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Thread: Do You Cheat?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    New Hampshire

    Do You Cheat?

    So I recently bought an Emag with AGD 1.37 and I don't have the jumper so it is semi only for me. It got me thinking about Xmod 1.8, but being a woodsball player I have no reason (within the rules) to have any other mode besides semi. That led to the question: How many people play in non-semi mode for woodsball? Just curious.

  2. #2
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    St Paul
    whether you are cheating or not using different modes is up the field.

    that being said, no i don't use anything other then semi in the woods, i also almost never break 10 bps in the woods.
    "because every vengeful cop with a lesbian daughter, is having a bad day, and looking for someone to blame"

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    New Hampshire
    I assumed most fields don't allowing ramping the woods.

  4. #4
    I must say I've never used batteries in the woods. Have always rocked a Sniper or 'Mag.

  5. #5
    Pump counts as non-semi, right?

    Man, I'm such a cheater...
    "Accuracy by aiming."

    Definitely not on the A-Team.

  6. #6
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    I have played at several fields that basically said "run whatya brung". I do follow field rules about BPS if they have them though. I did realize a couple of years ago at LL3 I think it was that I was running my Emag on Hyper mode by mistake. Forgot my glasses in the car and set the mode by memory. Got to a point that I was unleashing on some guys in the pipe field and realized I had drained a hopper in like 10 seconds or so. Oops.

  7. #7
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    I always stick to field rules. It just works out better for everyone that way.

    I almost always use a mag, but when I don't I almost never ramp with my electros. I like to make my shots count, so I don't waste so much paint.

  8. #8
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    Tippmann World Challenge at Hells Survivors you can shoot whatever mode you want. Woods fields. Not considered "cheating" if it is in the rules

  9. #9
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    Why would I want to use any mode above semi? I don't like wasting paint. So I don't want a ball to go flying unless I hit the trigger for that ball. But as stated. Some fields are run what cha brung.

    Can you guys help a new old player out? What is ramping
    G? All a search did was come up with a bunch of posts that had that word in it.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackdeath1k View Post
    Can you guys help a new old player out? What is ramping
    G? All a search did was come up with a bunch of posts that had that word in it.
    ramping is a firing mode that is now pretty standard in all electros. what it does is after three shots, as long as as you keep at least a 3 ball per sec trigger pull rate, the actual firing rate will "ramp up" to 10 bps (or whatever the rate is capped at on your gun). so physically, your pulling at a rate of 3 bps, but the gun shoots at a much higher rate.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by emcl29 View Post
    I assumed most fields don't allowing ramping the woods.
    every local field around here allows any mode up to 12 bps.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by cockerpunk View Post
    every local field around here allows any mode up to 12 bps.
    do you consider splat tag to be "around here"? i was just out there Sunday and they were enforcing semi only.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by cockerpunk View Post
    every local field around here allows any mode up to 12 bps.
    That is genuinely surprising to me, I would think that would be off-putting to renters.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackdeath1k View Post
    Can you guys help a new old player out? What is ramping
    G? All a search did was come up with a bunch of posts that had that word in it.
    Been around for about 12-15 years.

    Basically, when you achieve a certain number of shots in a certain time period, the board adds shots.

    The most common style now is such that if you manage X trigger pulls at Y pulls per second for Z seconds, your marker will fire full auto at A bps even as long as you maintain Y trigger pulls per second and don't stop shooting for over B seconds. I call this "shifting" because it doesn't really require you to "ramp up".

    Earlier styles of ramping were more simple and fit the title better. If you manage 5 pulls per second, it adds one shot per second so you're firing 6bps. Make it to 7 pulls per second, it adds 2 shots per second for 9bps, etc until you hit 12.5 or 15 bps. The intervals varied by manufacturer initially, until the various leagues accepted it. Much more deserving of the title as you actually "ramp up" to the highest speed.

    I'm not up on the newest versions of these modes, but as I recall...

    PSP - 3 shots @ 5 pps = 12.5 bps auto + 3 added shots @ final pull / must maintain 5 pps, 1 second break

    NXL - 3 shots @ 5 pps = 15 bps auto / trigger must be held down, no break

    Millennium - 7 shots @ 7 pps = 15 bps auto / must maintain 7.5 pps, 0.5 second break

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by emcl29 View Post
    That is genuinely surprising to me, I would think that would be off-putting to renters.
    I used to be surprised when the local fields started to allow ramping in their recball groups, because it would ruin the entire day of a renter every couple times I was out there. Then I realized that those renters weren't going through as much paint as the speedballers or the brats, whose mommy and daddy pay for as much paint as they can throw. So, the all-mighty dollar (and whining) would win that argument every time.

    One of the things I love about CPX is that when there are enough players, they will run an open-beginner group for markers without batteries and an open-advanced group. This is a great way to wet the feet of the young players, who aren't quite ready to be stitched up by 12.5 bps.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by emcl29 View Post
    That is genuinely surprising to me, I would think that would be off-putting to renters.
    They usually seperate rentals from regulars at most of the rec fields I've been to. Never been to a field with a limit less than 12-15 bps. Ever.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by OPBN View Post
    They usually seperate rentals from regulars at most of the rec fields I've been to. Never been to a field with a limit less than 12-15 bps. Ever.
    They try to separate groups where I play but it almost never works out that way.

  18. #18
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    I very very rarely use anything that has ramping software. That doesnt mean its not on the gun.

    Most fields Ive gone to do not allow ramping. Unless its a private game. (OSG & AG do not allow ramping last time I checked.)

    Now if the other team is using ramping when its not allowed and the refs do nothing after talking to them you bet your ass Im changing guns to something that evens out the game.

  19. #19
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    At my local field they enforce the "semi only" rule on weekends due to the large amount of rentals and walk-ons. We do however have members nights on Wednesdays and anything goes.

  20. #20
    My field has an "anything goes" atmosphere, with a strong emphasis of no overshooting. If you can control your trigger, you're fine to use whatever.

    That said, I use semi capped at 11 or 12 bps about 90% of the time. The other 10% I'll use full auto - for those situations where you need to just fire for effect, like letting it rip when attacking a fort that's made of tin barn siding. (That can get loud in a hurry!) I use full auto in those situations over ramping because find that a full auto trigger is much easier to keep control of. You don't have those extra shots fired after you release the trigger like in ramping modes. I personally can't stand using a ramping mode. I have no problem if anyone else uses it though, so long as they don't overshoot people.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by sQuidvision View Post
    do you consider splat tag to be "around here"? i was just out there Sunday and they were enforcing semi only.
    oh yeah, i have not been to splatag for a while, and esp not open play. they allow any mode at there big games and rumbles IIRC, and then obviously pump day is well pump day hahaha

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by emcl29 View Post
    That is genuinely surprising to me, I would think that would be off-putting to renters.
    considering with "legal" semi auto, its pretty easy to shoot faster then with a 12 bps capped ramping, it actually lowers gun speeds.

  23. #23
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    now i get it!

    Quote Originally Posted by SoulCoffin View Post
    ramping is a firing mode that is now pretty standard in all electros. what it does is after three shots, as long as as you keep at least a 3 ball per sec trigger pull rate, the actual firing rate will "ramp up" to 10 bps (or whatever the rate is capped at on your gun). so physically, your pulling at a rate of 3 bps, but the gun shoots at a much higher rate.
    Well now I understand how the 14 year olds with impys back in 02 could hose like they did. I just figured it was the mouse click trigger. So not only can you set a trigger up to the point you could shake the gun and it fire. But you can set it up to fire more shots than what you pull the trigger. Nice! I knew of 3 round burst, full auto, semi, ect. But no. Don't remember that term ever being used back then locally.

    Oh well. That's just when you have to use the RT bounce to your advantage.

  24. #24
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    Only time I ever go above 10-15 BPS is when I catch somebody wipe a clear hit. I get tired of speedballers wiping every time they get hit. I show no regret with RT'ing to the full effect, I intend for every shot to hit the person I am aiming at when that happens. I overshoot the crap out of wipers. But besides that no, I never go above any basic BPS rules in a game.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freedy500 View Post
    Only time I ever go above 10-15 BPS is when I catch somebody wipe a clear hit. I get tired of speedballers wiping every time they get hit. I show no regret with RT'ing to the full effect, I intend for every shot to hit the person I am aiming at when that happens. I overshoot the crap out of wipers. But besides that no, I never go above any basic BPS rules in a game.
    When I read the title of this post I thought that was the kind of cheaters it was about. I'm right with you. If I blatantly see people doing that I make every point to light them a new one.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackdeath1k View Post
    Well now I understand how the 14 year olds with impys back in 02 could hose like they did. I just figured it was the mouse click trigger. So not only can you set a trigger up to the point you could shake the gun and it fire. But you can set it up to fire more shots than what you pull the trigger. Nice! I knew of 3 round burst, full auto, semi, ect. But no. Don't remember that term ever being used back then locally.

    Oh well. That's just when you have to use the RT bounce to your advantage.
    that was mostly trigger bounce back then. either electrical or mechanical noised triggering events.

  27. #27
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    At living Legends, if i run out of paint but still have air, I switch to 15bps full auto mode and dry fire the heck out of the other team. It usually sends them scrambling for cover like little girls. Funny to watch. Even guys on my own team near me look over at me like wtf is that guy doing. Not sure if anyone notices the empty 400 round clear pinokio hopper on top of the gun...

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by skipdogg View Post
    At living Legends, if i run out of paint but still have air, I switch to 15bps full auto mode and dry fire the heck out of the other team. It usually sends them scrambling for cover like little girls. Funny to watch. Even guys on my own team near me look over at me like wtf is that guy doing. Not sure if anyone notices the empty 400 round clear pinokio hopper on top of the gun...
    Funny story for me. I have a barrel with just about no porting for my automag and I have around a 1100-1300 psi input for some crazy RT'ing. Well once I ran out of paint (hard to do when carrying a case everywhere) but nobody could ever tell because of my camo Qpods. Well a dry firing RT'ing automag with no barrel porting sounds like a freaking beast. I just about saved my whole team/squadron because of it. I went lone wolf in a scenario game. and ended up capturing the largest fort and most important place in a huge field with 1300+ people there. The fort was under-fortified and had only about 10 people in it. So I see an advantage with having no profile and hopper/pod sound so I sprint over and light them all up at a crazy BPS. I get most out and the rest were under 16 years old and were scared ****less with what was going on since I went as fast as I could go with the RT effect. Oh the looks on their faces when they say only one person could be slinging all that paint and making all that noise. They were under the impression I had at least 13 other people with me. So I am just holding down the fort (literally) until a whole entire enemy insertion of around 100 people were placed there. So I had a 90/45 and waited bunker hill style and lit a good 17 or so people up and scared plenty of their teammates. So I ended up holding a fort single handidly after running out of paint by simply dry RT'ing and causing drama. Was really funny until they got a suicide charge and around 30 of them stormed the fort expecting to get wiped out but found only me dry firing like a mad man to scare them, one of the best days of my life seeing their reactions to only me holding down the most important point of this game with 1300+ people in it all by myself with no paint. I felt like a legend after that. I also had to have several refs watch me the whole time and make sure I was not cheating somehow.

    Long story short, I got more people out from dry firing than I did with paint and was the largest contributor to the game when it came to getting individual points.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by cockerpunk View Post
    that was mostly trigger bounce back then. either electrical or mechanical noised triggering events.
    Yeah, it was around 2003 that ramping started and it was hitting the local tournament circuits around 2004. Even then, they really didn't have a capped rate of fire at that time.

    We used to have a local team that were using Impulses that had All American upgrades, a couple with the latest full ramping that were actually All A guns that were being used that year, 2004. The main sponsor of the team used to get a kick out of how fast they could empty a hopper and control the game given that there was no rate of fire limit. I had my Angel upgraded to ramping in the spring of 2005. They didn't know until our team played them in the first tourny of the year. Once our guns could match and actually beat theirs, the refs came over to our team to tell us we needed to turn down the rate of fire. I laughed and turned down the rate of fire on our guns. It wasn't quite so fun for them any more. I always preferred my emag for any tourny that didn't have ramping, but I evened the score for our team by using my Angel in those that did allow ramping.

    I always use real semi when playing in the woods or with newer players. I love my retro mag for that.
    Except for the Automag in front, its usually the man behind the equipment that counts.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Do i cheat?

    Simple answer no.

    More complex answer, yes.

    When i am at the local field i play semi only capped at 10. Until some ones comes on the field with Mom and Dad's money and what ever electro they are using. Their guns ramp so they feel they must use it and shoot all the kids that aren't as good as them (gear wise that is). So i hear who they are from the refs and find them on the field, just them, and return the favor of dramatic over shooting when i change the Emag to hyper mode uncapped. Once the lesson is learned or they leave i stop and continue on semi only. Not always kids sometimes is is just people who can't play with everyone else and enjoy it, troublemakers.

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