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Thread: Tom Kaye Retires from Paintball, AGD Under New Management

  1. #211

    I am relatively new to the sport, and was turned on to Automags by members of Southwest Voodoo and now shoot an x-mag. For the past 2 years I have been hearing stories from the likes of Crash from Bad Karma, and Preacher from Evil inc about you and AGD, and have to say that I am sorry to see you go.

    Like Bunkerhugger and Caffiend, I am planning on attending this years Shatnerball. I hope that you will be there so that I may have the chance to meet one of the builders of a sport I have come to enjoy so much.

    I wish you the best in your future, and hope that AGD will remain the foundation of paintball that it has been in the past.

    Ed Adams
    Memeber of Southwest Voodoo

  2. #212
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Milwaukee WI

    sad day for myself, my teammates, and paintball

    wow, this makes me sick to my stomach. I dont even know what to say. As most others have said, it is Tom that brought them into or kept them in paintball. I started playing in 1989, and bought a mag in 1991. Shortly after I played along side Tom at a tournament scrimmage at Fox River Games again Swarm. during one of the games he told a teammate of mine to "hit his gun into a tree" because it was freezing up on him. That was during the game! it is one of the funniest/best/earliest memories of Tom. I have been loyal to AGD for what seems like all my life. They are the ONLY company i completely trust, not only for paintball, but anything! It is truely rare to have a quality, classy company like AGD to purchase products from. Tom has also single handedly changed many aspects of paintball and the game forever. He was and is an innovator and a class act. Tom, i wish you the best for you and your family. I have felt like I was part of it all these years and I thank you! Things just won't be the same without you. You are truly a great person that has touched many lives. Long live AGD and Tom's legacy.

    Scott Seefeldt

  3. #213
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Clayton, NC
    Best of luck Tom and thank you for making the marker that has served me well for years! I'm sure it, as well as AGD, will continue in that tradition.
    Lvl X TKO Automag PF/HL, Intelliframe, a Simmons 30mm Red Dot and a J&J 12" Ceramic barrel.
    Crossfire 68/4500
    Die Hard Woods Player

  4. #214
    FixMyAngel.Com Guest
    Times are changing and the industry will surely suffer without Tom. I have known tom for many moon's and played along side him in several big games (he is the guy that taught me everything about the automag). I would like to thank you Tom and AGD for all the support in the past. Also, JoAnn will be missed, I have been working with her since she started with AGD. Good luck to both of you.

    Robert Moon
    CA Landsharks
    Predator Paintball

  5. #215
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Ottawa, Ontario
    Tom, even though I have never had the chance to meet you I will miss your presence in the Paintball World. I'm sorry to see that you are leaving but I respect your choice and wish you the best in where ever life takes you.

  6. #216
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Houston, Tx, USA
    Tom told me about this over the weekend and I'm still in shock.

    I joined up with AGD in '93 after taking their tech class for my old team, The Houston Heat. I must have impressed them enough to get to go to all the tournaments as a tech. 11 years later, I'm still going and call everyone at the factory my friends. Because of Tom and AGD, I'm met folks from all over the world, been to tons of cool places and done some amazing things. His inovations have brought the sport up to a point that it never would have been at without them. He is truely one of the good guys in the sport.

    With the poor sales industry wide, I see more of this happening every day. Sad to say honestly.

    Tom, good luck in everything you do. Enjoy life. Party like it's 1979 (where disco still rules). Find lots of bones. Fix your goose chaser ('cause I wanna see it). Have fun.

    Good bye my friend!
    Red/black faded Emag...serial # Brad Nestle (really it is)
    Matching faded Warp Feed
    4500/68 ci Flatline
    Mag CF11472 soon to be a stock feed mag pump. The serial number is also my birthday, 1.14.72.
    I love my job!

    Brad "Q" Nestle
    Airgun Designs Tournament Tech
    Paintball Maxx
    Houston, Tx

    Ron Fieldhack, Rest in peace my friend.

  7. #217
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Long Island, NY
    Well tom think i might have met you once in my life but i guess i should of knew this was coming. AGD/AO has gotten me into paintball. I met so many people from this company and forum. It was fun and it will still be! Your still the President of agd in our hearts and hope to see ya at a big event throughout the years! goodluck to you tom!

  8. #218
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Well, i never saw this comining either. I am honored to have met, and played paintball next to you at Shatnerball. you have changed the way i play paintball(no more need for a barrel swab). And answering the question " a mech can shoot that fast?" You will be very missed. Almost our entire team uses Automags. and i personally own 5(including an X Mag). Good luck in whatever you are going to do. I hope you will still come to some of the events. Even though you won't be working for AGD, you are still the guy who made it what it is today, and we will ALWAYS remember that!.

    Sorry to see you go,
    VV04771 C & C RED XMAG

    good traders: Luther, kilaueakid, Ice-Child, TraKlinX, jayloo, Taz, LaW, shank the wiggles, MedicDVG, rgt

    bad traders: "Newbie215"

    my AO feedback

  9. #219

  10. #220
    JimInVA Guest

    I had the honor of making your acquaintance at the IAOand had the privilege of seeing you dance to "YMCA". I even had the joy of winning the last of the Tac One markers you so generously provided for the prize package. My greatest memory, however, includes my son...

    Word had filtered through Karen that you were out of Diet Pepsi. My son said, "I'll take care of it!" and jumped into the car. Electricity was out at the time and he had to travel through multiple communities before he was able to find an open store. Returning, he took his own ice chest, now filled with ice and drinks, and sent it your way... anonymously. You didn't know who he was when you so kindly offered your time during an evening workshop so he didn't feel it was necessary that you know who provided your Pepsi. IT WAS THE ACT, NOT THE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT that was important to my son.

    Your involvement in our industry has been much the same. I would suggest that much of the respect that has been accorded you is due to your determination towards positive action without the constraint of the ego's need for self-proclaimed acknowlegment. You have been the proud and stalwart knight who now finds himself entering a new age - one influenced by dollars rather than integrity and where deceipt rules over truth. You cannot be faulted for desiring to exit while your character and reputation remain unblemished and intact. But you will be missed.

    Good luck in your future endeavors, Mr. Tom Kaye. Remain true to yourself and you will find happiness.

    Jim Bird

  11. #221
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Thank you Tom. The Automag 68 was the FIRST marker that made my jaw drop, I HAD to have it. Been sinking pennies ever since.

    Any chance you will develop products for AGD from an R&R standpoint now and then? If you dont help this sport is going to move into the "Dark Ages" of paintball.


  12. #222
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    West Coast - Canada


    Thanks for all your contribuitions to the sport, and I wish you happiness in whatever you choose to do next.

    I still have my first mag that's over 12 years old, and It'll still be in running condition while all those upstarts have broken and been tossed aside.

    I'm not wearing any pants
    My Feedback
    more a matter of stroking it 'til it "feels" right. -GP@PPS
    X-Valve'd ULE Mag
    PPS Hurricane

  13. #223

    Thanks for playing your last game at TFT!

    We were glad to have you at Regulators Outpost in Dalton Ga.
    I enjoyed playing against you and securing a win for my side against one of the greatest names in paintball.
    Best wishes to you in your new endevors.
    I hope to see you again in the middle.

    Doug "WOODY" Thompson
    Team Half~Cocked

    You're hit guys!

  14. #224


    *Speechless.... for once*

  15. #225
    Even if you don't own a AGD product there is no way you haven't been touched by the things this man has done.

    Tom, we'll miss you. We understand, but know that doesn't mean we won't wish you were here.

    Proud owner of a WS-66
    Zeus G1

  16. #226
    Join Date
    May 2001

    I remember getting so pumped for the first AO party. I drove into work for the highspeed connection, brought a bag of microwave popcorn, and a 2 liter of Mt. Dew. And then it got canceled because of technical difficulties.

    I remember how much I loved to read the technical posts about paintball physics and debunking myths.

    I used to tell everyone about AO. About the President of this awesome paintball company who was into archaeology, astronomy, etc. who would actually get on the forums and discuss new products and performance.

    Sad to see you retire, Tom. Good luck in future endeavors.

    <---Should be banned for circumventing the cuss filter.

  17. #227
    As a dealer of AGD product and host of 2004's AO Norcal Socal Meet, myself and everyone at Breakout Paintball Central Cali wishes Tom the best of luck on his new ventures. I will always hold a special place in my heart for Mag's and the sheer muscle design of them. Being a dealer and seeing the fall of Automag's over time has sadened me and i hoped never for this day.

    Happy Trails!

    Jon - Breakout Operations Manager

  18. #228
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Good luck to you in the future, and in all your future ventures. We all appreciate what you've done for us and the sport, and we'll miss you

  19. #229
    Damn Tom, sorry to hear this. Best of luck with whatever you may start doing. You will be missed.

  20. #230
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Philadelphia, PA

    A Titan walks away . . .


    First time I've been back to AO in several months, and I see this. I feel as if I am watching a Titan stride out of view, taking the last vestiges of magic from our world.

    Tom, you should know that there are many, many people who do not belong to AO or post, but who know who you are, what you look like, what you did for us as players and the sport as a whole, and who admire your character as well as your accomplishments. The flurry of agg cheater kidz may obscure the camo-clad host of us who remember, but we will be here, teaching others the sport and the sportsmanship that you forged.

    Your titanic contributions may seem small to you, but to us mortals they are monumental. I submit that your contributions appear small to you because of your stature, not because of their worth.

    Everything changes, including paintball. We must all accept that the time of legends in our sport is passing. Tom, please know that we will not forget, and that you have been a primary engine behind the creation of a rec and scenario ball community that will continue to flourish.

    I cannot predict much else of what is to come, but I can make thse predictions:

    I, my friends and many others will make Shatnerball a record event this year.
    We will all stand in line to shake your hand and thank you for all you have done.
    We will feel honored to do so.

    May you find all the happiness and fulfillment that you have so justly earned.

    (on my own behalf and at the direction of many East Coast old guard paintballers)
    That's my two cents. Don't spend it all in one place.

    My AGD Feedback

    My PBNation Feedback

    RT Classic LX
    Bead Blast Black PF Body

  21. #231
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Boston, Massachusetts
    you're a good guy tom.

    good luck in whatever you do.

    -dye 14" ss barrel
    -dye 12" ultralite
    -expansion chamber (i like it as a foregrip)
    -steel braided hoses
    -45/3000 preset pure energy
    -eclipse mini drop
    -vl revvy w/ xboard
    -check-it on/off unimount
    -----future upgrades-------
    -ule frame black

    spyder xtra (for friends to use):
    -sp 14" teardrop

    next gun:
    -macdev sonic cyborg
    -powerlyte isis

  22. #232

  23. #233
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Warbird U
    Quote Originally Posted by AGD-BossLady
    I wanted to let all of you know that I will also be leaving Airgun Designs; my last day will be Friday, December 17. I began working for Tom in March 1991 so it's going to be strange not to come to work at Airgun anymore. But the time has come to move on ....

    I want to thank all of you for your support of Tom and Airgun Designs. You're a great group of people. I hope that you will continue your support because the group of people who will continue to work here (Dave, Marcia, Jon, and Roman) are hard-working, talented people who care very much about the company, the products, and company service. It doesn't get any better than that!

    Take care,

    Sorry to see you leaving also, Deb and I'll miss talking to you on the phone.

    BTW, where do we send the chocolates.
    Flying the unfriendly skies.

  24. #234
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Oh sure, you and your sat
    Quote Originally Posted by AGD
    Maybe, maybe not. You have to understand how hard it is to come back as an unknown. You all know me but in a couple months I will be invisible to 99% of the paintball world. Thats just the way it is.
    Not if we have anything to say about it...

  25. #235
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Well I have a few things I want to say...

    About 2 years I started playing paintball. My first marker was stock tippmann. I played on and off with it for about 1 year, then my birthday came and I had a paintball party my friend (dj89) let me use his xmag sence it was my bday , I LOVED it, I could go with out one. So I saved up my money and got a emag. I feel that it is the best marker I ever owned or will own. It is so fast and so sleek. All of my happyness was from you.
    Tom Kaye , you are one of the coolest people I know , even though I have neve had the opertunity to meet you in person.

    Here is a article I wrote for the teamwebsite

    Dear Tom ,
    You have created many MAGnificent paintball markers over the years. You have brought out some of the best markers in our lifetime and we thank you for that. We are sad to see you move on , but also happy for you and hope you enjoy what ever you deside to do from here on out. Tom , we will always miss you and when we are playing paintball with our automags we will think of only one name.....Tom Kaye

    Team Magfiea

    Thanks again Tom

  26. #236
    Best of luck Tom!

    Being the great person you are, I'm positive you'll do great in any adventrue you embark. Drop by from time to time to say hi

    Saludos desde Mex, Tom!!
    My "twins":

    Ironmen Matrix
    Red/Black DM4

  27. #237
    The Frymarker Guest

    I sent you a personal email and I am going to post here as well.

    I'm very sad to see you go. You were the whole reason I stayed and continued on with making my grips. The first grips I made were on here for your markers. Since that time I have found a place to call home.

    I hope you keep the grips and the artwork I have made for you as I will hold dearly my Tac and soon my Emag.

    I'm glad that I kept that original drawing of you that we used for the posters. I have it hanging up on my wall and I look at it everyday as I am making grips for customers that are both yours and mine alike.

    You have been an inspiration for me and your ideas and visions are something that I will cherish for the rest of my life. So even though you say you will be invisable, your not in my world.

    I'll think about you, infact your in my grips on my tac one....they're just not finished yet.

    I'm glad that I had the pleasure of meeting you at Shatnerball and sharing the stage with you for a while.

    I wish you all the best in your future endeavors, think about us here on AO every once in a while, as I know we will be thinking of you.

    LEGENDS NEVER FADE, and you Tom are a legend!


  28. #238
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by The Frymarker
    LEGENDS NEVER FADE, and you Tom are a legend!


    Well said....

  29. #239
    It's not official, paintball has died, only leaving a cold, souless, skeleton in its wake

    good by Mr. Kaye, thanks for making paintball what it is. You are truly the founder of the game!

    One last happy banana for the road
    My Stuff For Sale!
    - Random Parts!
    - My Emag!
    - My Tippmann!

    [email protected]
    My Feedback

  30. #240
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I am very saddened with your leaving, Mr Kaye. You are a giant among boys in the paintball world. Best of luck in the future. Please stick around and keep us all informed as to what's going on. Thanks a million!!!

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