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Thread: time to redecorate AO

  1. #31
    Im sure there are people here who wouldnt mind helping in the design just for the love of the marker! I my self would do leg work no problem im just not a web designer lol, if we update it im sure it will bring more people in and look way better! im not saying this site is crap or anything but broken or missing links, updated markers, some of the custome parts and bodies are unreal, and newer pics from people playing would be awesome!!! We can show the world that it may not be "mainstream" but the automag is stronger then ever

    So TK put it together, lay out what is best for you! Im game no matter what! Just to have you comment on a thread of mine is bad ass lol! Oh yea, i will buy ao right now from you... I will even take the business.... lol i wish

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Plymouth, WI
    Quote Originally Posted by RT Lover
    Oh yea, i will buy ao right now from you... I will even take the business.... lol i wish

    Dibs on product testing

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Dayspring
    PHPBB isn't REALLY designed for major communities. VBulletin is.

    I would be happy to help with this - I've been running a smaller VB site, but can certainly help with all of this.

    The real issue is server costs - you can't run a site this large on a shared service. You'd need a dedicated server or a Virtual Private Server.

    Here's an example of the fees around this:
    I would like to see some numbers from Tom or Dave (whoever ownes to see the traffic and bandwidth this site uses. Other than a few webpages at the top, most of the content is text based. I just can't see this website costing so much money.

    I may be wrong, but the hosting company is making it sound worse then it actually is.

    Btw, when I ran a few sites, I used Dreamhost and <3'd it!

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Bunny
    I would like to see some numbers from Tom or Dave (whoever ownes to see the traffic and bandwidth this site uses. Other than a few webpages at the top, most of the content is text based. I just can't see this website costing so much money.

    I may be wrong, but the hosting company is making it sound worse then it actually is.

    Btw, when I ran a few sites, I used Dreamhost and <3'd it!
    Traffic numbers are deceiving. They are inflated due to the constant barrage of spambots

  5. #35
    Join Date
    May 2001
    IN -- USA
    Still, bandwidth at Dreamhost is unlimited. Plus, if we upgraded AO to the new VBulletin, you can open registrations to ALL of the free domains by adding a secret question to the form that bots can't handle.

    Means no more spam.

    And in regards to PHPBB, I had SOOOOO many issues with spam bots with that software. Soon as I went to VBulletin, it all stopped.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Plymouth, WI
    a point I would like to make:

    AGD was a super power in the paintball world and why? because the design is simple, reliable, low cost and fast. name one other paintball marker that has all 4 of those attributes.

    and then came AO. Tom would say what should I make next? and we would tell him. or he would say look what I made and we would go, THATS AWESOME or I dont like that at all.

    Ideas like the deldrin bolt which died quickly because we the site put its through the ringer and found the fatal flaw... who found the flaw? WE DID!

    Automags have become IMO the longest lived single paintball gun thats still competitive and the FIRST open source paintball marker!

    In AO you have everything to keep a company going. look what Luke, hill, renie and eeryone else has done for the mag, AGD stepped back and we forced its evolution.

    Long live AGD, Long live the MAG.

    Let us design the future of this company YOU founded Tom. You will will be amazed at what a group of fanatics can acheive with the permission to do so

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Btw, I totally agree with upgrading the forum to the latest vbulletin it would be way easier to transfer old accounts.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Milwaukee WI
    I will contribute $$

  9. #39
    i am going out on a limb but i think the vast majority of use would pay a membership fee, just do different levels, like low, med, and high... and the pay out with more foot traffic would make it worth it... make it appealing to younger people and show them all that a mag is! i like the v bulletin idea transfer over the data and wammo! I personally would drop more cash up front. just to have a gold supporting member and to see what i love grow is what i want lol. I sure with newer people it will bring a new dimension to the mag!

    I guess we need stats or some idea on what TK thinks is best. Like i said i would do all i could do to help!!

    BTAutoMag thanks for bumping!

  10. #40
    Go for drop VB 4 nothing like VB 3 used to be. If you guys want a front end go simple and use WordPress or use the add-ons Xenforo have. Nginx and Xenforo and this place will be rocking fast and up to date.

  11. #41
    when we get this done, there should be an archives section with all the old projects and info threads to be placed.

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Plymouth, WI
    Quote Originally Posted by RT Lover
    BTAutoMag thanks for bumping!

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Manch Vegas, NH
    If there is anything I can contribute graphic-wise please let me know.

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Stewartstown, PA
    Im in some $ for the win!

  15. 08-16-2012, 07:58 PM
    Didn't realize how old the OP's initial message was....

  16. #45
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Gothenburg, Sweden
    Regarding membership and fees. Over at MCB it's free to register, or it's $10 a year to be a member. Personally I think that AO need to have at the very least a level of free registry, or AO would loose a lot of people who are more casual visitors, whom we still would like to stick around to spread the word. Whether or not there should be different levels of paying membership could be argued - I have no good arguments either way.

    However, to increase the incitement of paying for membership, how about now and then having different kinds of membership specials. For example, there was a fairly high interest when TOTShadowCompany had both the reg sale and the gauges sale with the AGD logo on them. Since they were all made with the permission of Tom Kaye anyways, why not make them a member special deal. Easy and cheap enough to become a member if you want in on the deal. Or when TOT had the AO $10 off the price for the new Deadly Wind foregrips.

    Personally, I believe that AO will get enough paying members without any extra membership perks, but with these AO might generate more interest amongst others to become paying members.

  17. #46
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    the country of california
    My concern is that the old threads would be lost in an update. Is this a possibility?

  18. #47
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    se, missouri
    Quote Originally Posted by hill160881
    My concern is that the old threads would be lost in an update. Is this a possibility?
    If you transfer it to another server or upgrade to the latest version of vbulliten then nothing would be lost at all. If you transfer to a different type of forum, well that would depend if there was a conversion available. Everyone might have to reset their passwords, but most conversions go fairly good with you having to pull out only one hand full of hair.

  19. #48
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    I agree with Olsson post #45. Not that its needed but even something as simple as a AGD sticker or patch to show off are AGD spirit!

  20. #49
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    I would be willing to pay the yearly $$$ .

  21. #50
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Medina, Ohio

    AGD Revival

    As a life long Mag owner I too would do my part to help. All the men in my family run Mag's and we get plenty of attention from players here in Northeast Ohio. Paintball is hurting with the shape the economy is in, but that means larger companies like DYE, Tippman etc. are hurting worse. Best time for growth is when your competition is shrinking. I for one would love to see AGD products back in our local shoppes.

  22. #51
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Medina, Ohio


    PS: I'm also out of work, need a local

  23. #52
    I don't think the site is in need of a redesign in as much as everyone needs to perhaps be a little more forward looking.

    1. Forums seem to be a thing of the past. There has to be a simpler, decentralized, and free way to share information.

    We archive the old information but lock it down. Then we move on.

    Initial idea was FMS on Freenet, although I don't think this would serve any archival purpose, and Freenet runs like a dog.

    That would be closest thing to a Bittorrented forum where anyone willing could help "host" content.

    2. OK, even if we don't need a redesign, perhaps exerting some control over Google Ad content might be in order. I keep getting this ad for horny MILF porn stars who are apparently looking for *me*. While I am flattered, perhaps these ads are not in accordance with site guidelines.

    3. If there's no money to be made in paintball, then I guess AGD as a company should be pretty cheap to purchase, right?

    Forget a kickstarter for the forum -- what about a kickstarter to buy the Automag IP and open source it?
    "Accuracy by aiming."

    Definitely not on the A-Team.

  24. #53
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Cottonwood, Az.
    My .02 cents:
    *I think paying a fee to be a member is a mistake over all.
    *I think there should be enough advertising for the site to pay the yearly hosting fees. (Add more if needed.)
    *So that leaves us in need of raising funds for software and hardware.
    A. Tom needs to set up a PayPal account for straight out donations.
    B. We can hold online raffles to raise additional funds.
    C. I have no ideas for labor and regular maintenance.

    I have no problem chipping in a few dollars and I can also chip in parts to help raise some money in the raffles. Additional raffle donations can come from members that have an overflow of used parts, for most that wont be a problem.
    We need some real number$ so we have a place to start.

  25. #54
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Don't know, I am lost.
    Quote Originally Posted by GoatBoy
    2. OK, even if we don't need a redesign, perhaps exerting some control over Google Ad content might be in order. I keep getting this ad for horny MILF porn stars who are apparently looking for *me*. While I am flattered, perhaps these ads are not in accordance with site guidelines.

    Quote Originally Posted by Google
    While Google often shows you ads based on the content of the page you are viewing, we also show some ads based on the types of websites you visit, view


  26. #55
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Beemer just won the internet.
    Warp Feed Evangelist
    My Feedback

  27. #56
    lulz, man, I need to turn off cookies or something then

  28. #57
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Plymouth, WI
    we've all learned something very important. AO is a very special place that we want to keep. everyone from new player, tinkerers, vetrans, and someone who likes goats and older ladies

  29. #58
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Sao Paulo - Brazil
    Quote Originally Posted by BTAutoMag
    we've all learned something very important. AO is a very special place that we want to keep. everyone from new player, tinkerers, vetrans, and someone who likes goats and older ladies
    Wait... What?!?! Hahahaha

  30. #59
    Quote Originally Posted by GoatBoy
    1. Forums seem to be a thing of the past. There has to be a simpler, decentralized, and free way to share information.
    Got to disagree here. Forums aren't a thing of the past, they've really come to the forefront of topical internet dialogue for the sharing of common interests and ideas. And I don't know why you'd want something that is decentralized. That would prohibit everyone from finding like-minded individuals and relevant information.

    I mean, once you have a group of like-minded people who all want to converse about the same topics, then yeah you could go to something a little more fluid like a Facebook group or something. But for the purpose of archiving information and ideas to make them convenient and easy to find and join in, nothing beats a good ol' message board.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fred
    Beemer just won the internet.
    Agreed! I was thinking the same thing when I read that.

  31. #60
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Barely anybody posts on the AO Army facebook page. There goes your idea of forums not being relevant.

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