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Thread: "New" chargers for E-mags and X-mags

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Greencastle, PA

    "New" chargers for E-mags and X-mags

    ************************************************** ************************

    Update on status

    production on the preorder sets have been delayed due to a problem with getting the tools need for it in. If the preorder people wish for exact details, PM and i will let you know the exact details.


    ************************************************** ************************

    Setting up the list for the preorders so that it can be seen what is going. Must have a minimum of 6 for one color before i can do that color. But if if there are 12 slots filled (form all the colors totaled), then I can do each color without having the color minimum. (example, if there was four people for each color... i would go ahead and do all the colors)

    also, please state along with the color how you want the other options. If you would like metalic flaking and if so what color. and how you want the wire coming out (standard out the back, out the front, or the side). also, please state what kit setup you would like (just block, home kit, or complete kit).

    please check post #9 and #23 of this thread for better details!

    As stated in post #9 and #23, the blocks will cost $11 more this round due to the extra special material. So that means the blocks will cost $33.00 now. the rest of the parts will stay the same!

    the pricing will be this break down then:

    The price for these are $33 shipped for the "block"! Yup, thats right...only $33 shipped!


    I can offer a complete "at home charging kit" . the charger and the block (complete charging kit) for $54 Shipped


    I can offer a "complete charging kit" for $63 shipped. It includes the block, wall adapter, and car adapter!

    Red Blocks:

    1) "VVULFE" on BEO --> Red block with red metalic, standard wire out the back, and complete kit setup (fully paid for)

    Blue Blocks:


    Green Blocks:

    1)"Zone Drifter" on AO --> green block with green metalic, standard wire out the back, and home kit setup (fully paid for)

    Black Blocks:

    1)"p8ntbal4me" on BEO --> ""CUSTOM"" Black block , standard wire out the back, and home kit setup (pending payment)
    2) "drewkroeker" on AO --> Black block , standard wire, "complete charging kit" (pending payment)

    "Rotundra" on AO --> _ block with _ metalic, standard wire out the back, and home kit setup (fully paid for)

    ************************************************** ************************************************** *************
    Below is the original post!
    ************************************************** ************************************************** *************

    These are new charging adapters that I have been working on. So if you need to pick up a new charger or want to replace your older weak one..... and don't want to mess around with those darn alligator clips ....time has come. Best thing....its only half the price of what it would be to pick one up from AGD.

    Or if you are already using the alligator clips .... no need to mess with the hassel of them any more!

    The price for these are $22 shipped for the "block"! Yup, thats right...only $22 shipped!


    I can offer a complete "at home charging kit" . the charger and the block (complete charging kit) for $43 Shipped


    I can offer a "complete charging kit" for $52 shipped. It includes the block, wall adapter, and car adapter!


    - To be used with the Powerizer Universal Smart Hi-MH & Ni-Cd battery pack charger. You can buy it from me for extra $21 OR if you wish to buy that elsewhere it can be found here:

    - Because it uses that charger unit.....The block has the female end for it. which is great because it uses two different size pins. Great because that means you CAN NOT connect it wrong....which translates into, you dont have to worry about frying your battery.

    - They are made of a rigid plastic that allow these things to be thrown as hard as you can at a brick wall and still wont break. I have even taken a FULL SIZE crew cab F250 super diesel truck over one.....and it still wouldn't break. So they will deffintly last in your gear bag or tool box without a problem.

    - The wire is firmly in the block! So no need to worry about ripping it out. I have held the test one buy the wire and swung it around without it doing any damage!

    - They are soft enough that they will not scratch your battery casing at all! guaranteed! so no need to worry about that special anno on your casing!

    - The metal studs (that make the connection with the battery) are stainless steel. So no
    worries about rusting the connecters. EVEN if it was in the rain or dropped into water.

    - Just what those NEW KC batteries need. A great charger setup to fully charge them without any worries of hurting the battery!

    - Also works great for standard AGD batteries.

    - Has enough meat that you can carve the FRONT HALF into whatever you want. So that you can make yorus a bit more special!

    - Can now be used on the go with power from a vehicals power plug ... aka cigeret lighter plug.

    Will last pretty much forever

    Here are the pictures of the blocks from the second batch:

    Picture of the connecters:

    Picture of the charger to be used with:

    AND FINALLY, The Prices:

    The price for these are $22 shipped for the "block"! Yup, thats right...only $22 shipped!


    I can offer a complete "at home charging kit" . the charger and the block (complete charging kit) for $43 Shipped


    I can offer a "complete charging kit" for $52 shipped. It includes the block, wall adapter, and car adapter!

    **shipped within the US. I can ship outside the country for an added price in shipping**

    ************************************************** **********************

    I accept paypal, checks, cc, Mo's and pretty much everything. If using Paypal, add $1 to your total.

    Prices include standard shipping. You may upgrade shipping if desired.

    My feedback page can be found here:

    Any questions just post or PM me.
    Thanks for looking,
    Last edited by Chris Nearchos; 10-17-2008 at 02:38 PM. Reason: update of preorder list
    my feedback:
    AO Feedback
    Ebay Feedback

    What I know!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Greencastle, PA


    so here are some questions i have gotten and just wanted to post the answer in the open incase anyone else has the same question(s)

    Q) What is your warrenty on the setups?

    A) I test each block and charger before sending them off to the buyer. I make sure the adapter is allowing .4A to .5A range of power to pass. If they are lower then .4A or higher then .6A, I make sure that the blocks will never see a buyer. Though this has not been an issue due to my carefull testing in each setup of making them. If a buyer experiences a problem with the block, I will offer a replacement free of charge as long as its something wrong with my block that I did. Meaning, if you broke it by mis use, abuse, improper use, so forth....I wont replace it but will offer you a replacement one at a lower cost. As for the chargers themselves.....I also test them before shipping them out. But once they leave the door, I really can't offer any warrenty on them. But I will do my best to help solve the problem with them.

    Q) why are they rough looking?

    A) Well, i choose to go for a cheaper way of producing them to make it cheaper for you the buyer in the end. So instead of having the buyer spend $40 on some nice "pretty" piece.....i decided to go for speed to be able to make them cheaper and faster. and by cheaper, iam not talking about skipping parts or something.... i mean, just produce it in a easier and faster way without having to spend an extra 3 hours doing the designing part for each mold.

    And honestly....the part is just for funtion...not for beauty.

    And i will clean them up a good bit before i ship them. but any more beauty to it will have to be done by the buyer. which can be done with house hold tools.

    Q) Planning on making more after these six are gone?

    A) Yup, sure am. just doing small batches due to the time involved and iam honestly not sure how many people want one. so only a few at a time.

    Q) Planning on doing them in any other color?

    A) Not at the moment. but may in the future after the first two runs.

    Q) What is the charging time with this setup from dead state?

    A) I actually have not timed it. so iam not sure exactly.

    Q) does any other charger work with this adapter?

    A) I actually only suggest using the charger in the link. Because its very safe on the batteries and makes this setup very easy to use.

    But if you wish to use a different charger, I can get ahold ot the correct connecter for the charger for you for a few more $$

    Q) Can i make the blocks with a different connecter?

    A) I could, as long as you send the conector to me.

    Q) Can these blocks be cut and carved into a design?

    A) They sure can. I purposely left a lot of meat on them so that they can be. Just contact me before you do so, so that i can tell you exactly how the wiring is running inside. That way you dont ruin it!

    Q) It says that the charger is 16.8v. I thought the Emag batteries were 18v? Am I missing something?

    A) Nope, your right in a way. The batteries (least for the AGD ones) can be pushed to 18 volts if the battery can take it. but the suggested rating of use is 16.8. As you can see here on one of AGD's batteries:

    its the whole idea of electrical design. a electronic component can be pushed to a certian limit and still work, but it should be used at a certian rating for safe and long use. also, its rated at 16.8v because that is what they garentee you will get out of the battery. though the battery made hold more.

    but with that said, because of the charger being a "smart" charger, it will allow for a fuller charge of 17V or more if the battery allows it to and is kept on the charger long enough for the full charge. But the battery will determin that.

    any other questions, plese feel free to post or PM me with them.
    Last edited by Chris Nearchos; 08-07-2008 at 03:30 AM. Reason: added Q's and A's

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Greencastle, PA


    3 have been sold, so only three left.

    also, Q's and A's will be updated with a few more.

    Thanks for looking,

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Greencastle, PA

    Good news

    Just wanted to posted some good news.

    I now have 2 brand new chargers left for the blocks. so i can now offer a complete package to anyone who wants.

    details on price can be found in the first post.

    Thanks for looking,
    Last edited by Chris Nearchos; 08-06-2008 at 01:56 PM. Reason: sold one charger

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Boulder Hill


    I'll take a complete set. PM sent your way

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Greencastle, PA
    Quote Originally Posted by Geronimo7
    I'll take a complete set. PM sent your way
    replied to your pm and your kit has been shipped out.

    so that leaves only 2 blocks and chargers left atm.

    Thanks for looking,

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Greencastle, PA


    just wanted to post that the Q'S and A's have been updated to reflect new questions that have been asked.

    Thanks for looking,

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Canada, QC
    I may look into your next run, how much more shipping to canada would be? Complete package.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Greencastle, PA
    Quote Originally Posted by BenoitOWN
    I may look into your next run, how much more shipping to canada would be? Complete package.

    hmm, it would depend on where you live. shoot me a shipping addy and i'll get you a shipping quote.


  10. #10
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    Greencastle, PA
    Quote Originally Posted by BenoitOWN
    I may look into your next run, how much more shipping to canada would be? Complete package.
    replied to your pm with your requested quote. Let me know which method you would desire. Also, both methods are via USPS, only service i use.


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Greencastle, PA

    yup, another update

    Okay, so the second batch is done with 6 more ready for sale.

    BIG update notice:

    I am willing to do a third batch that I will make in a color of choice. could be red, green, or blue. Also these ones will be polished and very pleasing to see to the eye. (show style pieces)

    but in order to do this third batch i would require it be a preorder with a minimun of 6 people for one color. but if 12 people decide to preorder, I will let the buyers pick whatever color they please out of the three.

    I will also offer for free, if you would want "metalic sparkling" in your block. the choice of colors for the metalic sparkling will be green, blue, red.

    I will allow the buyer to pick where he/she wants the wire to come out. out the back like standard, out the front, or straight up. that way it fits your needs/desires and makes it more personal for you.

    Also, the cost would be $11 more due to the extras that will go into making them (labor, material, and so on). Though that is still much cheaper to buy the complete kit from me then to spend over $100 for one from AGD.

    btw, just wanted to note that ALL the block i sell are completly machinable. I left a good bit of meat on them SO that you can have luke or any of the others that offer machining service to cut and carve you a nice design into them or out of them. Or if you even have the ability to do it yourself. just contact me prior to machining them. Deffently a great way to make more special for your setup!

    Last thing, the Q's and A's have been updated with a few more. So please check the updated post for them.
    Last edited by Chris Nearchos; 08-07-2008 at 03:42 AM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Greencastle, PA

    pictures up

    pictures of the second batch are now up.

    Here is the breakdown of them.

    4 of them are standard

    1 has the wire lead/connecter coming out the front

    1 has the wire lead/connecter coing out the top.

    so you may pick which one you want when buying.

    Thanks for looking,

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Greencastle, PA


    All pms have been replied to as of this post. Any other questions, please feel free to post here or PM me.

    Thanks for looking,

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Boulder Hill

    Nice work

    Got my charging set the other day, very nice job. If anybody needs a new charger this is the way to go.

    I have had the opportunity to use both AGD's and Chris's charger. One of the batteries I charged was just about spent. It took about an hour and a half to go from red light to green light. I'm very pleased with the way these work.

    Thanks for making something like this. It's just what the doctor ordered

    Last edited by Geronimo7; 08-10-2008 at 02:50 PM.

  15. 08-10-2008, 03:32 PM

  16. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Greencastle, PA

    now can sell car adapters with the blocks/chargers!

    just wanted to post that i can also sell the CAR adapter incase you want to use it at the feild or on the go. Only cost $9 more! making a complete kit only $52 shipped!

    so now you can get a complete charging kit [block, wall adapter, and car adapter] still much less then just the AGD charger block!


  17. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Greencastle, PA


    Just wanted to post an update of what i have left in stock atm after 2 more sales.

    5 blocks

    3 chargers

    1 car adapter

    thanks for looking,
    Last edited by Chris Nearchos; 08-11-2008 at 09:57 PM.

  18. #17
    Join Date
    May 2008
    San Jose, CA
    damn you come out and do these after my long and hard search for them. free up and best of luck.

  19. #18
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    Greencastle, PA


    Quote Originally Posted by C_losjoker
    damn you come out and do these after my long and hard search for them. free up and best of luck.
    lol, I'am sorry. I would have had them out much sooner. But i couldnt find the right material to use in time.

    But if you still need/want know where to get them now.


  20. #19
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    Greencastle, PA


    just posting some update pictures of what they now look like after a little make-over of the visual.


    there are 2 with straight slopes on the front end (top 2 in the first picture)

    there is 1 with the slope, but rounded edges (bottom left in the first picture)

    there is 1 with the most of the edges rounded over (center in the first picture)

    there is 1 that is un-touched (bottom right in the first picture)


  21. #20
    Join Date
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    Greencastle, PA


    all pm's have been replied about the charger setups. 1 charger and block setups are pending payment right now.

    so that leaves 4 blocks and 2 chargers and 1 car adapter left.

    Thanks for looking,

  22. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Greencastle, PA


    another update.

    another setup has been sold and one setup still pending.

    so that leaves 3 blocks, 1 charger left atm.

    Thanks for looking,

  23. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Greencastle, PA


    just updating since i haven't done so in awhile.

    i have 3 blocks, 1 charger, and 1 car adapter in stock atm.

    thanks for looking,

  24. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Greencastle, PA


    another charger and block has been sold. so please check the first post for whats in stock atm.

    Thanks for looking,

  25. #24
    Join Date
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    Greencastle, PA


    Just updating that the last two blocks have been sold!

    so right now I point you back to my offer in post #11 of this thread if you wish to get one from the possible 3rd batch.

    Also, to the people that bought and have used my charger setups. Please post of how they are working for you. or if you have run into any problems with them, though i have tested them every way that I could without any problems arise. But yes, please post up abotu them!

    Thanks for looking,

  26. #25
    Join Date
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    Greencastle, PA


    the first post has been modified to reflect the preorder status list. please check the first post for anyone interested!


  27. #26
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Canada, QC
    ok so I received mine today. First impression on it as the battery is currently charging.

    The charger has a tight fits for the battery housing. The hole for the screw is quite useless and well I think my force has just putting thread in the hole.

    Come with instruction for the charger.

    The block is light as I got a trimmed one. There was a bit of sticky residue but that no bad deal.

    I am sure now that I will have operational battery for my on-going project e-mag.

  28. #27
    Join Date
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    Greencastle, PA
    Quote Originally Posted by BenoitOWN
    The charger has a tight fits for the battery housing. The hole for the screw is quite useless and well I think my force has just putting thread in the hole.
    yea, it does have a tight fit and that because i wanted it to "fit like a glove" so that it had no chance to move around and touch the wrong connectors. that way you dont have to worry about it in anyway when its plugged in.

    but you do have me very curious about your statement on the screw hole. could you elaberate on that for me? I really would like to understand that better.

    but if i am understanding you a bit and your talking about the hole not going into the charging section of the block. I would like to mention that i did that so that was completly safe. that way there is no way for the screw to touch any of the electric parts in the block.

    I will shoot you some better details about what iam saying.

    Quote Originally Posted by BenoitOWN
    I am sure now that I will have operational battery for my on-going project e-mag.
    I am glad you find it filling the need you wanted it for.

    but i would like to ask you some serious questions if i could. and dont worry, speak the truth about it. Iam not gonna kill you over your answers. do you find it worth it? was it worth the price? and if you had to decide over again, would you still buy it, now that you have seen it in person and used it? and does it do everything for you that i promised it would?

    if you dont wish to answer, then no biggie. I would just like to see the thoughts and views of the end user so that i can inprove it for the third run (if it happens) .... or if i make another run in 8 months. just looking for some truthful feedback on them so that i can improve them and other stuff that i will do. since this was my first attemp to do such a thing.

    But thank you for posting on yours.


  29. #28
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    Greencastle, PA


    I forgot to post something in the last post. So I'll just go ahead and post it here so that it is clear.

    If any of the buyers do not like what they got (as far as the block) or having tech issues with their setups (block and/or charger). I do offer full warrenty and will fix the problem or full refund if you wish. detials are in the second post in this thread.

    Just want to make sure each buyer is happy with the product and everything works as its suppose to.


  30. #29
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Canada, QC
    THe orignal hole you slide the screw in, on this charge my screw dont slide inside so I have to manually ''screw'' it in place and since it not a threaded hole it was quite long. But that no biggie as it really a tight setpup so it can't move around.

    I could not charge my original charger with the car adapter I has. So for now it worth what I paid for will psot a longer review maybe after I will use it a couples of time as that was my only first impression review.

  31. #30
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Greencastle, PA
    Quote Originally Posted by BenoitOWN
    THe orignal hole you slide the screw in, on this charge my screw dont slide inside so I have to manually ''screw'' it in place. But that no biggie as it really a tight setpup so it can't move around.

    ah, i see. I do apologize if that is a hassel for you. but I actually made it that way due to personal preference. I honestly didnt like the lose slide with AGD chargers. But like i said, that was something that that i choose to do out of personal preference.

    it will loosen up a bit after you work it a few times. but you can use a bit larger drill bit to open it up if you wish. it wont hurt anything to make that hole a bit bigger. (standard drill bit will work very nicely).

    Quote Originally Posted by BenoitOWN
    I could not charge my original charger with the car adapter I has. So for now it worth what I paid for will psot a longer review maybe after I will use it a couples of time as that was my only first impression review.

    Will be looking forward to reading and learning from it. and please let me know if there is any other questions or concerns you have with the setup.


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