View Poll Results: do you quit when you run out of paint or air in a battle

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  • i play till im shot. moving target is better than nothing.

    34 94.44%
  • i call myself out like a wimp.

    2 5.56%
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Thread: do you walk off the field when you run out of air or paint?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    southern IL

    do you walk off the field when you run out of air or paint?

    Real simple. Do you leave the field when you run out of air or paint? Or do you stay on and at least make one more target since the enemy does not know your out.

    I made 2 guys surrender sat when I was out of paint and air. They didn't know that. And they didn't want to find out when I tapped them on the back with my barrel. But others will be on the front line. Run out. And just raise there gun and walk off. What gives?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Plymouth, WI
    Ive seen many people get in a barrel tag or surrender while out of air and paint. ultimate humiliation

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    I stay in until I'm shot, and when leaving the field I take the longest slowest route so i can draw more enemy fire and let as many of my teamates know I'm out as i can.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Live Free or Die
    If your not hit your not out.

    I always stay in. Depending on the game I put the gun & pack behind a bunker to make it easier to move. Ive also been known to hand my gun to a outgoing (hit) friend if there is one at the time.

    Reaperball 2 we had at OSG Paintball in NH. The 2nd day coincided with the field BYOP day so it was packed. I ran out of air right off the break in one of the games. Probably a 40-50 person per side game. Because I was at a key bunker that the other team needed in order to advance I put the gun down and just kept poking out of the bunker. Making it known that I was there. Held off about 15 of the other teams players because they knew I was there and wouldn't advance. 3/4 of the time of the game I didn't that until they someone on their team got them organized and started moving up. At that point I did call myself out because I was gonna take the brunt of that groups moving up. If I had walked off at the beginning of the game because I ran out of air that side of the field would have fallen fast and I would not have been any help to my team. Did we win that game no. Once I was gone there was no-one covering that side of the field.
    Quote Originally Posted by dano_____ View Post
    I keep forgetting to not feed my mags after midnight so they seem to multiply regularly.

  5. #5
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    Mar 2009
    doing the "dead man" walk and getting away with it is purty humiliating as well.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    DeWitt, MI
    I always stay in. What I do depends on the situation. I've done everything listed so far. I've also done sideways jumping jacks across the field. Took a while to get hit because the other team was laughing so hard they couldn't shoot straight.

    Most recently, I look for the youngest little Billy on the field and walk straight at him. I like seeing the young kid's eyes light up when they get an elimination while hiding behind the furthest back bunker. What's one more welt to keep a little guy interested in the sport?

    Last of the Salzburg Clan

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Sunny Florida- Woot!
    I've held off people before as well after running out of paint and still having air. Fun watching people duck down when you pop up RTing like crazy, but with nothing coming out of the barrel. It sometimes takes them a bit to figure it out. I have also stayed in when having gun issues or out of air/paint to act as an impromptu "spotter". Another set of eyes to help let your teammates know where the opposing side is and if they are moving always helps.

    I have also left the field when out of paint, air or having gun issues as well. Just depends on the circumstances.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Milwaukee WI
    Depends on the situation. I'd say 95%+ of the time I stay in. But I would also say that 95%+ of the time I dont run out of paint or air in a game. So my experiences have been few and far between on this topic.
    I guess I'd say the situation I am most likely to just call myself out would be a 5 man size inflatable field where there is no flag and its straight elimination. And I am outnumbered and the last person left on my team. And it's a open game not tournament. In that instance their is no reason or benefit to stay in.
    A woodsball, flag game I would stay in 100% of the time. Cause I can still win the game for my team whether I have air/paint or not.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    southern IL
    Skipdogg. This is more a question for big games and stuff. I had been in play for over 2.5 hours. Shot 1000 rounds. And ran through my 4.5k tank when I barrel tagged the 2 guys. Not a 10 minute pickup game that I forgot paint or air before play. I have done that too. And I stay in then also. Just real cautious with my shooting to make what I took last longer before I was out of a gun.

    But a broken gun fits in the question also.

    In this 2 day scenario. The last hour of play i was out of paint. Didnt want to buy more. So I didn't even take my gun on the field. I was a front line spotter. And played human shield to try and get key front guys in position.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Sunny Florida- Woot!
    I would be more apt to leave the field with gun issues in hopes I could fix it and get back into the game or switch markers if needed. Again, all depends on the circumstances. If I feel I can be of use by staying in, I will. If its a situation where me being able to actually fling paint is more important and getting off the field and back into to play will serve my team better then yes I would walk off. Each situation would determine what action is needed. I'm also of a mindset if we are getti g slaughtered and me being on the field is t going to make a significant difference I would most likely wAlk off as well.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flatliner333 View Post
    doing the "dead man" walk and getting away with it is purty humiliating as well.

    I had someone dead man nut shot me before... now if your hands arnt up or your barrel sock aint on youre taking one to the thigh for good measure

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2009
    I have (out of air, paint, or mucked up gun) not called my self out and called my self out depending on the team I am with. With motivated people. I have several times stood on top of a half downed tree about 10 feet in the air and yelled directions to the kids on my team (that worked until an opposing player asked the ref if i was in). Worked on bunker knocking people and barrel tagging them. Threw pine cones at bunkers ran around just to distract people. Once a paintball broke i was out.

    If I was on a team of unmotivated campers where I and my friend are pulling all the weight for the team I walk off.

  13. #13
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    Oh I realize with everything there is a time and a place for both options. I was more thinking when in play with a group that is doing battle where just your presence can be beneficial. What made me even think of this was. Right after I barrel tagged the 2 guys. Another one of my players advanced to my location. Took about 10 shots then called himself out and walked off the field. I was shocked. And thinking..... had I done that we would not occupy the location he called himself out from. I've been trying to beet that outlook in a friend of mines head. If his gun goes down or paint or anything he will call himself out. Weather we are in the middle of a push. Or back of the field. I keep trying to explain that even if you can't shoot. You can still be a presence. And that can be the difference in us winning or loosing. Because the opponent doesn't know your gunless unless you tell them.

  14. #14
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    I've done all that but the most fun is walking around in the open backfield calling out enemy positions. They keep trying to long ball me and that exposes their position. I then move close so they keep thinking they have an open shot at me and get tunnel vision. So fixated on me that they don't see the others flanking them.
    Forest Gump of paintball

  15. #15
    If it's a one-hit-and-done game, then I stay in. The least you can do is clog up a hole, make the opponent think twice about going through you, and call out positions for your team.

    However, that said, I find that I'm usually playing some kind of timed, reentry game. If that's the case, I run out, reload, and get back in.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Plymouth, WI
    Thought I'd share this cause it pertains to the thread.

    I was reffing a private party at our local field, 16 people most of whom had never played. It was nearing the end of the day and 3 people wanted to stop playing. they were from the same team so we suggested redividing teams for the last game. then one kid says "can we play against the refs?" and then everyone got really excited. we agreed and grabbed the 3 rentals which were now not being used, a pod of paint each and walked on the field.

    game starts and I take 4 shots and run out of air.

    I realise that I'm now the n00b who didnt check his air.

    So I start running around, actin like a fool, taunting players, drawing fire and callin out positions. Then Dave runs out of paint and I give him mine then notice that Joe the other ref is walking off the field. so I run to the other side still actin a fool. one of the guys doesnt see me... I dont know how... and while I was distracted by another player shooting, runs past me scaring me a little and I pop my DEAD gun up and yell SURRENDER!


    GOOD GIVE ME YOUR GUN as I drop mine grab his and take off. Running up the tape line I take out 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 players and then see dave walking up the field high fiving 4 players, stop running as theyre walking towards me, take my sock out and say "that was fun" while putting on my sock.

    dave... "games still on bud..."

    then I see rain comming my way as I desperatly try to get the sock back off the tippmann in doing so tangle it in the cocking knob.

    finally get it off and kinda bunny hop over a visual obsical the paint is comming through and gog the last player with 1 shot.

    wally, the owner of the field, says he's never wanted a camera soo bad
    Last edited by BTAutoMag; 07-29-2013 at 11:47 AM.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    southern IL
    That kind of deal was the whole point of this thread. There are always reasons to just leave the field. But to do it solely because your out should not be it. A third guy is better than no third guy.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Plymouth, WI
    even better if you have the chance to dissarm your oponent and use his gun

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by BTAutoMag View Post
    even better if you have the chance to dissarm your oponent and use his gun

    Well as stated above. Putting my barrel in 2 guys backs and surrendering them when I was out of paint and air was part of me starting this thread.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Plymouth, WI
    I am very very sneaky.

  21. #21
    You can always help your team as another set of eyes.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Bryant Arkansas
    I walk off the field when I forget my air tank does that count?

  23. #23
    Never quit until forced to quit. If you aren't hit, or experiencing physical/psychological trauma, why leave?

    Have surrendered numerous players while out of paint and/or air. I wouldn't call it humiliation, since the other players don't know it. Besides, as already noted, every pair of eyes, ears, and target mass on the field is a benefit to the team.

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