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Thread: Tom Kaye Retires from Paintball, AGD Under New Management

  1. #301
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Burbank, CA USA
    Tom is already an archaeologist. I wonder if he will still be digging up dinosaurs in Wyoming.

  2. #302
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Burbank, CA USA
    Quote Originally Posted by TJ Allcot
    I posted something along these lines over at the Shatner board

    Future Job ideas for Tom



    Radio DJ

    Roping Cowboy


    Movie Reviewer

    Pro-Frisbee Player

    Football Player

    This is what happens when strange guys with a camera follow you around.

    On a more serious note Tom you will be greatly missed.

    You have an open invitation to take a ride with me and Dawn in our tank if you're ever at event that we have it at. I hope you enjoyed Dawn's write up 'Kaye's Day' in this months issue of Paintball Sports. Sorry I couldn't talk them into printing up the K A Y E or Y M C A pictures.


    How about
    Runway Model

    Dude, crazy thing I just met Bill Shatner on Monday at my work. If he comes back, I'm going to ask him if I can play in Shatner ball. Maybe he'll sponsor me. He's buying 6 digital cameras from my store. LOL

  3. #303
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Dallas, Texas
    wow i dont even know what to say... tom you were my idol for so long anyone ever asked me who i wanted to be like, or who i looked up to... i said you, people were like who the heck is that but i knew who you were, you are indeed a legend and will always be to me. you not only contributed to the paintball world but to my life. its sad that you are going because even tho we only met at the ao meets and ao chat rooms i considerd you a good friend. good luck in whatever endevors you take on, you will undoubtaly succeed.

    goodbye, my friend.

  4. #304
    Quote Originally Posted by Aliens-8-MyDad
    wow i dont even know what to say... tom you were my idol for so long anyone ever asked me who i wanted to be like, or who i looked up to... i said you, people were like who the heck is that but i knew who you were, you are indeed a legend and will always be to me. you not only contributed to the paintball world but to my life. its sad that you are going because even tho we only met at the ao meets and ao chat rooms i considerd you a good friend. good luck in whatever endevors you take on, you will undoubtaly succeed.

    goodbye, my friend.
    Well said - I feel the same.

    From a poster at PB Nation:

    ""Jim, back to your cave. Bob Long is on the batphone..."


  5. #305
    Tommy...Godspeed. I hope AGD does not suffer from your loss. Long live AGD
    (by request, reset by Army)

  6. #306
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    As far as im concerned the last "industry leader" that i can honestly respect is gone. And thats a damned shame.-Enos Shenk

    Quote Originally Posted by Aliens-8-MyDad
    wow i dont even know what to say... tom you were my idol for so long anyone ever asked me who i wanted to be like, or who i looked up to... i said you, people were like who the heck is that but i knew who you were, you are indeed a legend and will always be to me. you not only contributed to the paintball world but to my life. its sad that you are going because even tho we only met at the ao meets and ao chat rooms i considerd you a good friend. good luck in whatever endevors you take on, you will undoubtaly succeed.

    goodbye, my friend.
    Very well said. Tom has done so much for our sport and it is deeply saddening to see him go. This is especially saddening because of Smart Parts who were responsible for the production halt of the Xmag.(its still the best gun of all time though) Positive contributions...........then there was Smartparts

    On another note now that the lawsuit has been settled in favor of WDP/NPF will AGD re-start production of the X Mag? Please?

    Tom, You will be very sorely missed and even though 99% may forget you soon I will be in the 1% who will never forget......

    ROCK ON AGD!!!!!

    *Edit* Is there any idea about the HAIR trigger, because if this comes out soon and AGD does not continue with the Xmags then it could really pull them out of the ditch.
    Last edited by boarder2k7; 12-17-2004 at 11:27 PM.

  7. #307
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    ithaca, NY I go to Ithaca paintball, come play with me.
    Quote Originally Posted by AGD
    I am proud to have contributed in my small way.
    Tom you contributed in more than just a small way. Without you Piantball would not be where it is today.

    Evil 3+2 pack
    FeedbackAO feedback PBN feedback Matrix serial #-lost

  8. 12-18-2004, 11:40 AM

  9. #308
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    It's a Shame

    It's a shame to see you go...After (only) 3 years in this sport I understand how you feel (I've been giving serious thought to selling off all of my tools and equipment, giving up managing the field and leaving the sport completely) and you will most definately be missed.I had the pleasure/privlidge/honor of meeting you in 2003 and it is still something I tell players about when they come to the field.

    I am Finally a 'Mag owner (2000 PTP Micro E-Mag) and love the gun...

    I know you have given over control of the company but if you have ANY say in the operation and future of the company PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't let them go the way other companies have gone recently and sell out to bottom feeders like K2... There is already enough junk out there that's made overseas and I'd hate to see AGD leave and the Automag become another.

    Thanks for everything you have done for the sport and for all of us that play over the years!!!!

    You will DEFINATELY be missed.

    Field Manager
    Level X Paintball Park
    Villa Grove ,IL
    Owner and builder of the one and only CryoCocker and the worlds fastest pump gun.

  10. #309
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Burbank, CA USA
    Quote Originally Posted by AGD
    To all my friends on AO and in Paintball,

    It has been no secret that AGD has been under financial stress for many years. With the recent downturn in the industry it no longer makes sense for me and my family to pursue a living from this great game. Effective today I will be retiring and moving on to other business ventures outside paintball.

    It has been a privilege to watch an industry grow from a spark into a raging fire that covered the world. I am proud to have contributed in my small way. Most of all I was glad to know the people of paintball, especially my customers. AO has been my constant companion for years now and I never expected all the benefits, joys and sorrows that came from knowing you all.

    I sincerely hope that paintball gets past its recent flurry of issues and comes together as the great game and industry we all know it can be. To all of the players I want you to remember that its YOU who control this game and this industry. Treat it wisely and vote with your dollars so your kids can play along side you some day.

    Is he referring to the lawsuits and that AGD isn't making enough money because 'Mags are not the preferred marker of choice? I know that everyone and their mom shoots a Timmy right now.

  11. #310

    We'll miss you tom!!!!

    Hey tom, I Just want to say thanks again for the paint at sams big game this fall(saturday)You made my weekend memorable,I kept the box as a momento!let me know whats up for the shatner game I would like to be one of your officers,I understand you get alot of this but I would be most honored,your biggest fan:Anthony D Stone.Sorry to hear about the retirement but I suppose there comes a time when we all must move on,Good luck in all that you do!!!!
    Stony undefined

  12. #311
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    holy steaming pile...

    every time I take a couple months off something horrible happens.

    Good luck, Tom. we'll miss you.
    Brian Lojeck, [email protected]
    Classic Automag #CF00455, ULE RT Pro #VV05456

  13. #312
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Victoria, BC, Canada
    Wow. I see I wasn't the only one to check the date and make sure it wasn't April 1.

    I got into paintball just before the MiniMag hit the market. It was the first marker I ever coveted, and I still do. I remember talking to a local amateur team at the time. When I asked them what I should buy, their advice was unanimous -- "Just get a 'mag. If you're serious about paintball, you'll end up with one eventually, anyway."

    Tom, I wish you the best in whatever pursuits your future may hold. And I'd like to thank you, not just for the abundant technical contributions to the sport you've made over the years, but, even more importantly, for the social contributions you've made to the paintball community. You've always exemplified the principles of honesty, courtesy, gentility, and service, and for that, I thank you. You are truly one of the legends of the sport in my books.

    Unfortunately, I think this day marks the end of an era in paintball. Whereas, in some ways, we used to have a sort of paintball `community', populated with people who were by and large interested in doing what was best for the sport, now everything is going mass-market and being driven by the Almighty Dollar. I admit that I'm kind of worried about what kind of state the industry is in as Tom makes his exit. But, for all of us who are concerned about the future of the sport, I think we would do well to follow the example that Tom's set for us.

    A marker by itself rules nothing. It only comes alive in skilled hands.
    :Sir Te

  14. #313
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Hilliard, OH
    Quote Originally Posted by AGD
    You continue to expect that things will be the same but in reality the old days of paintball are gone forever. The general paintball public hasn't put it all together yet. They dont understand that AKA is done making guns forever. That Odessey who brought you the best loader ever is now hovering at bankruptcy. WGP just gave up the whole upper end marrket in favor of a spider clone. Glen Palmer is going to retire to another country. Tippmann is now controlled by the functional equivalent of a superpower and the best Bob Long can do is come out with a new look every month.
    Wow, if that doesn't sum it all up.

    The grass roots sport of paintball has definitely gone about as far the other direction as it possibly can.

    I understand that change is imminent, but it seems that too many people (such as the Gardners) have gone out of their way to take the love and joy out of it.

    People wondered why I protested loudly about such things as the Smart Parts debacle, but maybe now you can see what the issue was and is.

    It's just not nearly as much fun as it used to be, what with corporate dirty tricks, lawyers, takeovers and a participant base that shreds itself by segregating it's members and then treating each other like second class citizens if they dare disagree.

    Maybe it's time to sell my stuff and go back to golf ...
    A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject. -- Sir Winston Churchill

  15. #314
    The Frymarker Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by hwayhzrd

    Maybe it's time to sell my stuff and go back to golf ...

    My thoughts exactly, better go dust off my clubs

  16. #315
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Planet Love-Tron
    Quote Originally Posted by The Frymarker
    My thoughts exactly, better go dust off my clubs
    Yep, just bought a King Cobra 454 Comp Driver. Paintball was safer for me. I didn't get in as much trouble shooting paintballs at people as I did when I would try to hit the old guys in polyester with golf balls.

    WANG Force!

    Abandon All Hope

  17. #316
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Isabela, P.R.
    i been thinking about stopping playing paintball 2

  18. #317
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    oceanside ca 92054

    Demise of AGD?

    I have played paintball back in the early 90's when automags were the top competitor, and bob long produced the autococking kit for the tracer pump gun (hangs head low, yes owned one) along with the autococker. Woodsball was the method of play , $130 for a case of paint was reasonable, and camo was a way of life for the sport. But the days have changed drastically.

    I bought my first automag off a fellow ref and held onto it for a number of years including a duty station in Japan. My roots with agd dates back a long time.

    I have seen a demise of airgun designs when I got back into the sport about 5 years ago. No longer can you find guns, parts, upgrades at the local stores, just boneyard parts left over from people trading in for other guns. The automag (all versions) is virtually unknown to all on any particular field. The e/x mag customers are left in the dark now with outdated software (with comparison to competitors) with no hope of future development nor release of dated programming for others to improve upon / alternate options.

    And with smart parts on their patents rampage, I can see why Tom has made his decision to retire. Retire now with fond memory of the good of the sport.

    My major concern with Toms decision to retire, is a total collapes of agd in the near future. I spoke with a AGD rep here about their non-existance at San Diego NPPL CC this year and his response shocked me because I didnt want confirmation on what I pretty much already knew. Basically, what was expessed in the conversation is their showing would not profit the company since it is not considered a popular tourney gun and would not get any exposure at the event. This lack of parcipitation has limited AGD to their website for sales and the occasional senerio games.

    What image does these issues promote for their products?? I hope the day does not come where I have to trade in my ule mag for a competitor because it is unreasonably expensive and un-timely to get the parts I need. The mag I use is an extension of who I am when I play. Its considered the black sheep that stands out in the crowd. I would hate to give it up.

    I was at the event, and the brand "x" guns shown give new prospective players their options of whats there for them to use. I was amazed of the turnout at the event, and the amount of younger new players that were emerging. The mag is has been a solid product that it should recieve much more exposure wheter or not if its a tourney gun. If its not promoted, the younger generation will go elsewhere for their toys. AGD has to come out of its perpetual turtleshell inorder to survive.

    Mr. Kaye, I commend you on the many years that you have contribuited to keep the spirit of the mag alive, I wish you the best with all your endeavors, and personally hope to have the opportunity to see you on the field some day. (over in Japan that is)


    (ETD USA JAN 24, 2005 , )
    Gotta promote the sport in Japan. Hope AGD will follow

  19. #318
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Oswego New York
    Dear Mr. Kaye,

    if you ever check this thread again, would it be to much to ask to get your autograph? I know you pioneered this sport, and are a huge part of what it has become *EDIT* MINUS ALL THE CHEATING!! You pioneered everything good that is this sport.. I have nothing but the highest respect for the markers you make, and the quality of everything you've produced. I just think it would be wonderful to have that bit of paintball history, and I would be absolutely honored.



  20. #319
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Portland, Oregon
    I believe Comic Book Store Guy said it best-

    "There is no emoticon for what i'm feeling right now."

    Best of luck, I'm sure you'll have no trouble revolutionizing whatever greener pasture you find.
    I'm nothing more than text to you...


  21. #320
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Last Vegas
    gotta add here.
    tom you just need to go to the games where the older more expirenced players are. i hope to see you at d-day again this year, it pleases my X-Mag to see you yearly, and hanging out with you, doobie and everyone else was a blast. good luck in your future.
    i hope AGD never dies, you may downsize cause the AGG (shudder for even typing that) movement has made the only cool guns out there the ones that shoot 30 balls per second with qestionable ethics as to how it got that fast, are made by china and sold at a 300% markup from original cost. but i hope you dont ever truly fade away. but this solidifies it, my Xmag will be with me for as long as i play, and it will only be sold to a fellow AOer

    and i promise to make it to shatnerball this year if youll be there

    Andrew AKA Tracker

    that is the first and probably only time ill ever use my real name on any forum

    WOW thats a really nice marker.... FOR ME TO POOP ON!!!!

    i own XT00205
    and FL10239
    and a few others

  22. #321
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Shelbyville, Indiana

    I Will Miss You Tom Kaye

    Tom you have changed the way i see and play the sport for the better and this news brings much sadness for me im almost teary eyed, When i first started this Wonderful Sport 4 years ago i did not see eye to eye with some of the things you said as i was a Stupid kid that wanted to think i was something i was not, But now after some MAJOR Growing up(still alot to do) i agree 100% with the things you brought up and i think the things you did and the myths you disspelled Changed Paintball for the better and paved the way for a new Generation of players who chose not to be trend followers but OUR OWN Individuals, Though a Major Part of Paintball has not seen the light and thus chose to Have their 30+ BPS Overpriced Unreliable Chinese-Made Markers and Their BIG egos calling everyone who does not follow this this new trend Newbies and other names and think they are gods with their Hyped-Up Markers, But I and many other Players and AO Members choose Not to Help Smart-Parts and other Companys like Them make OUR Wonderful be Destroyed with Overpriced Hype and $$$$$$$ Markers and Nazi-Like Mindsets, Tom Kaye without You Paintball would have died Along time ago and without You now who knows what will Happen if we as PLAYERS of Paintball dont Uphold What Tom has Put Forth for us to Follow.

    I Justin Aaron Edwards aka Exedius Salute You Tom Kaye you are Truely the Bruce Lee of Paintball
    Hey Whos That guy with the Machine Gun!

  23. #322

    Tom, Thanks.

    undefinedTom sorry to see you go. I had only the pleasure of meeting you once, but bugging you way too many times. I still think the RT was better in black, than that shinny chrome. My teams had a blast playing with your guns, even though in San Diego it wasn`t that popular to play with mags, you knew they were going to fire when you needed them. I wish you well, Curt( From the old ,Team Sick and Twisted)undefined
    Quote Originally Posted by AGD
    To all my friends on AO and in Paintball,

    It has been no secret that AGD has been under financial stress for many years. With the recent downturn in the industry it no longer makes sense for me and my family to pursue a living from this great game. Effective today I will be retiring and moving on to other business ventures outside paintball.

    Dave Zupan who many of you know as my vice president, has bought out our inventory and will be taking over running the company. For most people AGD will still be in business as usual and you will still be able to call and order product. Please give him the same respect and feedback you have given me for so many years.

    It has been a privilege to watch an industry grow from a spark into a raging fire that covered the world. I am proud to have contributed in my small way. Most of all I was glad to know the people of paintball, especially my customers. AO has been my constant companion for years now and I never expected all the benefits, joys and sorrows that came from knowing you all.

    I will still continue to promote and participate in the Shatner event but its unlikely that I will be attending any other events during the year. I certainly didn’t think it would end like this but I am the last of a long gone group of paintball founders that are not around any more.

    I sincerely hope that paintball gets past its recent flurry of issues and comes together as the great game and industry we all know it can be. To all of the players I want you to remember that its YOU who control this game and this industry. Treat it wisely and vote with your dollars so your kids can play along side you some day.

    I will answer questions in this thread, please start another one for general comments and I will sticky it.

    Thank you all for being the greatest customers and friends that a guy could wish for!!

    Tom Kaye AGD

  24. #323
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Omg Wtf!?

    Heroes get remembered, but legends never die!

    You are a legend Tom and we will always remember you and your groundbreaking innovations. Good luck with everything you ever do and remember that your friends and family (Pronounced The AGD Community) as well as God are with you always.

    Good luck,
    God Speed,
    and CHEERS!
    Heros get remembered, but legends never die.
    Long live the MAG!

  25. #324
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Tom I met you and Bob long In Orlando about 8 -9 years ago.
    This is the last thing I wanted to read getting back into the sport.

  26. #325
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    I'd be proud to donate to keep AO going.

  27. #326
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Upstate South Carolina
    Tom you will not be forgotten to us. There are so many Mags in our group you cant be...... LOL

    Hey if you EVER want to just come out & play a scenario give me a email. There will always be a spot for you on PAIN CELL.

    Hey give me a emai or pm & I'll send you a team patch....

    [email protected]

    Last edited by Camojester; 01-19-2007 at 11:56 PM.

  28. #327
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Maquoketa, Iowa
    wow, I feel terrible. I used to come to this forum quite often, but havent much over the past 2 years. And now I come back and just now notice that Tom has retired...3 months too late

    THis is a sad day in history.

    ...Its really awesome after looking over the posts to notice how many familiar faces come together from all sorts of forums. Ive recognized people from: AO, Tippmann, SCP, PPIG, CPPA, Docsmachine, OMHW, and im probably forgetting more.

    Tom, your the best thing to ever happen to this sport. God bless you wherever life takes you
    Custom Fit Drop Forwards

  29. #328
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Glendale, AZ

    So sad

    It's been too long since I last hung out here or even visited for that matter. Life got in the way.
    Very sad indeed to hear about the changes in the last year and Tom leaving at the end of last year. I'll be using my super awesome custom RT until i'm too old to play.. [or the invent cybernetic augmentations that allow airguns to be fitted easily]

    AGD and Tom you've made my 8 years of paintballing a blast.

    [*My Mag*]

  30. #329
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Libertyville, Illinois
    Oh man, why din't I join the forums earlier, I've had a mag for over 4 years and never joined AO until recently. Oh well, this isn't a surprise b/c I already talked to you before reading this thread, Tom, and you said you were retired. Oh well, I know you're still at AGD once in a while and I'll keep an eye out for your suburban, if you don't mind the company of a paintball fool. Hopefully I'll see you this summer, I'll probably be hanging out at AGD with Roman at least a couple of times a month. BTW, you should come out to Badlandz in July for the CHI-TOWN series, I'll be using my x-mag!

  31. #330
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Racine, Wisconsin...
    Hey Tom, I'm Harrison, Harry Mattheis's son. Remember when my dad introduced me to you all those years ago? I've never forgotten that happiest moment of my life. So how was the Big Game at Paintball Sam's on April 30th? Lol, me and my dad couldn't make it so we went the next day. I did a biography on you for school. Guess what? I got an A+! It was about one of the most interesting people that you have ever met in your life. Since I've started paintballing, I've never stopped. I'm an AGD loyalist and I love my E-Mag that I've had for years and it still rocks. I hope I meet you again someday, Tom.


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