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Thread: E/X-Mag Microcontroller Programming (Atmel AT90S2313)

  1. #661
    Since it's conception, how long do you estimate the xmod will be beta?
    Seems there is little room for enhancements/improvements on the stock board.
    The software itself seems stable enough. It's just different marker behave in different ways.
    And this is mostly due to mechanical issues in each one.
    It would be great to see final release with the XMOD 1.x bootup without the BETA anymore...

  2. #662
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Sao Paulo - Brazil
    Congrats, Lorne!!!

    If you can, please, post a copy of the APG feature article on your web site so everyone can see it.

    Thanks and keep up with the good work!



  3. #663
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Congrats. I will have to pick up an APG for the first time in about two years.

  4. #664
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Well Wow, Congrats!!!!!!

  5. #665
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Milwaukee WI

    Shatner Ball

    OK now that it's Official I would like to announce that I will be at Shatner Ball. So anyone who is going make sure an look for me and say hi. I'm gonna try and get an AO jersy with "Lorne Cash" on it and something about XMOD on the front. Probably "Got XMOD?" Unless one of you guys can think of something better.
    Last edited by LorneCash; 08-16-2006 at 09:09 PM.

  6. #666
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    hey, that's great. Are you going to be there on Saturday?

    Look forward to seeing you there.

    Hey Hitech your starting to sound like me! - AGD
    Hitech is the man.... - Blennidae
    The only Hitech Lubricant

  7. #667
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    San Diego, CA USA
    Put a pic of this guy on your jersey or even dress like him:

  8. #668
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by LorneCash
    Probably "Got XMOD?" Unless one of you guys can think of something better.

    How about "GET XMOD HERE" with an arrow pointing to your crotch?

  9. #669
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Milwaukee WI
    I'm not sure if I'll be there saturday or not cuz I'm staying with a friend and he was talking about going surfing... I might though that was my original plan, to go both days.

  10. #670
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by LorneCash
    I'm not sure if I'll be there saturday or not cuz I'm staying with a friend and he was talking about going surfing... I might though that was my original plan, to go both days.
    Well, if you need a ride to the field from your friends house I'm possitive one can be arranged.

    P.S. I owe you a beer, what kind you like?

  11. #671
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    se, missouri
    Hey lorne, send me a PM with your address and I will send out some stickers for you to give out while your there.

  12. #672
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Las Vegas, NV
    Quote Originally Posted by LorneCash
    There's no point for me to spend more time on anything when I get nothing for it.
    Developing AGD 4.x cost me hundreds of dollars... and other people tried to make a profit off of it... by selling it in some manner. I was a bit annoyed. Hundreds of hours of work...

    What I got out of it was... I learned a lot. I'm a professional programmer now... finally... and I still use insights that I learned from 4.x. It was worth it overall... I came out ahead really.

  13. #673
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    a toda madre o un desmadr


    Quote Originally Posted by Arstron
    Hey lorne, send me a PM with your address and I will send out some stickers for you to give out while your there.

    hey!!! i want stickers too!!!! lorne were gonna get you drunk!!! and thats it, no if's, and's or but's, were gettin drunk and thats it!!!

  14. #674
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Milwaukee WI
    Quote Originally Posted by Miscue
    Developing AGD 4.x cost me hundreds of dollars... and other people tried to make a profit off of it... by selling it in some manner. I was a bit annoyed. Hundreds of hours of work...

    What I got out of it was... I learned a lot. I'm a professional programmer now... finally... and I still use insights that I learned from 4.x. It was worth it overall... I came out ahead really.
    Oh I totally agree there, XMOD's pretty much done and all the lessons have been learned. They were invaluable. and I do consider myself ahead. In fact I have several new opportunities because of my new knowledge/skills. That's why at this point if people are going to try to rip me off I see no need it making small tweaks. I did what I did because I wanted better software for my gun and since getting a hold of AGD 4.2 was only a dream I decided to try and do my own. I would have done it wheather I got a single dollar for it or not. Although without the money it probably would have stopped before Millennium mode and such beecause that is of no use to my but my to european friends that is invaluable.

  15. #675
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Las Vegas, NV
    Quote Originally Posted by LorneCash
    I did what I did because I wanted better software for my gun and since getting a hold of AGD 4.2 was only a dream I decided to try and do my own.
    Ha... same reason why I made my original Q software. I was disappointed with the announced feature set of 3.x... so I decided to do it myself.

    What I wanted 4.x to be... is how XMOD turned out... (But I had to stick to specs and couldn't make it that way)... so it's cool to see what you completed.

  16. #676
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Milwaukee WI
    Quote Originally Posted by Miscue
    Ha... same reason why I made my original Q software. I was disappointed with the announced feature set of 3.x... so I decided to do it myself.

    What I wanted 4.x to be... is how XMOD turned out... (But I had to stick to specs and couldn't make it that way)... so it's cool to see what you completed.
    Well thank you, I'll take that as a compliment. Not to mention the many thanks I owe you for all your help along the way.

  17. #677
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Stroudsburg, PA
    Did APG publish the articale yet?
    I don't see it on there site.

  18. #678
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Milwaukee WI
    Quote Originally Posted by Chrishew09
    Did APG publish the articale yet?
    I don't see it on there site.
    Funny you should ask I just sent them an email today asking what the status was.

  19. #679
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by LorneCash
    Funny you should ask I just sent them an email today asking what the status was.

    APG or any other publication can sit on an article forever until they decide if/when they want to publish it, or where it would 'fit in'. Im sure it will eventually make it out. If not I can always hook you up with Dave Araki from Splaat.

  20. #680
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Milwaukee WI
    Quote Originally Posted by BigEvil
    APG or any other publication can sit on an article forever until they decide if/when they want to publish it, or where it would 'fit in'. Im sure it will eventually make it out. If not I can always hook you up with Dave Araki from Splaat.
    Just heard back from APG. They said...

    "Working on this - can't state for certain yet


    So I don't know what that means, guess I'll take it as is.

  21. #681
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by LorneCash
    Just heard back from APG. They said...

    "Working on this - can't state for certain yet


    So I don't know what that means, guess I'll take it as is.
    Dont sweat it... years ago my friend Carl, proprietor of the now defunct "FlagStation" in rooklyn NY had them do a write-up on him and his at the time 'latest creation'. THey sat on it for almost a year IIRC... that creation was the very first half-block autococker call "Son of Fugly"

    One day you will get a call or something from someone letting you know your interview was published.......

  22. #682
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Milwaukee WI
    Why does this thread keep disappearing? Do threads disappear if they're not posted in for a while? I keep having to find it by doing a search.

  23. #683
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Elgin, IL USA
    Hey Lorne, i've been loving your software for several months now. Anyway, I was wondering, for those of us enthusiasts you could modify the XMOD in order to fully take advantage of PSP rules. With your software the ramping only stays active while the 4bps is maintained. PSP rules as quoted from the 2006 rule book reguarding ramping: If the trigger is pulled one, two or three times, the marker may fire no more than the number of times the trigger is pulled. The
    marker may fire up to three balls per pull after that. If the marker is not fired for a second, the trigger must again be pulled three times before the marker may fire more than one shot per pull.

    That means that after the initial 3 balls, 1 bps results in 3 round burst.

    Is there any way to add this feature to perhaps a future update or even a new, seperate version that ONLY has PSP and Semi modes? I would be really happy if you could make this happen Lorne, and keep my E/X-mags running with the top of the food chain.

  24. #684
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Milwaukee WI
    Quote Originally Posted by the123
    Is there any way to add this [PSP] feature to perhaps a future update or even a new, seperate version that ONLY has PSP and Semi modes? I would be really happy if you could make this happen Lorne, and keep my E/X-mags running with the top of the food chain.
    Yea I could do that, but it would take much more program space. The reason it's set at 4bps is that the gun uses an 8bit counter/timer. I have the timer set to 1ms so 8bits = 255ms and the most I can time with one regester is 255/1000 seconds but to make it a nice number I actually do 250/1000= 1/4second which is why you need to pull a minimum of 4bps. Hopefully that makes sense, but seriously, you're telling me you're having problems maintaining 4bps? Dude, you might want to look into a new hobby... lol No I know what you're saying though I would have made it 1sec if I could but it was a decision I had to make at the time and I think it's better this way since I was able to add other features the would never have been possible, so unless you want to pay me to make a special version for you that's how it's going to have to stay. Not to mention that to change it now would be a change to the foundation and would be a lot of work/time. But hey time is money and if you're exceedingly rich and want to pay me, I'd be glad to do it.

  25. #685
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Elgin, IL USA
    Maintain 4 bps, yes.
    Perhaps the power is in the numbers. Maybe if enough people wanted to donate to a further XMod creation could all donate. I'd be willing to throw ANOTHER $50 at it to have that feature. If enough people want it bad enough to throw $50 your way.. how many donations would you have to take?

  26. #686
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Milwaukee WI
    Quote Originally Posted by the123
    Maintain 4 bps, yes.
    Perhaps the power is in the numbers. Maybe if enough people wanted to donate to a further XMod creation could all donate. I'd be willing to throw ANOTHER $50 at it to have that feature. If enough people want it bad enough to throw $50 your way.. how many donations would you have to take?
    I'd do it for $300, so if there are 6 people out there willing to pony up $50 post here and we'll see how many we get, keep in mind some other features will have to go. I'll start with practice mode. That may be enough. If there are more than 6 I think it's only fair to those that do pay if everyone has to pay. Besides that works out better for me... lol.

  27. #687
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Elgin, IL USA
    Quote Originally Posted by LorneCash
    I'd do it for $300, so if there are 6 people out there willing to pony up $50 post here and we'll see how many we get, keep in mind some other features will have to go. I'll start with practice mode. That may be enough. If there are more than 6 I think it's only fair to those that do pay if everyone has to pay. Besides that works out better for me... lol.
    Well Lorne. I suppose we have to ASK others if they would be intrested now. If maybe after a week or so if say 10 people come forward with a $30 pledge, would that work for with you?
    BTW- strip out anything you want but try to leave FIX and dwell. and instead of pr-t mode how about something like what AGD had on their program- one led character would come on while the trigger was pulled. Just a tool someone can use to set up their trigger without their gun aired up. Also while i'm at it a game timer would be nice (if there is room).

  28. #688
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by the123
    BTW- strip out anything you want but try to leave FIX and dwell. and instead of pr-t mode how about something like what AGD had on their program- one led character would come on while the trigger was pulled. Just a tool someone can use to set up their trigger without their gun aired up.
    This option is already in XMOD. Go to the TRG ACE test screen. Pull the trigger and a box lights up next to TRG. You can set your trigger without airing up right there.

  29. #689
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Milwaukee WI
    Quote Originally Posted by A-Tach-One
    This option is already in XMOD. Go to the TRG ACE test screen. Pull the trigger and a box lights up next to TRG. You can set your trigger without airing up right there.
    I think someone needs to play with their gun(s) more...

  30. #690
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Milwaukee WI

    XMOD on

    Some of the guys set up this post at I'd like it if some more of you, especially my loyal supporters from way back, could post more reviews now that you've had it for a while. Also please comment on my "tech support" for those of you who did have issues.

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