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Thread: Walkable Mech Mag Video

  1. #1

    Walkable Mech Mag Video

    A buddy and I have made a video of a mech mag that we made that is walkable. Neither of us are super fast shooters so the speed is nowhere nicads hair trigger, but it is still cool. We are going to get another buddy this weekend who is pretty quick on the trigger and shoot another video.

    We were wondering if we could get someone on AO to host the current video for us as we don't have the bandwidth capabilites to host it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Brantford, Ontario, Canada
    send here over to me:

    [email protected]

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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I can. How are you going to send it? Can email it to me (if it works) at [email protected]

    Or I can hop on the irc chat sometime with you. Maybe AIM or MSN.

    Let me know, i my space is on an edu connection. I can take it as long as it's not over 40 meg or so

  4. #4
    Thanks a lot you guys.

  5. #5
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  6. #6
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    Just a text file for me ....
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  7. #7

    Cool, so how did you do it?

    Nice, so tell us how you did it?
    Phantom Regiment
    Team Mag Daddies
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    Primary Marker: Black Alias
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  8. #8
    Join Date
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    I was gonna put an AVI version up but I only have about 3 MB left and this thing, for some reason, is like 101.MB...

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Re: Cool, so how did you do it?

    Originally posted by tonybhall
    Nice, so tell us how you did it?
    Yes, PLEASE DO

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    im getting bout 8-9 BPS off that not bad eh?
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  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Brantford, Ontario, Canada
    Since I'm bored, I'll do a sound analysis test on the fastest peak they/he did, and then do the overall BPS.

    Happy to help another AOer

  12. #12
    I'm happy with 8-9 bps. With my e-cocker I am limited to about ten bps. I just have slow fingers. Right now the biggest problem with the triggers isn't the speed it's the rythem. It's really easy to lose your walk.
    I played with at open play on Sunday with it and shot about 3/4 a case of paint. By the end of the day I had the trigger down pretty good and actually outshot my richochet once. We are gonna reshoot it with a faster guy on the trigger to show what it's really capable of.

    The guy fanning is my buddy, and I was the one walking.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Cold ole Michigan
    Speak of the devil, here i am...

    Figured I'd jump in on this too since I helped build it and all. First off, let me thank Oyster for hosting the vid. Second, let me tell you that a mag sear is probably second only to diamond in the hardest of all things known to man. It took a diamond impregnated mill bit to get through that thing. The tank was on it's last 1000psi when the video was taken, so it does shoot down a little in the middle clip. Overall, I'm happy with the simplicity of the design. We put about 13 hours into it total friday night and a lot of dremel work. I ate a lot of metal dust, next time I'm definately using a mask when I "trim" work like that again.

    Anyways, this is only the first version of the trigger design, more of a proof of concept type thing. I found some promising parts so we'll see just how short I can get it this week when they get here.
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  14. #14
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    For the most part the first section was hitting a consistent 9 / 10 BPS, peaked at 11, and in the second part it was a consistent 10 / 11, peaked at 13

    Im impressed

    Please put up a how to shortly, I want to make my mag like that

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Long Island, NY
    Hmmm, neither of those attempts seemed to feasible or useful in a game situation, those had ULTs correct?

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  16. #16
    No ULT. As for not feasible in a game I don't see why not. The first time is fanning not common but used. The second clip is walking which is the most common way of shooting.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Cold ole Michigan
    No ult involved, it's a totally pnuematic trigger. We just did a good job of hiding everything.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    How much did it cost to make you??

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Cold ole Michigan
    Hmmm, 13 hours of my life, a broken drill bit, and some old cocker parts. So overall... next to nothing. I take that back, the tippmann reg came with the ebolt kit that i got for a $100 last summer. We had the option of a using a stock cocker reg too though. Ya gotta understand, I tinker. A lot. Makes for lots of spare parts.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Brantford, Ontario, Canada
    If I sent an Intelliframe, could you do that for mine? PLus fees of course

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    The Cold North
    The trigger looks like.. Some of you guys have to rememer that was classic valve to..

    but yes.. Tell us how you did it?.. Or atleast just the parts.. LPR, 3-way.. And what is the magic one?

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    House Springs, MO (for now)
    Just from the sound, to me, it seems like your short stroking almost every shot. Unless that hissy air sound im hearing is something you did to mod it.

    As for the speed, seemed about the same for any mag i've shot, maybe a tad slower. Being able to walk it is nice. The only problem with walking is it's only good if the pull is very very light. Having a stiff trigger at all doesn't really work for walking fast; basically you'll be able to pull/fan faster than walking.

    Neat none the less.

  23. #23
    I think the hissy sound is coming from the 3-way not being pushed back far enough. I'm having the same problem on the pgp that I'm doing a semi conversion for.

    Still, nice job.. mind peeling away that grip so we can take a look at the guts?

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Thats awsome. With some tuning you could get it to be like the hAir trigger.

    But I have one question, where did you put the LPR? Or how do you get gas to the ram and 3-way?

  25. #25
    did Nicad's mod inspire this?

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Augusta, GA
    Originally posted by Fixion
    where did you put the LPR? Or how do you get gas to the ram and 3-way?
    Originally posted by silencer.1
    the tippmann reg came with the ebolt kit
    BTW, is the sound off at the begining or it the marker firing on the trigger release? I watched it a few times and it just looked a little odd.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Don't know, I am lost.
    Some of you guys have to rememer that was classic valve to..
    What pressure ya got going to the classic valve? Put an RT in it and crank it up a little and ROCK AND ROLL

    The classic aint recharging fast enough. Your overshooting it.

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    Cold ole Michigan
    Dudedude is right, it sounds like short stroking because the 3way leaks slightly before the o-rings seal and send air to the ram. Doesn't sound good, but isn't a short stroke.

    The main reason it's slower is how long the trigger pull is. It's almost 3mm right now making it hard to get a rythm. It's going to take a little tuning to get it like the hair trigger, but it will be doable shortly.

    Nicad's video did inspire this. I sat there watching it friday morning and thought to myself, "aw hell, that isn't so hard, just need the tools". I called Miltonyz, and we we went to work on it that afternoon. It was kind of a rush job like I said. We just designed it on the fly as we put parts in.

    The lpr is also the asa. It was originally from a tippmann ebolt kit.

    Pressure into the classic is the standar full pressure from the tank, that reg up front is gutted to be used a gas through. RT will be here within the next two weeks.
    Last edited by silencer.1; 03-30-2004 at 09:19 AM.

  29. #29
    BTW, is the sound off at the begining or it the marker firing on the trigger release?
    The gun fires on the pull. With any luck we can get use a better camera for the next video.

    Still, nice job.. mind peeling away that grip so we can take a look at the guts?
    Maybe in a little bit. The problem is even if we do the average AO user won't be able to duplicate. You need taps and a dremel and we had to mill out the frame a little bit.
    We gotta another mag coming in, and another buddy might be buying one, so this design is not final. We already have a few ideas to improve reliability and speed.
    It would be cool to be able to sell it, but that is probably too much hassle. We would have to make sure that we aren't infringing upon anything Nicad has already patented. Plus we only know how to modify intelliframes. We also figure even at peak speed it would take us 3-4 hours a mag. And the warranty is definitly voided. Plus we are college students with no capital.

    If all these forces work against us and we are not able to sell it we will definitly post a how too on the forum and let you guys go to town

  30. #30
    Don't worry about me, I'm a master of broke-*** college student (read "paperclip") engineering.... I'll hack something out.

    I understand, though. Good luck with bringing the trigger to market

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