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Thread: 11" Crown Point Barrels BUY ONE NOW!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2000

    11" Crown Point Barrels BUY ONE NOW!!!

    Here is an 11" Crown Point Barrel. Hold on a minute while I put my barrel marketing hat on..... ok here is why this is the best barrel in the world.

    The most important feature is the Crown Point itself. A paintball is a light fragile object that is transitioning at high speed from a contained area out into the cruel world. The transition happens quickly and violently as the airflow completely changes polarity around the ball as it goes from being pushed by a tail wind to going into a 200 mph headwind. This dramatic, high speed reversal of airflow confuses the ball as it tries to find the path of least resistance. During the turbulent transition phase the ball can see uneven airflow and that means uneven air pressure on any part of it's surface. This uneven pressure PUSHES your ball off it intended path and DIRECTLY and IMMEDEATELY affects your ACCURACY!!!

    I can even PROVE it to you!! Ever drop a rock or marble into the water? Did it EVER go straight in?? NO it ALWAYS did something stupid before it sank to the bottom. The EXACT same thing happens when that poor light little paintball sees the light of day with a 200 mph blast in the face!!

    How much do you think getting off only a few thousandths of an inch at the beginning of the balls flight affects the aim point all the way down range? Ask yourself, where is the LAST place I want to mess with the trajectory of the ball. RIGHT AT THE BEGINING!!!

    Now think back, how many times have you shot your marker and watched that ball leave the barrel and do a nice straight smooth arc and TOTALLY MISS THE TARGET!!! Once? Twice? NO! It happens ALL THE TIME!! The airflow reversal gremlins got you again!

    So you went out and got that boomstick and it was better. The stepped barrels try and accomplish the same thing by stepping the barrel and degassing the air pressure behind it. This allows the ball to see a headwind before it leaves. GREAT you say, BUT NO!! THEY ARE MISSING THE POINT!! The stepped barrels are BIGGER in the last half and the ball STILL is getting hammered around in there BEFORE it leaves!! Think I am lying? POWDER YOUR BARREL AND FIND OUT! Go home crying to your momma when you find out your lame accuracy is due to your lack of physics knowledge.

    LISTEN to me, doesn't this make sense? If you had to transition something from inside to outside would you do it fast or slow? Would you do it SMOOTH or rough? ALL AT ONCE, or a little, at a ....time.

    The crack engineering team here at BFL spends days thinking about how this stuff works. We knew that ANY small improvement in the transition area would mean MAJOR increase in accuracy down range! We watched as the balls jinked right out of the barrel and knew there had to be a better way.

    That better way gentlemen is the Crown Point Barrel!!

    The triangular cutouts in the barrel tip, the Crown Points, allow the barrel to "fade away gradually" as the ball moves from the safe confinement of the barrel bore to the massive airflow of the outside world. While the ball is adjusting to it's new environment, little at a time, the points are still holding it on course and ON TARGET! At the end of the transition phase the points are almost gone, and the ball is free to continue on it's way fully stabilized with a smooth airflow and completely on target!!!

    How long does this take to get the ball "WET" with the outside world? About the length of the ball. When you dive in the pool, how long does it take to get you wet? About the length of your body! The Crown Points assure complete stability by being THREE TIMES longer than the ball! Any more is a COMPLETE WAIST of time. This is physically, simply and LOGICALLY the shortest possible accurate barrel configuration on the planet.

    Why DO you have that long tube with holes on the end of your barrel? Like the length? Like the weight? Like paying for all those holes? Like CLEANING them even more? Thought they DID something? Cause pros use them? Think Michael Jordan wears the same Nike's you buy at the store? Your buddy’s shoots darts? You ever seen a crown point shoot? Or are you comparing it to that other tube with holes? Think the laws of physics work different in your neighborhood? Think if you shot out of a tube at 200 mph you wouldn't have any issues? A paintball is a bag of fluid, you are a bag of fluid, which do you think would be more accurate?

    Stick with science, your accuracy will improve, your game will get better. Your friends will respect you and you will get picked first to play. You will be a leader and explain to everyone why you are so good and your gun is SO accurate! They will think your crazy at first but when you snap shoot them out they will stop dissing you and ask where to get one. Then you will experience that special feeling inside, you won't say anything, because you know you won on and off the field.

    Buy a Crown Point Barrel and BE somebody!!
    Last edited by AGD; 01-10-2002 at 01:54 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Portland, Oregon
    Holy Cow!

    This is my favorite part:

    Go home crying to your momma when you find out your lame accuracy is due to your lack of physics knowledge.
    Or this one:

    Buy a Crown Point Barrel and BE somebody!!
    Cause I'd like to be somebody. But nobody lame. How bout' G.I. Joe? I like him.

    Methinks someone's hitting the NoDoz stash a little hard...

    So, you laid your wonderful rap on us, now where can we sheep purchase these fabulous barrels online?

    I'm in tears here reading this!
    Last edited by Tubby_Ninja; 01-10-2002 at 12:42 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Mission Viejo, CA, USA
    wow, that was informative

    oh and how much(its prolly in the store im too lazy to check)
    -Minimag Body HR
    -Retro Valve
    -Z grip with extender
    -12V X-Boarded Revvy
    -6 barrels including:10 Inch DYE SS, 8 inch Steel Wind, 8 inch stock minimag barrel, 12 inch BOA barrel, 12 inch Lapco Autospirit, 16 inch SPAA
    -68/3000 Flatline

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Deerfield, Illinois
    Tom, have you been taking those marketing classes? Because it shows, really it does. I think i may just dust off my crown point and let it take me for a ride!
    "To serve to strive and not to yield"

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Mission Viejo, CA, USA
    tom you should get more marketing hats like your barrel one

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Expendable Goons, Cheap!
    Ah ha....
    [Yoda voice]
    But aren't we forgetting about bore size? Hmmm?

    Can I get these in multiple bore sizes? Yesss?
    [/Yoda voice]

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Stand by for BORE SIZE, be prepaired....,

  8. #8
    a crown point freak tip is what i would need.

  9. #9
    I am sold!! Can I get one with cocker threads!!!!

    Kila V2 Magnetic Suspension Detents for Angel 04 Speed, LED, LCD, IR3's, X-mag, ULE Mag, TAC-1, SFL Emag, NYX Matrix, E-blade, Mac Dev Cyborg, Bushmaster 2000, All other Cocker threaded guns, Shocker, Nerve, Impulse

    Kila V2 for Alias...the ountdown is on!

    Email: [email protected]
    AO PM: kilaueakid

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Mission Viejo, CA, USA
    oh god its probably like.745, stock barrels are huge this probably is too

  11. #11
    uh o what does he mean by be prepaired. Tom take the hat off your scaring me.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Expendable Goons, Cheap!
    Just look at your own sig Bonx0007.

    "This is going to feel a little weird" --- Morphieus

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Glendale Cali (Yeah SoCal )
    Well Im convinced! Ill go get one
    I slept, and dreamed that life was Beauty; I woke and found the life was Duty.
    --Ellen Sturgis Hooper

  14. #14
    Good reference Vf-xx

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Expendable Goons, Cheap!
    Oh, btw I don't think I ever really thanked you for the benchy 2x. I put a trigger stop in it and it works great now. Thanx

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Wow tom... "Marketing 202" is really pulling through for you... lol... Will there be any porting near the triangles or is it already really quiet?

    Good Traders:
    Tunaman, K-villeplayer, Magman007, Mastersconi, Jon/xpm, Kenndogg

    My feedback if you've dealt with me, leave some...

    Fruitcat: it's what AO doesn't like.

  17. #17
    your very welcome please be sure to put some feedback in the good traders forum. It seems that some have forgot to do this and I am at a loss for references. I am glad to here that the benchy worked well for you.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Rocky Top, TN
    I'm buying one just because Tom is scaring the hell out of me with his first post...might want to get that perscription refilled, TK...hehehehehe..

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2000

    The uninformed have asked the question “What about bore size?” It has been asked 1000 times, it will be asked 1000 more. Countless dollars will be spent on “BORE SIZE”. Thousands of hours will be spent on “BORE SIZE”. Inaccuracy will be blamed on “BORE SIZE”. Games will be won or lost on “BORE SIZE”. Barrel manufacturers will tell you it’s not accurate because you didn’t have the right “BORE SIZE”. You will spend over a hundred dollars on an aluminunum tube because it has just the right “BORE SIZE”. Somewhere in the world there is a player somewhere who has the perfect “BORE SIZE” is just seems we can never figure out who it is…..

    What is the right “BORE SIZE”? Why is it so important to get the right “BORE SIZE”? Those seem like good questions, they seem like important questions, hell they even seem like the right questions! But, they are not the FUNDAMENTAL question.

    Gentelemen, the fundamental question is this:

    Do you even NEED bore size????

    First of all to get a bore size you positively, absoulutely MUST have a BORE!! A bore is a good thing, it contains your paintball, it holds on to your air pressure, it gets your ball moving. If you were like most of the sad pathetic little paintballers in the world you would say “my bore works great!” and the barrel manufacturers would say “sure it is! Here is another one!! It has a different bore size!!” Mr Sad-and-Pathetic says “sure here is my hundred bucks” and life goes on, and on, and on, and on until the world is FILLED with bore sizes. Bore sizes have dominated the world for millions of years, just like the dinosaurs! Were dinosaurs any smarter? NO! Were warm blooded mammals better? YES! How come no one noticed the mammals were better? BECAUSE THE WORLD WAS FILLED WITH DINOSAURS!! There were big ones and little ones (kind of like bore sizes). There were colored ones (also like barrels) there were professional Raptors and amateur Triceratops. And the wise proclaimed “If warm blooded was SO GOOD why isn’t EVERYONE USING IT??” Dinosaurs had really small brains, you figure it out.

    So if you were a paintball playing dinosaur you would figure “BORE SIZE” was it. Life would go on for another million years while the mammals squeeked in the the bushed drowned out by the cold blooded masses “we are better try us”. And the secret to true accuracy would stay hidden under a rock.

    What do we say at BFL? SCREW BORE SIZE!!!!!! GET A BRAIN!!!

    Expand those brain cells for a minute, come on now, try REALLY HARD! If the barrel is say 10” long, you think the first inch from the breach affects accuracy much? After all, the ball has another 9” of barrel to go before it launches. Naw it doesn’t matter that much, the rest of the barrel is doing the work. Well then, does the inch in the middle of the barrel do that much? Not enough brain cells to figure that out? Let me ask you this question, if the first 9” were perfect and the last inch was screwed up bad, you think the first 9 inches would count more than the last inch? HECK NO!! The last inch would make your accuracy go all to hell!! A barrel is only as good as the LAST INCH!!! Ask any real gun guy he will tell you the SAME THING!

    So lets calmly review. Bore size is a good thing, we can agree on that, couldn’t get the ball going without it. The last inch is really important because it can screw up your whole barrel if it’s not right. But we digress, what was the fundamental question? Ah yes, do we really, REALLY need a ….bore….size…??

    Only if your stupid enough to just use the bore. Hard to take? Am I calling you STUPID? Thinking about ALL THE OTHER bore sizes in the dinosaur dominated world? How big is your brain?

    The Crown Point GOES BEYOND THE BORE to a new ADDITIONAL level of accuracy! The last inch counts right? IF the last inch is four tiny little points holding the ball EXACTLY on target while the air flows smoothly around the ball what does “BORE SIZE” have to do with it?? ABSOULUTELY NOTHING!! There IS NO BORE! Its only POINTS!! Just enough to do the job and NOT SCREW UP THE AIRFLOW! The “BORE SIZE” was way back in neverland, inches ago, yesterdays news, dead as pump guns, old as Mick Jagger.

    The people with the puny brains literally can’t see past the end of their barrels! It’s like having wheels without tires, milkshakes without whip cream, and women without lingerie. Sure they work without them BUT WAY BETTER with them!!

    Get rid of the bore and get a brain, you’ll be smarter to buy a Crown Point Barrel today from your friends who know at BFL.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Rocky Top, TN
    I just emailed Marcia to throw one into my order with my Patriotic Warp and my Intelliframe..but i have one question..what the hell is the BFL?

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Walworth, WI
    Wow Tom is really scaring me but i have a question are these new crown points the same as the old ones? I have one i have never even tried and after your posts i think im gonna try mine out. so are they the same?
    Click For a Free IPOD!!! IT Really Works!!!
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    14" Freak/Black Uni-Mount
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  22. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Now I really wish I had won that mag...

  23. #23
    Wow tom just made all you guys puddy in his hands. I want a hat like that.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Mission Viejo, CA, USA
    ok who agrees that when tom is "wearing his marketing hat" he is either drunk or he has been smoking something

    ps if they are a reasonable price i will buy one
    (please no page long lectures on reasonable prices

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Hillsboro, Oregon
    I honestly opened this thread thinking what the hell is tom smoking? Crown Points were so 90's, not 2002.

    Now i need to find a place that sells them. Thanks tom, r u gunna put food in my baby's mouth? Cause with all dis paintball stuff i can't.

    ps j/k i don't have a baby!!
    "Accuracy by volume has been, and will remain, the best way to score eliminations" Tom Kaye


    [email protected]

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Columbia TN
    LOL! THIS IS GREAT!!!! Tom, I love this new hat, you sound either drunk, or like me lol! I love the whole dinosaur thing, and please do another page long thing about price! Call me stupid for wanting to know price! BTW, I want crownpoint now. The old ref at my field left his crownpoint mag barrel there...must borrow till he picks it up ! Are the old ones made for both hopper right and left? Oh and Tom, I really like this new hat of yours!


  27. #27
    Join Date
    Dec 2000

    Nice Hat...

    Once again I log on after the frenzy. After reading Tom's opening thread I could see he was feeling his oats a bit and also wondering if he was drunk. For all of us who were wondering this I guess it is true that it takes one to know one!

    I own a crown point that I have used for speedball because of its short length (8" I think?). It is a bit loud, and the metallic "ching" some mag owners report seems slightly more pronounced. Accuracy (and Tom forgive me paint to bore match) always seemed fine with marbs and proball (most people classify them as "small" to "medium" in diameter. It was harder to get used to sighting due to being short, the 11" would remove that drawback.
    Last edited by sajohnston; 01-10-2002 at 05:40 AM.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Las Vegas, NV
    Alright, now who gave AGD the number to DYE's marketing department.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Austin, Texas
    How much Tom? I could use one.

  30. #30
    so what is the bore size of the barrel

    Im a 1.5 callorie treat that everyone loves to eat!

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