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Thread: E/X-Mag Microcontroller Programming (Atmel AT90S2313)

  1. #91
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Milwaukee WI
    Quote Originally Posted by doober
    were do you learn how to program the boards. would java help me becaus ei know java and i was wonderign how close they are thanks
    you'll need to learn assembly language. You can download everything you'll need free from Atmel's website... Check my first post.

  2. #92
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Milwaukee WI

    XMOD BETA 1.4 Features

    See Post #121 (First post on Page 5)
    Last edited by LorneCash; 12-31-2005 at 01:54 PM.

  3. #93
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Rob Freels's shadow
    any chance at a cfoa ramping or psp at least?

    great to see someone working on this, thank you for your efforts!
    embargo backwards = o grab me

    "Guns dont kill people, husbands that come home early do." -Larry The Cable Guy

    Dragun Drallion, nexus kit, tickler, e2, pysco 5" drop w/ on off, macroline, A+ bolt and back block, Oydessy 3 barrel kit, armson stealth, 15* ASA, Kapp pump arm, Black Magic, warp feed w/ 12v upgrade, halo b w/ vic&rip, 91/4500 bulldog

    Tippmann 98C ebolt, lp kit, m-16 kit, palmer stabilizer

  4. #94
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Milwaukee WI
    Quote Originally Posted by UTDragun
    any chance at a cfoa ramping or psp at least?

    great to see someone working on this, thank you for your efforts!

    my NXL mode satisfies XBALL and PSP which are the same thing according to

    PSP Equipment Rules v. 1.05
    February 2, 2005


    Game Format & Rule Book
    Revised February 9, 2004

    CFOA doesn't allow ramping according to

    2005 Official CFOA Rules
    Revision 1

    2005 CFOA rules would be met by setting the gun to SEMI and the ROF to 15.

    I emailed CFOA and they said that their rules will change to match PSP for 2006 so to meet that the ROF has to be set to 15 and the mode set to NXL

    If these rules change I will modify the code to reflect the change ASAP. I have room for 1 more firing mode but i'm not sure what to do because i thought i did them all. Suggestions are welcome but you'll have to be specific or give me a link that describes exactly how it should work.
    Last edited by LorneCash; 12-19-2005 at 02:22 AM.

  5. #95
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    kenosha, WI/mad-town, WI
    dont need any beta testers by chance do ya? i play for UW-Madison and would try this out in my SFL if you want. my home town is Kenosha, so ill be there over winter break. you can pm me to contact me

    also, for other modes...

    i know ill catch flak for this because its kinda a cheater mode but:

    have normal psp ramp, but if you actually pull the trigger at around 16-17bps...have it ramp up to 19-20bps. but also have this be parabolic(ie it fluctuates between 17-20). in escense you would have secondary ramping with parabolic ramping.
    President Of the UW-Madison Badger Ballers

    AO Feedback

    1 of 35 SFL Emags VV02746
    Silver Karta/Logic RT Winner:GOTM Most Bling for December VV04971
    Sydarm SY00715
    Nelspot (under restoration)

  6. #96
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by LorneCash
    I have room for 1 more firing mode but i'm not sure what to do because i thought i did them all. Suggestions are welcome but you'll have to be specific or give me a link that describes exactly how it should work.
    That is a tough one... but I would have to sugguest a mode where you can set it at "Where" (meaning, what BPS you have to hit) you want it to start ramping, then when you hit that number it will ramp up to the max bps that you have the gun set at.

  7. #97
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Halifax, N.S., Canada
    I'm with BigEvil. I like to set rate of fire at which ramping starts and a max rate of fire that it ramps to.

    Another neat feature is an amount of ramping. eg; a multiplier.

    -Set your rate of fire to start ramping.
    -set your max rate of fire
    -set your multiplier

    The multiplier can be 10 to 30 (10 = 1.0, 30 = 3.0, 14 = 1.4) so if you set the multiplier at 14 and pull the trigger at 8 cps, then the gun will fire at 11.2 bps. If you set the multiplier at 1.7 and pull the trigger at 8cps then the gun will fire at 13.6bps. The mulitplier makes a very nice manageable ramping mode. It allows gentle firing assist or all out roar of the guns.
    Except for the Automag in front, its usually the man behind the equipment that counts.

  8. #98
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Milwaukee WI
    According to NXL(2005), PSP(2005), and CFOA(2006) the legal ramping is (in my words) if 4 shots are fired with a rate of at least one shot per second then the 4th shot is allowed to be up to a three round burst if the trigger is held. If the trigger is released after two shots in the burst the third must not fire. ie the gun must not shoot if the trigger is released.

    The point of saying all this is to now explain how my NXL mode works. It is exactly as the description above states with one difference. To save a significant amount of code space I require the first three shots to be at a rate of 4bps rather than 1bps.

    As far as customization goes, the ROF is a global setting so the max it will ramp up to is easily adjustable by adjusting the ROF setting. At the moment the ramp is locked to a 3 round burst but I could easily change that to be equal to the setting that the burst mode is set to. That may even be less code then how i have it now because i could reuse the same code that i used for BRST mode. As far as being able to change the ROF that the ramp up starts at... I could make that adjustable too quite easily as long as no one will cry if the minimum is 4bps.

    As far a parabolic ramping goes, i don't think there any way i could do that with the ammount of codespace i have left.

    For now i'm working on a ROF counter... got a few bugs to work out with that but I should have some time between Christmas and New Years to work on it.

    I am looking for some more beta testers but local(milwaukee area) only (I have to be able to flash your gun in person).
    Last edited by LorneCash; 12-20-2005 at 04:33 AM.

  9. #99
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    kenosha, WI/mad-town, WI
    Quote Originally Posted by LorneCash

    I am looking for some more beta testers but local(milwaukee area) only (I have to be able to flash your gun in person).

    milwaukee isnt that far for me
    i can make the drive

  10. #100
    I believe that PSP and NXL should be two different modes

    PSP mode is 3 pulls then on the 4th pull it is 3rnd burst ramping at a rate of 15bps with a 3 pull restart required if you do not pull the trigger for 1 second or longer.

    NXL mode is the same but the 4 pull is full auto.

    The normal min bps required to start ramping is 5 bps.

    This link is to the NXL/PSP rules web page.

    There are 2 different rule books, the link on the left are the NXL rules with full auto.
    The link on the right is the PSP rule book with the 3 rnd burst.

    This section is missing from the NXL rules. Markers must not discharge more than three (3) paintballs per trigger cycle.

  11. #101
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Milwaukee WI
    Quote Originally Posted by Jimbud
    I believe that PSP and NXL should be two different modes
    You're right, thanks for the correction. I had a copy of the X-Ball Tournament rules but didn't have the X-Ball NXL Style Rules

    I will change the NXL mode to read PSP on the display and then make a new mode named NXL where it goes full auto on the 4th pull.

  12. #102
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Milwaukee WI
    I've finished changing the code to include PSP and NXL modes! It only took me 15min, I'm getting pretty good at this...

    I will edit my previous post rather than posting the whole thing again so you'll have to look back to post #92

  13. #103
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Milwaukee WI

    Stack Question

    If i want the interrupt to return to a location other than the location it came from how would i do that? Here's what i did...

    (inside the interrupt)

    pop Temp_1 ;Restore variables
    pop Temp_1 ;Restore variables
    pop Trash ;get the program counter off the stack
    pop Trash ;get the program counter off the stack
    sei ; enable interrupts
    rjmp START ; return from interrupt to the location i want

    Is there a better way to do this? If not, how many times do i need to "pop Trash" to get the stack to the right place?

  14. #104
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Milwaukee WI

    XMOD BETA 1.4 Testing...

    XMOD BETA 1.4 is now being beta tested...

    Check out the new features! (edited Post #92)

    One of my beta testers should be giving me some video clips soon.

  15. #105
    Join Date
    May 2005
    You would want to pop off any variables that you pushed and pop off the 2 byte return address like you did (or you could just add the proper number of bytes to include the variables you pushed and the 2 byte return address to the stack pointer -- this would require fewer operations). Then you could either do what you did by enabling interrupts and jumping, or you could push the address that you want to return to onto the stack (2 bytes) and then execute the rei instruction. The second option is what most multitasking operating systems do to return to a preempting task.

    Quote Originally Posted by LorneCash
    If i want the interrupt to return to a location other than the location it came from how would i do that? Here's what i did...

    (inside the interrupt)

    pop Temp_1 ;Restore variables
    pop Temp_1 ;Restore variables
    pop Trash ;get the program counter off the stack
    pop Trash ;get the program counter off the stack
    sei ; enable interrupts
    rjmp START ; return from interrupt to the location i want

    Is there a better way to do this? If not, how many times do i need to "pop Trash" to get the stack to the right place?

  16. #106
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Rob Freels's shadow
    Quote Originally Posted by LorneCash

    CFOA doesn't allow ramping according to

    2005 Official CFOA Rules
    Revision 1

    2005 CFOA rules would be met by setting the gun to SEMI and the ROF to 15.

    I emailed CFOA and they said that their rules will change to match PSP for 2006 so to meet that the ROF has to be set to 15 and the mode set to NXL

    If these rules change I will modify the code to reflect the change ASAP. I have room for 1 more firing mode but i'm not sure what to do because i thought i did them all. Suggestions are welcome but you'll have to be specific or give me a link that describes exactly how it should work.
    I played with millenium mode last year at one event. where does it state that it is semi only in the 2005 rulebook?

  17. #107
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Milwaukee WI
    I'm sorry if I misinterpreted what i read. I've never played any CFOA events. I did email CFOA and they said that for 2006 they will follow PSP rules for firing modes. I did include PSP mode so the way i fugure it doesn't matter. I'm not trying to start an argument i'm just looking for modes to add.

    Let me be a little more clear on that for everyone. I'm looking for legal modes to add. If you can show me an event that allows a mode that I've not included please do so. I'm not going to add any custom cheater modes for anyone. I just wanna make sure my favorite gun is legal in all paintball events.
    Last edited by LorneCash; 12-25-2005 at 02:21 AM.

  18. #108

    Xmod v 1.4 beta review and video

    Xmod V1.4 Beta Review.

    Dont mind my bad spelling and horrible grammer, hooked on phonics did not work for me as a child.

    First impressions:
    After updating my marker with the new XMOD flash, I was amazed at the control over the old software I now had. The "Super cool modes" that emags never had to play with were now disposable at my fingertips. The first thing I did was scroll through all the MODE menus and messed with each one with my safety "on" and gas pressure in the marker. I played with the trigger and listened to the speed that I now possessed. I was stoked and ready to rip rounds. Scrolling through the menus was easy and pretty self-explanatory.
    By pressing the top button on the Emag, the menus will scroll.

    First you have MOD. This is where you select what firing mode that you wish to use. By pressing the bottom button, it will scroll through the options. To select a firing mode simply pull the trigger and the display will disappear. (Or you can leave a desired mode on the LCD and scroll through the remaining menus; then pull the trigger. At that time, all changed options will be saved.) Your marker is now ready to fire in that select mode. BRST and PR-T have Submenus. If you are on BRST when you pull the trigger, the submenu will appear for you to select the amount of rounds the marker will fire in the actual firing burst. By pressing the bottom button, it will scroll between 2RND and 9RND. Pull the trigger again to select this as your firing mode. PR-T, when selected as the desired mode, pull the trigger and the submenu will appear. It will say SOL ON/OFF. Press the bottom button will toggle the Solenoid on or off. After you pull the trigger a 0 will appear on the LCD. It will display the dynamic ROF. Here is the MOD Menu and MOD Sub-menus.

    BRST 2RND - 9RND

    ROF Menu. The ROF is your rate of fire or balls per second. This menu is very self-explanatory. By pressing the bottom button you can select either 8-31 as the ROF. This setting is universal and all firing modes will use the same rate of fire. NOTE: If the solenoid is wired incorrectly, the gun may not work at rates above 20bps without a full auto bug and an extremely high input pressure. SEE FIX for more info. Read additional notes to see if your solenoid is wired correctly.

    ACE Menu. Anti-Chop Eye. For those with Xmags or Xmag eyes installed into their Emag only. For those without an eye, leave this off. By Pressing the bottom button it will toggle the ACE on/off. When the ACE is turned on, pull the trigger and you will be in the submenu. This is your Delay setting for the eye. It is adjustable from 0-3 in MS.Press the bottom button to change this value. Pull the trigger when done.

    FIX Menu. This is straight from the manual. 99.9% full auto fix for guns that are wired correctly or incorrectly. All guns will not require this fix, but if needed, it is fully adjustable. Assuming the fix is needed, with the solenoid dwell set to 15ms and the solenoid wired incorrectly, the rate of fire for the fix to be most effective must be set below 17bps. With the solenoid wired correctly, the rate of fire can be increased to 20bps. The fix becomes less effective with higher rates of fire. This feature can be completely disabled. I never had to mess with this option once I re-wired my solenoid. Again read additional notes to see if your solenoid is wired correctly.

    DWELL Menu. This is Adjustable from 5-30MS. This is the time the solenoid remains "on" in MS. To adjust the dwell setting, press the bottom button. When desired setting is on the screen, pull the trigger to select. A high dwell with constant use can cause the solenoid to become damaged or unable to operate. This setting will vary from marker to marker. Start the dwell low and slowly increase until your marker fires consistantly on each trigger pull. If you have to pull the trigger numerous times for it to fire, increase the dwell. NOTE: Make sure you have a freshly charged battery. This will greatly affect your dwell setting. A weak battery will result in you having a higher dwell setting.

    TRG ACE Menu. This is a calibration mode for both the trigger and ACE. TRG allows fine tuning of the trigger stroke/magnet adjustment. When the trigger is pulled, the 4th LCD spot will light up indicating the pull. The ACE allows fine tuning of the eye sensitivity. Place a ball in the breech of the marker and slowly move it back and forth with your finger. If the 8th spot on the LCD flickers, adjust the sensitivity.

    DSP BRIT menu. This menu is to adjust the display brightness. By pressing the bottom button the display will become brighter or less bright. It is adjustable to 100%, 80%, 50%, 20% values.

    That is it for the MENUs. The list above is just the USER adjustable MENUS of the marker. To view the additional options of the Xmod 1.4 software refer to the manual. They are good to know so that you can fully troubleshoot your marker if something goes wrong.

    Additional NOTES:

    Testing Solenoid: A simple test to see if your solenoid is wired correctly: In the MOD menu select RELS. Pull the trigger to exit the menu. Now pull the trigger and hold; it should not fire. Slowly release the trigger. Do this numerous times as some people's "slow" is another person's "fast". If the marker fires/or the solenoid clicks only once EVERY time you do this, your Solenoid is wired correctly. If you release the trigger and at any time it fires multiple shots or anything more than one shot, then your solenoid is wired incorrectly. To fix this, de-solder the solenoid wires from the board and flip them. Re-solder the solenoid and retest with the above steps. If it is worse then the first time, (that would be weird) then re-solder your solenoid to its original configuration. You will have to use the FIX to correct the gun from running.

    Saving settings:When saving your settings, you ALWAYS have to pull the trigger. It is not necessary to pull the trigger then switch to a different option, change it and pull the trigger to save it. You can change all of the menus to different values, THEN pull the trigger. This will save all the menu changes.

    Marker: E-mag, Black X-valve, Cord V1 body, dual ball detents (mac dev), ULE/E-mag custom rail, C&C x-mag battery case, ULE/x-mag Grip Frame, X-mag ACE, Carbon Fiber Grips, TL63 blade Trigger, 68/4500 Flatline. Lapco Barrel.

    Feed: Halo B W/ Cheetah board & Rechargeable batt pack.

    Pressure input: 1000psi on flatline system.

    Paintballs: Dusk, white/green (nasty brittle garbage)

    Flash: Xmod V1.4 beta

    Settings: Emode, Dwell: 14MS, ROF: 20BPS , ACE ON

    I tested the above marker in my backyard on all firing modes. Checking for bugs or full auto issues. I fired roughly around 100-200 rnds on each mode. Below is a quick note on each.

    SEMI: works like it says it does. Pull the trigger, it fires.
    RELS: Again, pull the trigger, it DOES NOT fire. Release the trigger, it fires.
    BRST: Tested all burst modes. My ROF had to be set at 15BPS. If your ROF is set high and your ACE is on, you may experience missed shots. Adjust ROF to fix.
    FULL: Pull the trigger and hold. Marker fires full auto until trigger is released.
    NXL: Walking the trigger, as soon as I hear the marker ramp, hold the trigger down. It fires full auto until the trigger is released.
    PSP: Walking the trigger, marker begins to ramp. If trigger is held down, only 3 shots will fire and end the cycle.
    HYPER: Pull, it fires; release, it fires. When walking, it is basically full auto with a little work. :P
    PR-T: Semi auto, it showed my ROF achieved in the display.

    I also tested some of the additional features.

    ACE toggle. I tested the ACE toggle with no paint. Using my finger in place of a ball. When I would press the bottom button, the ACE would toggle. If the ACE is "on" and you press the bottom button, it will turn off. To reactivate the ace, you have to hold bottom button for 1 sec. This turns the eye back on.

    Fried board test. Does exactly as the manual says.

    Automatic Warp advance: Works exactly as manual says.
    Manual Warp Advance: Works exactly as manual says. BOTH OF THESE MODES NEED TO BE INTELLIFEED TO THE MARKER TO WORK!!!!

    Electronic POS: Works exactly as manual says.

    Tourn. LOCK. Have not tested yet, need to find my burst jumper.

    Video 1.

    I start firing with Full Auto, 20ROF, ACE ON, Dwell14ms. After about 12 shots, it seemed too slow. I turn the ROF to 28 BPS. The marker shoots perfect. I have one chop, but I believe it was my HaloB because the paint was blended in the feed cone and neck.

    More videos to come. Give me a little time.

    Ohh and my overall opinion... well does anyone know how I can get my $130.00 back from tag sportz for the 5.0 emag pred board??? Need I say more?

  19. #109
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    O K L A H O M A
    Very nice , time is up we need more videos. Might have to get back into the mag family

  20. #110
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

  21. #111
    Ohhh I need a little more time then that. Say tom I will have a new one or 2 up by the evening, I went snowmobiling all day. Then I sat down the rest of the evening building my dads new desktop. Ohh and bigevil aren't you the one who has been keeping everybody posted about the Tag emag boards?? Well where are they?? Better yet, wheres my money cause I dont need it now!!!!

  22. #112
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Milwaukee WI

    User Guide

    11 page User Guide Available

    I have written an 11 page user guide for the Release version. The project is still in the beta testing phase but will be released to the public soon!!! If there is anyone who would like a copy of the user guide now please send an email to [email protected] with the subject: "XMOD User Guide Request" Also Please put your name in the message. When you request this guide i will save your email address and send you a copy of the Flash and EEPROM files as soon as i release them.
    Last edited by LorneCash; 11-11-2007 at 03:48 AM.

  23. #113
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan, IL
    ... i love yo....
    Euro E-mag | TL63 | XMOD| EM01610
    Euro Rt | OG | RT02382.

  24. #114
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Majinebz
    Ohhh I need a little more time then that. Say tom I will have a new one or 2 up by the evening, I went snowmobiling all day. Then I sat down the rest of the evening building my dads new desktop. Ohh and bigevil aren't you the one who has been keeping everybody posted about the Tag emag boards?? Well where are they?? Better yet, wheres my money cause I dont need it now!!!!
    Hell, I dont blame you. That whole situation is pissing alot of people off. Tag told me that if I could muster up 50 people who are interested and would commit to it then they would "run their design of the emag board". That was what, 7 months ago? DOnt get me wrong, I love the TAG stuff, but what good is it if you cant get it?

    Coolhands Eframe is also being held up since he is waiting for their new DIY boards for them. He has 15 people who paid somewhere around $400 a pop for those frames and they are sitting on their hands waiting too.

    And btw, I dont work for TAG or am in anyway affiliated with them. Im just the schmuck who came up with the idea for the emag board and convinced them to go ahead with it.

    This is the LINK to Bob Sandifer's post on his forum about offering refunds to anyone who wants them. Take him up on it.

    This Xmod software looks awesome. Great freakin job.
    Last edited by BigEvil; 12-28-2005 at 10:10 PM.

  25. #115
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Milwaukee WI

    Public BETA Release

    OK guys, I need more beta testers. If there is anyone out there who has a programmer that can flash their own gun send me an email. If you would like to test the software and need a programmer so you can flash your own gun, they will be in stock tomorrow and I will be placing an initial order for 10. The price is $100.00 shipped. I prefer PayPal but any way I get the money will work. I will pay for standard ground shipping to continental US. Contact me by email if you have any questions.

    [email protected]

    The first 9 people to send me money will get them ASAP. (I'm keeping one for myself) I plan on keeping at least one in stock at all times so i will order more when i have to.

    I will email the BETA 1.5 flash and current User Guide on January 2, 2006.
    Last edited by LorneCash; 11-11-2007 at 03:48 AM.

  26. #116
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Zayante, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by LorneCash
    OK guys, I need more beta testers. If there is anyone out there who has a programmer that can flash their own gun send me an email. If you would like to test the software and need a programmer so you can flash your own gun, they will be in stock tomorrow and I will be placing an initial order for 10. The price is $100.00 shipped. I prefer PayPal but any way I get the money will work. I will pay for standard ground shipping to continental US. Contact me by email if you have any questions.

    [email protected]

    The first 9 people to send me money will get them ASAP. (I'm keeping one for myself) I plan on keeping at least one in stock at all times so i will order more when i have to.

    I will email the BETA 1.5 flash and current User Guide on January 2, 2006.
    Put me down for one! Just paypaled you the funds. Can't wait to try it out, yahoo!

  27. #117
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Henderson, Ky
    Has anyone tried using normal IR eyes with a emag board ? If I am correct all the board is looking for if a +5 signal saying there is a ball there. In the case if IR eyes the board would look to fire when +5 is not present on the input . Correct me if I am wrong.
    This addition to the software would allow people with ULE bodies to use emag lowers with IR break beam eyes..
    "It's my buddies gun"
    "I just bought it"
    "It came that way"
    "I borrowed it "

    My gun says I'm holding it back from doing great things ...

  28. #118
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by KayleAGD
    Has anyone tried using normal IR eyes with a emag board ? If I am correct all the board is looking for if a +5 signal saying there is a ball there. In the case if IR eyes the board would look to fire when +5 is not present on the input . Correct me if I am wrong.
    This addition to the software would allow people with ULE bodies to use emag lowers with IR break beam eyes..

    I think there is a programing difference between how the software uses reflective and break beam eyes to detect a ball. My brain is a little fuzzy right now, but I think it has something to do with the way the voltage works on the different eyes.

    I think this is the article that explains the hows and whys

  29. #119
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Henderson, Ky
    Quote Originally Posted by BigEvil
    I think there is a programing difference between how the software uses reflective and break beam eyes to detect a ball. My brain is a little fuzzy right now, but I think it has something to do with the way the voltage works on the different eyes.

    I think this is the article that explains the hows and whys
    great link , that explains how the board looks for +5 to fire or looks for the loss of +5 input on the board, this could be an easy option change in the programming for the different types of eyes .
    Also someone could use a transistor to make it trigger a +5 pulse to show the ball

  30. #120
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Milwaukee WI
    Quote Originally Posted by KayleAGD
    great link , that explains how the board looks for +5 to fire or looks for the loss of +5 input on the board, this could be an easy option change in the programming for the different types of eyes .
    Also someone could use a transistor to make it trigger a +5 pulse to show the ball
    The ACE is checked like this:

    sbic PINB, ACE ; If ACE senses a ball
    rjmp SOME_LOCATION ; Goto Some_Location

    sbic is Skip next instruction if bit in IO register is cleared (0). The Register is named PINB and the Bit I'm checking is ACE which is a map for bit 6.
    rjmp is relative jump to Some_location in memory.

    It sounds like if you wanted break beam and you had it hooked up correctly all i would have to do is change that instruction to a sbis, Skip next instruction if bit in IO register is set (1). I would be more than willing to do this if someone wanted to try it. You let me know when you have your gun modified and changing the code will seriously take me 20 sec.

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