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Thread: How to keep the foamie attatched

  1. #1

    How to keep the foamie attatched

    I just purchased my tac-one this past february and I can not keep the foamie from flying out. I have gone through 3 foamies already and have tried using krazy glue and shoe goo and I was wondering what is the recomended adheasive to use. Thanks -Nathan

  2. #2
    Use some high-quality epoxy glue. Dry firing the gun can also increase the chance of a foamie falling out. Before you put in a new foamie, make sure to really clean the tip of the bolt with alcohol.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    New Hampshire
    oh... and um... Don't dry fire. I shoot em out all the time dry firing (so much so that I just don't use them anymore)... but if you don't dry fire and use a good glue (after cleaning out the old junk) then you'll be fine.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    West By God Virginia

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2006
    The Netherlands
    Dry firing is a big no no with foamie bolts. But even under normal conditions you will blow out one every now and then. As a matter of fact i had to replace one today on one of my mags i loaned out last sunday.

    It just happens and if you dont dry fire the gun it should not happen that often. This is what i do when replacing foamies:

    - thoroughly degrease the tip of your bolt and remove any rubber and glue residue still on there. (i use paint thinner because its quite aggressive stuff and it degreases quite good)
    - Degrease again, and the surface of the foamie you want to glue in again. (q-tips come in real handy for this)
    - I use instant cement for this, (cryoacrylate cement) but maybe there's a few brands you should try before you get the best one... i'm still using the one i've used to glue RC car tires to their rims, and its supposed to be somewhat flexible instant cement. For now, its the best option i have, but still those foamies do come off every now and then.

    If you are very thorough in degreasing and using the toughest glue you can find, you will get the best results. But keep in mind that even when you are not dry firing the gun, you will lose a foamie every now and then. The best solution is glueing them on there properly, and having a few foamies in stock.

    Maybe a spare L10 bolt would be an idea when you are at the field, but thats all up to you.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    West By God Virginia

    I think this old post says it all , I've got a Bunch of Mag's of every type , some have foamies , some don't . I can't tell what ones do or don't till I look at the bolt , I don't see where it makes any difference , none of them chop paint & they all shoot straight

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