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Thread: 11" Crown Point Barrels BUY ONE NOW!!!

  1. #91
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    in your head
    WHAT A ********* you are to even post stuff like that and never tell us if you are jokeing or not....peoples money have just been spent on you ......tom i will never think of you the same way again
    Last edited by AGD; 01-10-2002 at 04:57 PM.
    rt mag

  2. #92
    ThePatriot Guest
    The people with the puny brains literally can’t see past the end of their barrels! It’s like having wheels without tires, milkshakes without whip cream, and women without lingerie. Sure they work without them BUT WAY BETTER with them!!
    Actually, i think a woman who is wearing no lingerie, or anything for that matter, is much better than a woman with lingerie on...

  3. #93
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Originally posted by ThePatriot
    Actually, i think a woman who is wearing no lingerie, or anything for that matter, is much better than a woman with lingerie on...
    You are ssssooooooooo wrong


  4. #94
    Originally posted by SiLeNt X
    umm..... i hope you delete what's in yoru post... foul language is not tolerated.. and all that other stuff... that's not very nice to say.
    Red 2k1 C&C LCD
    45/4.5k Pure Energy
    Skill to bunker you .
    A.K.A. PaintBallin on PBcity Forums
    referral another referral

  5. #95
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    what in the world is going on?? i think tom either has some clearing up to do or is right....

  6. #96
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Easthampton Ma.
    I think I smell a leson coming

  7. #97
    Join Date
    May 2001
    San Diego, Ca, USA


    I think I get what's going on, but I'll wait for Tom's word on this one.. I like seeing what everyone else thinks.

    EDIT: hehe I'm gonna get everyone in on this!
    From AIM:

    Zads: check it out
    Zads: tom kaye went nuts
    Last edited by zads27; 01-10-2002 at 05:12 PM.
    To do is to be. -Descartes
    To be is to do. -Voltaire
    Do be do be do. -Frank Sinatra

  8. #98
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Oneida, Tennessee
    I'm just wanderin why Tom's not replyin to this yet... because hes online right now. But no matter what he says, I'm stickin with my boomer and CP barrel back.
    Why go to the light, when darkness has its warmth too....
    Brak "I poop in the sink."
    EPIC - Warp - 68/45 Armageddon
    Black 2k LCD
    Green 99 Dark Angel

  9. #99
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    DUDES! This is just to test out his marketing skillz... lol, he must of picked up one of those infomercial tapes on how to advertise...

    Good Traders:
    Tunaman, K-villeplayer, Magman007, Mastersconi, Jon/xpm, Kenndogg

    My feedback if you've dealt with me, leave some...

    Fruitcat: it's what AO doesn't like.

  10. #100
    Originally posted by FooTemps
    DUDES! This is just to test out his marketing skillz... lol, he must of picked up one of those infomercial tapes on how to advertise...
    If thats the case the tape must be reeeeeeeeeeeeaaaly bad!!!

    LOL "Infomercial tapes on how to adverise" thats funny too...
    Did you hear about the new european weapons contracts? France is going to make the wooden sticks Spain making the little white flags

  11. #101
    Join Date
    May 2001
    San Diego, Ca, USA
    Hey Mods,
    This should also be posted under Tom's Tech Tips under "How to start a posting fervor on an online forum"

  12. #102
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Apex, North Carolina, USA
    So is the barrel good? has any 1 got 1 yet? do they like it?
    You did it now osama bin laden!! NOW GALLAGHER IS AT WAR

  13. #103
    Originally posted by zads27
    Hey Mods,
    This should also be posted under Tom's Tech Tips under "How to start a posting fervor on an online forum"
    Or how to test the loyalty of your cult...

  14. #104
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    This barrel is good and Tom is serious about selling this the way he is. He's trying a new marketing approach ok? Lets just say he's wearing his Dye/SP/JT/PTP cap instead of his REAL barrel cap...

  15. #105
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Las Vegas, NV
    You think this barrel post is impressive? You just wait until the REALLY cool stuff comes out. Top Secret, CovertOps... AlienTechnology type stuff. Super Nubbins! Oops, I done said it. Shhh!

  16. #106
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Hillsboro, Oregon
    woa, people.

    take a 5 min break.

    Realize your gun shoots the same as it did yesterday with your same barrel, by reading this post your accuracy DIDN'T go down.

    Whether this is a joke or not, (i'm pretty sure its not a joke) your gun will only show minor difference if anything.

    I shot a crown point on my mag a couple years ago, shot it just fine.

    Believe the hype or not, but don't attack tom for posting this.

    Its up to you to chose to read it.

    Its up to you to chose to spend $20 on the barrel.
    "Accuracy by volume has been, and will remain, the best way to score eliminations" Tom Kaye


    [email protected]

  17. #107
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    It's just good for tom to learn how to use hype to his advantage now... Crown point won't up accuracy or anything but it's still pretty nice for the price...

  18. #108
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Sugarland, Texas.
    *Sing-Song Voice*
    Guess who's still got their CROWN POINT BARREL...!

    Guess who's not caught up in hype, confusion, and a lack of $20 (plus S*H!) ...!
    *End Sing-Song Voice*

    Aww... I want hype! Anyways, I've shot both the Freak and the Crown Point - I like 'em both. Both accurate, both nice, but I do have a question about one thing - BEING QUIET?!?!?! I'm sorry, but if neon pink gelatin spheres are being hurled at me from 50 yards away, I'm going to know what direction and exactly where their coming from, noise aside. My barrel works. I know it works, I've seen it work, and do I care why? Nope. It works, good enough for me. Maybe we should just stick with what works... ya think? If your CP works, great, more power to you. If your Freak works, wonderful. Let's not get caught up in this when we haven't seen evidence proving or DISPROVING what Tom says.

    Monkey see, Monkey do, Monkey eliminated.
    Coming Soon:
    Who knows anymore...

  19. #109
    Originally posted by FooTemps
    This barrel is good and Tom is serious about selling this the way he is. He's trying a new marketing approach ok? Lets just say he's wearing his Dye/SP/JT/PTP cap instead of his REAL barrel cap...
    I disagree. This is a complete 180. He either (1) went nuts or (2) is testing us. For the following reasons:

    The claims seem to be outrageous or at best contiversial. I mean why come out with this now when these barrels were in existance for almost a decade.

    The tone seems to be scarcastic and follows the type of faulty reasoning companies like Smart Parts would use.

    His previous tests with powdering the barrel prove that the balls DONT bouce around why would he all of the sudden conradict himself.

    It also goes against what is known and tested. Tom wouldent do that without adequate proof.

    If he is in fact wearing his dye/sp/jt/ptp cap then I have lost a lot of respect for AGD. It would be like "selling out." I have always admired honesty and in the long run honesty IS the best policy. Thats why my last 3 guns were AGD. Thats why in the future I will continue to look at AGD for all my paintball needs. Because I know I can look AGD in the face and I know they will give me a straight answer. Because they CARE about thier customers and are not just out to make a quick buck. Because they make a QUALITY product.

    IMHO AGD's goal should be defending that is right and true and dispelling all the myths that surround the rest of the paintball world. People are smart, they will figure it out...eventually.

    AGD is an innovator not an immitator. It has always been that way and that commands a HUGE amount of respect.

  20. #110
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    SHHH! Butterfingers! don't ruin the fun! Tom just wants to sell thest though...

  21. #111
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    UCF, Orlando FL
    ...I hate that monkey.... And are these just old barrels lying around? I assume the are with all the other stuff AGD is doing...
    paintdevil1 from PbNAtion:
    damn you mag guys support your products furiously

  22. #112
    Originally posted by FooTemps
    Tom just wants to sell thest though...

    At what cost... it certainly isn't worth compromising integrity.

  23. #113
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Dude... dont' take it so heavy...

  24. #114
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Sugarland, Texas.
    Hmm, you think he might be waiting for someone to claim that they too have seen the marvelous Crown Point barrel in action, and yes, it keeps balls straight, shoots them for over a mile, and walks the dog when you ask it. Come on everybody, let's jump on the SUPERBOLT --- I mean, Crown Point Barrel bandwagon.

    What has the CP barrel done for YOU ?

  25. #115
    Originally posted by OldSchoolMag
    Hmm, you think he might be waiting for someone to claim that they too have seen the marvelous Crown Point barrel in action, and yes, it keeps balls straight, shoots them for over a mile, and walks the dog when you ask it. Come on everybody, let's jump on the SUPERBOLT --- I mean, Crown Point Barrel bandwagon.

    What has the CP barrel done for YOU ?
    The superbolt actually did what it was advertised to do though, well at least until it broke.

  26. #116
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Sugarland, Texas.
    Well, I was TRYING to allude that when the Superbolt problems came out, someone exclaimed that it did something amazingly unbelievable - it broke and shot them. Why? Because they wanted to be on the bandwagon, be with the crowd (of what, about a dozen people?) that had problems with their Superbolts. I was TRYING to show that he might be trying to do that again, without flat out stating it. I wasn't saying that the barrels were faulty, or that the Superbolts were - I was saying that people say things that shouldn't be said for no other reason than being with the crowd.
    Sheesh, read between the lines pal. I even bolded 'em

  27. #117
    sorry my bad.

  28. #118
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    the boards are in disarray.

    No one knows what to think.

    joke/no joke?

    substance abuse?

    or maybe this is toms funny way to introduce their new modular bore size barrel system...

    we shall see

    If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.

  29. #119
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Southeast MO
    Oh (excreetions) Tom is turinging into SMARTPARTS.
    Have you gotten their catolog lately? its all this stuff like:

    "Fast. Quiet. Accurate. Patented. Best in the world."
    WTF is that?

    Tom, hate to sya it, but either that "Hat" of yours is a fog hat (ahh.. that sweet, sweet alcoholic fog is rollin in) or you need a serious vacation. You really needed it after the SB problem. Get out. Go somewhere warm. Bahamas. The keys. Muai. Soemthing to get you mind of Pball and back on what every middle age man should be thinking about:

    Man I could see it:

    "Hi, I'm Carson Daly and I'm here with the KING OF SPRING BREAK.... TOM KAYE! (Camera switches to Tom in the background sippin down a Diet Pepsi in a hot tub...)"

  30. #120
    Originally posted by AGD


    Originally posted by AGD
    Bore size is a good thing

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