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Thread: Venomous Designs Evolution Grips

  1. #211
    Join Date
    May 2008
    San Jose, CA
    Wow just wow, and if this is true (don't mean to sound rude) that's just beyond a fubar move on his part. Wonder if people that bought the blemishes had any problems with them. So why wait sooooo long to let us know that this was going on, while the whole time your rep and products were taking a big time hit. Sorry if I am poking my nose where I should not be.

  2. 07-11-2012, 06:54 PM

  3. 07-11-2012, 06:57 PM

  4. #212
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Well unless there was a third party involved, its just going to be a "he said she said" pissing match between the 2 of you, no need to point the finger just get it done.
    I work in a tool and die shop, I know if we get a contract we only get a down payment. When the work is done and the buy-off is complete, they pay the rest, then we ship it.

    From what im getting from this the down payment was paid, the work isn't complete, so why would someone pay for something that isn't there. I don't get it XMT if tooling and materials is holding you up thats on your end. If goose paid all but $200 then there is no excuse for why the parts aren't finished.

    Well im not going to pour anything more in the pot on this. If the parts are going to be finished keep us updated. Its not that hard to jump on here and post something at least once a week. Heck just say sorry guys nothing new to report, would be nice to know that your still around.

    Well i see XMT went through and deleted his posts, or a mod did to keep this from becoming a flame fest.

  5. #213
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    lol im still waiting on 2 cf forgrips and my cf grip panels and and m90 trigger.

    this isnt even stuff xmt is working on and i cant get my small stuff to save my life.

    but i chalked it up as a loss.

    kinda sad but what ever.

    dont need that anymore since dw came out with their forgrip.

    i figured i donated to a lost cause.

  6. #214


    Quote Originally Posted by Mongoose
    Here it is: im tired of trying to not throw XMT under the bus but after his bull statement i cant resist.

    He has been issued a C & D letter and is not allowed to make or sell any of our unlicensed parts. he was told to destroy all of our files and if you purchased any of our parts from him...they are blems as far as we know!

    I will contact a new machinist right away......sorry for all the delays.
    We would guess that is why he all of a sudden posted then proceeded to delete all his posts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Xmagterror

    XT CUSTOMS will not be machining any more parts for Venomous designs. They cant pay their bill for the V1 grips i shipped them AUG of 2011....almost a year.
    NO MONEY NO PARTS..........ITS THAT SIMPLE!!!!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by reckid1986

    Well i see XMT went through and deleted his posts, or a mod did to keep this from becoming a flame fest.
    Ya we saw that also, whats up with THAT.

    -The AO Moderation Team
    "Everything in Moderation"

  7. 07-12-2012, 10:29 AM

  8. 07-13-2012, 09:46 AM
    issue is being resolved

  9. 07-13-2012, 11:37 AM

  10. 07-13-2012, 12:15 PM

  11. #215
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Both of you need to **** or get off the pot.

  12. 07-13-2012, 02:39 PM
    issue is being resolved

  13. #216
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    i would say this is a bad situation for both people.

    bad mouthing a machinist for the mag community not good, he makes great stuff that is great looking and has great funtionality. he has always done great work for AO community.

    the fact that mongoose still owes people like my self for one, (and that is the only person i can speak for) and the parts owed to me were stuff i was told was in stock and have been paid for in full, and were parts that were not needed to be made.

    so the issue with xmt is not mongoose's only concern.

    like i have said before i consider the parts owed to me a lost cause.but would still like to have what i paid for, or the value of the parts refunded.

    dont get me wrong the ideas mongoose had were great, but he should have looked into having the money for his producer before he got in over his head. if you ran out of money to pay people just say so, dont start pointin the stink finger at the only person who has been supplying your ideas to the community in the form of parts, that you should be pay for in full before items were even considered to be made. that is is how it is whith any good machine shop.

    my thoughts,

  14. #217
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Mongoose
    BOTTOM LINE is we are waiting on YOU not me.
    Pretty sure I'm waiting on you to reply and for my refund...

  15. 07-16-2012, 02:38 PM
    issue is being resolved

  16. #218
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Just incase some didn't notice Mongoose came on and removed his latest posts from this thread today. He is also still avoiding contacting me about the money/parts he owes me. I'm going to take a wild swing and say no one else got a response on their refund either.

  17. #219
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Spazmok
    Just incase some didn't notice Mongoose came on and removed his latest posts from this thread today. He is also still avoiding contacting me about the money/parts he owes me. I'm going to take a wild swing and say no one else got a response on their refund either.
    same for me.

  18. #220
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Hamilton IL
    Quote Originally Posted by Spazmok
    Just incase some didn't notice Mongoose came on and removed his latest posts from this thread today. He is also still avoiding contacting me about the money/parts he owes me. I'm going to take a wild swing and say no one else got a response on their refund either.
    I missed his post, anyone got a recap but wont start a flame going?

  19. #221
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by kcombs9
    I missed his post, anyone got a recap but wont start a flame going?

    refer to OPBN post better then i can recall.
    Last edited by knownothingmags; 07-17-2012 at 03:35 PM.

  20. #222
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Sunny Florida- Woot!
    Quote Originally Posted by knownothingmags

    he was defending his side,
    said he would pay xmt the 200$,
    said he would not pay for tooling or keeping machines running.

    XMT posted up that he was owed money for the machining and wasnt going to do anymore more until he got paid.

    VD came back at him and said that it was all BS and laid the blame on XMT

    XMT came back, then took down his posts

    People started asking VD about refunds etc.

    VD pulled his posts and failed to contact anyone.

    Yet another FUBAR preorder on AO.

  21. #223
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by OPBN

    XMT posted up that he was owed money for the machining and wasnt going to do anymore more until he got paid.

    VD came back at him and said that it was all BS and laid the blame on XMT

    XMT came back, then took down his posts

    People started asking VD about refunds etc.

    VD pulled his posts and failed to contact anyone.

    Yet another FUBAR preorder on AO.
    yeah thats better then what i had posted.

  22. #224
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    I don't think were ever going to get a response from this guy. I've emailed him twice, left a message on this thread, Pmed on here and on facebook and yet not one reply

  23. #225
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    the country of california
    So including this thread, the AO community is owed thousands? Good thing it's just 50 bucks for me. If I was owed a expensive body or such I would have this guy in hot water with the authorities.

    Considering how broke I am right now it really me off. I am selling everything I have to get caught up. So screw this guy and xmt. A pissing match over this much money? If principle was any concern one of them would get things done for the AO community.

  24. #226
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by OPBN

    XMT posted up that he was owed money for the machining and wasnt going to do anymore more until he got paid.

    VD came back at him and said that it was all BS and laid the blame on XMT

    XMT came back, then took down his posts

    People started asking VD about refunds etc.

    VD pulled his posts and failed to contact anyone.

    Yet another FUBAR preorder on AO.

    Mongoose and i came to an agreement and i will be making the parts. He will post the timeline soon.

  25. #227
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Xmagterror
    Mongoose and i came to an agreement and i will be making the parts. He will post the timeline soon.

    Thank you for resolving this with Mongoose! I think I speak for everyone when I say that we just want to see this project finished and I'm very glad you've taken the steps to make that happen.

    Here's to hoping there are no more hiccups with this!


  26. #228
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Xmagterror
    Mongoose and i came to an agreement and i will be making the parts. He will post the timeline soon.
    The most important thing for us is to finish all our projects and get everyone the parts they were promised.

    XMT and I have worked everything out and a timeline is being established now....i will post up when everyone can expect there parts. Also if anyone would like to skip the anno process and have there parts shipped raw i will give a discount on those parts. please note that some parts are currently at anno and this option will not be given for those parts.
    This offer is for anyone that does not want to wait any longer and wishes to have them done themselves.

    I have decided to design and make a very small run of "Special Edition Snatch Grips" these will not be sold and instead will be given out to all of our customers who have painfully stuck by all of you who are still waiting on parts.

    I'd also like to Publicly Apologize to Big Evil and BEO........Whats happening here should in no way be a reflection on them or their Site! Sorry guys for dragging you all through the mud.

    Tuna: Your in my prayers for a speedy and healthy recovery!!

  27. #229
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Still excited for these!

  28. #230
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Hamilton IL
    Iv sold my marker, refund needed.

  29. #231
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Depending on what you are waiting on I might be interested in taking your spot....
    Quote Originally Posted by kcombs9
    Iv sold my marker, refund needed.

  30. #232
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Hamilton IL
    Quote Originally Posted by D3adpool
    Depending on what you are waiting on I might be interested in taking your spot....
    V1 non gas thru v-red

  31. #233
    Join Date
    May 2009
    mongoose can you read and actually respond to my pm's?

    again I'll assume that anyone who has contacted you about a refund has heard squat.

  32. #234
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Spazmok
    mongoose can you read and actually respond to my pm's?

    again I'll assume that anyone who has contacted you about a refund has heard squat.
    I finally got a response on the 18th about a refund but still haven't gotten it back in my paypal account. I pmed him again yesterday so lets see how long this will take this time.

  33. #235
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Did anyone get a refund yet or misc parts (knownothingmags). Its been two weeks since he pmed me he would offer the refund but still nothing in paypal.

  34. #236
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by bumbabeef
    Did anyone get a refund yet or misc parts (knownothingmags). Its been two weeks since he pmed me he would offer the refund but still nothing in paypal.
    no havnt heard anything at all. bummer for me.

  35. #237
    Join Date
    May 2009
    he still won't even bother to read my pm's, let alone respond.

  36. #238
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

  37. #239
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Dundalk, MD
    Any updates?

  38. #240
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Dundalk, MD

    Refund Please For Deposit On V2 Grip

    I would like to get my deposit refunded as I no longer am willing to wait and I decided that I will go a different direction........


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