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Thread: Where Chris Nearchos?

  1. #91
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Don' ask questions. It is considered "trolling" in some locations.
    Quote Originally Posted by bunny5
    ill paypal you some gas money if you decide to go MANN.
    No need. I am driving by there on my way to Ulster Pa. My grandparrent are having a 50th year anniversary on the 9th or 10th or whatever that saturday is. I am driving up friday and back on sunday (1400 mi in 3 days yay). none the less if it does not get straightened out by then someone pm me.

  2. #92
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by MANN
    No need. I am driving by there on my way to Ulster Pa. My grandparrent are having a 50th year anniversary on the 9th or 10th or whatever that saturday is. I am driving up friday and back on sunday (1400 mi in 3 days yay). none the less if it does not get straightened out by then someone pm me.

    i sent you the info Mann if something changes between now and then we will PM you or at least warn him your gonna show up to break some legs

    2k2 Angel LCD
    turbo trigger
    CP volumizer

    2k Angel CnC LCD
    Vert Frame
    Freak Barrel

    B2k x-milled
    micro rock
    Dye sticky 3's
    vertical max-flo
    Edge barrel with blue J&J tip

    Egg 2 y board
    Empire Reloader
    Dye Throttle 91/4500
    Crossfire 114ci/3000
    Angel Air Reg

  3. #93

    You Da Mann


    I will owe you big time and as stated above I would definitely be up for compensating you for your gas at least.

    I am still trying to work via the State PD have a call in right now to provide more information

    I am also going to try and canvas his neighbors by phone and see if anyone has any info about his location.

    I will keep updating this thread as I get more info.


  4. #94

    PA State Trouper

    I just got off the phone with a State Trouper from PA.

    Looks like they are at least going to investigate this and see what is up

    Trouper said that Chris Still have a license that is linked to the Address in Greencastle.

    He did say he had another active address and that he was going to try and contact him and get to the bottom of this.

    The bad news for Chris is that if I am forced to use the Troopers to recover my Mags it will result in a charge against him and he wiil be going to trial.

    I was asked if I understood that and would I be willing to come up to PA for that if required. I said that I would.

    I hate that is is comeing to this but I see no other way.


  5. #95
    Quote Originally Posted by Swamp Thing
    I just got off the phone with a State Trouper from PA.

    Looks like they are at least going to investigate this and see what is up

    Trouper said that Chris Still have a license that is linked to the Address in Greencastle.

    He did say he had another active address and that he was going to try and contact him and get to the bottom of this.

    The bad news for Chris is that if I am forced to use the Troopers to recover my Mags it will result in a charge against him and he wiil be going to trial.

    I was asked if I understood that and would I be willing to come up to PA for that if required. I said that I would.

    I hate that is is comeing to this but I see no other way.


    Bottom line you and he had a deal, he didnt follow through and you cannot locate him to recover your multi-thousand dollar investment.

    So go for it!

  6. #96
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    WhAt does a plane ticket and a rental car cost? I've knocked on a few doors for deals gone ary in the Houston area. No need to get violent. They usually wet there shorts when they see one or two of AOs on thier doormatt.....

  7. #97

    Biggest Problem

    We do not know where he lives in his last E mail he said he was moving and since then his old phone at his addy that I shipped to is dead.

    I am going to wait and see what the troupers find out for me


  8. #98
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Greencastle, PA
    here is the only answer i can give right now due to the police situation.

    two quick side notes that i want to say that i noticed real quick on this page while making this post.

    Josh Nearchos is my brother and has been on here looking at buying stuff and so forth. that account has no part with me. I have one and only one account on here: "Chris Nearchos". so please dont hassel him. take everything up with me as i am the one that failed you guys.

    Swamp, I don't blame you for what you did. you only did what was right and could only think the worst has happened. If i owned what you are waiting on, i would be doing the same thing if i was in your place. If you do go through with it, no hard feelings, i completly understand. But because of my life situation right now, I really have to beg for a second chance and get the situation fixed for you.

    I will update and so forth on whats going on once i get things sorted out with swamp and the others.

    my greatest apology to everyone,
    my feedback:
    AO Feedback
    Ebay Feedback

    What I know!!

  9. #99
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Greencastle, PA
    Quote Originally Posted by jade_monkey07
    As for stuff that he has from other people dont forget the whole list of people that sent him boards to make "xmod versions"

    he has a threshold board from me

    Yes, you are correct. I do have them. But i have not let that project down. It has shaped up to what might be a huge breakthrough in paintball and will be well worth everyone's time and help in that project.

    I will be getting all those boards/frames back out to their owners now that i have completed the project. But the owners will get their promiced outcome. So please just wait as i finish the final programming and get the patent processed.


  10. #100
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Greencastle, PA
    Quote Originally Posted by p8ntbal4me
    In my eyes,.. Chris is not a "longstanding member".

    Hes made some things for sure. But his ability to get a quality product out and keep himself and his work/products on track has been less than good.

    Ive had problems with 2 of his products and there is no solution in sight for a fix.

    He also went around and negated on a HUGE deal we had between one another. Lots of money was invested on my end. Money that can not come back to me at this point.

    ~ P8nt

    I totally agree with you P8nt. I am in no way a "longstanding member". I have only done little compared to the real longstanding members who have really done something for the platform.

    And Yes, I have done some good things and you are correct, they are not the best of products to be released for the mag. I admit, they do have some problems sometimes, But I have always set out to fix any problems when the buyers tell me. but a good bit of the time, they dont tell me, so i couldn't help/fix the problem. which is also why i had my items at prices where i only made $5 at max.

    Unfortantly, I do not have 20-30 years of production/engineering knowledge. I am only going off what i have learned from the books/reallife/and practice.

    And if i was you, i would be right along your same lines and spreading the word of what your buisness outcome with me was. cause it is true! I did let you down and didnt get the board you desired released. I am sorry and thats all i can say. I honestly have nothing more i can give to fix the situation. I wish i could have fixed the situation, but i cant now and can only take the blame.

    Quote Originally Posted by ezcreation

    I had deals with Chris that went smooth. Then he asked for money to sponsor a project with insane return rates which made me very sceptical about it.

    Have I had this gear at his place I would contact any number possible to know what is going on. He was a bright kid finishing university from what I gathered. So either something went insanely wrong or we got fooled badly

    I am glad you enjoyed your dealings with me. I wish i could have made it that way for everyone. but I have failed a good many people right now and only deserve the outcome. For i have only brought this upon myself and noone else is to blame.

    and yes, I did contact you and few other great Ao'ers about investing in project. In which is moving and being completed. And if you guys and girls want to know what it was for, it was the following.

    - cnc
    - plastic smelter
    - and basic startup cost of high production (i.e. have parts stocked).
    **- patent cost <-- what was added with the edit to the post**

    and yes, the return of the investment was high. but whatelese can i do to find some investers willing to invest in a small business at a time (which still is) hard on the pocket. and i didnt want to wait two or three years to try and fund it all on myself as being a college student is very very hard to do. I have the knowledge but not the pocket. and to be honest, when what i have instored does come to production, money will be no problem which is why i was comfortable giving a high return.


    Bunny--> I am honestly shocked you have not expressed your true anger towards me. For if i was in your shoes, i would be out with a pitch fork and fire. You are the one person that i have let down not just now, but also once before (big time). But i would honestly believe you would have every right to yell and could not argue against it.

    for the people who dont know, over the summer i had taken on a small project with the great help of bunny. I was wanting to replicate a SFL stock style breech so that i could help out all the SFL and X-mag owners that were in need of replacment or wanted more breeches. unfortantly when I went to mold the SFL breech he had sent me for the project, the mold material i used ATE at the ANNO of the breech, caused spotting in the breech metal, and left it in a nasty state. Fortantly, probably the only reason I was not hung on the spot for that by AO is because he was able to hide that mistake of mine when he had the breech reannoed with the rest of the SFL.

    I know the spare main board and ace and other items i sent back to try to make up for the problem wont ever fix what i did wrong and i am really sorry for that. And having your last two boards that needed done makes me really indebt to you and owe you big time for all the problems i have caused you.

    I know everyone is now tired of me just taking the blame and saying sorry. But that is all i can do at the this moment right now. I know its not even close to what needs to be done, but its all i can do right now.

    My greatest apologies,
    Last edited by Chris Nearchos; 12-12-2009 at 01:39 AM. Reason: added another big reason for investment purpose to make it clear why investment was/still needed

  11. #101
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Oakville, On, Canada
    Chris I am glad you came out for this issue. You seemed like a good guy and was very surprised to read about these facts. That said life can sometimes takes bad turns: I guess the only main downfault was the lack of communication, which is always the case in business.

    Thanks for keeping AO informed

  12. #102



    I have not heard from the PD. I hope that they are going to give me an option to work this out in a civilized fashion. All I can say at this point from my end is that once I get my property back in a timely fashion I will not be vindictive in any way.


  13. #103
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Aaaaa Oh You Know
    Chris, Glad to see you back and willing to make every effort to set everything straight. Do the right thing and hopefully your integrity can be restored.....

  14. #104
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Northern VA
    Update: Just received everything back from chris that I needed. I received a tracking number and he packaged everything really well. It sucks it had to come down to this but I'm very pleased with the work that had been done.

    I don't know whats been going on with Chris but hopefully he can come back and redeem himself. Just letting you other guys that it's almost over! No hard feelings Chris. this went alot better then the TAG Predator board....

  15. #105


    I recieved my first package as expected. Second package is due any day.

    As above wish it had not come to this but I am relieved to have both my X mags back in my hands and the work I asked him fore is done.


  16. #106
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    great to hear guys hopefully you are correct in saying everything is back on track

  17. #107
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    So the guns are back in town, but whats with the money or the parts?

  18. #108
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    he seems to be working in the right direction so hopefully soon he can get everyone taken care of

  19. #109

    Final Resolution

    Just wanted to state that I did get all my stuff back from Chris and he did complete all the work asked for.

    IF he keeps on this path I can see doing biz with him again down the road.

    I can say it was painless but in the end it came out fine.

    I will be having surgery tomm and off the boards for a while. I will return in a few weeks when my hand has healed from carpal tunnel surgery.


  20. #110
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Swamp Thing
    Just wanted to state that I did get all my stuff back from Chris and he did complete all the work asked for.

    IF he keeps on this path I can see doing biz with him again down the road.

    I can say it was painless but in the end it came out fine.

    I will be having surgery tomm and off the boards for a while. I will return in a few weeks when my hand has healed from carpal tunnel surgery.

    good to hear good luck with the surgery

  21. #111
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Milwaukee, Wisconsin


    Anybody ever get their Boards back from Chris? I have 4 markers sitting here without boards and Chris has yet to answer any of my emails or messages. I would even settle for the old boards back so I could go throw some paint.

  22. #112
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    same here, again. he replied to me once half a year ago. no hear since then. somebody has to call the police. that brought him back last time.

  23. #113
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Milwaukee, Wisconsin
    I am calling tomorrow!

  24. #114
    He owes me a board as part of a trade I made with him in 2009? ... oh boy!

  25. #115
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    It has been years now. He still owes me 200 bucks. Are there more people?

  26. #116
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Grand Rapids, MI
    I can't believe you guys are being this calm about this. Letting it go this long. I would have gotten on a plane and bashed the guys door down. It's your stuff not his! Start filing police reports to get your stuff and money back. The coward only came out when he was facing legal action. Do it again but this time follow through with it!
    Last edited by steve_81; 01-31-2012 at 06:51 AM.

  27. #117
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    White Sands Missile Range
    Anyone still missing parts? Has anyone heard from Chris in the past couple of years? I sent him a Tribal trigger frame and board way back when...never got them back

  28. #118
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Carlisle, PA
    Wow, glad I read the thread.. Greencastle is about 40min west of me. I dont want to play vigilante but if someone can verify his address I can maybe see whats up.

  29. #119
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Inception Designs HQ
    according to AO, he hasn't posted since 02-27-2010 and the last post made is lost.

    i really don't know if everything was handled, but i think it just ended up that all this business went down like the TAG boards, or Mongoose stuff. its sad that AO has a long history of good people(at the time, not the end result) with great ideas, but little return on them.

  30. #120
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Wow, haven't seen that name in a while. I was actually able to get my ACE/Emag boards back from him with no issues. He seemed like an okay guy, but I don't think he was ready to invest the amount of time/energy that was needed for the amount of projects /services he was trying to provide. The only thing I have left is an old e-mail address.... [email protected]

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