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Thread: Official: AO Army Mag-Pie Team Thread!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Plymouth, WI

    Official: AO Army Mag-Pie Team Thread!

    Hello one and, most importantly, HELLO ALL!

    This is the official team thread for the AO Army. What is the AO Army? WE ARE THE AO ARMY! You reading this, the player next to you in game laying down ropes of paint or that one well placed shot and even the player on the receiving end of your shot, taking one in the mask.

    The AO Army is everywhere. We take the insults of the players who think that if your paintball gun wasn't built in the last year you're behind the curve. We take the ignorance of players who don't even know what we're shooting and strive to educate them. We recruit players to our cause by spreading the word that 20 year old tech can still hold its own in speedball, can hold its own down in the dirt deep in the woods and can STILL hold back a 800 player strong charge in one of the largest scenario games hosted every year at CPX sports!

    We are a team, we are a single player, and we are even laying down paint towards one another. The AO Army is everywhere!

    How do you get a membership in to this awesome phenomenon?

    -Be a member of AO and support your team
    -Shoot an Automag under ANY of its incarnations, EVEN the FN303.. hell, someone join who is still shooting a panther, we'll let you in! (we'll even let in that blasphemous person who put a 6 pack on his Phantom)

    You don't need to ask to join, we don't even have a membership list. You'll have to go out and actually talk to people, tell them you're a part of the AO Army and start building your own units.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Plymouth, WI
    We build off of Tom's creed:

    Quote Originally Posted by AGD View Post
    The Creed of the Das Untermag Revolution

    We are the few and the underdogs. We do not need notoriety. We seek to gain knowledge and fight against mental repression caused by expensive marketing, hero icons and long held beliefs. We believe that there is a truth and that it should be sought out and embraced.

    We are different because knowledge helps us to understand the line between paintball fantasy and reality where others think no line exists at all. The Revolution holds itself to higher standards. We do not allow our markers to be put down but we do not put down others markers. We seek to learn and to transfer that knowledge to others in a friendly way.

    Our sign, “chuff chuff”, represents a point on the fantasy / reality line. This point moved when the LvL 10 changed the Automag. Long held beliefs have prevented this new truth from breaking into the mainstream. The Untermag Revolution was thus born. The sign is many things: a greeting between Revolution members—as they are among friends and a recognition of brotherhood telling the enlightened that you too seek knowledge above and beyond the mainstream. When directed toward an outsider, it is a signal that they do not wish to learn. We must accept the fact not all will join us.

    Our symbol is the red star enclosed in a black circle. The circle represents unity, its color, black, shows that we are an underground community. The points on the red star represent all of the players that do not understand our creed. The points flow into the stars center showing that all are welcome to work with us in seeking to understand the truth. The red color represents that we are active in our communications with others both inside and outside the Revolution.

    “Live the Creed”
    We have taken what he has said and built on it. Our symbol, based on the creed, the black circle with a red star, is featured on our patches.

    We are still looking for a proper logo for our team mascot being the Magpie. The magpie being a majestic bird that... um... well its called a "MAG" "PIE". The mascot will be featured on our shirts and jerseys.
    Last edited by BTAutoMag; 06-01-2013 at 07:39 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Plymouth, WI
    This post contains the links to the 2 other thread in the forum linked to the Team

    AO Army Member Locations and Event Appearances Thread

    AO Army Swag Thread
    Last edited by BTAutoMag; 06-02-2013 at 08:27 AM.

  4. #4
    Automag Army in full effect!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    I used to get the craziest looks from the "Cool Electro Kids" at the local field in 2003 when I would stick my finger in the breach and bounce the Lvl 10 off of it. Ill always have at least 1 mag, there amazing markers.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    southern IL
    I've used a mag since 95. So far I've never felt like I was out gunned. And I don't expect anything to change that. So as long as I can get rebuild parts. I will continue to shoot my trusty old automagRT. And my wife loves her minimag. So that is one convert.

  7. #7
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    Chicago, IL
    Quote Originally Posted by BTAutoMag View Post
    (we'll even let in that blasphemous person who put a 6 pack on his Phantom)

    I like to think my main marker cancels out the blasphemy.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by GRimm View Post

    I like to think my main marker cancels out the blasphemy.

    Where are the pictures of this?

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Chicago, IL
    Of the blasphemy or the redemption?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Throughout history wars have been fought under banners, flags or symbols that helped represent a feeling of unity, pride and purpose for one's community. AO is a community with members all around the world who are viewed as underdogs on the paintball field because they used a piece of equipment designed 20 years ago. This sense of community with automag users has always meant a lot to me and has helped re-attract me to the sport when I have felt distant or abandoned by it. It encourages me greatly to see a spring of new life developing in this community to join together and unity under the name of "Automag Army."

    Now my challenge is for this creative community to develop a new banner, flag, symbol, or dare I say... Jersey... that we can use with pride. I would like to toss the idea of a "Design Off" out there to help bring out the creativity community members who can develop a simple logo that combines what we love with our great inside joke about Magpies. I for one will be tossing my hat in the ring and willing to get things started. I am in the midst of a move so my computer is still packed, but once I get some time I'm going to photoshop some design ideas up and share them with the community. Maybe a new thread would be better. Regardless I am feeling very patriotic for AO right now and wanted to share.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by GRimm View Post
    Of the blasphemy or the redemption?
    Both I guess. Since I assume all of the above has to do with your toys.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackdeath1k View Post
    Both I guess. Since I assume all of the above has to do with your toys.

  13. #13
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    I like the use of a revolution. Gives a nice added old feel.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Well, since my actual "call-sign"/"nickname" has been MAGpie for a number of years now, I have gone through quite a number of various mascots for my own personal identifier patch. Happy to share:

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo imagesCATUOET9.jpg"/></a>

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo DSC_0738_S.jpg"/></a>

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo nosp.jpg"/></a>

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo DSC_0034.jpg"/></a>

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo European_magpie-SPL.jpg"/></a>
    Last edited by MAGpie; 06-02-2013 at 04:29 AM.

  15. #15
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    swag ordering thread is up

  16. #16
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    Had some spare time and doodled a little with photoshop

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Medina, Ohio
    I've got a really good idea that plays off the old agd logo I would like to share. Also I was a graphic designer in a past life. Does anyone have file of old logos they could send me? [email protected]

  18. #18
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    Laku, those are awesome and maybe we'll incorporate something like it in a later run. As I've been saying the whole time, all I'm doing is giving everyone else a base to work off of. If you guys want swag to wear to show our colors then it will be up to you guys to grab the ball and run. much like rschoi_07 did (I will say however he dropped A LOT of money to get you guys patches)

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    rschoi already ordered some patches? I missed that. Anyway those I made were just for fun of it, so no pressure of using any.

    In case anyone ever needs them I have the originals as photoshop file at 2048x2048 px and most of it is in vectors so it should be fairly scalable.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Medina, Ohio
    Wow its unfortunate someone ran with a design without a conscious. The red star is straight out of socialist China and no self respecting soldier would have it on his uniform. Also i fail to see the corralation it has with Mags and AGD.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by kfletch View Post
    Wow its unfortunate someone ran with a design without a conscious. The red star is straight out of socialist China and no self respecting soldier would have it on his uniform. Also i fail to see the corralation it has with Mags and AGD.
    did you not read the 2nd post at all?

  22. #22
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    Actually i did and still fail to see how this symbol/creed is a representation of AGD or Automags. Never has it been mainstream or used anywhere in association with either. All it will lead to is confusion and whoever wears it to be subjected to explaining what it is each and every time.

  23. #23
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    well I based everything on the creed tom laid down in 2009. he was the one who set the logo and since he created AGD and the automag... I think it has alot to do with AGD and the automag

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    Call me sentimental but when i think AGD all i see is the double lion logo.

  25. #25
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    And a red star doesn't scream made in america to me.

  26. #26
    "Our symbol is the red star enclosed in a black circle. The circle represents unity, its color, black, shows that we are an underground community. The points on the red star represent all of the players that do not understand our creed. The points flow into the stars center showing that all are welcome to work with us in seeking to understand the truth. The red color represents that we are active in our communications with others both inside and outside the Revolution."

    I think it may have been poorly though out at the time. As was the name Das UnterMag Revolution. The negative associations for both are apparent. The only way it is associated with AGD is that it makes for terrible marketing, which is one of their specialties.

    I'm supporting this because I like the idea of AO'ers being able to recognize each other out on the field. If I were advising on this as an art director (former life) I would loose the Star, Circle, Heckle and Jeckle, the word Army, and the AGD lions. I would recommend a new logo (an actual logo, not a piece of artwork or photo-chop of something yanked from the interwebs) based on the Magpie and using the magpie colors (White/Black/Blue). The only thing I would consider retaining would be AO hex's.

    It aught to be something completely new since part of the idea is to abolish stereotypes.

    My 2 cents.

  27. #27
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    the state flag of alabama is a red star. the red star has been used as a symbol of communism but also as a symbol of peace and protest against the nazis. It is sometimes understood to represent the five fingers of the worker's hand, as well as the five continents.

    speaking of nazis, the swastika's meaning was literally "to be good" and was used as a symbol of peace. even hitler used it for its literal meaning if not for his own twisted views of peace.

    symbols of any type can be used for good or bad, in our case we are using the red star as a symbol that we are willing to educate the players who do not know about our cause and bring them into our family

    with that being said... I do believe I have said many times that you guys need to design things for us to use. I just happened to be the first to design something and people liked it so it got made into a patch. I believe if you made something and people liked it and it didn't have a red star in a black circle. it might get made. The fact that these patches are currently getting made are an utter shock to me that I am leading an automag revolution and am being looked up to.

    we will have several different incarnations of our logos and mascots. I plan on bringing a variety to it to suit everyone.

    pgop2.0... design something then, lol

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    Medina, Ohio
    Viva la revolucion! Seems like these pop up every 10 years (2003 was the most recent). As much as i love Automags, they wont be mainstream until they are sold again in every local shop. Which isn't gonna happen. But was excited hear about an AO jersey and would enjoy running into.others wearing them.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by kfletch View Post
    Call me sentimental but when i think AGD all i see is the double lion logo.
    I've always liked the double lions as well. I actually prefer it. But this run of patches was made based off Tom Kaye's description. It wasn't a unilateral decision made by me (or anyone else for that matter). I also think you're reading too much into the whole "socialist" thing.

    Anyways, I think a compromise can be made. We're all intelligent (somewhat thoughtful) people here. I suggest to open source the designs, so people can make their own custom patches or what not. It's not that hard. If it means that much to you, you're more than welcome to take on the financial burden.

    The lowest common denominator would be to require "AO Army & Chuff Chuff" to be written in large letters somewhere on the patch.

  30. #30
    Where did the "chuff chuff" come from, really? Isn't that a somewhat bad sound to hear since it indicates your marker did not shoot as intended?

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