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Thread: CHEATER HATERS - Read this

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    the ghetto (Homewood/Flossmoor, IL)

    CHEATER HATERS - Read this

    I can't believe the cheaters we came up against today. I've got my trusty ReTro Minimag shooting better than ever. My friend has his Impulse and then there's a couple guys with rentals and I think there was a guy with a MicroMag...

    Anywho we're in a firefight with these three guys in the woods we're all shooting at them and hitting really close by them. I didn't think much of it there was paint blowing up all around us too. But then one of them steps away from the cover with his back completely exposed. Naturally I let him have it...Now I watch all 7 or 8 of my shots pelt this sucker in the back he winced from the shots...but then he goes behind the brush and starts shooting at us again!!! Of course we're all going crazy. I'm ready to charge him andlet him have it but my 300 rounds were used up shooting at these wiping *edit* Would you want to explain the meaning of what you your Mom? Clean up your posts. Army.

    OK now everyone start ranting.
    Last edited by Army; 01-13-2002 at 08:39 PM.

  2. #2
    ThePatriot Guest
    I was shooting into some brush today too, and i saw my paintballs hit them. Thing is my field is understaffed and there wasnt a ref around to paint check him so the damn kid kept going and firng.....we need better refs

  3. #3
    homer3dfx Guest
    Cheating is just lame[IMG]ftp://[email protected]/mag1.JPG[/IMG]

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    I played the last night. There was a group of kids, they had a team. They also had money, lots of money. When I was against them we won a lot, because their team hadn't yet learned the art of moving up.

    And when I was on their team, I saw one of them get hit on top of the mask as he ducked into a bunker with his friend. I thought I heard his friend say: "don't worry man, just wipe that *stuff* off"

    I was infuriated, and kicked myself for not telling them so.

    At the end of the night, someone bunkered a guy that was on that team. He was shot many times, and was rather vocal about his disdain for the person that overshot him.

    Then, that person walked over to this ranting kid and started yelling back. They exchanged for a while until eventually I heard the bunkerer say. "well you would have just wiped it if I only shot you once"

    It shut the kid up pretty quick.
    And I was glad.

    I hate wipers and always will. If you ever get shot and realize that you could easily get away with wiping it, just shoot yourself twice in the gogs, and then think of all the money you'll save by not shooting any more paint for the rest of the round.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Sandy, Utah
    Yesterday when I was playing, I noticed a bunch of paint on the top of my mask after I had run to my second bunker. I asked one of my teamates if it was splatter or a hit. All he said was, "Wipe it a little." So I turned and asked one of my freinds (other guy was just someone else who came there, didn't know him) if it was a hit. He said it was. After I got off the field, I switched my vest, cause' playin with cheaters just doesn't feel right.
    Converge Kills

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    one time i shot a newb straight in the bottom of the mask and he kept right on playing....... it is annoying when ppl do that..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    CA or AZ
    Here's a story from when my friends and I went rec ballin a couple weeks back.

    We were playing at Tombstone, on the Foxholes. This field is really a lot of fun. Its half set up pipes speedball (with a hill about thigh high dividing the sides) and half set up with X shaped plywood bunkers.

    As we were playing, one of the kids on the other team starts moving up cover, not being noticed by anyone but me. I called out his position, and let a few shots go. They werent accurate enough to hit him, but he got the point all the same. He couldnt return fire thanks to my flatline barrel I was using. So he ducks behind the bunker. One of my front men swiftly runs over the hill without being shot at and quickly bunkers the guy (my friend was shooting pink fill, the kid was shooting green). So he gets off like 4 shots. The kid then procedes to blind fire two shots over the bunker into my friend. Needless to say that hurt. Since the refs didnt see it happen, both got pulled.

    If you get shot, call yourself out.
    Blindfiring is not just against the rules, its dangerous, and not mention stupid.
    WDP: "Our gun is $400 shinier than yours." - Miscue

    "Evil Tom Grinns......" - Tom

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Glendale Cali (Yeah SoCal )
    CHEATERS SUCK I think that has been well established
    . However SOMETIMES and I strees the sometimes it is an honest mistake. For instance I was at Conquest Paintball in So Cal and some people who had never played before were renting. We one of them gets a shot in the head (mask) but it looks like splatter and he wipes it off to see and continus firing. He only got off 1 shot before his own team said dude your out. He said Oh ok and left no biggy so that was an honest mistake. On the other hand there are the stupid spoiled cheaters that makes bunkering hem even more of a pleasure . The moral is well yeah bunker cheaters... No but after a while their reputation is so reunied it will no longer be fun for them but they really screw up the best sport in the world
    I slept, and dreamed that life was Beauty; I woke and found the life was Duty.
    --Ellen Sturgis Hooper

  9. #9
    Welcome to the wonderful world of paintball!!

    There is nothing worse than snap'n against someone who is wiping hits off there forearms, elbows, visors, and hoppers. Or worse yet, refs that go over and "help" clean-up that "splatter" for there favored team. That is what really boils my kettle. It makes you want to run up to the refs and stick them right before you bunker the guy behind that bunker. It happens at alot of tourny's. Favoritism=POO

    It's all part of the game though, and you will see it happening no matter where you play. I look at it this way. If you play honest every time you are on the field people notice, appreciate and respect that. The hard part is to have faith that the guy/gal across the field is play'n the same way.

    If you do come across that guy that is wipe'n, bounus-ball'n ya after you call yourself out, don't hesitate to go run by his bunker and stick him during the next match!

    Kila V2 Magnetic Suspension Detents for Angel 04 Speed, LED, LCD, IR3's, X-mag, ULE Mag, TAC-1, SFL Emag, NYX Matrix, E-blade, Mac Dev Cyborg, Bushmaster 2000, All other Cocker threaded guns, Shocker, Nerve, Impulse

    Kila V2 for Alias...the ountdown is on!

    Email: [email protected]
    AO PM: kilaueakid

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    If I found a guy whipin i would stand up walk to him and cover him from head to toe in paint.

    Good Traders:
    Tunaman, K-villeplayer, Magman007, Mastersconi, Jon/xpm, Kenndogg

    My feedback if you've dealt with me, leave some...

    Fruitcat: it's what AO doesn't like.

  11. #11
    homer3dfx Guest
    when ever i play paintball i always always see cheating ppl being hit and just playing on I hate it. most of the time now when i play i play with my friends ppl trust and know when i shoot them they'll leave even if the ball didn't break the fact they where hit is good. I lost all intrest in plya tourny paintball just because all all The cheating its just sad. I dont' blame the ref's there busy doing there work and can't see it all. i'm back to play 1on1 3on3 with friends since its a fair game and don't matter who wins or loses its all good and fun. CHEATING IS LAME dont' matter what your reason is any one who even waits for a ref to call them out is a cheater. When i'm hit i Leave thats it i don't care i know i was hit and 20% of the time the ball didn't even break but i still called MYSELF out main point is i called MYself out not have the ref remove me from the feild. Only thing in Paintball i can't stand is cheaters and sadly alot of the time it ends up in a fight

  12. #12
    ThePatriot Guest
    Yesterday i made 2 honest mistakes, i didnt know til the very end. I was shotin the visor and had NO clue i was hit until i was hit in the arm and went off and took off my mask. The other one was when I got hit in the side of the mask(my mask is like really hard and i cant feel a thing) So i kept playing til the end of the game with a hit on my i said, we need more refs at this place. The games are like 45 v 45 on a 20 person field, cuz we had 171 ppl there..and they only have 2 fields and everyone always plays....

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Southeast MO
    Some idiots I know play like that. Some of you might have heard me venting about them in the chat room. THey play like so: If your hit, your not out. They just keep shooting at each other till their hoppers run out or they get tired. Extremely stupid, and a waste of money.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Liberty, MO
    what I hate is when I dont mean to cheat but I guess I still do. Like if I run out and I get nailed right on the chest and I go behind a bunker to see if I am hit. I look down and the ball didnt break. So I check myself over and I dont see any breaks. So when the game is over I am walking off and the kid who shot me comes up and says I wiped it off. I am like no man it bounced. He looks and everything is cool. But when I am in the rest area I see that I was hit on my gun. Well on the bottom of my flatline tank. I never see those or hear them. So I am like, oops.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Austin, Texas
    Mountaindud what field were you playing at? Challenge Park? I hear they are going downhill fast, garbage paint, under staffed and long waits to play their signature fields.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    the ghetto (Homewood/Flossmoor, IL)
    Originally posted by irbodden
    Mountaindud what field were you playing at? Challenge Park? I hear they are going downhill fast, garbage paint, under staffed and long waits to play their signature fields.
    yeah you've got our number

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    I am a friend of Mountaindud and i went with him yesterday.
    That was the biggest display of cheating i have ever encountered!
    Me and Mountaindud were up against one guy that was wincing in pain as we continually shot him, it was awful!
    then at the end of the math it was me and a noob with no ammo. I took out 4 of em but talk to about over shootin!
    They shot me about 25 times! i ahve welts everywhere thanks to those cheaters, not to mention the ones that shot me i had already shot about 15 times!

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Two octaves below middle C.
    Originally posted by Tony Arrivo
    I am a friend of Mountaindud and i went with him yesterday.
    That was the biggest display of cheating i have ever encountered!
    Me and Mountaindud were up against one guy that was wincing in pain as we continually shot him, it was awful!
    then at the end of the math it was me and a noob with no ammo. I took out 4 of em but talk to about over shootin!
    They shot me about 25 times! i ahve welts everywhere thanks to those cheaters, not to mention the ones that shot me i had already shot about 15 times!
    Yes, cheaters suck indeed.
    Go back to your Impulse forum Tony.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    lol, i wont have this Impulse for much longer if my plan works out though

  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Wayne, PA
    I shoot, and If isee it hit, and the person dosent call themselfs out, than the next time they show there lousy butt out of that bunker, I light them up and dont stop until I hear, "HIT!" or "I'M OUT!" or something along those lines and their hands go up in the air.

    Thats my Anti-wipe
    and if there smart, they learn quick because I can rip with my bushmaster trigger

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Does this mean we're getting another member?

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Paintballer 86 i like the cut of your jib your hired!

    and yes hopefully ill be trading my Impulse in for a Minimag with an RT valve or a PRO RT

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Go for the rt pro...

  24. #24
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Wayne, PA
    Originally posted by Tony Arrivo
    Paintballer 86 i like the cut of your jib your hired!

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Gratuituous firepower - The anti-wipe!
    Pass out the RPS Evil and the emags. That'll show 'em.

    I guess I'm lucky, or naive enough, to believe that
    cheating isn't a common occurance where I play. Some of my freinds think differently, but I'm going to give somebody I'm not absolutely sure of the benefit of the doubt. be careful where you point the cheating finger. I know I've been told that I was wiping or shooting hot when people see what they want to see, and there was once instance when 10-12 people complained about my buddly shooting hot before he chrono'd at 230 fps right before their eyes. They shut up fast. People are capable of honest mistakes.

    Sorry for all you people who have to deal with blatant cheating as an everyday occurance. Bonus-ball them for me. Or at least beat them up in the parking lot. (I'm JOKING!)
    AKA Viking #393
    AGD RT Pro #948


    Plymouth Paintball Supply

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Las Vegas, NV
    I experimented with Anarchy paint... put in on my jersey and tried to wipe it... It don't... just smears and gets worse. I like that paint.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Really? Were can I get some of this paint?

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Someone shot my friend today from out of bounds.

    He was soooooo pissed. He felt the hit, checked for paint, and then called himself out. Then he saw that the kid was already covered in paint, and out of bounds, just laughing with his friends.

    I had already been gogged earlier that game, so fortunately for that kid, I was cleaning my mask when it happened.

    <---cheaters make me want to puke

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Man, I would have rammed my tank into his face and let him have it while he was down.Thats just how much i hate cheaters, they ruin the game completely.

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