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Thread: Logic Ripper EM - The Electro Solution - PreOrder

  1. #1201
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Is it to late to buy a trigger

    Hey are you still taking orders? Let me know as I would love to get one. I realize there is probably a huge waiting list. Well let me know what the situation is.

  2. #1202
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by 4rpp
    Hey are you still taking orders? Let me know as I would love to get one. I realize there is probably a huge waiting list. Well let me know what the situation is.
    Not at this point.

    I am not going to subject anyone else to the ongoing pain and suffering that is this project.

    If I get all these preorders filled and still have sanity left, I will sell the rest of them as DIY kits. You get the parts, you put them together, you deal with ano, etc.

    These guys will get their markers, come hell or high water, but I don't want to make things worse than they already are by taking more passengers onto a boat that is already taking on water a listing badly to port.

    To the guys already in the boat with me - I haven't heard from Goldie in several days now, despite repeated emails asking for an update. I do not know what kind of trouble we are in here. It could be that he's just gone back to work and is busy. It could also be that he's realized the boards will have to be totally redone and doesn't want to deal with it. At this point, I just don't know. Hell, he could have had to go back to the hospital.

    I have sent PM's to the first two guys on the full marker ano list. Please read the whole thing and reply when you get a chance. If GBA is not terribly busy, we might get all the ano on all these full markers knocked out in a month or so. Sorry this has taken me so long, I kinda took this weekend off. I was in mah shopz turnen mah faceplatez.

    Hang in there guys, we'll get the damned boat to the shore, one way or the other. We all just gotta be careful how we lean . . . . . . .

  3. #1203
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Waterless Ga
    How long have people been waiting for these markers?

  4. #1204
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by mag79
    How long have people been waiting for these markers?
    A very long time. Too damned long, really. Way longer than it was supposed to have been.

    If we haven't crossed the two year mark yet, it is getting mighty close.

    Good thing Mags aren't really getting any more outdated. If this had been centered around a different marker with less staying power (say the 2k4 style Timmys for instance), people wouldn't want them anymore once they were finally done.

    At least with the Mag, when I get them done, they will rule just as much as they would have two years ago, and they guys that get them will be just as happy to keep them.

    That's pretty much the only thought that's kept me from throwing in the towel on these things. Well, that, and I gave my word that I'd deliver something, and the fact that I refuse to be defeated in a battle being fought against less than 20 lbs of aluminum, silicon, and copper.

  5. #1205
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Sandown, NH
    I think I got the last one, ordered it 11-23-05. Coolhand has had many setbacks but always lets us know whats going on.

  6. #1206
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by fshrmn76
    I think I got the last one, ordered it 11-23-05. Coolhand has had many setbacks but always lets us know whats going on.
    Damn. Ok, yeah, it's been two years and three months then.

    I am so sorry about the horrible debacle this has turned into.

    I cannot thank you guys enough for having the patience to stick with me and not have a revolt over all the delays. I did not expect it, but I am certainly grateful for it.

  7. #1207
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Waterless Ga
    pm you coolhand

  8. #1208
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    WTB Spot in list

    Anyone interested in selling there spot for a frame? Let me know I will pay cash and I also have a badass FBM Vampire autococker to sweeten the deal(pm me for pics). Let me know. Coolhand, if some one does sell can you verify for me?
    Last edited by 4rpp; 02-11-2008 at 08:33 PM.

  9. 02-11-2008, 08:25 PM

  10. 02-11-2008, 08:26 PM

  11. #1209
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by 4rpp
    Anyone interested in selling there spot for a frame? Let me know I will pay cash and I also have a badass FBM Vampire autococker to sweeten the deal(pm me for pics). Let me know. Coolhand, if some one does sell can you verify for me?
    That, I will do.

  12. #1210
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Not a lot to report.

    Both Defiance and Goldie are working on the board problems, but have not made any progress to speak of.

    When I know anything else, I will post it.

    Have a good weekend fellas.

  13. #1211
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    Sent you an email about the boards,... possible solution.

    ~ P8nt
    Jai "P8ntbal4me" Menard

  14. #1212
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by CoolHand
    That, I will do.
    And if he does not want it count me in. I've got cash waiting for a frame and/or a full marker.

  15. 03-07-2008, 12:20 PM

  16. 03-07-2008, 12:26 PM

  17. 03-07-2008, 12:42 PM

  18. 03-07-2008, 06:30 PM

  19. #1213
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Now, for those of you who aren't a random troll with nothing at stake, I have a little news.

    Goldie emailed me the other day to inform me that Defiance had figured out a work-around to not only fix the bad output, but to get the output up to 9V.


    The boards all went back to Vaporworks to be modified on Tues or Wed of this week.

    I have also talked to Zupe and lined up the last few parts and stuff I need for the full markers. That stuff should ship on Mon or Tues of next week.

    That's the good news.

    The bad news is that now we're back to waiting on Goldie again. We've been down this road before, I can still see the smoking carcasses on either side in the ditch. Hopefully this passage will be less "interesting" than the last.

    But, even if he's slow as dirt again, I can at least get the ano all taken care of while we wait.

    So, overall, I'd say we're into Huzzah! territory again this week.

  20. #1214
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by CoolHand
    Now, for those of you who aren't a random troll with nothing at stake, I have a little news.

    Goldie emailed me the other day to inform me that Defiance had figured out a work-around to not only fix the bad output, but to get the output up to 9V.


    The boards all went back to Vaporworks to be modified on Tues or Wed of this week.

    I have also talked to Zupe and lined up the last few parts and stuff I need for the full markers. That stuff should ship on Mon or Tues of next week.

    That's the good news.

    The bad news is that now we're back to waiting on Goldie again. We've been down this road before, I can still see the smoking carcasses on either side in the ditch. Hopefully this passage will be less "interesting" than the last.

    But, even if he's slow as dirt again, I can at least get the ano all taken care of while we wait.

    So, overall, I'd say we're into Huzzah! territory again this week.

    LOL,... figures Ryan!!! haaaa!

    Oh well,.... EP Ripper goodness will be mine one way or the other!!

    ~ P8nt

  21. #1215
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Don't know, I am lost.
    Ok I was here. I had to remove some posts to clean it up some. One was yours CoolHand. Sorry you had to reply to that troll. He wont be back for a week. If any of you have a problem with a post removal PM me about it. I can put your post back if you want CooHand. It is YOUR thread.

    In the mean time the boat is still afloat and not sinking. Maybe a little off course but still moving along. Just so ya know your name still stands here. Next time please dont waste your time on a troll and just report it and we will handle it.

    Carry on............

  22. #1216
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Beemer
    Ok I was here. I had to remove some posts to clean it up some. One was yours CoolHand. Sorry you had to reply to that troll. He wont be back for a week. If any of you have a problem with a post removal PM me about it. I can put your post back if you want CooHand. It is YOUR thread.

    In the mean time the boat is still afloat and not sinking. Maybe a little off course but still moving along. Just so ya know your name still stands here. Next time please dont waste your time on a troll and just report it and we will handle it.

    Carry on............
    Thanks for that.

    No need to put my post back, as it was really just a long winded insult, though it did have a certain eloquence to it that I seem only able to tap into when pissed off.

    At any rate, it reminded me to do an update, and I even had actual information to pass along, so it's all good.

    Have a good weekend fellows, I'm going to try and get out into the shop for a change.

  23. #1217
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Toledo, Ohio
    I can't believe this thread has been here for 2.5+ years.

  24. #1218
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Don't know, I am lost.
    Quote Originally Posted by CoolHand
    Thanks for that.

    No need to put my post back, as it was really just a long winded insult, though it did have a certain eloquence to it that I seem only able to tap into when pissed off.At any rate, it reminded me to do an update, and I even had actual information to pass along, so it's all good.

    Have a good weekend fellows, I'm going to try and get out into the shop for a change.
    Ahhh I know the feeling. It was a true post none the less.

    Quote Originally Posted by Corbet
    I can't believe this thread has been here for 2.5+ years.
    Stay tuned. It will be epic when the boat docks.

  25. 03-08-2008, 02:00 AM

  26. 03-10-2008, 01:25 AM

  27. #1219
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Good luck to you all, I am so that I wasn't around to get one of these. Once the "Boat" docks I can't wait to see videos. Also, Luke if I had been here I wouldn't have minded waiting. I hear nothing but good things about your work. Don't get disheartened it's guys like you that keep guys like me with awesomeness to show off at the field when EVERYONE else is sporting the same old Ion and Matrix and such. So thank you as an maker and a do'er. You make owning a Mag great

    With respect

  28. #1220
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    It's good to see that for every troll, there is at least one or two guys who are happy to see something happening.

    I called AGD and left a message for Dave today to pay for the parts I still need, so those should be shipping this week sometime.

    As soon as they get here, I'll sort out the bits and get the second ano batch ready to go out.

    In a couple three weeks, we ought to have some badass pictars of finished ano to show off. If the guys at GBA are in good form, we might even have all of them done by that time.

    We shall see.

    At any rate, progress is underway.

    Huzzah Again!

  29. #1221
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Short update before I go to Rolla and get my St Pat's on.

    I got a box from UPS today, and when I opened it, what did I find?

    AGD Flavored Love!

    That's the last of the parts for the full markers that have been ordered.

    Now, for all the trolls and nay sayers out there, I just want to point out that inside that box is $2,200 out of my last paycheck. Straight out of my pocket (as the money taken in on the preorder has long ago been spent on the other parts you all have already seen), into AGD's coffers.

    If I was gonna rabbit and not deliver the goods, dontcha think I'd have done that before I went spent over two grand out of pocket? Just sayin'.

    That all said, I AM going to be incognito for the next day or three, partying my posterior off at the 100th annual St Pat's celebration at UMR.

    Woo to the Hoo! No need to pack pants people, let's GO!

    I'll post again mid-next week after I've recovered, assuming I survive.

  30. #1222
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Jeet yet ?


    Quote Originally Posted by CoolHand
    Short update before I go to Rolla and get my St Pat's on.

    I got a box from UPS today, and when I opened it, what did I find?

    AGD Flavored Love!

    That's the last of the parts for the full markers that have been ordered.

    Now, for all the trolls and nay sayers out there, I just want to point out that inside that box is $2,200 out of my last paycheck. Straight out of my pocket (as the money taken in on the preorder has long ago been spent on the other parts you all have already seen), into AGD's coffers.

    If I was gonna rabbit and not deliver the goods, dontcha think I'd have done that before I went spent over two grand out of pocket? Just sayin'.

    That all said, I AM going to be incognito for the next day or three, partying my posterior off at the 100th annual St Pat's celebration at UMR.

    Woo to the Hoo! No need to pack pants people, let's GO!

    I'll post again mid-next week after I've recovered, assuming I survive.

  31. #1223
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    Ohhhhh baby!!

    I count 19 bodies in that box!!!

    I would LOVE to get a box like that on my door step!!!!

    ~ P8nt

  32. #1224
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by p8ntbal4me
    Ohhhhh baby!!

    I count 19 bodies in that box!!!

    I would LOVE to get a box like that on my door step!!!!

    ~ P8nt
    Actually, what you're counting is seven bodies, seven valves, seven foregrips, and seven rails, though I don't think I'm going to use the rails.

    I just finished the GCode to cut some SuperULE rails from bar stock. They're looking like about 2.5 ozs for the finished rail, and yes, that's an RTP length rail.

    Hopefully things will go well this weekend and I can get a few of them cut. If the weekend goes by and I get nothing done, I will have the rails that came with the bodies and valves anodized to keep the show rolling.

    Stay tuned, hopefully I'll have pics of shiny new metal bits in a few days.

  33. #1225
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Were you going to mill room for the eye wiring in the rail? I've been unclear on this for a while but forgot to ask.

  34. #1226
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by smilestyler
    Were you going to mill room for the eye wiring in the rail? I've been unclear on this for a while but forgot to ask.
    Yes, I will clearance inside the rail for the eye wires.

    The only machine work you'll have to do to the rail to install the eyes is cut a half round slot from left to right across the top of the rail right under where the eyes go, so the wires can pass between the edge of the rail and the body.

    This is the only cut I cannot do ahead of time, 'cause it will show on markers where people choose not to use the eyes.

    In a pinch, you could do it with a chainsaw file, but since you'll have to drill the body for eyes anyway, you'll be having someone do some machine work anyway, best to let them handle it then.

  35. #1227
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Jeet yet ?

    Exclamation Gruntbull

    Ryan whatever you do DONT look at this thread .

    Warwitch sent his Viking and looks like Gruntbull may have destroyed it.

  36. #1228
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Rob Freels's shadow

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by going_home
    Ryan whatever you do DONT look at this thread .

    Warwitch sent his Viking and looks like Gruntbull may have destroyed it.

    more stress and drama please
    embargo backwards = o grab me

    "Guns dont kill people, husbands that come home early do." -Larry The Cable Guy

    Dragun Drallion, nexus kit, tickler, e2, pysco 5" drop w/ on off, macroline, A+ bolt and back block, Oydessy 3 barrel kit, armson stealth, 15* ASA, Kapp pump arm, Black Magic, warp feed w/ 12v upgrade, halo b w/ vic&rip, 91/4500 bulldog

    Tippmann 98C ebolt, lp kit, m-16 kit, palmer stabilizer

  37. #1229
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by going_home
    Ryan whatever you do DONT look at this thread .

    Warwitch sent his Viking and looks like Gruntbull may have destroyed it.

    Oh joy.

    Well, if they destroy something, we'll deal with it.

    I just don't have any other more reliable options for ano at this point.

    If they take three times as long as they say they will, AND destroy 10% of the batch, they'll still be no worse than any of the other anodizers I have used in the past.

    Here's to hoping it's an isolated crap-up.

    At least none of these parts are truly irreplaceable (certainly not has hard to replace as a Viking body). I have enough parts here to build the preorders twice over, and AGD still stocks ULE bodies, so we'll have at least two tries to get it right.

    Besides, these markers are none of them terribly complex. I would hope that a simple ano would get done faster, and be more likely to miss the crap-ups than a super complex one like that Viking had.

    Like I said, we shall see.

    BTW, short update while I'm here.

    I got the tools all pulled out for the SULE rails and I've got 90% of the GCode done for them as well.

    However, I got tangled up with a project for my old man, so I'm not going to get them cut this weekend. I'm not going to call it just yet though, 'cause I'm getting really close, and I don't want to send these things out of here with standard weight AGD EMag rails on them unless there is just no other option.

    Goldie emailed me to say he'd spaced on my boards all last week (didn't touch them at all), but that he thinks he got one fixed yesterday. If the output is correct, he'll grind through the others and get them back my way. No idea on ETA though.

    Hang in there guys, we're still moving along, it's just at a near-dead snail's pace.

  38. #1230
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    CoolHand I am just checking in, I suppose all these babies are still spoken for? I still have cash for anyones spot!!


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