >> Since the terrorist attacks on
    > > >> September 11, we have experienced
    > > >> a surge in patriotism by the majority
    > > >> of Americans. However, the dust
    > > >> from the attacks had barely settled
    > > >> in New York and Washington D.C.
    > > >> when the "politically correct" crowd
    > > >> began complaining about the possibility
    > > >> that our patriotism was offending others.
    > > >>
    > > >> I am not against immigration,
    > > >> nor do I hold a grudge against
    > > >> anyone who is seeking a better
    > > >> life by coming to America.
    > > >>
    > > >> In fact, our country's population
    > > >> is almost entirely comprised of
    > > >> descendants of immigrants;
    > > >>
    > > >> however,
    > > >> there are a few things that those
    > > >> who have recently come to our
    > > >> country, and apparently some native
    > > >> Americans, need to understand.
    > > >>
    > > >> First of all,
    > > >> it is not our responsibility
    > > >> to continually try not to offend you
    > > >> in any way. This idea of America being
    > > >> a multi-cultural community has served
    > > >> only to dilute our sovereignty and
    > > >> our national identity.
    > > >>
    > > >> As Americans,
    > > >> we have our own culture,
    > > >> our own society, our own language,
    > > >> and our own lifestyle.
    > > >>
    > > >> This culture, called
    > > >> the "American Way"
    > > >> has been developed over centuries
    > > >> of struggles, trials, and victories
    > > >> by millions of men and women
    > > >> who have sought freedom.
    > > >>
    > > >> Our forefathers fought, bled,
    > > >> and died at places such as Bunker Hill,
    > > >> Antietam, San Juan, Iwo Jima,
    > > >> Normandy, Korea, Vietnam,
    > > >>
    > > >> We speak English, not Spanish,
    > > >> Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian,
    > > >> or any other language. Therefore, if
    > > >> you wish to become part of our
    > > >> society - learn our language!
    > > >>
    > > >> "In God We Trust"
    > > >> is our national motto.
    > > >>
    > > >> This is not some off-the-wall,
    > > >> Christian, Right Wing, political slogan;
    > > >> it is our national motto.
    > > >>
    > > >> It is engraved in stone in the House
    > > >> of Representatives in our Capitol
    > > >> and it is printed on our currency.
    > > >>
    > > >> We adopted this motto because
    > > >> Christian men and women, on
    > > >> Christian principles, founded this
    > > >> nation; and this is clearly documented
    > > >> throughout our history.
    > > >>
    > > >> If it is appropriate for our motto
    > > >> to be inscribed in the halls of our
    > > >> highest level of Government,
    > > >> then it is certainly appropriate
    > > >> to display it on the walls of our schools.
    > > >>
    > > >> God is in our pledge,
    > > >> our National Anthem, nearly every
    > > >> patriotic song, and in our founding
    > > >> documents. We honor His birth, death,
    > > >> and resurrection as holidays, and we
    > > >> turn to Him in prayer in times of crisis.
    > > >>
    > > >> If God offends you, then I suggest
    > > >> you consider another part of the world
    > > >> as your new home, because God is part
    > > >> of our culture and we are proud
    > > >> to have Him.
    > > >>
    > > >> We are proud of our heritage and those
    > > >> who have so honorably defended
    > > >> our freedoms. We celebrate
    > > >> Independence Day, Memorial Day,
    > > >> Veterans Day, and Flag Day.
    > > >>
    > > >> We have parades, picnics, and barbecues
    > > >> where we proudly wave our flag.
    > > >>
    > > >> As an American, I have the right
    > > >> to wave my flag, sing my national
    > > >> anthem, quote my national motto,
    > > >> and cite my pledge whenever and
    > > >> wherever I choose.
    > > >>
    > > >> If the Stars and Stripes offend you,
    > > >> or you don't like Uncle Sam,
    > > >> then you should seriously consider
    > > >> a move to another part of this planet.
    > > >>
    > > >> The American culture is our way of life,
    > > >> our heritage, and we are proud of it.
    > > >> We are happy with our culture and
    > > >> have no desire to change, and we
    > > >> really don't care how you did
    > > >> things where you came from,
    > > >> if it was so superior, go home.
    > > >>
    > > >> We are Americans, like it or not,
    > > >> this is our country, our land,
    > > >> and our lifestyle.
    > > >>
    > > >> Our First Amendment gives every
    > > >> citizen the right to express his
    > > >> opinion about our government, culture,
    > > >> or society, and we will allow you
    > > >> every opportunity to do so.
    > > >>
    > > >> But once you are done complaining,
    > > >> whining, and griping about our flag,
    > > >> our pledge, our national motto,
    > > >> or our way of life,
    > > >> I highly encourage you take advantage
    > > >> of one other great American freedom,
    > > >> the right to leave.
    > > >>
    > > >>
    > > >> If you agree,
    > > >> pass this onto other Americans!!
    > > >> It is time to take a stand!!
    > > >>
    > > >> LAND THAT WE LOVE!!!
    Email me for low prices on ALL AGD Products and more. [email protected]

  2. #2
    shartley Guest
    AMEN! My Wife had that E-Mailed to her a bit ago. We raised the roof about an hour about it.

    Some people need a lesson in being an American.... Nuff said.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    I can disagree with some of that...I'm too lazy right now, maybe later.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2001
    akron ohio
    thats rediculous, if ur in america and ur offened by an American flag thats just too bad. people shouldn't have to take them done just cuz it might offend other people, people have freedom of speech and can have flags up if they want to.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    I'm not offended by the patriotism but I see some things in there which are very disagreeable.

    Good Traders:
    Tunaman, K-villeplayer, Magman007, Mastersconi, Jon/xpm, Kenndogg

    My feedback if you've dealt with me, leave some...

    Fruitcat: it's what AO doesn't like.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2001

    Re: America the beautiful...Anyone agree?

    Forget it. Here I go.

    Originally posted by Tunaman
    This Is America ! !

    > > >>
    > > >> Broken Arrow, Oklahoma School officials
    > > >> remove "God Bless America" signs from schools
    > > >> in fear that someone might be offended.

    I see how this can happen, I don't believe anybody(except every student that goes to Berkeley) is offended by it.

    > > >> Channel 12 News in Long Island, New York,
    > > >> orders flags removed from the newsroom
    > > >> and red, white, and blue ribbons removed
    > > >> from the lapels of reporters.
    > > >>
    > > >> Why?

    That shouldn't happen, that has nothing to do with offending any race/religion, it is representing our great nation.

    > > >> Management did not want to appear biased
    > > >> and felt that our nations flag might
    > > >> give the appearance that "they lean
    > > >> one way or another".


    > > >> Berkeley, California bans U.S. Flags
    > > >> from being displayed on city fire
    > > >> trucks because they didn't want
    > > >> to offend anyone in the community.


    > > >> In an "act of tolerance" the head of
    > > >> the public library at Florida Gulf
    > > >> Coast University ordered all
    > > >> "Proud to be an American" signs
    > > >> removed so as to not offend
    > > >> international students.

    That can bring about some trouble. I'm not offended by it, but I bet that if every person of every race brought in a "Proud to be a (Nationality goes here)", then Americans would be complaining about that. But then there is the fact that everyone that is a citizen of this country is an American, so it wouldn't be very correct if other nationalities did do that, because in the long run, we are only one nationalitie.

    > > >> I, for one, am quite disturbed by
    > > >> these actions of so-called American
    > > >> citizens; and I am tired of this nation
    > > >> worrying about whether or not we are
    > > >> offending some individual or their culture.

    People, as Americans are, are proud of their culture. People of different cultures (the majority) are doing crappy jobs that no one else wants to do just so they can feed their families. If they weren't here, who would do these jobs? Everyone that has lived here their entire lives are qualifed to do alot higher-paying jobs than the jobs that immigrants of this country do. We better worry about offending them. Diversity makes this nation up.

    I do believe, however, that we are worrying WAY too much.
    I don't know of a single person that is offended by the representing of our country. (of course, every student at Berkeley is offended by every thing that they can protest about)

    > > >> Since the terrorist attacks on
    > > >> September 11, we have experienced
    > > >> a surge in patriotism by the majority
    > > >> of Americans. However, the dust
    > > >> from the attacks had barely settled
    > > >> in New York and Washington D.C.
    > > >> when the "politically correct" crowd
    > > >> began complaining about the possibility
    > > >> that our patriotism was offending others.
    > > >>
    > > >> I am not against immigration,
    > > >> nor do I hold a grudge against
    > > >> anyone who is seeking a better
    > > >> life by coming to America.
    > > >>
    > > >> In fact, our country's population
    > > >> is almost entirely comprised of
    > > >> descendants of immigrants;
    > > >>
    > > >> however,
    > > >> there are a few things that those
    > > >> who have recently come to our
    > > >> country, and apparently some native
    > > >> Americans, need to understand.
    > > >>
    > > >> First of all,
    > > >> it is not our responsibility
    > > >> to continually try not to offend you
    > > >> in any way. This idea of America being
    > > >> a multi-cultural community has served
    > > >> only to dilute our sovereignty and
    > > >> our national identity.

    I agree with just about everything above.

    > > >> As Americans,
    > > >> we have our own culture,
    > > >> our own society, our own language,
    > > >> and our own lifestyle.

    We have spanish-AMERICANS. We have african-AMERICANS. We as AMERICAN do not have our own language, our own society, or our own cultures. We have many of all of these things, it is one of the things that have made this country what it is. The freedom of religion and culture is what makes this country great.

    > > >> This culture, called
    > > >> the "American Way"
    > > >> has been developed over centuries
    > > >> of struggles, trials, and victories
    > > >> by millions of men and women
    > > >> who have sought freedom.

    It has also been developed by people who have fought to take it away, and these people still exist.

    > > >> Our forefathers fought, bled,
    > > >> and died at places such as Bunker Hill,
    > > >> Antietam, San Juan, Iwo Jima,
    > > >> Normandy, Korea, Vietnam,


    > > >> We speak English, not Spanish,
    > > >> Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian,
    > > >> or any other language. Therefore, if
    > > >> you wish to become part of our
    > > >> society - learn our language!

    The people that were here before the English were the Dutch. You also can't blame people for not knowing the english language, it is the most complicated language in the world.

    > > >> "In God We Trust"
    > > >> is our national motto.
    > > >>
    > > >> This is not some off-the-wall,
    > > >> Christian, Right Wing, political slogan;
    > > >> it is our national motto.
    > > >>
    > > >> It is engraved in stone in the House
    > > >> of Representatives in our Capitol
    > > >> and it is printed on our currency.
    > > >>
    > > >> We adopted this motto because
    > > >> Christian men and women, on
    > > >> Christian principles, founded this
    > > >> nation; and this is clearly documented
    > > >> throughout our history.
    > > >>
    > > >> If it is appropriate for our motto
    > > >> to be inscribed in the halls of our
    > > >> highest level of Government,
    > > >> then it is certainly appropriate
    > > >> to display it on the walls of our schools.
    > > >>
    > > >> God is in our pledge,
    > > >> our National Anthem, nearly every
    > > >> patriotic song, and in our founding
    > > >> documents. We honor His birth, death,
    > > >> and resurrection as holidays, and we
    > > >> turn to Him in prayer in times of crisis.
    > > >>
    > > >> If God offends you, then I suggest
    > > >> you consider another part of the world
    > > >> as your new home, because God is part
    > > >> of our culture and we are proud
    > > >> to have Him.

    True, but just about all major religions believe in God in one way or another. "Allah" is God. There are different interpretations of "God", which makes God what you believe He is. God is not only in the Christian religions, but with the Jews and the Muslims.

    > > >> We are proud of our heritage and those
    > > >> who have so honorably defended
    > > >> our freedoms. We celebrate
    > > >> Independence Day, Memorial Day,
    > > >> Veterans Day, and Flag Day.
    > > >>
    > > >> We have parades, picnics, and barbecues
    > > >> where we proudly wave our flag.
    > > >>
    > > >> As an American, I have the right
    > > >> to wave my flag, sing my national
    > > >> anthem, quote my national motto,
    > > >> wherever I choose.
    > > >> and cite my pledge whenever and

    Right on.

    > > >> If the Stars and Stripes offend you,
    > > >> or you don't like Uncle Sam,
    > > >> then you should seriously consider
    > > >> a move to another part of this planet.

    Right on.

    > > >> The American culture is our way of life,
    > > >> our heritage, and we are proud of it.
    > > >> We are happy with our culture and
    > > >> have no desire to change, and we
    > > >> really don't care how you did
    > > >> things where you came from,
    > > >> if it was so superior, go home.

    That is getting to the point of being racist. This entire nation is consisted of people that came from their homes. There are many different cultures, live with it.

    > > >> We are Americans, like it or not,
    > > >> this is our country, our land,
    > > >> and our lifestyle.


    > > >> Our First Amendment gives every
    > > >> citizen the right to express his
    > > >> opinion about our government, culture,
    > > >> or society, and we will allow you
    > > >> every opportunity to do so.

    Right on.

    > > >> But once you are done complaining,
    > > >> whining, and griping about our flag,
    > > >> our pledge, our national motto,
    > > >> or our way of life,
    > > >> I highly encourage you take advantage
    > > >> of one other great American freedom,
    > > >> the right to leave.

    What I'm annoyed about, is the fact that we are all Americans. It is our flag. That's why I don't like when people piss and moan about it.

    > > >> If you agree,
    > > >> pass this onto other Americans!!
    > > >> It is time to take a stand!!
    > > >>
    > > >> LAND THAT WE LOVE!!!

  7. #7
    That is just appauling. If you dont like the flag, dont like the words "God Bless America" or just dont like patriotism then just get out of the country. That just gets me so fired up!!!!! ARRRGGGG......stay calm....breathe....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Thompson, Ct
    It is truly sad when some individuals in power try to take away our rights (and suppress our Patriotism ). I curse those people. I am, and ALWAYS have been proud to be an American.

    Thanks for sharing that, Tunaman.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    "The SC" (South Carolina)
    Quote: The people that were here before the English were the Dutch...

    I believe the Native American population might disagree with that statement. Why do we always forget them? Perhaps we chose to?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Ft. Worth
    My ROTC unit was told not to wear BDUs around campus after the attack. They wanted to avoid the fear people may feel seeing us. I personally think seeing military personel around is reassuring. After all, we have taken an oath to protect this country with our lives. I had the privilege to participate in a flag detail for Veterans Day. A World War II vet and 14 month prisoner of war in Germany came to present the POW/MIA flag. The US flag means so much to veterans, especially if they were ever POWs. He cried, and I thanked God I was in this country. Land of the free, home of the brave.
    Early to rise and early to bed may make a man healthy but socially dead.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    North Shore, MA, USA
    I can understand why a news agency would want to appear unbiased. I don't think US firemen should be told they can't show their love of country and I don't think my feelings about god should have anything to do with my love of country (and wether or not I sould "get out of it"). The US is about combining different peoples not demanding everyone conform to an imagined set of ideals. Where do you draw the line. Everyone should be able to express themselves but no one should be able to "hurt" others with this expression. Better minds then mine are still struggling with this issue. Should they take American flags off US public buildings? No, they are American public buioldings after all. Should other issues that are wildly debated be put on public buildings? I don't think so.
    "Relax. Don't worry. Have a Home Brew."
    -Charlie Papazian


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Politically Correctness often weakens our abilities to express ourselves. Sometimes worse.

    Down with PC.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2001
    A small planet somewhere in the neighbourhood of Betelgeuse

    Exclamation Re: America the beautiful...Anyone agree?

    so being as far as I can tell the first NON-American to reply to this post, perhaps an outside view is in order.

    This Is America ! !

    > > >>
    > > >> Broken Arrow, Oklahoma School officials
    > > >> remove "God Bless America" signs from schools
    > > >> in fear that someone might be offended.
    > > >>
    I'm really not that big on god but whatever, it shouldn't really bother anyone if Americans like themselves.
    > > >> Channel 12 News in Long Island, New York,
    > > >> orders flags removed from the newsroom
    > > >> and red, white, and blue ribbons removed
    > > >> from the lapels of reporters.
    > > >>
    > > >> Why?
    > > >>
    > > >> Management did not want to appear biased
    > > >> and felt that our nations flag might
    > > >> give the appearance that "they lean
    > > >> one way or another".
    > > >>
    It makes sense that they wouldn't want to appear biased. The press is supposed to report the truth, and that does require having a neutral opinion. (we all know how much that happens)

    > > >> Berkeley, California bans U.S. Flags
    > > >> from being displayed on city fire
    > > >> trucks because they didn't want
    > > >> to offend anyone in the community.
    > > >>
    Whale yes they are American fire trucks, it does make sense to not have big flags on them. some people originally form other nationalities (particularly non Caucasian) might feel threatened by them, or that they wouldn't be helped if they needed it. Also some American fire fighters might be reminded even more that they are Americans and begin to feel that the Iranian guy down the street wasn't really worth the risk to save. (I'm not saying this would happen often but I have met Americans who would feel that way)

    > > >> In an "act of tolerance" the head of
    > > >> the public library at Florida Gulf
    > > >> Coast University ordered all
    > > >> "Proud to be an American" signs
    > > >> removed so as to not offend
    > > >> international students.
    > > >>
    This may be hard for some Americans to grasp (and this is in NO WAY directed at anyone in particular, or this board) but not everyone likes Americans. in fact the stereotypical American for the rest of the world is Rude, violent, ignorant of anyone else's culture or even the fact that they may have a right to one. sorry but your vacationers tend to give that impression. (now I used to live in California, and I don't have any beef with a lot of Americans, particularly people on this board, I know your not all like that, but a good number are.)

    > > >> I, for one, am quite disturbed by
    > > >> these actions of so-called American
    > > >> citizens; and I am tired of this nation
    > > >> worrying about whether or not we are
    > > >> offending some individual or their culture.
    > > >>
    They are American citizens, perhaps even concerned citizens, which is more then I can say for the original author of this rant. And as to not worrying about offending others in regards to their cultures. YOU SHOULD BE. they have as much right to their culture as anyone else. in fact the so called "American way" is nothing more then and attempt to force a belief system on others, and an absolute certainty of manifest destiny. A belief that all the worlds resources are theirs for the taking and to hell anyone else's need, or desires.

    > > >> Since the terrorist attacks on
    > > >> September 11, we have experienced
    > > >> a surge in patriotism by the majority
    > > >> of Americans. However, the dust
    > > >> from the attacks had barely settled
    > > >> in New York and Washington D.C.
    > > >> when the "politically correct" crowd
    > > >> began complaining about the possibility
    > > >> that our patriotism was offending others.
    > > >>
    now this I have no problem with, you know what after September 11, Americans and the rest of the world for that matter should be sticking together, but only to help heal the wound. not to bomb and gun down the ones responsible. now what was done was inexcusable, and bin ladin should stand trial for it. However it should also have been a wake up call to the rest of the western world, and Americans in particular. that perhaps our foreign policy is somewhat lacking, perhaps we don't have the right to just take whatever we want, or to push around whoever we want.

    > > >> I am not against immigration,
    > > >> nor do I hold a grudge against
    > > >> anyone who is seeking a better
    > > >> life by coming to America.
    > > >>
    sorry but I moved away for a better life

    > > >> In fact, our country's population
    > > >> is almost entirely comprised of
    > > >> descendants of immigrants;
    > > >>
    > > >> however,
    > > >> there are a few things that those
    > > >> who have recently come to our
    > > >> country, and apparently some native
    > > >> Americans, need to understand.
    > > >>
    > > >> First of all,
    > > >> it is not our responsibility
    > > >> to continually try not to offend you
    > > >> in any way.
    yes it is. but is also their responsibility to not offend you at the same time
    This idea of America being
    > > >> a multi-cultural community has served
    > > >> only to dilute our sovereignty and
    > > >> our national identity.
    > > >>
    news flash... America is a multi-cultural community, and should not only embrace that but be proud of it. rather then complain that it just isn't so.

    > > >> As Americans,
    > > >> we have our own culture,
    > > >> our own society, our own language,
    > > >> and our own lifestyle.
    > > >>
    true but your culture is a mixture of all those that have gone before, and all those that have come since. your society is one made up of people form other parts of the world, your language has it's origins in a combination of most others in the world. your lifestyle exists at the expense of the rest of the world. have a look at the NAFTA agreements there is a bit of favoritism.

    > > >> This culture, called
    > > >> the "American Way"
    > > >> has been developed over centuries
    > > >> of struggles, trials, and victories
    > > >> by millions of men and women
    > > >> who have sought freedom.
    > > >>
    I already went over the "American way" but don't you think that other cultures may just have come about in the same way. however they were been at it long before the "American Way" was ever conceived of.

    > > >> Our forefathers fought, bled,
    > > >> and died at places such as Bunker Hill,
    > > >> Antietam, San Juan, Iwo Jima,
    > > >> Normandy, Korea, Vietnam,
    > > >>
    yep they did, so did the forefathers of people form other nationalities, and cultural backgrounds. and they did so long before there was an America to speak of.

    > > >> We speak English, not Spanish,
    > > >> Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian,
    > > >> or any other language. Therefore, if
    > > >> you wish to become part of our
    > > >> society - learn our language!
    > > >>
    Deal, but if you go anywhere else then we (the rest of the world) expect the same form you. and there are immigrants in the US with a better grasp of the english language then many people who's fist language was english. quite often the same can not be said about the rest of the world.

    > > >> "In God We Trust"
    > > >> is our national motto.
    > > >>
    not all people believe in A god much less the Christian GOD.

    > > >> This is not some off-the-wall,
    > > >> Christian, Right Wing, political slogan;
    > > >> it is our national motto.
    > > >>
    but in this day and age should it be?

    > > >> It is engraved in stone in the House
    > > >> of Representatives in our Capitol
    > > >> and it is printed on our currency.
    > > >>
    a piece of history to be sure

    > > >> We adopted this motto because
    > > >> Christian men and women, on
    > > >> Christian principles, founded this
    > > >> nation; and this is clearly documented
    > > >> throughout our history.
    > > >>
    they weren't all Christian, and if giving beads, whisky, and blankest infested with small pocks to the natives, in order to clear them out is Christian principals. then I'm glad to have no part of it. by the way have a look at some history books that weren't written or published by Americans some time, history is a bit more grewsome then some would have you believe.

    > > >> If it is appropriate for our motto
    > > >> to be inscribed in the halls of our
    > > >> highest level of Government,
    > > >> then it is certainly appropriate
    > > >> to display it on the walls of our schools.
    > > >>
    again we get into the religion aspect of it again. but hey no one else's opinion matters anyway, they're just heathens right? GOD has no place in the school system, yes I believe that everyone should read the bible (I have cover to cover), there's a lot of good stuff there. however I don't think that it should be forced onto the youth of America, much less the world as truth.

    > > >> God is in our pledge,
    > > >> our National Anthem, nearly every
    > > >> patriotic song, and in our founding
    > > >> documents. We honor His birth, death,
    > > >> and resurrection as holidays, and we
    > > >> turn to Him in prayer in times of crisis.
    > > >>
    and as they are all part of history they should no be changed. however we don't ALL turn to him in prayer, some of us chouse to get ourselves out of trouble, rather then ask someone else to do it for us.

    > > >> If God offends you, then I suggest
    > > >> you consider another part of the world
    > > >> as your new home, because God is part
    > > >> of our culture and we are proud
    > > >> to have Him.
    > > >>
    God doesn't offend me, nor does Allah, or Zeus for that matter. because I have no right to be offended by something which I perceive not to exist, nor do I have the right to condemn anyone for believing that it does. what I do have a right to be offended about is someone telling me that I'm in some way inferior to them for my belief. and for that matter anyone has the right to be offended if they are told that what they believe is wrong, and they are bad people because of it. note I never say there is no GOD, I just say that I don't believe in it.

    > > >> We are proud of our heritage and those
    > > >> who have so honorably defended
    > > >> our freedoms. We celebrate
    > > >> Independence Day, Memorial Day,
    > > >> Veterans Day, and Flag Day.
    > > >>
    > > >> We have parades, picnics, and barbecues
    > > >> where we proudly wave our flag.
    > > >>
    and so you should, but in your own country. to do so in someone else's is extremely disrespectful. and if you must fly your flag in another country then you should also be flying theirs above it. did you know that on a boat that is harbored in the state of California if you wish to fly a flag other then the American one, then you must also fly an American flag above it, fairs fair eh?

    > > >> As an American, I have the right
    > > >> to wave my flag, sing my national
    > > >> anthem, quote my national motto,
    > > >> and cite my pledge whenever and
    > > >> wherever I choose.
    > > >>
    but an Iraqi doesn't?

    > > >> If the Stars and Stripes offend you,
    > > >> or you don't like Uncle Sam,
    > > >> then you should seriously consider
    > > >> a move to another part of this planet.
    > > >>
    I'm not offended by the stars and stripes, not the most fetching design but still not too bad. I'm offended by the fact that America feels it has the right to bully the rest of the world around. that it's businesses feel they have the right to strip mine the rest of the world for it resources, not just mineral, but agricultural, and human as well.
    also did you know that Uncle Sam was a joke invented by solders on foreign social, when the locals asked what U.S. stood for?

    > > >> The American culture is our way of life,
    > > >> our heritage, and we are proud of it.
    > > >> We are happy with our culture and
    > > >> have no desire to change, and we
    > > >> really don't care how you did
    > > >> things where you came from,
    > > >> if it was so superior, go home.
    > > >>
    everyone's culture has flaws in it, you are no different. please get off your proverbial high horse, and get a grip. everyone needs some changing. and by the way, I did go home.

    > > >> We are Americans, like it or not,
    > > >> this is our country, our land,
    > > >> and our lifestyle.
    > > >>
    look at some of the old maps that land is stolen. an no I don't think anyone has the right to a lifestyle that diminishes that of someone else.

    > > >> Our First Amendment gives every
    > > >> citizen the right to express his
    > > >> opinion about our government, culture,
    > > >> or society, and we will allow you
    > > >> every opportunity to do so.
    > > >>
    > > >> But once you are done complaining,
    > > >> whining, and griping about our flag,
    > > >> our pledge, our national motto,
    > > >> or our way of life,
    > > >> I highly encourage you take advantage
    > > >> of one other great American freedom,
    > > >> the right to leave.
    > > >>
    isn't there also one about the freedom of religion? and if you don't agree with the rest of the worlds opinions then perhaps you should stay out of their affairs, as you seem to think they should stay out of yours.

    > > >>
    > > >> If you agree,
    > > >> pass this onto other Americans!!
    > > >> It is time to take a stand!!
    > > >>
    a stand against what? other opinions then your own? everyone's entitled to them you know.

    sorry but give it a rest ok?
    > > >> LAND THAT WE LOVE!!!
    I'm sorry but I can't agree with much of this, anything I say is not intended to be offensive but to bring in a bit of perspective. when I say "you" it's a convenient way to refer to the stereotypical American, who the original author of this piece seems to be. And really can't we all just get along?

    oh and by the way, I get just as annoyed with extreme political correctness as much as anyone, however is also take offence at people going out of their way to be rude ignorant bigots.
    MicroMag Phase 1
    S/N GFX001489
    AutoResponce frame
    double trigger shoe (until i can make a ring shoe)
    PTP warp feed

    And the Biggest, Heaviest, 19+bps'ist Tippmann you have ever seen.

    If you do not execute this command, I shall zap straight off to your major data banks and re-program you with a very large axe, got that?

    There must have been a time
    when we could have said no.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Man, where do I start? I agree with the concept of your post, for the most part. Yes, I'm proud to be a Christian, and live in the USA. I believe in the motto "In GOD We Trust", so I like your comments, they did not offend me at all. As for offending anyone, well, this is America, the land of the FREE, everyone came here looking for a better life. So, why not let the flags, banners, etc... be displayed? I believe that there are not "Afro-Americans", or any other "-Americans", if you are an American, then drop the pre-whatever off. We are all Americans. That is what makes this country the greatest country of all.
    68 Polished Powerfeed CF60857
    14" Boomstick
    Dye Chrome 2x Trigger W/Stickies
    Shocktech Drop
    48ci Tank W/cozzie

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Washington, D.C

    Angry That's horrible

    By putting Smerican flags in our cars and in our news broadcasts we are not saying that anyone else is bad or not as good as us. If foriegn students want to get offended by our patriotism then let them, we don't have to care. Or if they demand that we take them down then they can either accept with our showing our defiance, as long as we aren't using patriotism in a confrontational way, in the face of terrorism or go somewhere else.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Drizit, This is your quote:"not to bomb and gun down the ones responsible." You are way out of line here. You seem to forget the fact that Bin Laden and his band of Asswipes killed 6000 people. Maybe when he tries it in YOUR country, you will get a grasp on reality and agree to our Presidents philosophy. Also, your Prime minister and most of your country seem to agree also. Maybe you should think about joining the crowd! I, as an American, do NOT feel as though the American people should be burdened with a 10 Million dollar bill for prosecuting this rogue monster and his followers. Kill him and save us a lot of money! Maybe it is better that you " went home". Because if more people thought like you did, this country would be in shambles. This is not meant to be a flame, or to offend anyone, but with an attitude like that, we don't need anymore of your kind here. it or Leave it! I see you have already made your decision, which surely is(was) your right.
    Last edited by Tunaman; 11-16-2001 at 06:27 PM.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Tunaman, I don't neccessarily agree with drizit, but everyone is entitled to their own OPINION. <------ keyword.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    I respect His opinion...I am just expressing mine.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    And I respect yours, but you said "to anyone else who shares these views......". That kinda seems like you don't respect his opinions.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    OK...fixed that. Wrong context.

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