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Thread: Logic Ripper EM - The Electro Solution - PreOrder

  1. #601
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Valleyfield , Quebec
    Quote Originally Posted by CoolHand
    It means that:

    1) I can't spell "unassembled" correctly.

    2) That the upper return magnet will come with the trigger, BUT it will not be glued in place. This is so you can have the trigger anodized if you like, without destroying the magnet. If you want to use it raw, just put a tiny dabb of JB Quick Weld (the stuff that's dry in two minutes) into the magnet pocket, press the magnet down into it, let it set up for an hour or so, and you're good to go.
    lol yes you can spell unassembled right ... it's my error ...
    so thanx that will be just too easy to "assemble" i think i will just dremel-polish it and have it clear annoed ... that will give the chrome-like look i wanted

  2. #602
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Rob Freels's shadow
    any news on curt's boards?
    embargo backwards = o grab me

    "Guns dont kill people, husbands that come home early do." -Larry The Cable Guy

    Dragun Drallion, nexus kit, tickler, e2, pysco 5" drop w/ on off, macroline, A+ bolt and back block, Oydessy 3 barrel kit, armson stealth, 15* ASA, Kapp pump arm, Black Magic, warp feed w/ 12v upgrade, halo b w/ vic&rip, 91/4500 bulldog

    Tippmann 98C ebolt, lp kit, m-16 kit, palmer stabilizer

  3. #603
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Rob Freels's shadow
    ...its been a couple of weeks? any news? is the emag drop in board going to affect curts production of his boards?

  4. #604
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    No, not really (the news part that is).

    I haven't even heard anything on the EMag boards yet, are they in production now? Like for real this time?

  5. #605
    Join Date
    Jan 2003


    Called Curt and got the skinny.

    Not only did I get my boards ordered (15 now, and the rest in about five or six weeks), but I found out that the EMag boards are going to fabrication on Thursday of this week.

    That means that I can start on eye installs and what not, and that the EMag boards should be shipping in about a month.

    Woo frickin' Hoo!!!

  6. #606
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    i'm confused lol, what and who's emag board? so we are getting a morlock for our logic frames, and then he's working on a emag drop in board? omg i need a emag board for my emag tooooooo.

  7. #607
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    St. Louis
    Quote Originally Posted by RTspag
    i'm confused lol, what and who's emag board? so we are getting a morlock for our logic frames, and then he's working on a emag drop in board? omg i need a emag board for my emag tooooooo. dont worry man it will all be OK

    ryan, dont forget to bring one of these bad boys to AO-mo/il day

  8. #608
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    oh hell, haha i went and looked at the tag forums, i'm ok now.

  9. #609
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    San Diego, CA
    This is great news Ryan! Are you going to have the chance to anodize the frames and custom work(rails and such) or are the being shipped raw?

    But what I do I do because I like to do.

  10. #610
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    They will get anodized, I am currently in the search for a new anodizer that I can trust.

    None of my previous anodizers were worthy of touching one-off stuff, as you could never be sure the parts would come back in usable shape.

    I've got a couple of leads, if all else fails, I guess we can go with PK Selective, and schedule them to ship next summer.

  11. #611
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Jeet yet ?


    I'm going to bring some stuff to a local guy here in the Tampa area
    this week (if'n I can get off my butt and fine sand the stuff) and
    I will post some pics and send you his number and address if you are interested.
    I told him I had the parts for two markers that I needed anno'd, one marker
    blue, one marker black, and he said 75.00 for both. Not each, BOTH.
    So I'm a bit concerned about ruining a Chord and Karta body but I'm going
    to try him anyway.

  12. #612
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by CoolHand
    They will get anodized, I am currently in the search for a new anodizer that I can trust.

    None of my previous anodizers were worthy of touching one-off stuff, as you could never be sure the parts would come back in usable shape.

    I've got a couple of leads, if all else fails, I guess we can go with PK Selective, and schedule them to ship next summer.
    May I suggest ? They are great at annodizing, and have pretty good prices.

  13. #613
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by angel4life1
    May I suggest ? They are great at annodizing, and have pretty good prices.
    I just spoke with them. I think I will send my Sterling I just got done to them as a test drive. If they screw that up, I will be so damned mad that I will drive to the west coast and kill everyone who touched it. lol I'm not bitter or anything though.

    At least that way, after I go to prison, someone else can send off the UEF parts to a good anodizer, since none of them got screwed up.

    We shall see.

  14. #614
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    El Segundo, CA
    Here's another place that my local shop uses. Also Jack & Coke used them for his great looking Shocker. Here's the address and the link to his thread. By the way he (Jack) used one of your frames.
    Custom Metal Finishing In
    (310) 532-5075
    17804 S Western Ave
    Gardena, CA

  15. #615
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Dallas, TX

    Wink Just in case...

    Just in the extremely REMOTE chance anyone needs cash, I'll give you the cash for your grip/gun, and take your place waiting.
    Email: [email protected], AIM: Phurious, YAHOO: KomputrKnurd

    My Good Guys List: Donggie, HungSolo, Sygyzy, MiCRoFooL, Mister .44, Kicker35, Zinn

  16. #616
    Chaos_Theory! Guest
    I also have to suggest Absolute Finish. They are really great people to deal with. Not only that but they do amazing work at awesome prices.

  17. #617
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quick update (if you can call it that).

    I've contacted Curt and paid for the boards, but I have not seen any sign of them yet, nor have I heard from Curt since I called.

    I have dispatched an email to Curt to see what is up.

    I also have not yet sent the Sterling off to Absolute yet, as I just haven't gotten to it.

    My big project at work is really spooling up, and I've been literally slammed. I spend at least three days a week on the road now, which doesn't leave a lot of time for paintball.

    But, not to despair, I haven't forgotten about you all, it's just taking a long time.

  18. #618
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by CoolHand
    Quick update (if you can call it that).

    I've contacted Curt and paid for the boards, but I have not seen any sign of them yet, nor have I heard from Curt since I called.

    I have dispatched an email to Curt to see what is up.

    Im in the same boat. I emailed Curt to see if he would take paypal for a board, which he did. I sent payment and he said he was shipping it that day or teh day after (Tues). The shipping options was 3-day, so I figured id have it by friday the latest. With everything going on in his personal life I hope nothing bad happened.

  19. #619
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Rob Freels's shadow

  20. #620
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    bump bump

  21. #621
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Still waiting on Curt. Surprise Surprise.

    As much as I hate to say it, if WAS gets their micro EQ's out before these boards show up, I'm gonna bail on TAG and Curt both.

    Bob and Curt are both great guys, but getting product from them is a crapshoot at best.

    At least the weather is nice . . . . . . . .

  22. #622
    Automaggot68 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by CoolHand
    Still waiting on Curt. Surprise Surprise.

    As much as I hate to say it, if WAS gets their micro EQ's out before these boards show up, I'm gonna bail on TAG and Curt both.

    Bob and Curt are both great guys, but getting product from them is a crapshoot at best.

    At least the weather is nice . . . . . . . .


    Whoa, Caps lock, sorry.

  23. #623
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Automaggot68

    Whoa, Caps lock, sorry.
    Negative Ghost Rider. No joy as of yet.

    Work has been drop kicking my *** like an Icelandic weight lifting chic, except I'm not enjoying it.

    Wait . . . . . . I said that out loud didn't I? Crap!

  24. #624
    Automaggot68 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by CoolHand
    Negative Ghost Rider. No joy as of yet.

    Work has been drop kicking my *** like an Icelandic weight lifting chic, except I'm not enjoying it.

    Wait . . . . . . I said that out loud didn't I? Crap!
    I wish you still loved me.

  25. #625
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Automaggot68
    I wish you still loved me.
    Sorry man, I now worship solely at the altar of the almighty dollar.

    The new job frickin rules, plus I was kinda tired of being broke all the time.

    Now I can pay off my debts, and have a good time in the process. I am going at a steady run six days a week now though, so you all gotta bear with me here. I have three multi-million dollar projects that I am responsible for right now, so I can't really slack up at the moment. Once I get the big one polished off in a couple of months I will have more time (hopefully anyway).

    On an up side, if I didn't have this whiz bang new job, I'd likely have gone broke trying to fund this project out of my own pocket. I'm not sure how I managed it, but some way or the other, this project is costing way more money than it was supposed to.

    At this point, profit is only a distant memory. I'm more concerned with not losing any more money that necessary to complete things, and still get them done before we all die of old age.

    I am still here though, so there's that . . . . . .

  26. #626
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by CoolHand
    I am still here though, so there's that . . . . . .
    cheers mate

  27. #627
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    se, missouri
    If anyone wants to sell their spot in line, I still would like to get one of these frames.

  28. 04-14-2006, 04:00 PM

  29. #628
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Rob Freels's shadow
    any news?

  30. #629
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by UTDragun
    any news?
    I have not heard from Curt nor gotten any boards in a month. Big surprise.

    I'm tracking down other possibilities such as the new WAS boards, but dealing with them is like dangling your wedding tackle in a bear trap.

    I've also got the EIT this weekend, so I'm studying hard core.

    Basically, the week is only half over, and I already feel like I've been mauled by Jesus.

    Other than that, nothing.

  31. #630
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    San Diego, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by Arstron
    If anyone wants to sell their spot in line, I still would like to get one of these frames.
    Give me a few more weeks to here some good news but I might be interested.

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